Exemplo n.º 1
def confirm_film_response(bot, message, User):
    """Stage 2 Response. Confirming the extracted film information was correct.
  @param {Bot} bot
  @param {String} message
  @param {Person} User"""
    skipFlag = False
    db_query = db.getQueryInfo(User.id, 1)
    film_names = set()
    if db_query:
        for result in db_query:
            FilmName = db.getFilmByID(result['Information'])
            if FilmName:
    next_question_message = "Sorry I'm not sure I understand."
    if film_names:
        film_names = format_query_info(list(film_names))
        next_question_message = next_question_message + " Did you want a film similar to {}".format(
    next_stage = 'ConfirmFilm'
    if check_for_expected_input(message, skip):
        skipFlag = True
    if check_for_expected_input(message, positives) or skipFlag:
        genres_query_info = db.getQueryInfo(User.id, 2)
        if genres_query_info:
            genres = format_query_info(
                [genre['Information'] for genre in genres_query_info])
            if skipFlag:
                next_question_message = "Ok let's skip choosing a similar film. I just want to confirm that you did want a film that was a {}".format(
                next_question_message = "Alright that sounds good! I just want to confirm that you did want a film that was a {}".format(
            next_stage = 'ConfirmGenre'
            if skipFlag:
                next_question_message = "Ok let's skip choosing a similar film. Did you want the film to have any specific genres?"
                next_question_message = "Alright that sounds good! Did you want the film to have any specific genres?"
            next_stage = 'AskGenre'
    elif check_for_expected_input(message, negatives):
        next_stage = 'AskFilm'
        next_question_message = "Ok, so do you want the film I suggest to be similar to another film?"
        db.removeQueryInfo(User.id, 1)

    bot.send_message(User.id, next_question_message)
    setUserContextAndStage(User.id, contexts['FilmSuggestion'],
Exemplo n.º 2
def confirm_crew_response(bot, message, User):
    """Stage 6 Response. Confirming the extracted crew information was correct.
  @param {Bot} bot
  @param {String} message
  @param {Person} User"""
    skipFlag = False
    if check_for_expected_input(message, skip):
        skipFlag = True
    if skipFlag or check_for_expected_input(message, positives):
        generate_film(bot, User, 0)
        db.updateSuggestedFilmIndex(User.id, 0)
    elif check_for_expected_input(message, negatives):
        next_question_message = "Ok so did you want any specific people to have been involved with the film?"
        bot.send_message(User.id, next_question_message)
        setUserContextAndStage(User.id, contexts['FilmSuggestion'],
        db.removeQueryInfo(User.id, 3)
        db_query = db.getQueryInfo(User.id, 3)
        crew_names = []
        if db_query:
            for result in db_query:
            crew_names = format_query_info(crew_names)
        next_question_message = "Sorry I don't understand."
        if crew_names:
            next_question_message = next_question_message + " Did you want a film with {}?".format(
        bot.send_message(User.id, next_question_message)
Exemplo n.º 3
def confirm_genre_response(bot, message, User):
    """Stage 4 Response. Confirming the extracted genre information was correct.
  @param {Bot} bot
  @param {String} message
  @param {Person} User"""
    db_query = db.getQueryInfo(User.id, 2)
    genre = ''
    if db_query:
        genre = [query['Information'] for query in db_query]
    next_question_message = "Sorry I'm not sure I understand."
    if genre:
        next_question_message = next_question_message + " Did you want the film to be a {}".format(
    next_stage = 'ConfirmGenre'
    skipFlag = False
    if check_for_expected_input(message, skip):
        skipFlag = True
    if skipFlag or check_for_expected_input(message, positives):
        crew_query_info = db.getQueryInfo(User.id, 3)
        if crew_query_info:
            crewIDs = [crew['Information'] for crew in crew_query_info]
            crew_names = []
            for crewID in crewIDs:
            crew = format_query_info(crew_names)
            if skipFlag:
                next_question_message = "Ok, let's skip choosing a genre. From what you said earlier, you wanted {} to have been involved with the film?".format(
                next_question_message = "Right, I'll note that down. From what you said earlier, you wanted {} to have been involved with the film?".format(
            next_stage = 'ConfirmCrew'
            if skipFlag:
                next_question_message = "Ok let's skip choosing a genre. Are there any people you want to have been involved with the film?"
                next_question_message = "Right, I'll note that down. Are there any people you want to have been involved with the film?"
            next_stage = "AskCrew"
    elif check_for_expected_input(message, negatives):
        next_stage = 'AskGenre'
        next_question_message = "Ok, so are there any genres that you want the film to be of?"
        db.removeQueryInfo(User.id, 2)

    bot.send_message(User.id, next_question_message)
    setUserContextAndStage(User.id, contexts['FilmSuggestion'],
Exemplo n.º 4
def ask_film_response(bot, message, User):
    """Stage 3 Response. Asking if the user wants the suggested film to be similar to
  another film.
  @param {Bot} bot
  @param {String} message
  @param {Person} User"""
    skipFlag = False
    next_stage = 'AskFilm'
    next_question_message = "Sorry I don't understand. Do you want the film to be similar to another film you've seen?"
    if check_for_expected_input(message, skip):
        skipFlag = True
    if skipFlag or check_for_expected_input(message, negatives):
        genres_query_info = db.getQueryInfo(User.id, 2)
        if genres_query_info:
            genres = format_query_info(
                [genre['Information'] for genre in genres_query_info])
            next_question_message = "Ok. So you want a film that is a {}?".format(
            next_stage = 'ConfirmGenre'
            next_question_message = "Ok, Did you want the film to have any specific genres?"
            next_stage = 'AskGenre'
    elif check_for_expected_input(message, positives):
        next_question_message = "Ok, what film do you want it to be similar to?"
        films = extract_film(User.id, message)
        #In case the user just sends the film title and nothing else
        preprocessed_message = preprocess_text(message)
        db_query = search_for_film_in_db(preprocessed_message)
        if db_query:
            film = (db_query['FilmID'], db_query['Title'])
            if film not in films:
                db.insertQueryInformation(User.id, film[0], 1)
        if films:
            filmTitles = format_query_info([film[1] for film in films])
            next_question_message = "So you want a film similar to {}?".format(
            next_stage = 'ConfirmFilm'

    bot.send_message(User.id, next_question_message)
    setUserContextAndStage(User.id, contexts['FilmSuggestion'],
Exemplo n.º 5
def ask_genre_response(bot, message, User):
    """Stage 5 Response. Asking the user if they want the suggested film to be of a certain genre.
  @param {Bot} bot
  @param {String} message
  @param {Person} User"""
    skipFlag = False
    next_stage = 'AskGenre'
    next_question_message = "Sorry I'm not sure what you meant, were there any genres you had in mind for the film I will suggest?"
    if check_for_expected_input(message, skip):
        skipFlag = True
    if skipFlag or check_for_expected_input(message, negatives):
        crew_query_info = db.getQueryInfo(User.id, 3)
        if crew_query_info:
            crewIDs = [crew['Information'] for crew in crew_query_info]
            crew_names = []
            for crewID in crewIDs:
            crew = format_query_info(crew_names)
            next_question_message = "ok so you want a film where {} was involved?".format(
            next_stage = 'ConfirmCrew'
            next_question_message = "Ok so do you want a film with specific actors, directors or writers?"
            next_stage = 'AskCrew'
    elif check_for_expected_input(message, positives):
        next_question_message = "Ok, what genres did you have in mind?"
        genres = extract_genres(User.id, message)
        if genres:
            genres = format_query_info(genres)
            next_question_message = "So you want a film which is a {}?".format(
            next_stage = 'ConfirmGenre'

    bot.send_message(User.id, next_question_message)
    setUserContextAndStage(User.id, contexts['FilmSuggestion'],
Exemplo n.º 6
def build_tailored_films_table(User):
    """Build a films table tailored to the user's requests
    @param {Person} User
    @returns {DataFrame} filmsTable
    @returns {String} requested_filmIDs
    @returns {List} requested_film_indices - List of Ints. Indicies of original
                                             requested films (for when there are
                                             multiple films requested)"""
    filmsTable = getFilmTable()
    query_info = getQueryInfo(User.id)
    requested_filmIDs = []
    requested_genres = []
    requested_crew = []
    for result in query_info:
        if result['Type'] == 1:
        elif result['Type'] == 2:
        elif result['Type'] == 3:

    # Removed any potential incorrect values
    requested_filmIDs = [
        requested_filmID for requested_filmID in requested_filmIDs
        if requested_filmID.startswith("tt")

    # Store copy of requested Film IDs
    original_requested_filmIDs = requested_filmIDs

    # Combine requested films metadata
    if requested_filmIDs:
        if len(requested_filmIDs) > 1:
            requested_filmIDs, filmsTable = create_combined_film(
                requested_FilmIDs, filmsTable)
            requested_filmIDs = ''.join(requested_filmIDs)

    # No Film Selected
    if not requested_filmIDs:
        requested_filmIDs = get_generated_requested_filmID(User.id, filmsTable)
        original_requested_filmIDs = [requested_filmIDs]

    # No Genres Selected
    if not requested_genres:
        if User.favouriteGenre:
        if User.secondFavouriteGenre:
        if User.thirdFavouriteGenre:

    #TODO (Future) - Check for exact film requirements
    # exactFilmsTable = filmsTable[(
    #         ((filmsTable['Writers'].apply(lambda writers: find_films_with_user_query(requested_crew, writers) if requested_crew else True) |
    #         filmsTable['Directors'].apply(lambda directors: find_films_with_user_query(requested_crew, directors) if requested_crew else True) |
    #         filmsTable['CrewID'].apply(lambda crew: find_films_with_user_query(requested_crew, crew) if requested_crew else True)) &
    #         filmsTable['Genres'].apply(lambda genre: find_films_with_all_genres(requested_genres, genre) if requested_genres else True)) &
    #         (filmsTable['isAdult'].apply(lambda isAdult: False if (User.age < 18 and isAdult == 1) else True))
    #         )]
    # if exactFilmsTable.shape[0] != 0:
    #     return (0, exactFilmsTable['Title'])

    # differentGenresFilmTable = filmsTable[(
    #         ((filmsTable['Writers'].apply(lambda writers: find_films_with_user_query(requested_crew, writers) if requested_crew else True) |
    #         filmsTable['Directors'].apply(lambda directors: find_films_with_user_query(requested_crew, directors) if requested_crew else True) |
    #         filmsTable['CrewID'].apply(lambda crew: find_films_with_user_query(requested_crew, crew) if requested_crew else True)) &
    #         filmsTable['Genres'].apply(lambda genre: find_films_with_user_query(requested_genres, genre) if requested_genres else True)) &
    #         )]
    #         (filmsTable['isAdult'].apply(lambda isAdult: False if (User.age < 18 and isAdult == 1) else True))

    filmsTable = filmsTable[(
            lambda writers: find_films_with_user_query(requested_crew, writers)
            if requested_crew else True) | filmsTable['Directors'].apply(
                lambda directors: find_films_with_user_query(
                    requested_crew, directors) if requested_crew else True)
         | filmsTable['CrewID'].apply(lambda crew: find_films_with_user_query(
             requested_crew, crew) if requested_crew else True)
         | filmsTable['Genres'].apply(lambda genre: find_films_with_user_query(
             requested_genres, genre) if requested_genres else True)) &
        (filmsTable['isAdult'].apply(lambda isAdult: False if (
            User.age < 18 and isAdult == 1) else True)) |
        (filmsTable['FilmID'] == requested_filmIDs))]

    # Store the requested film data
    requested_film = filmsTable[(filmsTable['FilmID'] == requested_filmIDs)]
    if filmsTable.shape[0] > 2000:
        filmsTable = sort_by_highest_imdb_score(filmsTable)[:2000]
        # Check whether we removed the requested film from the table when reducing the size
        if filmsTable[(filmsTable['FilmID'] == requested_filmIDs)].empty:
            filmsTable = pd.concat([filmsTable, requested_film])

    filmsTable = filmsTable.reset_index(drop=True)
    requested_film_indices = [
        int(filmsTable[(filmsTable['FilmID'] == filmID)].index.values)
        for filmID in original_requested_filmIDs
    return filmsTable, requested_filmIDs, requested_film_indices