Exemplo n.º 1
async def declineScore(ctx, ID: int):
    guild = client.get_guild(guildid)
    teamID = db.getTeamNumber(ctx.author.id)
    League_ID = db.getLeagueNumber(ctx.author.id)
    LeagueInfo = db.getTeamNames(League_ID)[0]
    scoreChat = discord.utils.get(guild.channels,
                                  id=db.getLeagueObjectID(League_ID, "Scores"))
    score = db.getScore(ID)
    Team_1 = score[3]
    Team_2 = score[4]
    score_1 = score[5]
    score_2 = score[6]
    Fixture_Pos = score[2]
    if (teamID == Team_1 or teamID == Team_2):
        await ctx.channel.send("Thank you, we will let the League know")
        db.deleteScore(League_ID, Fixture_Pos)
        scoreMessage = str(Fixture_Pos) + ":       **" + str(
            score_1) + "**" + "     " + str(
                LeagueInfo[Team_1 + 1]) + " vs " + str(
                    LeagueInfo[Team_2 +
                               1]) + "     " + "**" + str(score_2) + "**"
        await scoreChat.send("The following score has been **declined** by " +
                             ctx.author.name + ":\n" + scoreMessage)
        await ctx.channel.send("Invalid Submission ID")
Exemplo n.º 2
async def acceptScore(ctx, ID: int):
    guild = client.get_guild(guildid)
    teamID = db.getTeamNumber(ctx.author.id)
    League_ID = db.getLeagueNumber(ctx.author.id)
    manager = db.getManager(League_ID, teamID)
    scoreChat = discord.utils.get(guild.channels,
                                  id=db.getLeagueObjectID(League_ID, "Scores"))
    score = db.getScore(ID)
    if (ctx.author.id == manager):
        if (teamID == Team_1 or teamID == Team_2):
            Team_1 = score[3]
            Team_2 = score[4]
            LeagueInfo = db.getTeamNames(League_ID)[0]
            score_1 = score[5]
            score_2 = score[6]
            Fixture_Pos = score[2]
            db.addFixtureScore(League_ID, Fixture_Pos, score_1, score_2)
            db.deleteScore(League_ID, Fixture_Pos)
            await ctx.channel.send("We will add this to the fixtures now!")
            scoreMessage = str(Fixture_Pos) + ":       **" + str(
                score_1) + "**" + "     " + str(
                    LeagueInfo[Team_1 + 1]) + " vs " + str(
                        LeagueInfo[Team_2 +
                                   1]) + "     " + "**" + str(score_2) + "**"
            await scoreChat.send(
                "The following score has been **accepted** by both managers:\n"
                + scoreMessage)
            await ctx.channel.send("Invalid Submission ID")
        await ctx.channel.send("You are not a manager!")
Exemplo n.º 3
async def fixture(ctx, fixturenumber: int):
    League_ID = db.getLeagueNumber(ctx.author.id)
    FixtureChat_ID = db.getLeagueObjectID(League_ID, "Fixtures")
    if (ctx.channel.id == FixtureChat_ID):
        fixture = db.getFixture(League_ID, fixturenumber)
        teamnames = db.getTeamNames(League_ID)[0]
        message = "Here is Fixture " + str(fixturenumber) + ":\n"
        for match in fixture:
            if match[5] is None:
                message = message + str(match[2]) + ":              " + str(
                    teamnames[match[3] + 1]) + " vs " + str(
                        teamnames[match[4] +
                                  1]) + "            - Due - " + str(
                                      match[7])[0:19] + "\n"
                message = message + str(match[2]) + ":       **" + str(
                    match[5]) + "**" + "     " + str(
                        teamnames[match[3] + 1]) + " vs " + str(
                            teamnames[match[4] + 1]) + "     " + "**" + str(
                                match[6]) + "**" + "     - Due - " + str(
                                    match[7])[0:19] + "\n"
        await ctx.channel.send(message)
        await ctx.channel.send(
            "This command must be run in the Fixtures chat of your League")
Exemplo n.º 4
async def submitScore(ctx, Fixture_Pos: int, homescore: int, awayscore: int):
    print("Submit Score")
    guild = client.get_guild(guildid)
    teamID = db.getTeamNumber(ctx.author.id)
    League_ID = db.getLeagueNumber(ctx.author.id)
    LeagueInfo = db.getTeamNames(League_ID)[0]
    match = db.getMatch(League_ID, Fixture_Pos)[0]
    #check if home
    if (teamID == match[3]):
        print("Im home")
        db.submitScore(League_ID, Fixture_Pos, homescore, awayscore)
        awayTeam = match[4]
        awayManager = LeagueInfo[6 + awayTeam]
        awayDiscord = discord.utils.get(guild.members, id=int(awayManager))
        channel1 = await ctx.author.create_dm()
        channel2 = await awayDiscord.create_dm()
        scoreMessage = str(Fixture_Pos) + ":       **" + str(
            homescore) + "**" + "     " + str(
                LeagueInfo[teamID + 1]) + " vs " + str(
                    LeagueInfo[awayTeam +
                               1]) + "     " + "**" + str(awayscore) + "**"
        subID = db.getScoreSubmitID(League_ID, Fixture_Pos)
        await channel1.send("You have submitted a score of:\n" + scoreMessage)
        channel2message = ctx.author.name + " of the team " + str(
            LeagueInfo[teamID + 1]
        ) + " has submitted the score:\n" + scoreMessage + "\nIf you would like to accept type !acceptScore " + str(
        ) + "\nIf you would like to decline type !declineScore " + str(subID)
        await channel2.send(channel2message)
    #check if away
    elif (teamID == match[4]):
        print("Im away")
        db.submitScore(League_ID, Fixture_Pos, awayscore, homescore)
        awayTeam = match[3]
        awayManager = LeagueInfo[6 + awayTeam]
        awayDiscord = discord.utils.get(guild.members, id=int(awayManager))
        channel1 = await ctx.author.create_dm()
        channel2 = await awayDiscord.create_dm()
        scoreMessage = str(Fixture_Pos) + ":       **" + str(
            awayscore) + "**" + "     " + str(
                LeagueInfo[awayTeam + 1]) + " vs " + str(
                    LeagueInfo[teamID +
                               1]) + "     " + "**" + str(homescore) + "**"
        subID = db.getScoreSubmitID(League_ID, Fixture_Pos)
        await channel1.send("You have submitted a score of:\n" + scoreMessage)
        channel2message = ctx.author.name + " of the team " + str(
            LeagueInfo[teamID + 1]
        ) + " has submitted the score:\n" + scoreMessage + "\nIf you would like to accept type !acceptScore " + str(
        ) + "\nIf you would like to decline type !declineScore " + str(subID)
        await channel2.send(channel2message)
        await ctx.channel.send("This wasn't your match!")
Exemplo n.º 5
async def teams(ctx):
    League_ID = db.getLeagueNumber(ctx.author.id)
    TeamChat_ID = db.getLeagueObjectID(League_ID, "Team")
    if (ctx.channel.id == TeamChat_ID):
        Teams = db.getTeamNames(League_ID)
        message = "These are the teams of the League:\n"
        message = message + Teams[0][2] + " - Managed by <@" + str(
            Teams[0][7]) + ">\n"
        message = message + Teams[0][3] + " - Managed by <@" + str(
            Teams[0][8]) + ">\n"
        message = message + Teams[0][4] + " - Managed by <@" + str(
            Teams[0][9]) + ">\n"
        message = message + Teams[0][5] + " - Managed by <@" + str(
            Teams[0][10]) + ">\n"
        message = message + Teams[0][6] + " - Managed by <@" + str(
            Teams[0][11]) + ">\n"
        await ctx.channel.send(message)
        await ctx.channel.send(
            "This command must be run in the Team chat of your League")
Exemplo n.º 6
async def staffSetManager(ctx, user: User, *, Team: str):
    guild = client.get_guild(guildid)
    League_ID = db.getLeagueID(ctx.channel.id, "Chat")
    Team_ID = db.getTeamIDByName(League_ID, Team)
    leagueChat = discord.utils.get(guild.channels,
                                   id=db.getLeagueObjectID(League_ID, "Chat"))
    managerrole = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, name="Manager")
    player = user.mention.replace("<@", "").replace(">", "")
    Teams = db.getTeamNames(League_ID)
    Old_Manager_ID = Teams[0][6 + Team_ID]
    Old_Manager = discord.utils.get(guild.members, id=Old_Manager_ID)
    New_Manager = discord.utils.get(guild.members, id=int(player))
    New_Manager_Team_ID = db.getTeamNumber(player)
    New_Manager_League_ID = db.getLeagueNumber(player)
    if (New_Manager_League_ID != 0):
        if (New_Manager_Team_ID != 0):
            if (New_Manager_Team_ID == Team_ID
                    and New_Manager_League_ID == League_ID):
                teamname = Team
                db.updateManager(League_ID, Team_ID, New_Manager.id)
                await Old_Manager.remove_roles(managerrole)
                await New_Manager.add_roles(managerrole)
                await leagueChat.send(teamname + "'s manager <@" +
                                      str(Old_Manager.id) +
                                      "> has resigned and <@" +
                                      str(New_Manager.id) +
                                      "> has replaced them in the role!")
                await ctx.channel.send("This player is not in your team")
            await ctx.channel.send("This player is not in a Team")
        await ctx.channel.send("This player is not in a League")