Exemplo n.º 1
    def run_for_eval(input_image):
        H, W, channel = input_image.shape

        # < in case that input_image is smaller than crop_size >
        dif_height = H - crop_size
        dif_width = W - crop_size
        if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0:
            input_image = helper.numpy_pad_image(input_image, dif_height,
            H, W, channel = input_image.shape

        # < split >
        split_crops = []
        heights = helper.decide_intersection(H, crop_size)
        widths = helper.decide_intersection(W, crop_size)
        for height in heights:
            for width in widths:
                image_crop = input_image[height:height + crop_size,
                                         width:width + crop_size]
                split_crops.append(image_crop[np.newaxis, :])

        feed_dict = {}
        splitters = chunks(split_crops, gpu_num())
        for list_index in range(len(splitters) - 1):
            piece_crops = np.concatenate(
                split_crops[splitters[list_index]:splitters[list_index + 1]])
            feed_dict[eval_image_pl[list_index]] = piece_crops

        for i in range(gpu_num()):
            if eval_image_pl[i] not in feed_dict.keys():
                feed_dict[eval_image_pl[i]] = np.zeros(
                    (1, crop_size, crop_size, 3), np.float32)

        proba_crops_pieces = sess.run(eval_probas_op, feed_dict=feed_dict)
        proba_crops = np.concatenate(proba_crops_pieces)

        # < reassemble >
        reassemble = np.zeros((H, W, eval_image_reader.num_classes),
        index = 0
        for height in heights:
            for width in widths:
                reassemble[height:height + crop_size,
                           width:width + crop_size] += proba_crops[index]
                index += 1

        # < crop to original image >
        if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0:
            reassemble = helper.numpy_crop_image(reassemble, dif_height,

        return reassemble
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run_once(input_image):
        H, W, channel = input_image.shape

        # < in case that input_image is smaller than crop_size >
        dif_height = H - crop_size
        dif_width = W - crop_size
        if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0:
            input_image = helper.numpy_pad_image(input_image, dif_height,
            H, W, channel = input_image.shape

        # < split this image into crops >
        split_crops = []
        heights = helper.decide_intersection(H, crop_size)
        widths = helper.decide_intersection(W, crop_size)
        for height in heights:
            for width in widths:
                image_crop = input_image[height:height + crop_size,
                                         width:width + crop_size]
                split_crops.append(image_crop[np.newaxis, :])

        # < >
        num_chunks = int((len(split_crops) - 1) / FLAGS.batch_size) + 1
        proba_crops_list = []
        for chunk_i in range(num_chunks):
            feed_dict = {}
            start = chunk_i * FLAGS.batch_size
            end = min((chunk_i + 1) * FLAGS.batch_size, len(split_crops))
            feed_dict[images_pl[0]] = np.concatenate(split_crops[start:end])
            proba_crops_part = sess.run(eval_probas_op, feed_dict=feed_dict)

        proba_crops = np.concatenate(proba_crops_list)

        # < reassemble >
        reassemble = np.zeros((H, W, num_classes), np.float32)
        index = 0
        for height in heights:
            for width in widths:
                reassemble[height:height + crop_size,
                           width:width + crop_size] += proba_crops[index]
                index += 1

        # < crop to original image >
        if dif_height < 0 or dif_width < 0:
            reassemble = helper.numpy_crop_image(reassemble, dif_height,

        return reassemble