Exemplo n.º 1
def shortest_reach(n, edges, s):
    graph = Graph(False)
    for vertex in range(1, n + 1):
    for begin, end, weight in edges:
        graph.add_edge(begin, end, weight)
    shortest_paths = graph.dijkstra_shortest_path(s)
    return [
        value.distance if value.distance != inf else -1
        for key, value in sorted(shortest_paths.items()) if key != s
Exemplo n.º 2
class Truck:
    Truck class to hold packages and deliver to destination
    def __init__(self, truck_id, package_limit, speed, start_of_day,
        Create Truck Object
        :param truck_id: id of the truck :int
        :param package_limit: maximum number of packages truck can hold :int
        :param speed: speed of truck in miles per hour :int
        :param start_of_day: time of start of day :str
        :param hub_location: location of hub :Location
        :return: Truck Object

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        self._id = truck_id
        self._package_limit = package_limit
        self._speed = (speed / 60) / 60  # truck speed in miles per second
        self._locations = Graph()
        self._packages = []
        self._start_of_day = start_of_day
        self._locations.add_vertex(hub_location.name, hub_location)
        self._route = Queue()
        self._departure_time = None  # departure time in seconds since start
        self._distance_traveled = 0.0
        self._current_location = None
        self._next_location = None
        self._route_done = False

    def truck_id(self):
        Read-only truck id. Cannot be changed after Object creation
        :return: Truck ID :int

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        return self._id

    def distance_traveled(self):
        Read-only distance traveled. Cannot be set outside of class
        :return: distance traveled :float

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        return self._distance_traveled

    def package_limit(self):
        Read-only truck package limit. Cannot be changed after Object creation
        :return: package limit for truck :int

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        return self._package_limit

    def next_location(self):
        Returns next location to be visited
        :return: next locations to be visited, distance to that location :2-tuple

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        return self._next_location

    def get_next_location(self, time):
        Sets next_location to the next location to be visited
        :param time: current_time
        :return: None

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        if not self._route.is_empty():
            self._next_location = self._route.pop()
            self._route_done = True
                f"{Clock.to_time_string(time, self._start_of_day)}: "
                f"Truck {self.truck_id} finished route ({self.distance_traveled:.2f} miles driven)"

    def start_route(self, time):
        Start truck's delivery route
        :param time: current time
        :return: None

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        self._next_location = self._route.pop()
        for package in self._packages:
            package.status = "EN ROUTE"
        self._departure_time = time
        self._next_location = self._route.pop()
            f"{Clock.to_time_string(time, self._start_of_day)}: Truck {self.truck_id} leaving Hub"

    def get_package_count(self):
        Return the number of packages currently on the truck
        :return: number of packages on truck :int

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        return len(self._packages)

    def move_truck(self):
        Move truck forward
        :return: distance moved

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        if not self._route_done:
            self._distance_traveled += self._speed
            return self._speed
        return 0

    def is_route_done(self):
        Return whether truck has finished route or not
        :return: Boolean representing whether route is finished or not :Boolean

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        return self._route_done

    def get_package_list(self):
        Returns list of packages on truck
        :return: list of packages :List<Package>

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        return self._packages

    def is_on_truck(self, package_id):
        Returns True if package with given id is on the truck
        :param package_id: package_id to search for
        :return: True if package on truck, otherwise False

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        for package in self._packages:
            if package.package_id == package_id:
                return True
        return False

    def load_package(self, package):
        Add package to truck
        :param package: package to be added :Package
        :return: Void

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)

    def set_locations(self, locations_graph):
        Populate _locations graph with package locations and set edges for the graph
        :param locations_graph: Graph with locations data for all locations
        :return: Void

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        for package in self._packages:
            if package.location not in map(lambda x: x.data,
                for vertex in locations_graph.get_vertex_list():
                    if vertex.data == package.location:

        for location in map(lambda x: x.data,
            # index in truck graph
            index = self._locations.get_vertex_list().index(

            # index in graph of all locations
            all_locations_index = locations_graph.get_vertex_list().index(

            for num, loc in enumerate(
                    map(lambda x: x.data, self._locations.get_vertex_list())):
                cur_index = locations_graph.get_vertex(loc.name).index
                    num] = locations_graph.adjacency_matrix[

    def deliver_package(self, package):
        Remove package from truck and return package ID
        :param package: package to be removed
        :return: package ID of package removed :int

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(1)
        return self._packages.pop(self._packages.index(package)).package_id

    def print_packages(self):
        for package in self._packages:

    def find_route(self):
        Calculate delivery route
        :return: Void

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        # Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        # Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        route = self._locations.calculate_tour(
        start = route.peek()
        total_distance = 0.0
        last_location = start
        while not route.is_empty():
            current_location = route.pop()
            distance = self._locations.get_edge_weight(last_location,
            total_distance += distance
            self._route.push((current_location, total_distance))
            last_location = current_location

    def sort_packages(packages, trucks, start_of_day, end_of_day):
        Sort packages into trucks
        :param packages: list of packages to load
        :param trucks: list of trucks
        :param start_of_day: start of day time
        :param end_of_day: end of day time
        :return: trucks with packages loaded :List<Truck>

        Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)

        # Load packages that must be on same truck onto truck 1 along with any packages with same address
        # Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        # Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N^2)
        same_truck_packages = []
        for package in filter(
                lambda x: x.special_instructions.startswith(
                    "Must be delivered with"), packages):
            deliver_with = package.special_instructions[23:].split(", ")
            if package not in same_truck_packages:

            for cur_package in filter(
                    lambda x: str(x.package_id) in deliver_with, packages):
                if cur_package not in same_truck_packages:

        # Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        # Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        same_locations = []
        for package in same_truck_packages:
            if package.location not in same_locations:
            package.truck = 1

        # Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        # Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        found_packages = []
        for package in packages:
            if package.location in same_locations and not package.has_special_instructions(

        # Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        # Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        for package in found_packages:
            package.truck = 1

        # Load remaining packages with special instructions
        # Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        # Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        for package in filter(lambda x: x.has_special_instructions(),
            if package.special_instructions == "Wrong address listed":
                package.truck = len(trucks)

                for pckg in packages:
                    new_location = Location("410 S State St", "Salt Lake City",
                                            "UT", "84111")
                    if pckg.location == new_location and pckg.deadline == Clock.seconds_since_start(
                            end_of_day, start_of_day):
                        pckg.truck = len(trucks)

            elif package.special_instructions.startswith("Delayed on flight"):
                package.truck = 2

            elif package.special_instructions.startswith(
                    "Can only be on truck") and package in packages:
                package.truck = int(package.special_instructions[-1])
                trucks[int(package.special_instructions[-1]) -

        # Load packages with no deadline onto truck 3
        # Worst Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        # Best Case Runtime Complexity: O(N)
        no_deadline = []
        for package in filter(
                lambda x: not x.deadline < Clock.seconds_since_start(
                    end_of_day, start_of_day), packages):

        for package in no_deadline:
            if len(trucks[-1]._packages) < 16:
                package.truck = len(trucks)
                package.truck = len(trucks) - 1

        current_truck = 0
        while len(packages) > 0:
            while current_truck < 3 and trucks[current_truck].get_package_count(
            ) < 16 and len(packages) > 0:
                packages[-1].truck = current_truck + 1
            current_truck += 1

        return trucks