Exemplo n.º 1
class StatsD(object):
    def __init__(self, app=None, config=None):
        Constructor for `flask.ext.datadog.StatsD`

        >>> from flask.ext.datadog import StatsD
        >>> app = Flask(__name__)
        >>> statsd = StatsD(app=app)

        :param app: Flask app to configure this client for, if `app` is `None`, then do not
            configure yet (call `init_app` manually instead)
        :type app: flask.Flask or None

        :param config: Configuration for this client to use instead of `app.config`
        :type config: dict or None
        self.config = config
        self.statsd = None

        # If an app was provided, then call `init_app` for them
        if app is not None:
            self.app = None

    def init_app(self, app, config=None):
        Initialize Datadog DogStatsd client from Flask app

        >>> from flask.ext.datadog import StatsD
        >>> app = Flask(__name__)
        >>> statsd = StatsD()
        >>> statsd.init_app(app=app)

        Available DogStatsd config settings:

          STATSD_HOST - statsd host to send metrics to (default: 'localhost')
          STATSD_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - max number of metrics to buffer before sending, only used when batching (default: 50)
          STATSD_NAMESPACE - metric name prefix to use, e.g. 'app_name' (default: None)
          STATSD_PORT - statsd port to send metrics to (default: 8125)
          STATSD_TAGS - list of tags to include by default, e.g. ['env:prod'] (default: None)
          STATSD_USEMS - whether or not to report timing in milliseconds (default: False)

        Available Flask-Datadog config settings:

          DATADOG_CONFIGURE_MIDDLEWARE - whether or not to setup response timing middleware (default: True)
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_METRIC_NAME - the name of the response time metric (default: 'flask.response.time')
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_SAMPLE_RATE - the sample rate to use for response timing middleware (default: 1)
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG - whether to auto-add request/response tags to response metrics (default: True)
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_ENDPOINT_TAG_NAME - tag name to use for request endpoint tag name (default: 'endpoint')
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_METHOD_TAG_NAME - tag name to use for the request method tag name (default: 'method')

        :param app: Flask app to configure this client for
        :type app: flask.Flask

        :param config: optional, dictionary of config values (defaults to `app.config`)
        :type config: dict
        # Used passed in config if provided, otherwise use the config from `app`
        if config is not None:
            self.config = config
        elif self.config is None:
            self.config = app.config

        # Set default values for expected config properties
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_HOST', 'localhost')
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE', 50)
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_NAMESPACE', None)
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_PORT', 8125)
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_TAGS', None)
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_USEMS', False)

        self.app = app

        # Configure DogStatsd client
        # https://github.com/DataDog/datadogpy/blob/v0.11.0/datadog/dogstatsd/base.py
        self.statsd = DogStatsd(host=self.config['STATSD_HOST'],

        # Configure any of our middleware

    def timer(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Helper to get a `flask_datadog.TimerWrapper` for this `DogStatsd` client"""
        return TimerWrapper(self.statsd, *args, **kwargs)

    def incr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Helper to expose `self.statsd.increment` under a shorter name"""
        return self.statsd.increment(*args, **kwargs)

    def decr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Helper to expose `self.statsd.decrement` under a shorter name"""
        return self.statsd.decrement(*args, **kwargs)

    def setup_middleware(self):
        """Helper to configure/setup any Flask-Datadog middleware"""
        # Configure response time middleware (if desired)
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_CONFIGURE_MIDDLEWARE', True)
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_METRIC_NAME', 'flask.response.time')
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_SAMPLE_RATE', 1)
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG', True)
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_ENDPOINT_TAG_NAME', 'endpoint')
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_METHOD_TAG_NAME', 'method')
        if self.config['DATADOG_CONFIGURE_MIDDLEWARE']:

    def before_request(self):
        Flask-Datadog middleware handle for before each request
        # Set the request start time
        g.flask_datadog_start_time = time.time()
        g.flask_datadog_request_tags = []

        # Add some default request tags
        if self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG']:
                # Endpoint tag
                # Method tag

    def after_request(self, response):
        Flask-Datadog middleware handler for after each request

        :param response: the response to be sent to the client
        :type response: ``flask.Response``
        :rtype: ``flask.Response``
        # Return early if we don't have the start time
        if not hasattr(g, 'flask_datadog_start_time'):
            return response

        # Get the response time for this request
        elapsed = time.time() - g.flask_datadog_start_time
        # Convert the elapsed time to milliseconds if they want them
        if self.use_ms:
            elapsed = int(round(1000 * elapsed))

        # Add some additional response tags
        if self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG']:
            self.add_request_tags(['status_code:%s' % (response.status_code, )])

        # Emit our timing metric

        # We ALWAYS have to return the original response
        return response

    def get_request_tags(self):
        Get the current list of tags set for this request

        :rtype: list
        return getattr(g, 'flask_datadog_request_tags', [])

    def add_request_tags(self, tags):
        Add the provided list of tags to the tags stored for this request

        :param tags: tags to add to this requests tags
        :type tags: list
        :rtype: list
        # Get the current list of tags to append to
        # DEV: We use this method since ``self.get_request_tags`` will ensure that we get a list back
        current_tags = self.get_request_tags()

        # Append our new tags, and return the new full list of tags for this request
        g.flask_datadog_request_tags = current_tags + tags
        return g.flask_datadog_request_tags

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        Magic method for fetching any underlying attributes from `self.statsd`

        We utilize `__getattr__` to ensure that we are always compatible with
        the `DogStatsd` client.
        # If `self.statsd` has the attribute then return that attribute
        if self.statsd and hasattr(self.statsd, name):
            return getattr(self.statsd, name)
        raise AttributeError('\'StatsD\' has has attribute \'{name}\''.format(name=name))

    def __enter__(self):
        Helper to expose the underlying `DogStatsd` client for context managing

        >>> statsd = StatsD(app=app)
        >>> # Batch any metrics within the `with` block
        >>> with statsd:
        >>>   statsd.increment('metric')
        return self.statsd.__enter__()

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Helper to expose the underlying `DogStatsd` client for context managing"""
        return self.statsd.__exit__(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
class StatsD(object):
    def __init__(self, app, config, statsd=None):
        self.config = config
        for key, value in DEFAULTS.items():
            self.config.setdefault(key, value)
        self.statsd = DogStatsd(host=self.config['STATSD_HOST'],
                                use_ms=self.config['STATSD_USEMS']) \
            if statsd is None \
            else statsd
        self.app = app

    def timer(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return TimerWrapper(self.statsd, *args, **kwargs)

    def incr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.statsd.increment(*args, **kwargs)

    def decr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.statsd.decrement(*args, **kwargs)

    def initialize_lifecycle_hooks(self):

    def before_request(self):

        g.flask_datadog_start_time = time.time()
        g.flask_datadog_request_tags = []

        if self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG']:

    def after_request(self, response):

        if not hasattr(g, 'flask_datadog_start_time'):
            return response

        elapsed = time.time() - g.flask_datadog_start_time
        if self.use_ms:
            elapsed = int(round(1000 * elapsed))

        if self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG']:
                ['status_code:%s' % (response.status_code, )])

        tags = self.get_request_tags()
        sample_rate = self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_SAMPLE_RATE']

                           elapsed, tags, sample_rate)

        if 'content-length' in response.headers:
            size = int(response.headers['content-length'])
                self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_SIZE_METRIC_NAME'], size, tags,
        return response

    def get_request_tags(self):
        return getattr(g, 'flask_datadog_request_tags', [])

    def add_request_tags(self, tags):
        current_tags = self.get_request_tags()
        g.flask_datadog_request_tags = current_tags + tags
        return g.flask_datadog_request_tags

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if self.statsd and hasattr(self.statsd, name):
            return getattr(self.statsd, name)
        raise AttributeError(
            '\'StatsD\' has attribute \'{name}\''.format(name=name))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self.statsd.__enter__()

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.statsd.__exit__(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
class StatsD(object):
    def __init__(self, app=None, config=None):
        Constructor for `flask.ext.datadog.StatsD`

        >>> from flask.ext.datadog import StatsD
        >>> app = Flask(__name__)
        >>> statsd = StatsD(app=app)

        :param app: Flask app to configure this client for, if `app` is `None`, then do not
            configure yet (call `init_app` manually instead)
        :type app: flask.Flask or None

        :param config: Configuration for this client to use instead of `app.config`
        :type config: dict or None
        self.config = config
        self.statsd = None

        # If an app was provided, then call `init_app` for them
        if app is not None:
            self.app = None

    def init_app(self, app, config=None):
        Initialize Datadog DogStatsd client from Flask app

        >>> from flask.ext.datadog import StatsD
        >>> app = Flask(__name__)
        >>> statsd = StatsD()
        >>> statsd.init_app(app=app)

        Available DogStatsd config settings:

          STATSD_HOST - statsd host to send metrics to (default: 'localhost')
          STATSD_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - max number of metrics to buffer before sending, only used when batching (default: 50)
          STATSD_NAMESPACE - metric name prefix to use, e.g. 'app_name' (default: None)
          STATSD_PORT - statsd port to send metrics to (default: 8125)
          STATSD_TAGS - list of tags to include by default, e.g. ['env:prod'] (default: None)
          STATSD_USEMS - whether or not to report timing in milliseconds (default: False)

        Available Flask-Datadog config settings:

          DATADOG_CONFIGURE_MIDDLEWARE - whether or not to setup response timing middleware (default: True)
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_METRIC_NAME - the name of the response time metric (default: 'flask.response.time')
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_SIZE_METRIC_NAME - the name of the response time metric (default: 'flask.response.size')
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_SAMPLE_RATE - the sample rate to use for response timing middleware (default: 1)
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG - whether to auto-add request/response tags to response metrics (default: True)
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_ENDPOINT_TAG_NAME - tag name to use for request endpoint tag name (default: 'endpoint')
          DATADOG_RESPONSE_METHOD_TAG_NAME - tag name to use for the request method tag name (default: 'method')

        :param app: Flask app to configure this client for
        :type app: flask.Flask

        :param config: optional, dictionary of config values (defaults to `app.config`)
        :type config: dict
        # Used passed in config if provided, otherwise use the config from `app`
        if config is not None:
            self.config = config
        elif self.config is None:
            self.config = app.config

        # Set default values for expected config properties
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_HOST', 'localhost')
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE', 50)
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_NAMESPACE', None)
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_PORT', 8125)
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_TAGS', None)
        self.config.setdefault('STATSD_USEMS', False)

        self.app = app

        # Configure DogStatsd client
        # https://github.com/DataDog/datadogpy/blob/v0.11.0/datadog/dogstatsd/base.py
        self.statsd = DogStatsd(host=self.config['STATSD_HOST'],

        # Configure any of our middleware

    def timer(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Helper to get a `flask_datadog.TimerWrapper` for this `DogStatsd` client"""
        return TimerWrapper(self.statsd, *args, **kwargs)

    def incr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Helper to expose `self.statsd.increment` under a shorter name"""
        return self.statsd.increment(*args, **kwargs)

    def decr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Helper to expose `self.statsd.decrement` under a shorter name"""
        return self.statsd.decrement(*args, **kwargs)

    def setup_middleware(self):
        """Helper to configure/setup any Flask-Datadog middleware"""
        # Configure response time middleware (if desired)
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_CONFIGURE_MIDDLEWARE', True)
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_SIZE_METRIC_NAME', 'flask.response.size')
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_METRIC_NAME', 'flask.response.time')
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_SAMPLE_RATE', 1)
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG', True)
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_ENDPOINT_TAG_NAME', 'endpoint')
        self.config.setdefault('DATADOG_RESPONSE_METHOD_TAG_NAME', 'method')
        if self.config['DATADOG_CONFIGURE_MIDDLEWARE']:

    def before_request(self):
        Flask-Datadog middleware handle for before each request
        # Set the request start time
        g.flask_datadog_start_time = time.time()
        g.flask_datadog_request_tags = []

        # Add some default request tags
        if self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG']:
                # Endpoint tag
                # Method tag

    def after_request(self, response):
        Flask-Datadog middleware handler for after each request

        :param response: the response to be sent to the client
        :type response: ``flask.Response``
        :rtype: ``flask.Response``
        # Return early if we don't have the start time
        if not hasattr(g, 'flask_datadog_start_time'):
            return response

        # Get the response time for this request
        elapsed = time.time() - g.flask_datadog_start_time
        # Convert the elapsed time to milliseconds if they want them
        if self.use_ms:
            elapsed = int(round(1000 * elapsed))

        # Add some additional response tags
        if self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_AUTO_TAG']:
            self.add_request_tags(['status_code:%s' % (response.status_code, )])

        tags = self.get_request_tags()
        sample_rate = self.config['DATADOG_RESPONSE_SAMPLE_RATE']

        # Emit timing metric

        # Emit response size metric
        if 'content-length' in response.headers:
            size = int(response.headers['content-length'])

        # We ALWAYS have to return the original response
        return response

    def get_request_tags(self):
        Get the current list of tags set for this request

        :rtype: list
        return getattr(g, 'flask_datadog_request_tags', [])

    def add_request_tags(self, tags):
        Add the provided list of tags to the tags stored for this request

        :param tags: tags to add to this requests tags
        :type tags: list
        :rtype: list
        # Get the current list of tags to append to
        # DEV: We use this method since ``self.get_request_tags`` will ensure that we get a list back
        current_tags = self.get_request_tags()

        # Append our new tags, and return the new full list of tags for this request
        g.flask_datadog_request_tags = current_tags + tags
        return g.flask_datadog_request_tags

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        Magic method for fetching any underlying attributes from `self.statsd`

        We utilize `__getattr__` to ensure that we are always compatible with
        the `DogStatsd` client.
        # If `self.statsd` has the attribute then return that attribute
        if self.statsd and hasattr(self.statsd, name):
            return getattr(self.statsd, name)
        raise AttributeError('\'StatsD\' has has attribute \'{name}\''.format(name=name))

    def __enter__(self):
        Helper to expose the underlying `DogStatsd` client for context managing

        >>> statsd = StatsD(app=app)
        >>> # Batch any metrics within the `with` block
        >>> with statsd:
        >>>   statsd.increment('metric')
        return self.statsd.__enter__()

    def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Helper to expose the underlying `DogStatsd` client for context managing"""
        return self.statsd.__exit__(*args, **kwargs)