Exemplo n.º 1
def index():
	colors = database.get_colors()
	for c in colors:
		print str(c[1]) + " " + str(c[2])

	old_timestamp = request.cookies.get('date_visited')
	response = make_response(render_template('index.html', date_visited=old_timestamp, color_list=colors))
	timestamp = get_time_and_date()
	response.set_cookie('date_visited', timestamp)
	return response
Exemplo n.º 2
def admin_display():
	# requires session to be set for it to work
	if session['successful_load'] == 'true':
		# obtain all necessary information for the admin page and 
		# render the admin template
		#will have all info from db passed into it
		courses = database.get_courses()
		languages = database.get_languages()
		projects = database.get_projects()
		work = database.get_work_experience()
		colors = database.get_colors()

		# Remove session
		session['successful_load'] = 'false'
		return render_template('admin.html', course_list=courses, language_list=languages, \
				project_list=projects, work_list=work)
		return 'You are not authorized to access this page'
Exemplo n.º 3
def show_contact_page():
	colors = database.get_colors()
	return render_template('contact.html', color_list=colors)
Exemplo n.º 4
def show_languages():
	colors = database.get_colors()
	languages = database.get_languages()
	return render_template('languages.html', language_list=languages, color_list=colors)
Exemplo n.º 5
def show_work():
	colors = database.get_colors()
	work = database.get_work_experience()
	return render_template('work.html', work_list=work, color_list=colors)
Exemplo n.º 6
def show_projects():
	colors = database.get_colors()
	projects = database.get_projects()
	return render_template('projects.html', project_list=projects, color_list=colors)
Exemplo n.º 7
def show_education():
	colors = database.get_colors()
	courses = database.get_courses()
	return render_template('education.html', course_list=courses, color_list=colors)