Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    """ Main function of parserJanet """

    print('\n\nInterpreting command line options\n' + '~' * 72 + '\n')
    parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
Tools for handling Janet native files in python.
    Janet and its related software (..., ) are property of Smile Consulting
    parser.add_argument("args", nargs='*')
    options = parser.parse_args()

    if len(options.args) != 1:
        raise TelemacException(
            '\nThis program takes only one Insel type file '
            'as a time as input.\n'
            ' ... an i2s or i3s file of the same name '
            'will be created depending on the Insel content.')

    jan_file = options.args[0]
    head, _ = path.splitext(jan_file)
    insel = Insel(jan_file)

    ins = InS('')
    if insel.file_type:
        ins.file_type = 'i3s'
        ins.file_type = 'i2s'
    ken_file = head + '.' + ins.file_type

    # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    # ~~~~ Jenkins' success message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    print('\n\nMy work is done\n\n')

Exemplo n.º 2
class Polygons(object):
        Polygons is a lightweight structure to hold polygon information,
            whether to support i2s/i3s or shape or other file types.
        Polygons repalces the previous object InS
        Note that the derived class of Polygons have to implement the methods
            parse_content and put_content
    def __init__(self):
        self.object = None
        # important for coordinate conversions and distance calculations
        self.coordinates = {'type': None}

        # list of several polygons, each being defined as a pairs of x,y
        # self.poly = []
        # list of several polygons, each being defined as the values for the
        # corresponding nodes
        # self.vals = []
        # an tuples of integers for each polygon, where for the
        # first value: 0 = open; 1 = closed clockwise;
        #              2 = closed anti-clockwise; 3 = ...
        # second value: 0 = soft line; 1 = hard line; 2 = ...
        # self.type = []
        # a list of attributs for each polygon, common to all nodes on the
        # polygon
        # self.atrbut = []
        self.npoly = 0
        # /!\ the poly does not duplicate the first and last node for closed
        # contours
        self.npoin = 0

    def parse_content(self, file_name):
        # file parsing is based on the name of the extension
        _, tail = path.splitext(file_name)
        # ~~> Case of a Kenue type i2s/i3s file
        if tail in ['.i2s', '.i3s']:
            self.object = InS(file_name)
        self.npoly = self.object.npoly
        # ~~> Case of a Arc-GIS type shap file (which comes with additional
        # related files)
        #elif tail == '.shp':
        #   head, fileType, self.npoin, self.poly, self.vals, self.type, \
        #       self.atrbut = getShp(self.file_name)
        # ~~> Sort out the poly types
        for ipoly in range(self.object.npoly):
            if self.object.type[ipoly] > 0:
                if is_clockwise(self.object.poly[ipoly]):
                    self.object.type[ipoly] = 1
                    self.object.type[ipoly] = 2
        return self.object.head

    def put_content(self, file_name, head=None):
        # ~~> all object should have a put_content method
        self.object.put_content(file_name, head)

    def get_areas(self, select=None):
        if select == None:
            select = range(self.npoly)
        # TODO: take sperical coordinate into account
        areas = np.zeros(len(select), dtype=np.float)
        for i, ipoly in enumerate(select):
            # ~~> compute the area only for closed polygons
            if self.object.type[ipoly] in [1, 2]:
                areas[i] = get_area(self.object.poly[ipoly])
        return areas

    def get_lenghts(self, select=None):
        if select == None:
            select = range(self.npoly)
        return np.zeros(len(select), dtype=float)

    def sort_by_areas(self):
        srt = np.sort(np.array(zip(
            np.argsort(self.get_areas())[::-1], np.arange(self.npoly)),
                               dtype=[('s', int), ('i', int)]),
        for i in range(len(srt)):
            if srt['s'][i] > srt['i'][i]:

    def make_anti_clockwise(self, select=None):
        if select is None:
            select = range(self.npoly)
        for ipoly in select:
            # ~~> make anti-clockwise only closed clockwise polygons
            if self.object.type[ipoly] in [1, 2]:
                self.object.poly[ipoly], self.object.vals[ipoly] = \
                self.object.type[ipoly] = 2

    def make_clockwise(self, select=None):
        if select is None:
            select = range(self.npoly)
        for ipoly in select:
            # ~~> make clockwise only closed anti-clockwise polygons
            if self.object.type[ipoly] in [1, 2]:
                self.object.poly[ipoly], self.object.vals[ipoly] = \
                self.object.type[ipoly] = 1

    def smooth_subdivise(self, select=None, weigth=0.5):
        if select is None:
            select = range(self.npoly)
        for ipoly in select:
            # ~~> make clockwise only closed anti-clockwise polygons
            self.object.poly[ipoly], self.object.vals[ipoly], _ = \

    def subsample_distance(self, select=None, distance=1000.0):
        if select is None:
            select = range(self.npoly)
        for ipoly in select:
            # ~~> make clockwise only closed anti-clockwise polygons
            self.object.poly[ipoly], self.object.vals[ipoly], _ = \

    def subsample_angle(self, select=None, angle=15.0):
        if select is None:
            select = range(self.npoly)
        for ipoly in select:
            # ~~> make clockwise only closed anti-clockwise polygons
            self.object.poly[ipoly], self.object.vals[ipoly], _ = \

    def sph2ll(self, t1):
        (long0, lat0) = t1
        radius = 6371000.
        long0 = np.deg2rad(float(long0))
        lat0 = np.deg2rad(float(lat0))
        const = np.tan(lat0 / 2. + np.pi / 4.)
        for poly in self.object.poly:
            for ipoly in range(len(poly)):
                poly[ipoly][0] = np.rad2deg(poly[ipoly][0] / radius + long0)
                poly[ipoly][1] = np.rad2deg\
                          (2.*np.arctan(const*np.exp(poly[ipoly][1]/radius)) \
                           - np.pi/2.)

    def ll2sph(self, t1):
        (long0, lat0) = t1
        radius = 6371000.
        long0 = np.deg2rad(float(long0))
        lat0 = np.deg2rad(float(lat0))
        const = np.tan(lat0 / 2. + np.pi / 4.)
        for poly in self.object.poly:
            for ipoly in range(len(poly)):
                poly[ipoly][0] = radius * (np.deg2rad(poly[ipoly][0]) - long0)
                poly[ipoly][1] = radius * (np.log(\
                             np.tan(np.deg2rad(poly[ipoly][1])/2. + np.pi/4.)) \
                                                - np.log(const))

    def get_bbox(self):
        if len(self.object.poly) == 0:
            return 0., 0., 0., 0.
        xmin = xmax = self.object.poly[0][0][0]
        ymin = ymax = self.object.poly[0][0][1]
        for poly in self.object.poly:
            x_p, y_p = poly.T
            xmin = min(xmin, min(x_p))
            xmax = max(xmax, max(x_p))
            ymin = min(ymin, min(y_p))
            ymax = max(ymax, max(y_p))
        return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax