def run_experiment(data, task_id): """Background task to send an email with Flask-Mail.""" end_result = {} for experiment in data: end_result[experiment] = {} database.EVALUATION_DATABASE = '%s.%s.%s' % (str(current_mills()), task_id, experiment) for method in data[experiment]: end_result[experiment][method] = {} kwargs = {} dbs = [] number_of_experiments = 0 functions = {} for key in data[experiment][method]: if key == 'dbs': dbs = data[experiment][method][key] elif key == 'number_of_experiments': number_of_experiments = data[experiment][method][key] elif 'method' in data[experiment][method][key]: influx_client.switch_database('registry') query = "SELECT arn FROM methods WHERE name_id = '%s';" % data[experiment][method][key]['method'] response = influx_client.query(query) arn = '' for item in response: arn = item['arn'] functions[key] = {arn: data[experiment][method][key]['parameters']} else: custom_kwargs = {key: data[experiment][method][key]} kwargs = {**kwargs, **custom_kwargs} for db in dbs: influx_client.switch_database('registry') query = "SELECT * FROM dbs WHERE name_id = '%s';" % db response = influx_client.query(query) db = {} for item in response: db = item db_client = REGISTRY[db['driver']](**json.loads(db['arguments'])) for i in range(number_of_experiments): arn_kwargs = {'metadata': []} for fnc in functions: for arn in functions[fnc]: body = functions[fnc][arn] body['driver'] = db['driver'] response = aws_client.invoke(FunctionName=arn, InvocationType='RequestResponse', Payload=json.dumps(body), ) string_response = response["Payload"].read().decode() parsed_response = json.loads(string_response) arn_kwargs[fnc] = parsed_response['data'] if 'metadata' in parsed_response: arn_kwargs['metadata'].append(parsed_response['metadata']) kwargs = {**kwargs, **arn_kwargs} getattr(db_client, method)(**kwargs) end_result[experiment][method] = database.Client().get_last_results(method) return end_result
def on_message(client, userdata, message): message_decoded = (str(message.payload.decode("utf-8"))).split(";") success = False card_id = int(message_decoded[1]) card_time = datetime.strptime(message_decoded[2], "%H:%M:%S") card_time = card_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") for client in db.clients: if message_decoded[0] == print("Terminal rozpoznany!") success = True card_read(client, card_id, card_time) if not success: print("Nieznany terminal: {}".format(message_decoded[0])) add = input("Czy chcesz dodac terminal do bazy? [T/N]: ") if add.upper() == "T": db.add_client(db.Client(message_decoded[0])) print("\nTerminal dodany") time.sleep(0.5) card_read(db.clients[-1], card_id, card_time) else: print("Wiadomosc pominieta") time.sleep(0.5)
from driver.influxdb.client import Client as InfluxClient from driver.opentsdb.client import Client as OpentsClient from driver.postgresdb.client import Client as PostgresClient app = Flask(__name__) app.config.update( CELERY_BROKER_URL='amqp://*****:*****@localhost:5672/apalia', CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND='amqp://*****:*****@localhost:5672/apalia' ) celery = make_celery(app) aws_client = boto3.client('lambda') influx_client = database.Client() REGISTRY = {'influxdb': InfluxClient, 'opentsdb': OpentsClient, 'postgresql': PostgresClient} def current_mills(): return int(time.time()*1000.0) @app.route('/methods', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def method_registry(): influx_client.switch_database('registry') if request.method == 'POST': data = json.loads( arn = data['arn'] name_id = data['name_id']
print("\t[5] Usun pracownika") print("\t[6] Przypisz karte RFID do pracownika") print("\t[7] Usun przypisane karty do pracownika") print("\t[8] Wygeneruj Raport") print("\t[9] Wyswietl klientow") print("\t[10] Wyswietl pracownikow") print("\t[Any] Wyjscie\n") user_input = input("Wybierz akcje: ") print() if user_input == '1': elif user_input == '2': client_name = input("Podaj nazwe nowego terminalu: ") client = db.Client(client_name) db.add_client(client) print("\nTerminal dodano!") elif user_input == '3': db.print_clients() rem_client = input("\nPodaj nazwe terminalu do usuniecia: ") db.remove_client(rem_client) elif user_input == '4': worker_name = input("Podaj imie i nazwisko nowego pracownika: ") worker = db.Worker(worker_name) db.add_worker(worker) elif user_input == '5': db.print_workers()
import json import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.graph_objs as go import database from scipy import stats py.sign_in('aleksey.sergien', 'WRBJNVEVssmXHxrKRuSS') client = database.Client() exp_names_DEFAULT = ['writing_multiple_databases'] name_of_measurements_DEFAULT = ['write_records'] colors_DEFAULT = { 'influxdb': { 'full': '#d7724a', 'line': '#a73508' }, 'opentsdb': { 'full': '#6fe314', 'line': '#327300' }, 'postgresdb': { 'full': '#226ad9', 'line': '#002d73' } } order_DEFAULT = ['influxdb', 'postgresdb', 'opentsdb'] downsample_size_DEFAULT = 100 title_DEFAULT = 'Records writing' x_title_DEFAULT = 'number of records'