class KB_plotter(object): def __init__(self,xval='date_float'): self.xval = xval self.rootNumber = 0 self.stof = DB() self.roots_df = self.stof.get_kb_roots() NavigationToolbar2.forward = self.next_button NavigationToolbar2.back = self.back_button def next_button(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.rootNumber != self.roots_df.shape[0] - 1: self.rootNumber = self.rootNumber + 1 self.show_plot() def back_button(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.rootNumber != 0: self.rootNumber = self.rootNumber - 1 self.show_plot() def get_root_id(self,index): root = self.roots_df.iloc[index] return root['id'] def get_area_name(self,index): root = self.roots_df.iloc[index] return root['area_name'] def show_plot(self): plt.clf() root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) area_name = self.get_area_name(self.rootNumber) mdf = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) print mdf plt.suptitle(area_name) self.sub_plot(221, "MEP-aan",mdf[[self.xval,'mep_aan']],True,True,True,True) self.sub_plot(222, "MEP-uit", mdf[[self.xval,'mep_uit']],True,True,True,True) self.sub_plot(223, "Diff", mdf[[self.xval,'difference']],True,True,True,True) self.sub_plot(224, "I-Flens", mdf[[self.xval,'iflens']],True,True,False,True) def sub_plot(self,loc, name, mdf,mean=False,std=False,sin=False,lin=False): mdf.columns = ['x', 'y'] (m,s) = stats.mean_std(mdf['y']) mdf = mdf[mdf.y < m + 2 * s] mdf = mdf[mdf.y > m - 2 * s] (m, s) = stats.mean_std(mdf['y']) plt.subplot(loc) plt.title(name) plt.scatter(mdf['x'],mdf['y']) if mean: plt.plot([np.min(mdf['x']),np.max(mdf['x'])],[m,m],'g--') if std: plt.plot([np.min(mdf['x']),np.max(mdf['x'])],[m + s,m + s],'r:') plt.plot([np.min(mdf['x']), np.max(mdf['x'])], [m - s, m - s],'r:') if sin: ls = np.linspace(np.min(mdf['x']), np.max(mdf['x']), 100) sin_pred = reg.fit_sin(mdf['x'], mdf['y']) plt.plot(ls,sin_pred['fitfunc'](ls)) if lin: plt.plot(mdf['x'], reg.fit_lin(mdf[['x']], mdf['y']))
class Search(): def __init__(self, db_name): self.db = DB(db_name) self.N = self.db.len() def search(self, wordlist): sortedlist = self.get_score_list(wordlist) cnt = 0 url_list = [] for num, docscore in sortedlist: cnt = cnt + 1 url_list.append(self.db.get_url_title(num)) if cnt > 20: break if cnt == 0: return None return url_list def get_score_list(self, wordlist): score = {} for word in wordlist: # 计算score tf = {} # 词频 result = self.db.get_word_list(word) if len(result) > 0: doclist = result[0][0] doclist = doclist.split(' ') doclist = [int(x) for x in doclist] print(len(doclist)) df = len(set(doclist)) # 包含该词的文档数,去掉重复出现的文档 idf = math.log(self.N / df) # 逆文档频率 inverse document frequency print('idf : ', idf) for num in doclist: # num对应的是url的id ,此处统计的是同一个词在同一篇文章中出现的次数 if num in tf: tf[num] = tf[num] + 1 else: tf[num] = 1 # tf 统计结束,计算score for num in tf: if num in score: # 如果该num文档已经有分数了,则累加 score[num] = score[num] + tf[num] * idf else: score[num] = tf[num] * idf sortedlist = sorted(score.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True) # score.items() 以列表的形式返回可遍历的(key,value) reverse = True 按照降序排列 return sortedlist
class DirWatch(): def __init__(self, fast5_path): self.fast5_path = fast5_path self.db = DB() self.running = True self.t1 = Thread(target=self.fast5_loop) self.t1.start() def fast5_loop(self): while self.running: fast5s = [] for fol, subs, files in os.walk(self.fast5_path): if "added" in fol: continue for file in files: if not file.endswith(".fast5"): continue if self.db.fast5_exists(file) == 0: shutil.move(file, os.path.join("added", file)) fast5s.append(Fast5(filename=file, filepath=os.path.join(fol, "added", file))) print("%s; Added %s to DB" %(str(, file)) self.db.insert_fast5s(fast5s) sleep(60) def close(self): self.running = False self.t1.join()
def __init__(self,xval='date_float'): self.xval = xval self.rootNumber = 0 self.stof = DB() self.roots_df = self.stof.get_kb_roots() NavigationToolbar2.forward = self.next_button NavigationToolbar2.back = self.back_button
def __init__(self, file_path=None): self.file_path = file_path if file_path is None: self.db = DB() self.roots_df = self.db.get_kb_pipe_segments_roots() self.ground_areas_df = self.db.get_kb_ground_areas() self.proj = Projections() self.create_area_geoms()
def store_word(self, db, title, text, url): url_index = db.store_url(url, title) if text != 'None' : seggen = jieba.cut_for_search(title+text) seglist = list(seggen) for word in seglist: db.store_word(word, url_index) db.commit()
def __init__(self, xval='date_float', yval='mep_uit'): self.xval = xval self.yval = yval self.rootNumber = 0 self.stof = DB() self.roots_df = self.stof.get_kb_roots() root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) NavigationToolbar2.forward = self.next_button_area NavigationToolbar2.back = self.back_button_area NavigationToolbar2.home = self.home_button
class TestDb(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.db = DB('../players.db') def test_create_dict_from_db_query(self): result = create_dict_from_db_query([('David De Gea Quintana', '€205K'), ('Paul Pogba', '€250K')], ['Name', 'Wage']) self.assertEqual( result, { 'Name': ['David De Gea Quintana', 'Paul Pogba'], 'Wage': ['€205K', '€250K'] }) def test_create_db_object_fails_if_not_file_exists(self): self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError, DB, 'no/such/database.db') def test_select__simple_select(self): result =['Name']) self.assertEqual(len(result['Name']), 18547) self.assertTrue('Lionel Messi' in result['Name']) def test_select__non_dict_return_type(self): result =['Name'], where='Club="Manchester United"', dict_result=False) self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, list)) def test_select__with_where(self): result =['Name'], where='Club="Manchester United"') self.assertEqual(len(result['Name']), 33) self.assertTrue('Paul Pogba' in result['Name']) def test_validate_team__team_in_dataset(self): self.assertTrue(self.db.validate_team('Liverpool')) def test_validate_team__team_not_in_dataset(self): self.assertFalse(self.db.validate_team('ASL FC'))
def __init__(self, xval='date_float'): self.xval = xval self.rootNumber = 0 self.mpNumber = 0 self.stof = DB() self.roots_df = self.stof.get_kb_roots() root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == self.get_mp_ids()[0]] NavigationToolbar2.forward = self.next_button_area NavigationToolbar2.back = self.back_button_area NavigationToolbar2.forward_mp = self.next_button_mp NavigationToolbar2.back_mp = self.back_button_mp NavigationToolbar2.toolitems = NavigationToolbar2.toolitems + ( ('Back mp', 'Back to previous mp', 'back', 'back_mp'), ('Forward mp', 'Forward to next mp', 'forward', 'forward_mp'))
async def get_conso(filiere: str = None, region: str = None, dptmt: str = None, commune: str = None, operateur: str = None): return DB.find_conso(filiere=filiere, region=region, dptmt=dptmt, commune=commune, operateur=operateur)
async def update_doc(recordid: str, filiere: str = None, secteur: str = None, operateur: str = None, conso: float = None): return DB.update_item(recordid=recordid, filiere=filiere, secteur=secteur, operateur=operateur, conso=conso)
async def get_dropdown(filiere: str = None, region: str = None, dptmt: str = None, commune: str = None, operateur: str = None): args = locals() remove = [k for k, v in args.items() if v == None] for k in remove: del args[k] return DB.find_ctgr(args)
def __init__(self, xval='date_float', yval='mep_uit'): self.xval = xval self.yval = yval self.rootNumber = 0 self.mpNumber = 0 self.stof = DB() self.roots_df = self.stof.get_kb_roots() root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.polyInt = PolyInterpolation(precision=3) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == self.get_mp_ids()[0]] self.meas_df = self.prepare_meas_df(self.meas_df) NavigationToolbar2.forward = self.next_button_area NavigationToolbar2.back = self.back_button_area NavigationToolbar2.forward_mp = self.next_button_mp NavigationToolbar2.back_mp = self.back_button_mp NavigationToolbar2.toolitems = NavigationToolbar2.toolitems + ( ('Back mp', 'Back to previous mp', 'back', 'back_mp'), ('Forward mp', 'Forward to next mp', 'forward', 'forward_mp') ) plt.figure()
async def get_infos(filiere: str = None, region: str = None, recordid: str = None, commune: str = None, dptmt: str = None, operateur: str = None, complete: bool = False): return DB.find_infos(filiere=filiere, region=region, recordid=recordid, commune=commune, dptmt=dptmt, operateur=operateur, complete=complete)
def main(): while True: # init data soures dm = DB() # make the screen object pygame.init() md = MD() # make map mm = MM() # instantiate hero--> TODO: Make this a DB lookup or a new Game hero = Hero('Grognak', mm.hero_start) # make monsters for level cm = CM(hero) gm = GM.graphics_manager(md.base_surface, mm, hero, cm) tm = TM(md.base_surface, hero, cm) gm.update_game() tm.update() ic = IC(gm, tm, cm, hero) pygame.display.update()
def test_multiple_db(self): db = self.db db = DB(directory=TEST_WRITE_ENV)'test_multiple_1') db.wipe() # Has only 1 db.put('cake', 'moo') self.assertEqual(len(tuple(db.iter())), 1) db2 = DB(directory=TEST_WRITE_ENV)'test_multiple_2') db2.wipe() # only wipe the seperate db. self.assertEqual(len(tuple(db.iter())), 1) self.assertEqual(len(tuple(db2.iter())), 0) db.put('dog', 'blue') db2.put('cat', 'blue') # Did not wipe the first key from the first db self.assertCountEqual(tuple(db.iter()), (('dog', 'blue',), ('cake', 'moo') )) self.assertCountEqual(tuple(db2.iter()), (('cat', 'blue',), ))
from database.area_model import AreaModel from database.db import DB db = DB() model = AreaModel() roots_df = db.get_kb_pipe_segments_roots() area_pip_roots = roots_df[roots_df.area == 'Almelo Tusveld'].pip_id.values area_segments_df = db.get_kb_pipe_segments(area_pip_roots) print roots_df[roots_df['area'] == 'Denekamp 2'] print area_segments_df
async def check_exist(recordid: str = None): return {'exist': DB.check_ex(recordid)} # if __name__ == '__main__': #'main:app', reload=True)
class StaticFeatures(object): def __init__(self, file_path=None): self.file_path = file_path if file_path is None: self.db = DB() self.roots_df = self.db.get_kb_pipe_segments_roots() self.ground_areas_df = self.db.get_kb_ground_areas() self.proj = Projections() self.create_area_geoms() # gets the areas from the db and creates the geom objects for intersection. # todo: takes long, maybe serialize and save def create_area_geoms(self): """ Creates a dictionary with ground area geoms :return: """ self.ground_geoms = dict() for idx, row in self.ground_areas_df.iterrows(): geom_string = row['geom'] self.ground_geoms[row['id']] = self.proj.load_and_project(geom_string) def create_feature_map(self): """ Creates a map to save the features in :return: an empty feature map :rtype: FeatureMap """ fm = FeatureMap([ FeatureLabels.acid, FeatureLabels.ground_water, FeatureLabels.stability, FeatureLabels.ground_type, FeatureLabels.pipe ]) return fm def extract_static_features(self): """ Extracts the features for the pipes attached to a mp from the database, intersected with the areas :return: the static features :rtype: list """ if self.file_path is not None: return self._extract_static_features_from_file() features = [] for area_name in tqdm(self.roots_df.area.unique(), desc="Intersecting"): area_segments_df = self.get_area_segments(area_name) for pipe_root_id in area_segments_df.root.unique(): pipes_df = self.get_pipes_df(pipe_root_id, area_segments_df) if np.sum(pipes_df.length.values) == 0: continue fm = self.create_feature_map() for idx, pipe_row in pipes_df.iterrows(): pipe_geom = self.proj.load_and_project(pipe_row['geom']) area_intersects = self.intersect_pipe_with_area(pipe_geom) self.set_area_features(fm, area_intersects) self.set_pipe_features(fm, pipes_df) mp_id = self.get_segment_mp_id(pipe_root_id, area_segments_df) feature_row = np.concatenate(([area_name], [mp_id], fm.get_feature_list()[0])) features.append(feature_row) return features def extract_static_features_to_dict(self, features): """ Creates a dict from the feature list. Key: (area_name, mp_id) Value: list(feature1, feature2, ...) :param features: the features list (2d) :return: feature dictionary :rtype: dict """ f_dict = dict() for idx, row in enumerate(features): if self.file_path is not None: row = list(row) # todo: dirty hack, fix f_dict[(row[0], row[1])] = row[2:] return f_dict def _extract_static_features_from_file(self): """ Gets the static features from a file (csv) :return: the static features :rtype: list """ features = np.genfromtxt(self.file_path, delimiter=',', skip_header=1, dtype=None) return features def set_area_features(self, fm, area_intersects): """ Matches and sets the lengths a pipe is in a ground area with its features. :param fm: the Feature map :param area_intersects: the intersecting areas :return: """ for area_id, length in area_intersects: area_row = self.ground_areas_df[self.ground_areas_df['id'] == area_id] for group in FeatureLabels.groups: # todo: define this list somewhere label = self.pd_serie_to_str(area_row[group]) new_val = fm.get_feature(group, label) + length fm.set_feature(group, label, new_val) def set_pipe_features(self, fm, segment_df): """ Sets the features of the pipes in this segments (coating, length, etc) :param fm: the FeatureMap :param segment_df: the pipe segment DataFrame :return: """ group_name = FeatureLabels.pipe[0] coating_name = FeatureLabels.pipe[1][0] length_name = FeatureLabels.pipe[1][1] # todo: refactor feature label names, unclear coating_val, _, _ = self.segment_coating(segment_df) length_val = self.segment_length(segment_df) fm.set_feature(group_name, coating_name, coating_val) fm.set_feature(group_name, length_name, length_val) def get_segment_mp_id(self, pipe_root_id, area_segments_df): """ Gets the measuring point id for this pipe segment :param pipe_root_id: root pipe id (attatched to the mp) :param area_segments_df: the DataFrame with all segments in the area :return: the id of the measuring point :rtype: int """ root_df = area_segments_df[ == pipe_root_id] mp_id = int(root_df.mp_id.iloc[0]) return mp_id def get_area_segments(self, area_name): """ Gets the pipe segments for an area :param area_name: name of the area :return: the DataFrame with the area segments :rtype: pandas.Dataframe """ area_pip_roots = self.roots_df[self.roots_df.area == area_name].pip_id.values area_segments_df = self.db.get_kb_pipe_segments(area_pip_roots) return area_segments_df def get_pipes_df(self, pipe_root_id, area_segments_df): """ Gets the dataframe containing the pipes in the segment branching from the root pipe :param pipe_root_id: the root pipe id (attached to the measure point) :param area_segments_df: the DataFrame containing the segments in an area :return: the DataFrame with the pipes :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ pipes_df = area_segments_df[area_segments_df.root == pipe_root_id] pipes_df = pipes_df[pipes_df.length != 0] # drop pipes with length 0 return pipes_df.dropna(subset=['length', 'geom', 'coating']) # def pd_serie_to_str(self, pd_serie): """ Filthy function to get the python string from a dataframe :param pd_serie: :return: the string :rtype: str """ pd_str = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', pd_serie.to_string()).encode('ascii', 'ignore') return ''.join([i for i in pd_str if i.isalpha()]) # Gets the coating from a pipe segment def segment_coating(self, segment_df): """ Calulates the percentage of coating in a segemnt (pce vs bitumen) :param segment_df: the DataFrame with the pipes :return: percentage pce, sum of pce, total length :rtype: float, float, float """ bit_df = segment_df[segment_df.coating == 9] # coating bitumen pce_df = segment_df[segment_df.coating != 9] # coating pce bit_length = np.array(bit_df.length.values) # get length of bitumen pipes pce_length = np.array(pce_df.length.values) # get length of pce pipesddd sum_bit = np.sum(bit_length) # sum the length sum_pce = np.sum(pce_length) total_length = np.sum(sum_bit) + np.sum(sum_pce) # total length of both types return sum_pce / total_length, sum_pce, total_length def segment_length(self, segment_df): return np.sum(np.array(segment_df.length.values)) # finds the areas this pipe intersects with, should always return atleast 1 area def intersect_pipe_with_area(self, pipe_geom): """ gets the water level for the given pipe :param pipe_geom: LineString the pipe geom :return: areas this pipe is in :rtype : list """ areas = [] # tuple list of area_id and persentage length in that area for area_id, area_geom in self.ground_geoms.iteritems(): # todo: check if search space can be narrowed if not area_geom.intersects(pipe_geom): continue diff_geom = pipe_geom.intersection(area_geom) if diff_geom.length == pipe_geom.length: return [(area_id, np.round(pipe_geom.length, 2))] areas.append((area_id, np.round(diff_geom.length, 2))) return areas
class KB_plotter(object): def __init__(self, xval='date_float'): self.xval = xval self.rootNumber = 0 self.mpNumber = 0 self.stof = DB() self.roots_df = self.stof.get_kb_roots() root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == self.get_mp_ids()[0]] NavigationToolbar2.forward = self.next_button_area NavigationToolbar2.back = self.back_button_area NavigationToolbar2.forward_mp = self.next_button_mp NavigationToolbar2.back_mp = self.back_button_mp NavigationToolbar2.toolitems = NavigationToolbar2.toolitems + ( ('Back mp', 'Back to previous mp', 'back', 'back_mp'), ('Forward mp', 'Forward to next mp', 'forward', 'forward_mp')) def next_button_area(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.rootNumber != self.roots_df.shape[0] - 1: self.rootNumber = self.rootNumber + 1 root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == self.get_mp_ids()[0]] self.mpNumber = 0 self.show_plot() def back_button_area(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.rootNumber != 0: self.rootNumber = self.rootNumber - 1 root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == self.get_mp_ids()[0]] self.mpNumber = 0 self.show_plot() def next_button_mp(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.mpNumber != self.get_mp_ids().shape[0] - 1: self.mpNumber = self.mpNumber + 1 mpid = self.get_mp_ids()[self.mpNumber] self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == mpid] self.show_plot() def back_button_mp(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.mpNumber != 0: self.mpNumber = self.mpNumber - 1 mpid = self.get_mp_ids()[self.mpNumber] self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == mpid] self.show_plot() def get_root_id(self, index): root = self.roots_df.iloc[index] return root['id'] def get_mp_ids(self): return self.area_df.measurepoint_id.unique() def get_area_name(self, index): root = self.roots_df.iloc[index] return root['area_name'] def show_plot(self): plt.clf() print self.meas_df['date_float'] - np.min(self.meas_df['date_float']) print self.meas_df['mep_uit'] area_name = self.get_area_name(self.rootNumber) mp_name = str(self.get_mp_ids()[self.mpNumber]) plt.suptitle(area_name + " - " + mp_name) self.sub_plot(221, "MEP-aan", self.meas_df[[self.xval, 'mep_aan']], True, True, False, True) self.sub_plot(222, "MEP-uit", self.meas_df[[self.xval, 'mep_uit']], True, True, False, True) self.sub_plot(223, "Diff", self.meas_df[[self.xval, 'difference']], True, True, False, True) self.sub_plot(224, "I-Flens", self.meas_df[[self.xval, 'iflens']], True, True, False, True) def sub_plot(self, loc, name, mdf, mean=False, std=False, sin=False, lin=False): mdf.columns = ['x', 'y'] if (mdf['y'].isnull().all()): return (m, s) = stats.mean_std(mdf['y']) mdf = mdf[mdf.y < m + 2 * s] mdf = mdf[mdf.y > m - 2 * s] (m, s) = stats.mean_std(mdf['y']) plt.subplot(loc) plt.title(name) plt.scatter(mdf['x'], mdf['y']) if mean: plt.plot([np.min(mdf['x']), np.max(mdf['x'])], [m, m], 'g--') if std: plt.plot([np.min(mdf['x']), np.max(mdf['x'])], [m + s, m + s], 'r:') plt.plot([np.min(mdf['x']), np.max(mdf['x'])], [m - s, m - s], 'r:') if sin: ls = np.linspace(np.min(mdf['x']), np.max(mdf['x']), 100) sin_pred = reg.fit_sin(mdf['x'], mdf['y']) plt.plot(ls, sin_pred['fitfunc'](ls)) if lin: try: pred = reg.fit_lin(mdf[['x']], mdf['y']) plt.plot(mdf['x'], pred) except: return
async def delete_id(recordid: str = None): return DB.delete_id(recordid=recordid)
def __init__(self, fast5_path): self.fast5_path = fast5_path self.db = DB() self.running = True self.t1 = Thread(target=self.fast5_loop) self.t1.start()
class TestDB(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.db = DB(directory=TEST_WRITE_ENV) def tearDown(self): if hasattr(self.db, 'env'): try: self.db.env.close() except Exception as e: print('Error for tearDown close', e) if os.path.isdir(TEST_WRITE_ENV): try: shutil.rmtree(TEST_WRITE_ENV) except PermissionError: print('PermissionError whilst deleting test database- Using db.wipe(True)...') time.sleep(1) self.db.wipe(True) shutil.rmtree(TEST_WRITE_ENV) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(TEST_WRITE_ENV), 'tearDown did not Delete Test Directory.') def test_open(self): """Open a new DB, asserting the new directory data"""'test') self.assertEqual(self.db.env.path(), TEST_WRITE_ENV) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.db.env.path())) @patch('') def test_make_directory(self, lmdb_open): """Open a new DB, asseting the correct library methods are used"""'test') args = self.db._open_args(map_size=MAX_BYTES) lmdb_open.assert_called_with(TEST_WRITE_ENV, **args) def test_destroy(self): db = self.db'test_wipe') db.put('doggy', (1,2,3)) self.assertTupleEqual(db.get('doggy'), (1,2,3)) db.close()'test_wipe') self.assertTupleEqual(db.get('doggy'), (1,2,3)) db.wipe()'test_wipe') self.assertEqual(db.get('doggy'), None) db.put('doggy', (1,2,3)) db.close()'test_wipe') self.assertTupleEqual(db.get('doggy'), (1,2,3)) db.start = Mock(side_effect=db.start) db.wipe(True) db.start.assert_called() self.assertEqual(db.get('doggy'), None) def test_put_raise_error(self): """Add a key value and assert its existence"""'test_put') key, value = b'my_test_key', b'my test value' success = self.db.put(key, value) self.assertTrue(success) result = self.db.get(key) self.assertEqual(result, value) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.db.put('apple', 'green', encode_key=False) def test_put_without_save(self):'test_put') key, value = b'my_test_key', b'my test value' self.db._transaction_success = Mock() success = self.db.put(key, value, save=False) self.assertTrue(success) self.assertEqual(self.db._transaction_success.call_count, 0) def test_decode_with_decode_func(self): class Foo: def __str__(self): return 'cake' self.assertEqual(self.db.decode(Foo()), 'cake') class Two: def decode(self, encode): return 1 def __str__(self): return 'cake' self.assertEqual(self.db.decode(Foo()), 'cake') self.assertEqual(self.db.decode(Two()), 1) self.assertEqual(self.db.decode(b'convert string'), 'convert string') def test_translate(self): key = b'window' self.assertEqual(self.db.translate(key), 'window') self.assertEqual(self.db.translate(b'!:str!:dog'), [b'str', b'dog']) def test_delete(self): """Add a key with put(), then delete. More deletes should yield false.""" # Use put for an input.'test_put') key, value = b'my_test_key', b'my test value' self.db.put(key, value) success = self.db.delete(key) self.assertTrue(success) success = self.db.delete(key) # not thing to delete the second time self.assertFalse(success) success = self.db.delete(key) self.assertFalse(success) def test_keys(self): return_value = [1,2,3] self.db.iter = Mock(return_value=return_value) result = self.db.keys(cake=True) self.db.iter.assert_called_with(values=False, dups=False, convert=False, cake=True) self.assertCountEqual(result, return_value) def test_values(self): return_value = [1,2,3] self.db.iter = Mock(return_value=return_value) result = self.db.values(cake=True) self.db.iter.assert_called_with(keys=False, cake=True) self.assertCountEqual(result, return_value) def test_count(self): db = self.db'test_count') db.put('a', 'b') db.put('c', 'c') db.put('c', 'd') self.assertEqual(db.count('a'), 1) self.assertEqual(db.count('c'), 2) def test_delete(self): db = self.db'test_delete') db.wipe() db.put('a', 'b') db.put('a', 'e') db.put('b', 'c') db.put('c', 'd') db.put('c', 'e') db.put('d', 'f') keys = tuple(db.iter()) expected = ( ('a', 'b'), ('a', 'e'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e'), ('d', 'f') ) self.assertTupleEqual(keys, expected) result = db.delete('a') self.assertTrue(result) keys = tuple(db.iter()) expected = ( ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd'), ('c', 'e'), ('d', 'f') ) self.assertTupleEqual(keys, expected) result = db.delete('c', value='d') keys = tuple(db.iter()) expected = ( ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'e'), ('d', 'f') ) self.assertTupleEqual(keys, expected) def test_get_last(self): db = self.db'test_delete') db.wipe() db.put('a', 'b') db.put('a', 'e') db.put('b', 'c') db.put('c', 'd') db.put('c', 'e') self.assertEqual(db.get('a'), 'b') self.assertEqual(db.get('a', last=True), 'e') self.assertEqual(db.get('c'), 'd') self.assertEqual(db.get('c', last=True), 'e') self.assertEqual(db.get('b'), 'c') self.assertEqual(db.get('b', last=True), 'c') self.assertNotEqual(db.get('b', last=True), 'a') self.assertNotEqual(db.get('b'), 'a') def test_pop(self): self.db._cursor = Mock() self.db.pop('apple') self.db._cursor.pop.assert_called_with(b'apple') def test_multiple_db(self): db = self.db db = DB(directory=TEST_WRITE_ENV)'test_multiple_1') db.wipe() # Has only 1 db.put('cake', 'moo') self.assertEqual(len(tuple(db.iter())), 1) db2 = DB(directory=TEST_WRITE_ENV)'test_multiple_2') db2.wipe() # only wipe the seperate db. self.assertEqual(len(tuple(db.iter())), 1) self.assertEqual(len(tuple(db2.iter())), 0) db.put('dog', 'blue') db2.put('cat', 'blue') # Did not wipe the first key from the first db self.assertCountEqual(tuple(db.iter()), (('dog', 'blue',), ('cake', 'moo') )) self.assertCountEqual(tuple(db2.iter()), (('cat', 'blue',), )) @patch('') def test_create_transaction_using(self, lmdb_open): item = Mock() begin_mock = Mock() # = Mock() self.db.env = begin_mock self.db._cursor = 'foo' kw = dict(using=item, write=False) self.db.create_transaction(**kw) begin_mock.begin.assert_called_with(db=item, write=False) self.assertEqual(self.db._cursor, None) def test_commit(self): """put() a key and commit """ # First we assert the death of non persistent put() delete'test_commit') key, value = b'commit_key', b'my test value' success = self.db.put(key, value, save=True) self.assertTrue(success) success = self.db.delete(key, commit=False) self.assertTrue(success) result = self.db.get(key) self.assertEqual(result, None) # close and open- self.db.close() self.setUp()'test_commit') # Should exist due to persistent write result = self.db.get(key) self.assertEqual(result, value) # Now delete. success = self.db.delete(key, commit=False) self.assertTrue(success) # store the change self.db.commit() # Delete and remake - self.tearDown() self.setUp()'test_commit') # Should not exist due to commit() result = self.db.get(key) self.assertEqual(result, None) def test_in_out_conversion(self):'test_commit') result = self.db.put('apples', '[1,24,54,6,56]') self.assertTrue(result) result = self.db.get('apples') self.db.put('apples', [1,24,54,6,56]) result = self.db.get('apples') self.assertEqual(result, [1,24,54,6,56]) self.assertIsInstance(result, list) def test_tuple_store(self):'test_commit') self.db.put('nums', (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,)) self.assertIsInstance(self.db.get('nums'), tuple) def test_list_store(self):'test_commit') self.db.put('list', [1,2,3,4,5]) res = self.db.get('list') self.assertIsInstance(self.db.get('list'), list) def test_collect(self):'test_collect') self.db.delete('collect') self.db.put('collect', (1,2,3,4,5,)) self.db.put('collect', (5,4,3,2,1,)) result = self.db.collect('collect') self.assertEqual(len(list(result)), 2) def test_dict_store(self):'test_commit') de = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 'two', 'three': True} self.db.put('dict', de) res = self.db.get('dict') expected = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 'two', 'three': True} self.assertDictEqual(res, expected) def test___repr__(self): db = DB(directory=TEST_WRITE_ENV, name='dave') s= '<database.db.DB "dave">' self.assertEqual(str(db), s)
def setupDB(replication_class='SimpleStrategy', replication_factor=1): DB.setupDB(AuthDB.keyspace, replication_class=replication_class, replication_factor=replication_factor)
def setUp(self) -> None: self.db = DB('../players.db')
def setUp(self): self.db = DB(directory=TEST_WRITE_ENV)
class KB_plotter_avg_n(object): def __init__(self, xval='date_float', yval='mep_uit'): self.xval = xval self.yval = yval self.rootNumber = 0 self.stof = DB() self.roots_df = self.stof.get_kb_roots() root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) NavigationToolbar2.forward = self.next_button_area NavigationToolbar2.back = self.back_button_area NavigationToolbar2.home = self.home_button def next_button_area(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.rootNumber != self.roots_df.shape[0] - 1: self.rootNumber = self.rootNumber + 1 root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) #plt.clf() def back_button_area(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.rootNumber != 0: self.rootNumber = self.rootNumber - 1 root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) #plt.clf() def home_button(self, *args, **kwargs): self.show_plot() def get_root_id(self, index): root = self.roots_df.iloc[index] return root['id'] def get_mp_ids(self): return self.area_df.measurepoint_id.unique() def get_area_name(self, index): root = self.roots_df.iloc[index] return root['area_name'] def save_errors(self): for rootIdx in range(0, self.roots_df.shape[0]): print "area: " + str(rootIdx) + "/" + str(self.roots_df.shape[0]) rootId = self.get_root_id(rootIdx) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(rootId) area_name = self.get_area_name(rootIdx) max_n = 50 mpLen = len(self.get_mp_ids()) e = np.zeros([mpLen, max_n]) polyInt = PolyInterpolation(precision=2) for idx, mpid in enumerate(self.get_mp_ids()): meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == mpid] meas_df = meas_df[[self.xval, 'mep_uit']] meas_df = meas_df.dropna() meas_df.columns = ['x', 'y'] if (meas_df.shape[0] <= 1): continue (m, s) = stats.mean_std(meas_df['y']) meas_df = meas_df[meas_df.y < m + 2 * s] meas_df = meas_df[meas_df.y > m - 2 * s] polyInt.set_t(meas_df['x']) polyInt.set_y(meas_df['y']) for n in range(0, max_n): coefs = polyInt.find_coefs(n) e[idx, n] = polyInt.avg_dist_reg(coefs[0:n], precision=2) #e[idx, :] = (e[idx, :] - np.min(e[idx, :])) / (np.max(e[idx, :]) - np.min(e[idx, :])) np.savetxt(area_name + '.csv', e, delimiter=',') def save_errors_LOOCV(self): polyInt = PolyInterpolation(precision=2) for rootIdx in range(20, self.roots_df.shape[0]): print rootId = self.get_root_id(rootIdx) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(rootId) area_name = self.get_area_name(rootIdx) max_n = 50 mpLen = len(self.get_mp_ids()) e = np.zeros([mpLen, max_n]) for mpointIdx, mpid in enumerate(self.get_mp_ids()): meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == mpid] meas_df = meas_df[[self.xval, self.yval]] meas_df = meas_df.dropna() meas_df.columns = ['x', 'y'] if (meas_df.shape[0] <= 2): print area_name + ": " + str(rootIdx + 1) + "/" + str( self.roots_df.shape[0] ) + ", mp: " + str(mpointIdx + 1) + "/" + str( mpLen) + " - ommited, has too little measurements" continue (m, s) = stats.mean_std(meas_df['y']) meas_df = meas_df[meas_df.y < m + 2 * s] meas_df = meas_df[meas_df.y > m - 2 * s] if (meas_df.shape[0] <= 2): print area_name + ": " + str(rootIdx + 1) + "/" + str( self.roots_df.shape[0] ) + ", mp: " + str(mpointIdx + 1) + "/" + str( mpLen) + " - ommited, has too little measurements" continue print area_name + ": " + str(rootIdx + 1) + "/" + str( self.roots_df.shape[0]) + ", mp: " + str( mpointIdx + 1) + "/" + str(mpLen) measIdx = 0 for test_row in meas_df.iterrows(): polyInt.set_t(np.array(meas_df['x'])) polyInt.set_y(np.array(meas_df['y'])) testT = polyInt.t[measIdx] testY = np.array(polyInt.y)[measIdx] polyInt.t = np.delete(polyInt.t, measIdx) polyInt.y = np.delete(polyInt.y, measIdx) for n in range(0, max_n): coefs = polyInt.find_coefs(n) p = float(10.**-2) yHat = polyInt.get_y_hat(coefs, precision=2) yFit = np.interp(testT, np.arange(-1.0, 1. + p, p), yHat) e[mpointIdx, n] += np.abs(testY - yFit) measIdx += 1 e[mpointIdx, :] = e[mpointIdx, :] / float(meas_df.shape[0]) np.savetxt(area_name + '.csv', e, delimiter=',') def show_plot(self): #plt.clf() area_name = self.get_area_name(self.rootNumber) max_n = 25 mpLen = len(self.get_mp_ids()) e = np.zeros([mpLen, max_n]) polyInt = PolyInterpolation(precision=2) for idx, mpid in enumerate(self.get_mp_ids()): print str(idx) + "/" + str(mpLen) meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == mpid] meas_df = meas_df[[self.xval, 'mep_uit']] meas_df = meas_df.dropna() meas_df.columns = ['x', 'y'] if (meas_df.shape[0] <= 1): continue (m, s) = stats.mean_std(meas_df['y']) meas_df = meas_df[meas_df.y < m + 2 * s] meas_df = meas_df[meas_df.y > m - 2 * s] polyInt.set_t(meas_df['x']) polyInt.set_y(meas_df['y']) coefs = polyInt.find_coefs(max_n) for n in range(0, max_n): e[idx, n] = polyInt.avg_dist_reg(coefs[0:n], precision=2) e[idx, :] = (e[idx, :] - np.min(e[idx, :])) / (np.max(e[idx, :]) - np.min(e[idx, :])) #plt.plot(range(0, max_n), e[idx,:]) plt.plot(range(0, max_n), np.mean(e, axis=0)) plt.title(area_name)
from model.student import Student from model.exam import Exam from model.user import User from model.class_model import Class from model.workbook import Workbook import datetime from datetime import timedelta from controller.exam_holder import Holder from database.db import DB DB.start_connection() DB.drop_db() DB.generate_database_schema() session = DB.Session_factory() user1 = User("Mohammad", "Siavashi", "*****@*****.**", "4490347022", "MS95", "2223858", True, [], [], []) session.add(user1) student1 = Student( first_name="Ahmad", last_name="siavash",, advisor="ahmad", national_id="44903232527", student_id="9332045", user_id=session.query(User).filter(User.username == "MS95").first().id, classes=[], exams=[], workbooks=[])
def test___repr__(self): db = DB(directory=TEST_WRITE_ENV, name='dave') s= '<database.db.DB "dave">' self.assertEqual(str(db), s)
def __init__(self, db_name): self.db = DB(db_name) self.N = self.db.len()
class CoefsPlotter(object): def __init__(self, xval='date_float', yval='mep_uit'): self.xval = xval self.yval = yval self.rootNumber = 0 self.mpNumber = 0 self.stof = DB() self.roots_df = self.stof.get_kb_roots() root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.polyInt = PolyInterpolation(precision=3) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == self.get_mp_ids()[0]] self.meas_df = self.prepare_meas_df(self.meas_df) NavigationToolbar2.forward = self.next_button_area NavigationToolbar2.back = self.back_button_area NavigationToolbar2.forward_mp = self.next_button_mp NavigationToolbar2.back_mp = self.back_button_mp NavigationToolbar2.toolitems = NavigationToolbar2.toolitems + ( ('Back mp', 'Back to previous mp', 'back', 'back_mp'), ('Forward mp', 'Forward to next mp', 'forward', 'forward_mp') ) plt.figure() def next_button_area(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.rootNumber != self.roots_df.shape[0] - 1: self.rootNumber = self.rootNumber + 1 root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == self.get_mp_ids()[0]] self.meas_df = self.prepare_meas_df(self.meas_df) self.mpNumber = 0 self.show_plot() def back_button_area(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.rootNumber != 0: self.rootNumber = self.rootNumber - 1 root_id = self.get_root_id(self.rootNumber) self.area_df = self.stof.get_kb_oodi_dd(root_id) self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == self.get_mp_ids()[0]] self.meas_df = self.prepare_meas_df(self.meas_df) self.mpNumber = 0 self.show_plot() def next_button_mp(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.mpNumber != self.get_mp_ids().shape[0] - 1: self.mpNumber = self.mpNumber + 1 mpid = self.get_mp_ids()[self.mpNumber] self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == mpid] self.meas_df = self.prepare_meas_df(self.meas_df) self.show_plot() def back_button_mp(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.mpNumber != 0: self.mpNumber = self.mpNumber - 1 mpid = self.get_mp_ids()[self.mpNumber] self.meas_df = self.area_df[self.area_df.measurepoint_id == mpid] self.meas_df = self.prepare_meas_df(self.meas_df) self.show_plot() def get_root_id(self, index): root = self.roots_df.iloc[index] return root['id'] def get_mp_ids(self): return self.area_df.measurepoint_id.unique() def get_area_name(self, index): root = self.roots_df.iloc[index] return root['area_name'] def get_number_of_mps(self): return self.get_mp_ids().shape[0] def get_number_of_areas(self): return self.roots_df.shape[0] def prepare_meas_df(self, meas_df): meas_df = meas_df[[self.xval, self.yval]] meas_df = meas_df.dropna() meas_df.columns = ['x', 'y'] if (meas_df.shape[0] <= 2): return None (m, s) = stats.mean_std(meas_df['y']) meas_df = meas_df[meas_df.y < m + 2 * s] meas_df = meas_df[meas_df.y > m - 2 * s] if (meas_df.shape[0] <= 2): return None return meas_df def show_plot(self): plt.clf() if self.meas_df is None: print 'Not enough points' return area_name = self.get_area_name(self.rootNumber) self.polyInt.set_t(np.array(self.meas_df['x'])) self.polyInt.set_y(np.array(self.meas_df['y'])) coefs = self.polyInt.find_coefs(10) yHat = self.polyInt.get_y_hat_for_range(coefs, np.arange(-1, 1, 0.04)) tHat = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.04) t = self.polyInt.t y = self.polyInt.y t_sorted, y_sorted = zip(*sorted(zip(t, y), key=lambda x: x[0])) plt.plot(t_sorted, y_sorted) plt.plot(tHat, yHat) area_title = area_name + ": " + str(self.rootNumber + 1) + "/" + str(self.get_number_of_areas()) mp_title = "mp: " + str(self.mpNumber + 1) + "/" + str(self.get_number_of_mps()) plt.title(area_title + " " + mp_title) plt.draw()