Exemplo n.º 1
def test__init__(instance):
    with pytest.raises(BadConfigError):
        # Must define a unique 'name' per vCenter instance
        VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', {}, [{'': ''}])

    init_config = {
        'clean_morlist_interval': 50,
        'refresh_morlist_interval': 42,
        'refresh_metrics_metadata_interval': -42,
        'batch_property_collector_size': -1,
    check = VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', init_config, [instance])
    i_key = check._instance_key(instance)

    assert check.time_started > 0
    assert not check.server_instances
    assert check.cache_config.get_interval(CacheConfig.Morlist, i_key) == 42
    assert check.cache_config.get_interval(CacheConfig.Metadata, i_key) == -42
    assert check.clean_morlist_interval == 50
    assert len(check.event_config) == 1
    assert 'vsphere_mock' in check.event_config
    assert not check.registry
    assert not check.latest_event_query
    assert check.batch_collector_size == 0
    assert check.batch_morlist_size == 50
    assert check.excluded_host_tags == []
Exemplo n.º 2
def test__should_cache(instance):
    now = time.time()
    # do not use fixtures for the check instance, some params are set at
    # __init__ time and we need to instantiate the check multiple times
    check = VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', {}, [instance])
    i_key = check._instance_key(instance)

    # first run should always cache
    assert check._should_cache(instance, CacheConfig.Morlist)
    assert check._should_cache(instance, CacheConfig.Metadata)

    # explicitly set cache expiration times, don't use defaults so we also test
    # configuration is properly propagated
    init_config = {
        'refresh_morlist_interval': 2 * REFRESH_MORLIST_INTERVAL,
    check = VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', init_config, [instance])
    # simulate previous runs, set the last execution time in the past
    check.cache_config.set_last(CacheConfig.Morlist, i_key,
                                now - (2 * REFRESH_MORLIST_INTERVAL))
    check.cache_config.set_last(CacheConfig.Metadata, i_key,
                                now - (2 * REFRESH_METRICS_METADATA_INTERVAL))

    with mock.patch("time.time", return_value=now):
        assert not check._should_cache(instance, CacheConfig.Morlist)
        assert not check._should_cache(instance, CacheConfig.Metadata)
Exemplo n.º 3
def vsphere():
    Provide a check instance with mocked parts
    # mock the server
    server_mock = get_mocked_server()
    # create a check instance
    check = VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', {}, [_instance()])
    # patch the check instance
    check._get_server_instance = mock.MagicMock(return_value=server_mock)
    # return the check after disabling the thread pool
    return disable_thread_pool(check)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_excluded_host_tags(vsphere, instance, aggregator):
    # Check default value and precedence of instance config over init config
    check = VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', {}, [instance])
    assert check.excluded_host_tags == []
    check = VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', {"excluded_host_tags": ["vsphere_host"]}, [instance])
    assert check.excluded_host_tags == ["vsphere_host"]
    instance["excluded_host_tags"] = []
    check = VSphereLegacyCheck('vsphere', {"excluded_host_tags": ["vsphere_host"]}, [instance])
    assert check.excluded_host_tags == []

    # Test host tags are excluded from external host metadata, but still stored in the cache for metrics
    vsphere.excluded_host_tags = ["vsphere_host"]
    mocked_vm = MockedMOR(spec="VirtualMachine")
    mocked_host = MockedMOR(spec="HostSystem")
    mocked_mors_attrs = {
        mocked_vm: {
            "name": "mocked_vm",
            "parent": mocked_host,
            "runtime.powerState": vim.VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn,
        mocked_host: {"name": "mocked_host", "parent": None},

    with mock.patch(

        server_instance = vsphere._get_server_instance(instance)
        result = MagicMock()
        result.value = [23.4]
        server_instance.content.perfManager.QueryPerf.return_value = [MagicMock(value=[result], entity=mocked_vm)]
        vsphere.metadata_cache = MagicMock()
        vsphere.metadata_cache.get_metadata.return_value = {"name": "mymetric", "unit": "kb"}
        vsphere.in_compatibility_mode = MagicMock()
        vsphere.in_compatibility_mode.return_value = False

        ext_host_tags = vsphere.get_external_host_tags()

        # vsphere_host tag not in external metadata
        for host, source_tags in ext_host_tags:
            if host == u"mocked_vm":
                tags = source_tags["vsphere"]
                for tag in tags:
                    assert "vsphere_host:" not in tag

        # vsphere_host tag still in cache for sending with metrics
        aggregator.assert_metric('vsphere.mymetric', value=23.4, hostname="mocked_vm", count=1)
        aggregator.assert_metric_has_tag('vsphere.mymetric', tag="vsphere_host:mocked_host", count=1)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_service_check_ko(aggregator, instance):
    check = disable_thread_pool(VSphereLegacyCheck('disk', {}, [instance]))

    with mock.patch(
    ) as SmartConnect:
        # SmartConnect fails
        SmartConnect.side_effect = Exception()

        with pytest.raises(ConnectionError):



        # SmartConnect succeeds, CurrentTime fails
        server = MagicMock()
        server.CurrentTime.side_effect = Exception()
        SmartConnect.side_effect = None
        SmartConnect.return_value = server

        with pytest.raises(ConnectionError):

Exemplo n.º 6
    def __new__(cls, name, init_config, instances):
        """For backward compatibility reasons, there are two side-by-side implementations of the VSphereCheck.
        Instantiating this class will return an instance of the legacy integration for existing users and
        an instance of the new implementation for new users."""
        if is_affirmative(instances[0].get('use_legacy_check_version', True)):
            from datadog_checks.vsphere.legacy.vsphere_legacy import VSphereLegacyCheck

            return VSphereLegacyCheck(name, init_config, instances)
        return super(VSphereCheck, cls).__new__(cls)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_service_check_ok(aggregator, instance):
    check = disable_thread_pool(VSphereLegacyCheck('disk', {}, [instance]))
    with mock.patch('datadog_checks.vsphere.legacy.vsphere_legacy.vmodl'):
        with mock.patch('datadog_checks.vsphere.legacy.vsphere_legacy.connect.SmartConnect') as SmartConnect:
            SmartConnect.return_value = get_mocked_server()

                VSphereLegacyCheck.SERVICE_CHECK_NAME, status=VSphereLegacyCheck.OK, tags=SERVICE_CHECK_TAGS
Exemplo n.º 8
def test__is_excluded():
     * Exclude hosts/vms not compliant with the user's `*_include` configuration.
     * Exclude "non-labeled" virtual machines when the user configuration instructs to.
    # Sample(s)
    include_regexes = {'host_include': "f[o]+", 'vm_include': "f[o]+"}

    # OK
    included_host = MockedMOR(spec="HostSystem", name="foo")
    included_vm = MockedMOR(spec="VirtualMachine", name="foo")

    assert not VSphereLegacyCheck._is_excluded(included_host, {"name": included_host.name}, include_regexes, None)
    assert not VSphereLegacyCheck._is_excluded(included_vm, {"name": included_vm.name}, include_regexes, None)

    # Not OK!
    excluded_host = MockedMOR(spec="HostSystem", name="bar")
    excluded_vm = MockedMOR(spec="VirtualMachine", name="bar")

    assert VSphereLegacyCheck._is_excluded(excluded_host, {"name": excluded_host.name}, include_regexes, None)
    assert VSphereLegacyCheck._is_excluded(excluded_vm, {"name": excluded_vm.name}, include_regexes, None)

    # Sample(s)
    include_regexes = None
    include_only_marked = True

    # OK
    included_vm = MockedMOR(spec="VirtualMachine", name="foo", label=True)
    assert not VSphereLegacyCheck._is_excluded(
        included_vm, {"customValue": included_vm.customValue}, include_regexes, include_only_marked

    # Not OK
    included_vm = MockedMOR(spec="VirtualMachine", name="foo")
    assert VSphereLegacyCheck._is_excluded(included_vm, {"customValue": []}, include_regexes, include_only_marked)