Exemplo n.º 1
 def to_txt(write_path, read_path=None, verbose=False):
     ''' Function that takes in a path to the StanfordTweetData CSV
         file, opens it, and writes the tweets with new lines to an output
     read_path = self.load_data(verbose=verbose)
     with open(read_path, 'r') as twitter_csv, open(write_path, 'w') as output:
         reader = latin_csv_reader(twitter_csv, delimiter=',')
         # For each line in CSV, write each tweet with a new line to the output
         for line in reader:
             output.write(line[5].encode('UTF-8') + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 2
def to_txt(write_path, read_path=None, verbose=False):
    ''' Function that takes in a path to the StanfordTweetData CSV
        file, opens it, and writes the tweets with new lines to an output
    read_path = load_data(file_path=read_path, verbose=verbose)
    with open(read_path, 'r') as twitter_csv, open(write_path, 'w') as output:
        reader = latin_csv_reader(twitter_csv, delimiter=',')
        # For each line in CSV, write each tweet with a new line to the output
        for line in reader:
            output.write(line[5].encode('UTF-8') + '\n')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def load_data(self, feat_extractor=None, verbose=False, return_iter=True):
        ''' Function that takes in a path to the StanfordTweetData CSV
            file, opens it, and adds tweet strings and their respective
            sentiments to a list

                file_path -- (optional) personal system file path to the
                    training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv data set (or others of
                    a similar structure)

                    The Stanford Sentiment140 Dataset is of the following format per row:
                        [polarity, tweet id, tweet date, query, user, tweet text]

                feat_extractor -- (optional) a function that converts a tweet text string
                    and outputs a dictionary of features

                verbose -- if True, this funciton shows logging data as it progresses

                return_iter -- if True, return an iterator over tuples of (record, sentiment);
                   if False, return a list of such tuples

                A list of tuples of the following format:
                    (tweets/features, sentiment label)
        tweet_to_sentiment = list()

        # Open file path
            twitter_csv = open(self.file_path, 'r')
        except IOError as e:
            logger.exception("File I/O error, will try downloading...")
            twitter_csv = open(self.file_path, 'r')

        # Perform parsing of CSV file
        reader = latin_csv_reader(twitter_csv, delimiter=',')
        for i, tweet in enumerate(reader):
            # Prints progress every 10000 words read
            if verbose and i % 10000 == 0:
                logging.info("PROGRESS: at tweet #%s", i)

            # Gets tweets string from line in csv
            tweet_string = tweet[5]

            # ensure feature is in Sentiment dictionary
                sent = sentiment_binary[int(tweet[0])]

                # If a feat_extractor function was provided, apply it to tweet
                if feat_extractor:
                    features = feat_extractor(tweet_string)
                    tweet_to_sentiment.append((features, sent))
                    tweet_to_sentiment.append((tweet_string, sent))

                # tally number of samples
                self.samples += 1

            except KeyError:
                logger.debug("Sentiment score of {} skipped.".format(tweet[0]))


        # shuffle dataset

        # return list or iterator
        if return_iter:
            return iter(tweet_to_sentiment)
            return tweet_to_sentiment
Exemplo n.º 4
    def load_data(self,
        ''' Function that takes in a path to the StanfordTweetData CSV
            file, opens it, and adds tweet strings and their respective
            sentiments to a list

                file_path -- (optional) personal system file path to the
                    training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv data set (or others of
                    a similar structure)

                    The Stanford Sentiment140 Dataset is of the following format per row:
                        [polarity, tweet id, tweet date, query, user, tweet text]

                feat_extractor -- (optional) a function that converts a tweet text string
                    and outputs a dictionary of features

                verbose -- if True, this funciton shows logging data as it progresses

                return_iter -- if True, return an iterator over tuples of (record, sentiment);
                   if False, return a list of such tuples

                A list of tuples of the following format:
                    (tweets/features, sentiment label)
        tweet_to_sentiment = list()

        # Open file path
            twitter_csv = open(self.file_path, 'r')
        except IOError as e:
            logger.exception("File I/O error, will try downloading...")
            twitter_csv = open(self.file_path, 'r')

        # Perform parsing of CSV file
        reader = latin_csv_reader(twitter_csv, delimiter=',')
        for i, tweet in enumerate(reader):
            # Prints progress every 10000 words read
            if verbose and i % 10000 == 0:
                logging.info("PROGRESS: at tweet #%s", i)

            # Gets tweets string from line in csv
            tweet_string = tweet[5]

            # ensure feature is in Sentiment dictionary
                sent = sentiment_binary[int(tweet[0])]

                # If a feat_extractor function was provided, apply it to tweet
                if feat_extractor:
                    features = feat_extractor(tweet_string)
                    tweet_to_sentiment.append((features, sent))
                    tweet_to_sentiment.append((tweet_string, sent))

                # tally number of samples
                self.samples += 1

            except KeyError:
                logger.debug("Sentiment score of {} skipped.".format(tweet[0]))


        # shuffle dataset

        # return list or iterator
        if return_iter:
            return iter(tweet_to_sentiment)
            return tweet_to_sentiment
Exemplo n.º 5
    # Open file path
    if file_path:
            twitter_csv = open(file_path, 'r')
        except IOError, e:
            print "IO Error:", e.code, file_path
        # Dowloads and saves locally the zip file from internet
        file_path = get_file("http://cs.stanford.edu/people/alecmgo/trainingandtestdata.zip")

        with ZipFile(file_path, 'r') as zp:
            twitter_csv = zp.open('training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv')

    # Perform parsing of CSV file
    reader = latin_csv_reader(twitter_csv, delimiter=',')
    for i, tweet in enumerate(reader):
        # Prints progress every 10000 words read
        if verbose and i % 10000 == 0:
            logging.info("PROGRESS: at tweet #%s", i)

        # Gets tweets string from line in csv
        tweet_string = tweet[5]
        # Gets feature from Sentiment dictionary
        sent = Sentiment[int(tweet[0])]
        # If a feat_extractor function was provided, apply it to tweet
        if feat_extractor:
            features = feat_extractor(tweet_string)
            tweet_to_sentiment.append((features, sent))
            tweet_to_sentiment.append((tweet_string, sent))
Exemplo n.º 6
    # Open file path
    if file_path:
            twitter_csv = open(file_path, 'r')
        except IOError, e:
            print "IO Error:", e.code, file_path
        # Dowloads and saves locally the zip file from internet
        file_path = get_file(

        with ZipFile(file_path, 'r') as zp:
            twitter_csv = zp.open('training.1600000.processed.noemoticon.csv')

    # Perform parsing of CSV file
    reader = latin_csv_reader(twitter_csv, delimiter=',')
    for i, tweet in enumerate(reader):
        # Prints progress every 10000 words read
        if verbose and i % 10000 == 0:
            logging.info("PROGRESS: at tweet #%s", i)

        # Gets tweets string from line in csv
        tweet_string = tweet[5]
        # Gets feature from Sentiment dictionary
        sent = Sentiment[int(tweet[0])]
        # If a feat_extractor function was provided, apply it to tweet
        if feat_extractor:
            features = feat_extractor(tweet_string)
            tweet_to_sentiment.append((features, sent))
            tweet_to_sentiment.append((tweet_string, sent))