Exemplo n.º 1
    def gen_rows(self):
        # get a list of all the problem ids for the user for that assignment
        ids = db.get_user_nth_attempt(self.aid, self.uid, (self.atid - 1),
        # set iterator for grid rows
        ids = ast.literal_eval(ids)
        # for each id create a row
        i = 0
        for qid in ids:
            # create new entries
            question_label = self.create_label(self, font=REGULAR_FONT)
            answer_label = self.create_label(self, font=REGULAR_FONT)
            # add to corresponding dictonaries with problem ids as keys
            # self.subjects[qid] = subject_entry
            # self.questions[qid] = question_entry
            # self.answers[qid] = answer_entry

            # set everything nicely on the grid using an iterator i
            question_label.grid(row=i + 3, column=0)
            answer_label.grid(row=i + 3, column=1)

            # set each label with the corresponding value from the problem object
            question_label.config(text=db.get_problem_details(conn, qid)[0][2])

            # set each entry with the corresponding value from list of existing progress
            except IndexError:
                print("no progress yet")

            i += 1
Exemplo n.º 2
    def gen_rows(self):
        # get a list of all the problem ids for the user for that assignment
        ids = db.get_user_first_attempt(self.aid, self.uid, conn)[1]
        # set iterator for grid rows
        ids = ast.literal_eval(ids)
        # for each id create a row
        i = 0
        for qid in ids:
            # create new entries
            question_label = Label(self, font=REGULAR_FONT)
            answer_entry = Entry(self, font=REGULAR_FONT)
            # add to corresponding dictonaries with problem ids as keys
            # self.subjects[qid] = subject_entry
            # self.questions[qid] = question_entry
            # self.answers[qid] = answer_entry

            # set everything nicely on the grid using an iterator i
            question_label.grid(row=i + 3, column=0)
            answer_entry.grid(row=i + 3, column=1)
            i += 1

            # set each entry with the corresponding value from the problem object
            question_label.config(text=db.get_problem_details(conn, qid)[0][2])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def gen_rows(self, uid=None, aid=None, atid=None):

        title_hints = self.create_label(self, "You have "+str(self.hints_left)+" hints",
                                      APP_HIGHLIGHT_FONT, NICE_BLUE)
        # get a list of all the problem ids for the user for that assignment
        ids = db.get_user_nth_attempt(self.aid, self.uid, -1, conn)[2]
        # set iterator for grid rows
        ids = ast.literal_eval(ids)
        # for each id create a row
        self.i = 0
        for qid in ids:
            # create new entries
            hint_button = self.create_button(self, "Hint!")
            #question_label = self.create_label(self, "", REGULAR_FONT)
            answer_entry = ttk.Entry(self, font=REGULAR_FONT)
            hint_label = self.create_label(self, "", REGULAR_FONT, NICE_BLUE)
            self.hint_buttons[qid] = hint_button
            self.hints_labels[qid] = hint_label

            # set everything nicely on the grid using an iterator i
            answer_entry.grid(row=self.i+4, column=2)
            hint_button.grid(row=self.i+4, column=3)
            hint_label.grid(row=self.i+4, column=4)

            # set each label with the corresponding value from the problem object
            #question_label.config(text=db.get_problem_details(conn, qid)[0][2])

            # set each entry with the corresponding value from list of existing progress
                answer_entry.insert(0, self.existing_progress[self.i])
            except IndexError:
                print("no progress yet")

            # NEW (latex feature) create the canvas with the latex problem
            self.latex_row(db.get_problem_details(conn, qid)[0][2])

            self.i += 1

        title_hints.grid(row=1, column=2, pady=10)
        # create submit and save progress buttons
        self.update_progress_button = self.create_button(self, "Save")
        self.update_progress_button["command"] = lambda : self.update_progress()
        self.update_progress_button.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=5)

        self.submit_button = self.create_button(self,"Submit") 
        self.submit_button["command"] = lambda : self.submit_progress()
        self.submit_button.grid(row=0, column=5, padx=5)

        self.pdf_button = self.create_button(self, "Convert to PDF")
        self.pdf_button["command"]= lambda : self.conv.addOnLatex()
        self.pdf_button.grid(row=0, column=6, padx=5)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, qid):
     qid is the problem id of the student we want to create
     # get problem details from database
     problem = db.get_problem_details(conn, qid)[0]
     # assign corresponding values to variables
     self.qid = problem[0]
     self.subject = problem[1]
     self.question = problem[2]
     self.answer = problem[3]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def addOnLatex(self):
        '''This method takes problems from the database and attaches them
        to the latex expression.
        # Fetch the user attempts for assignment
        ids = db.get_user_nth_attempt(self.aid, self.uid, -1, conn)[2]
        ids = ast.literal_eval(ids)

        # Loop through problems
        for qid in ids:

            # For each problem, append it to latex expression
            problem = db.get_problem_details(conn, qid)[0][2]

            self.content += problem + r'\newline\newline' + r'\begin{tikzpicture}' + r'\draw (0,0) -- (17,0) -- (17,3) -- (0,3) -- (0,0);' +r'\end{tikzpicture}' + r'\newline\newline\newline\newline'

Exemplo n.º 6
    def gen_rows(self):
        # get a list of all the problem ids for the user for that assignment
        ids = db.get_user_nth_attempt(self.aid, self.uid, -1, conn)[2]
        # set iterator for grid rows
        # print(db.get_user_nth_attempt(self.aid, self.uid, -1, conn)[2])
        ids = ast.literal_eval(ids)
        # for each id create a row
        i = 0
        for qid in ids:
            # create new entries
            question_label = Label(self, font=REGULAR_FONT)
            answer_entry = Entry(self, font=REGULAR_FONT)
            # add to corresponding dictonaries with problem ids as keys
            # self.subjects[qid] = subject_entry
            # self.questions[qid] = question_entry
            # self.answers[qid] = answer_entry

            # set everything nicely on the grid using an iterator i
            question_label.grid(row=i + 3, column=0)
            answer_entry.grid(row=i + 3, column=1)

            # set each label with the corresponding value from the problem object
            question_label.config(text=db.get_problem_details(conn, qid)[0][2])

            # set each entry with the corresponding value from list of existing progress
                answer_entry.insert(0, self.existing_progress[i])
            except IndexError:
                print("no progress yet")

            i += 1

        # create submit and save progress buttons
        self.update_progress_button = ttk.Button(
            text="Save", command=lambda: self.update_progress())

        self.submit_button = ttk.Button(text="Submit",
                                        command=lambda: self.submit_progress())