def Train_model(category, epochs=15, bsize=100000, display_step=1):
    print('--- Loading Data ---')
    z = categories.index(category)
    namer = namerlist[z]
    path = 'category/' + namer + '/tf/'
    matpath = 'category/' + namer + '/matrixs/'
    loc = namer
    if os.path.exists(path):
    if not os.path.exists(matpath):

    permlist = Perm_loader(category)
    permlist = list(permlist)
    valilist = Devl_loader(category)
    asindict = Asin_loader(category)
    qdict = Asin_loader(category, 1)
    asinprod = Asinprod_loader(category)
    prodmat = Feat_prodloader(category)
    questmat = Feat_questloader(category, 'data')
    valmat = Feat_questloader(category, 'devl')
    m, n = prodmat.shape
    p, q = questmat.shape
    count = 0
    t = 0
    z = 0
    total = len(list(asindict.keys()))

    Xmat = np.zeros((valmat.shape[0] * 2, 2 * valmat.shape[1]))
    Ymat = np.zeros((valmat.shape[0] * 2, 2))

    print('--- Creating Validation Matrix ---')
    s = time.time()
    for v, i in enumerate(valilist):
        e = qdict[str(i)]
            xpos = np.argwhere(asinprod == e)
            Xmat[v, :nfeat] = prodmat[xpos, :]
            Xmat[v, nfeat:] = valmat[v, :]
            Ymat[v, 1] = 1
            Xmat[v, :nfeat] = prodmat[np.random.randint(m), :]
            Xmat[v, nfeat:] = valmat[v, :]
            Ymat[v, 0] = 1
        if z % 100 == 0:
            e = time.time()
            print('Progress: %6.3f - %7d/%7d Time: %8.3fs' %
                  (z / valmat.shape[0] * 100, z, valmat.shape[0], e - s))
        z += 1
    z = 0
    qlist = list(qdict.keys())
    print('Fill with negative')
    for d in range(v, Xmat.shape[0]):
        select = np.random.randint(m)
        prodasin = asinprod[select]
        while prodasin in qlist:
            select = np.random.randint(m)
            prodasin = asinprod[select]
        Xmat[d, :nfeat] = prodmat[select, :]
        Xmat[d, nfeat:] = questmat[np.random.randint(p), :]
        Ymat[d, 0] = 1
        if z % 100 == 0:
            e = time.time()
            print('Progress: %6.3f - %7d/%7d Time: %8.3fs' %
                  (z / valmat.shape[0] * 100, z, valmat.shape[0], e - s))
        z += 1
    e = time.time()
    print('Validation matrix shape:', Xmat.shape,
          'Time took: %8.3fs' % (e - s))
    t_zero_count = 0
    t_one_count = 0
    for f in Ymat:
        if f[1] == 1.:
            t_one_count += 1
            t_zero_count += 1
    total = t_zero_count + t_one_count
    t_zero_count += 1
    t_one_count -= 1
    uid = 0
    labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
    resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input))
    count = 0
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
        writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(path, sess.graph)
        trainwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'train/')
        valwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'val/')
        start = time.time()
        # Epoch Loop
        plist = asinprod
        qtlist = []
        keepresmat = np.zeros((1, 2 * nfeat))
        keeplabelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
        nfiles = []
        for e in range(epochs):
            # Loop trough all products that have questions
            if e == 0:
                for prog, i in enumerate(asindict.keys()):
                    d = 0
                    # Check wether product exists in the dataset
                    if i in asinprod:
                        pos = np.argwhere(asinprod == i)
                        if i in plist:
                            plist = np.delete(plist, np.where(asinprod == i))
                        labellist = np.zeros((1, 2))
                        tempmat = np.zeros((1, 2 * nfeat))
                        # For each true question
                        tlist = []
                        for t in asindict[i]:
                            tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pos, :]
                            # Ensure it is in the trainingset.
                            if t in permlist:
                                labellist[0, 1] = 1
                                labelmat = np.append(labelmat,
                                d += 1
                                tpos = permlist.index(t)
                                test = questmat[tpos, :]
                                tempmat[0, nfeat:] = questmat[tpos, :]
                                resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0)
                        labellist = np.zeros((1, 2))
                        if tlist not in qtlist:
                        # Create equally amounts of negative samples
                        for fill in range(d + 1):
                            tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pos, :]
                            select = np.random.randint(p)
                            while select in tlist:
                                select = np.random.randint(p)
                            tempmat[0, nfeat:] = questmat[select, :]
                            resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0)
                            labellist[0, 0] = 1
                            labelmat = np.append(labelmat, labellist, axis=0)

                        for fill in range(2 * d):
                            pselect = np.random.randint(len(plist))
                            while pselect in qlist:
                                pselect = np.random.randint(len(plist))
                            qselect = np.random.randint(p)
                            tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pselect, :]
                            tempmat[0, nfeat:] = questmat[qselect, :]
                            resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0)
                            labellist[0, 0] = 1
                            labelmat = np.append(labelmat, labellist, axis=0)

                    if prog % bsize == bsize - 1:
                        resmat = np.delete(resmat, 0, 0)
                        labelmat = np.delete(labelmat, 0, 0)
               + str(prog) + 'res', resmat)
               + str(prog) + 'label', labelmat)
                        resmat = np.zeros((1, 2 * nfeat))
                        labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
                        _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged],
                                                    X: resmat,
                                                    Y: labelmat
                        resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input))
                        labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
                        uid += 1
                        trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid)

    #                if prog > 16:
    #                    break

                if resmat.shape[0] > 1:
                    resmat = np.delete(resmat, 0, 0)
                    labelmat = np.delete(labelmat, 0, 0)
           + str(prog) + 'res', resmat)
           + str(prog) + 'label', labelmat)
                    resmat = np.zeros((1, 2 * nfeat))
                    labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
                    _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged],
                                                X: resmat,
                                                Y: labelmat
                    resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input))
                    labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
                    uid += 1
                    trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid)
                    qwerty = 0
                qwerty = 0
                for bname in nfiles:
                    resmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname) + 'res.npy')
                    labelmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname) + 'label.npy')
                    qwerty += resmat.shape[0] * resmat.shape[1]
                    _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged],
                                                X: resmat,
                                                Y: labelmat
                    uid += 1
                    trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid)

            end = time.time()
            if e % display_step == 0:
                print("Epoch:", '%4d' % (e + 1), "cost = {:.9f}".format(c),
                      "Time took: %8.2f" % (end - start))
            output =[accuracy, pred, merged],
                                  X: Xmat,
                                  Y: Ymat
            valwriter.add_summary(output[2], e)

            print("Accuracy", output[0])
            print("Input Parameters", qwerty)
            zero_count = 0
            one_count = 0
            TP = 0
            FP = 0
            TN = 0
            FN = 0
            zcount = 0
            for j in output[1]:
                if np.argmax(j) == 1:
                    one_count += 1
                    zero_count += 1
            print('zero count =%7d/%7d' % (zero_count, t_zero_count))
            print('one count  =%7d/%7d' % (one_count, t_one_count))

            for i in range(0, total):
                if np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax(output[1][i]) == 1:
                    TP += 1
                elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax(
                        output[1][i]) == 0:
                    FN += 1
                elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 0 and np.argmax(
                        output[1][i]) == 0:
                    TN += 1
                    FP += 1
            print('TP = %7d/%7d , FP = %7d/%7d' %
                  (TP, t_one_count, FP, t_zero_count))
            print('TN = %7d/%7d , FN = %7d/%7d' %
                  (TN, t_zero_count, FN, t_one_count))

            if c < 0.001:
                count += 1
                if count == 168:
                count = 0

        if os.path.exists(matpath):
        save_path =, path + loc)
    'HPC', 'HoKi', 'InSc', 'Musi', 'OffP', 'PLG', 'Pet', 'Soft', 'Out', 'Tool',
    'Toy', 'Game'
categories = [
    'Appliances', 'Arts, Crafts and Sewing', 'Automotive', 'Baby', 'Beauty',
    'Cell Phones and Accessories', 'Clothing, Shoes and Jewelry',
    'Electronics', 'Grocery and Gourmet food', 'Health and Personal Care',
    'Home and Kitchen', 'Industrial and Scientific', 'Musical Instruments',
    'Office Products', 'Patio, Lawn and Garden', 'Pet Supplies', 'Software',
    'Sports and Outdoors', 'Tools and Home Improvement', 'Toys and Games',
    'Video Games'

modelpath = "/media/magnus/2FB8B2080D52768C/models/"

prod = Feat_questloader('Appliances')
nfeat = prod.shape[1]
prod = ''

#lrate =0.00000001
#lrate = 0.000001
lrate = 0.001

n_hidden_1 = 3 * nfeat  # Nodes for the MLP model
n_hidden_2 = 2 * nfeat  # Nodes for the MLP model
n_hidden_3 = 1 * nfeat  # Nodes for the MLP model
n_input = 2 * nfeat  # Nodes for the MLP model
n_classes = 2  # Output classes 0/1
    'HPC', 'HoKi', 'InSc', 'Musi', 'OffP', 'PLG', 'Pet', 'Soft', 'Out', 'Tool',
    'Toy', 'Game'
categories = [
    'Appliances', 'Arts, Crafts and Sewing', 'Automotive', 'Baby', 'Beauty',
    'Cell Phones and Accessories', 'Clothing, Shoes and Jewelry',
    'Electronics', 'Grocery and Gourmet food', 'Health and Personal Care',
    'Home and Kitchen', 'Industrial and Scientific', 'Musical Instruments',
    'Office Products', 'Patio, Lawn and Garden', 'Pet Supplies', 'Software',
    'Sports and Outdoors', 'Tools and Home Improvement', 'Toys and Games',
    'Video Games'

modelpath = "/media/magnus/2FB8B2080D52768C/models/"

prod = Feat_questloader('Baby')
nfeat = prod.shape[1]
prod = ''

#      0 123456789
#lrate =0.0000000001
#lrate = 0.000001
lrate = 0.0001

n_hidden_1 = 16 * nfeat  # Nodes for the MLP model
n_hidden_2 = 1 * nfeat  # Nodes for the MLP model
n_hidden_3 = 1 * nfeat  # Nodes for the MLP model
n_hidden_4 = 1 * nfeat  # Nodes for the MLP model
def Train_model(category, epochs=15, bsize=100000, display_step=1, bpoint=0.0):
    print('--- Loading Data ---')
    z = categories.index(category)
    namer = namerlist[z]
    path = 'category/' + namer + '/tf/'
    matpath = 'category/' + namer + '/matrixs/'
    loc = namer
    if os.path.exists(path):
    if not os.path.exists(matpath):

    permlist = Perm_loader(category)
    permlist = list(permlist)
    valilist = Devl_loader(category)
    asindict = Asin_loader(category)
    qdict = Asin_loader(category, 1)
    asinprod = Asinprod_loader(category)
    prodmat = Feat_prodloader(category)
    questmat = Feat_questloader(category, 'data')
    #    questmat = Feat_questloader_V2(category,'data')
    valmat = Feat_questloader(category, 'devl')
    m, n = prodmat.shape
    p, q = questmat.shape
    v = 0
    t = 0
    z = 0
    total = len(list(asindict.keys()))
    valnum = valmat.shape[0]
    Xmat = np.zeros((valnum * 2, 4 * valmat.shape[1]))
    Ymat = np.zeros((valnum * 2, 2))
    xlist = []
    qlist = list(qdict.keys())
    alist = list(asindict.keys())
    #    print(len(qlist))
    #    print(len(valilist))
    #    print(qdict.keys())
    #    print(kage)
    print('--- Creating Validation Matrix ---')
    s = time.time()
    #    print(asinprod)
    for i in (valilist):
        e = qdict[str(i)]
        if e in asinprod:
            xpos = np.argwhere(asinprod == e)
            Xmat[v, :nfeat] = prodmat[xpos, :]
            Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat] = valmat[z, :]
                 2 * nfeat:3 * nfeat] = np.multiply(Xmat[v, :nfeat],
                                                    Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat])
                 3 * nfeat:4 * nfeat] = np.subtract(Xmat[v, :nfeat],
                                                    Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat])
            Ymat[v, 1] = 1
            v += 1
            Xmat[v, :nfeat] = prodmat[xpos, :]
            c = 1
            while c > bpoint:
                select = np.random.randint(len(valilist))
                sel = valilist[select]
                sel = qdict[str(sel)]
                if sel in asinprod:
                    selpos = np.argwhere(asinprod == sel)
                    p1 = prodmat[int(xpos)]
                    p2 = prodmat[int(selpos)]
                    ct = np.sum(, p2))
                    cb = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(p1, 2))) * np.sqrt(
                        np.sum(np.power(p2, 2)))
                    c = ct / cb
            Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat] = valmat[select, :]
                 2 * nfeat:3 * nfeat] = np.multiply(Xmat[v, :nfeat],
                                                    Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat])
                 3 * nfeat:4 * nfeat] = np.subtract(Xmat[v, :nfeat],
                                                    Xmat[v, nfeat:2 * nfeat])
            Ymat[v, 0] = 1
            v += 1
            Xmat = np.delete(Xmat, v, 0)
            Xmat = np.delete(Xmat, v, 0)
            Ymat = np.delete(Ymat, v, 0)
            Ymat = np.delete(Ymat, v, 0)
#            Xmat[v,:nfeat] = prodmat[np.random.randint(m),:]
#            Xmat[v,nfeat:2*nfeat] = valmat[v,:]
#            Ymat[v,0] = 1
#            Xmat[v,2*nfeat:3*nfeat] = np.multiply(Xmat[v,:nfeat],Xmat[v,nfeat:2*nfeat])
#            Xmat[v,3*nfeat:4*nfeat] = np.subtract(Xmat[v,:nfeat],Xmat[v,nfeat:2*nfeat])
        if z % 1000 == 0:
            e = time.time()
            print('Progress: %6.3f - %7d/%7d Time: %8.3fs' %
                  (z / valmat.shape[0] * 100, z, valmat.shape[0], e - s))
        z += 1
    z = 0
    print('Fill with negative')
    testmax = np.argmax(Xmat)
    testmin = np.argmin(Xmat)
    testmax = np.unravel_index(testmax, Xmat.shape)
    testmin = np.unravel_index(testmin, Xmat.shape)
    permute = np.random.permutation(Xmat.shape[0])
    Xmat = Xmat[permute]
    Ymat = Ymat[permute]
    #    for d in range(v,Xmat.shape[0]):
    #        select = np.random.randint(len(xlist))
    #        prodasin = np.argwhere(asinprod == xlist[select])
    #        while select in asinprod[qlist]:
    #            select = np.random.randint(len(xlist))
    #            prodasin = np.argwhere(asinprod == xlist[select])
    #        Xmat[d,:nfeat] = prodmat[select,:]
    #        Xmat[d,nfeat:2*nfeat] = questmat[np.random.randint(p),:]
    #        Xmat[d,2*nfeat:3*nfeat] = np.multiply(Xmat[d,:nfeat],Xmat[d,nfeat:2*nfeat])
    #        Xmat[d,3*nfeat:4*nfeat] = np.subtract(Xmat[d,:nfeat],Xmat[d,nfeat:2*nfeat])
    #        Ymat[d,0] = 1
    #        if z % 1000 == 0:
    #            e = time.time()
    #            print('Progress: %6.3f - %7d/%7d Time: %8.3fs'%(z/valmat.shape[0]*100,z,valmat.shape[0],e-s))
    #        z += 1
    e = time.time()
    print('Validation matrix shape:', Xmat.shape,
          'Time took: %8.3fs' % (e - s))
    t_zero_count = 0
    t_one_count = 0
    for f in Ymat:
        if f[1] == 1.:
            t_one_count += 1
            t_zero_count += 1
    total = t_zero_count + t_one_count
    uid = 0
    labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
    resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input))
    count = 0

    total_parameters = 0
    #iterating over all variables
    for variable in tf.trainable_variables():
        local_parameters = 1
        shape = variable.get_shape()
        #getting shape of a variable
        for i in shape:
            local_parameters *= i.value
            #mutiplying dimension values
            total_parameters += local_parameters
    print('Number of params in model ' + str(total_parameters))

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
        writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(path, sess.graph)
        trainwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'train/')
        valwriter = tf.summary.FileWriter(path + 'val/')
        start = time.time()
        # Epoch Loop
        plist = asinprod
        qtlist = []
        keepresmat = np.zeros((1, 4 * nfeat))
        keeplabelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
        nfiles = []
        zerolabelmat = 0
        onelabelmat = 0
        for e in range(epochs):
            # Loop trough all products that have questions
            if e == 0:
                if os.path.exists(matpath + '/' + str(bsize - 1) + 'res.npy'):
                for prog, i in enumerate(asindict.keys()):
                    d = 0
                    # Check wether product exists in the dataset
                    if i in asinprod:
                        pos = np.argwhere(asinprod == i)
                        if i in plist:
                            plist = np.delete(plist, np.where(asinprod == i))
                        labellist = np.zeros((1, 2))
                        tempmat = np.zeros((1, 4 * nfeat))
                        # For each true question
                        tlist = []
                        for t in asindict[i]:
                            tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pos, :]
                            # Ensure it is in the trainingset.
                            if t in permlist:
                                labellist[0, 1] = 1
                                labelmat = np.append(labelmat,
                                d += 1
                                tpos = permlist.index(t)
                                test = questmat[tpos, :]
                                tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat] = questmat[tpos, :]
                                tempmat[0, 2 * nfeat:3 * nfeat] = np.multiply(
                                    tempmat[0, :nfeat],
                                    tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat])
                                tempmat[0, 3 * nfeat:4 * nfeat] = np.subtract(
                                    tempmat[0, :nfeat],
                                    tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat])
                                resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0)
                        labellist = np.zeros((1, 2))
                        if tlist not in qtlist:
                        # Create equally amounts of negative samples

                        for fill in range(d + 1):
                            tempmat[0, :nfeat] = prodmat[pos, :]
                            d = 1
                            #                            select = np.random.randint(p)
                            #                            while select in tlist:
                            #                                select = np.random.randint(p)
                            while d > bpoint:
                                select = np.random.randint(len(permlist))
                                #                                sel = plist[select]
                                sel = qdict[str(select)]
                                if sel in asinprod:
                                    selpos = np.argwhere(asinprod == sel)
                                    p1 = prodmat[int(pos)]
                                    p2 = prodmat[int(selpos)]
                                    ct = np.sum(, p2))
                                    cb = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(
                                        p1, 2))) * np.sqrt(
                                            np.sum(np.power(p2, 2)))
                                    d = ct / cb
#                                    print(d)
                            tempmat[0, nfeat:2 * nfeat] = questmat[select, :]
                            tempmat[0, 2 * nfeat:3 * nfeat] = np.multiply(
                                tempmat[0, :nfeat], tempmat[0,
                                                            nfeat:2 * nfeat])
                            tempmat[0, 3 * nfeat:4 * nfeat] = np.subtract(
                                tempmat[0, :nfeat], tempmat[0,
                                                            nfeat:2 * nfeat])
                            resmat = np.append(resmat, tempmat, axis=0)
                            labellist[0, 0] = 1
                            labelmat = np.append(labelmat, labellist, axis=0)

#                        for fill in range(2*d):
#                            pselect = np.random.randint(len(plist))
#                            while pselect in qlist:
#                                pselect = np.random.randint(len(plist))
#                            qselect = np.random.randint(p)
#                            tempmat[0,:nfeat] = prodmat[pselect,:]
#                            tempmat[0,nfeat:2*nfeat] = questmat[qselect,:]
#                            tempmat[0,2*nfeat:3*nfeat] = np.multiply(tempmat[0,:nfeat],tempmat[0,nfeat:2*nfeat])
#                            tempmat[0,3*nfeat:4*nfeat] = np.subtract(tempmat[0,:nfeat],tempmat[0,nfeat:2*nfeat])
#                            resmat = np.append(resmat,tempmat,axis=0)
#                            labellist[0,0] = 1
#                            labelmat = np.append(labelmat,labellist,axis=0)

                    if prog % bsize == bsize - 1:
                        testmax = np.argmax(resmat)
                        testmin = np.argmin(resmat)
                        testmax = np.unravel_index(testmax, resmat.shape)
                        testmin = np.unravel_index(testmin, resmat.shape)
                        resmat = np.delete(resmat, 0, 0)
                        labelmat = np.delete(labelmat, 0, 0)
                        permute = np.random.permutation(resmat.shape[0])
                        resmat = resmat[permute]
                        labelmat = labelmat[permute]

                        #                        zerolabelmat += np.sum(labelmat[:,0])
                        #                        onelabelmat += np.sum(labelmat[:,1])
               + str(prog) + 'res', resmat)
               + str(prog) + 'label', labelmat)
                        _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged],
                                                    X: resmat,
                                                    Y: labelmat
                        resmat = np.zeros((1, n_input))
                        labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
                        uid += 1
                        trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid)
                        resmat = np.zeros((1, 4 * nfeat))
                        labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))

#                    if prog % bsize == bsize-1:
#                        break

                if resmat.shape[0] > 1:
                    testmax = np.argmax(resmat)
                    testmin = np.argmin(resmat)
                    testmax = np.unravel_index(testmax, resmat.shape)
                    testmin = np.unravel_index(testmin, resmat.shape)
                    resmat = np.delete(resmat, 0, 0)
                    labelmat = np.delete(labelmat, 0, 0)
                    permute = np.random.permutation(resmat.shape[0])
                    resmat = resmat[permute]
                    labelmat = labelmat[permute]
           + str(prog) + 'res', resmat)
           + str(prog) + 'label', labelmat)
                    _, c, sumsum =[train_op, loss_op, merged],
                                                X: resmat,
                                                Y: labelmat
                    uid += 1
                    trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid)
                    resmat = np.zeros((1, 4 * nfeat))
                    labelmat = np.zeros((1, 2))
                    qwerty = 0

                qwerty = 0
                zero_count = 0
                one_count = 0
                if len(nfiles) > 1:
                    for bname in nfiles:
                        resmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname) + 'res.npy')
                        labelmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname) + 'label.npy')
                        qwerty += resmat.shape[0] * resmat.shape[1]
                        _, c, output, sumsum =
                            [train_op, loss_op, pred, merged],
                                X: resmat,
                                Y: labelmat
                        uid += 1
                        trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid)
                    for bname in range(bsize, 100000, bsize):
                        if os.path.exists(matpath + '/' + str(bname - 1) +
                            resmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname - 1) +
                            labelmat = np.load(matpath + str(bname - 1) +
                            qwerty += resmat.shape[0] * resmat.shape[1]
                            _, c, output, sumsum =
                                [train_op, loss_op, pred, merged],
                                    X: resmat,
                                    Y: labelmat
                            uid += 1
                            trainwriter.add_summary(sumsum, uid)

            end = time.time()
            if e % display_step == 0:
                print("Epoch:", '%4d' % (e), "cost = {:.9f}".format(c),
                      "Time took: %8.2f" % (end - start))
            output =[accuracy, pred, merged],
                                  X: Xmat,
                                  Y: Ymat
            valwriter.add_summary(output[2], e)
            #            print('Validations results')
            print("Accuracy", output[0])
            print("Input Parameters", qwerty)
            zero_count = 0
            one_count = 0
            TP = 0
            FP = 0
            TN = 0
            FN = 0
            for j in output[1]:
                if np.argmax(j) == 1:
                    one_count += 1
                    zero_count += 1
            print('zero count =%7d/%7d' % (zero_count, t_zero_count))
            print('one count  =%7d/%7d' % (one_count, t_one_count))

            for i in range(0, total):
                if np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax(output[1][i]) == 1:
                    TP += 1
                elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 1 and np.argmax(
                        output[1][i]) == 0:
                    FN += 1
                elif np.argmax(Ymat[i, :]) == 0 and np.argmax(
                        output[1][i]) == 0:
                    TN += 1
                    FP += 1
            print('TP = %7d/%7d , FP = %7d/%7d' %
                  (TP, t_one_count, FP, t_zero_count))
            print('TN = %7d/%7d , FN = %7d/%7d' %
                  (TN, t_zero_count, FN, t_one_count))

            if c < 0.001:
                count += 1
                if count == 168:
                count = 0