Exemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(loc,
        if json:
            from datalad.interface.ls_webui import _ls_json

        if isinstance(loc, list) and not len(loc):
            # nothing given, CWD assumed -- just like regular ls
            loc = '.'

        kw = dict(fast=fast, recursive=recursive, all_=all_, long_=long_)
        if isinstance(loc, list):
            return [
                            **kw) for loc_ in loc

        # TODO: do some clever handling of kwargs as to remember what were defaults
        # and what any particular implementation actually needs, and then issuing
        # warning if some custom value/option was specified which doesn't apply to the
        # given url

        # rename to not angry Python gods who took all_ good words
        kw['long_'] = kw.pop('long_')

        loc_type = "unknown"
        if loc.startswith('s3://'):
            return _ls_s3(loc,
        elif lexists(loc):
            if isdir(loc):
                ds = Dataset(loc)
                if ds.is_installed():
                    return _ls_json(loc, json=json, **
                                    kw) if json else _ls_dataset(loc, **kw)
                    loc_type = False
                    loc_type = "dir"  # we know that so far for sure
                    # it might have been an uninstalled dataset within super-dataset
                    superds = ds.get_superdataset()
                    if superds:
                            subdatasets = Ls._cached_subdatasets[superds.path]
                        except KeyError:
                            subdatasets = Ls._cached_subdatasets[superds.path] \
                                = superds.subdatasets(result_xfm='relpaths')
                        if relpath(ds.path, superds.path) in subdatasets:
                            loc_type = "not installed"
                loc_type = "file"
                # could list properties -- under annex or git, either clean/dirty
                # etc
                # repo = get_repo_instance(dirname(loc))

        if loc_type:
            #raise ValueError("ATM supporting only s3:// URLs and paths to local datasets")
            # TODO: unify all_ the output here -- _ls functions should just return something
            # to be displayed
            ui.message("{}  {}".format(
                ansi_colors.color_word(loc, ansi_colors.DATASET),
                    loc_type, ansi_colors.RED if loc_type
                    in {'unknown', 'not installed'} else ansi_colors.BLUE)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_ls_json(topdir):
    annex = AnnexRepo(topdir, create=True)
    dsj = Dataset(topdir)
    # create some file and commit it
    with open(opj(dsj.path, 'subdsfile.txt'), 'w') as f:
    dsj.save("Hello!", version_tag=1)

    # add a subdataset
    dsj.install('subds', source=topdir)

    subdirds = dsj.create(_path_('dir/subds2'), force=True)

    git = GitRepo(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit'), create=True)  # create git repo
    git.add(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit', 'fgit.txt'),
            commit=True)  # commit to git to init git repo
    annex.add(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit'),
              commit=True)  # add the non-dataset git repo to annex
    annex.add(opj(topdir, 'dir'), commit=True)  # add to annex (links)
    annex.drop(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir', 'file2.txt'),
               options=['--force'])  # broken-link

    meta_dir = opj('.git', 'datalad', 'metadata')
    meta_path = opj(topdir, meta_dir)

    def get_metahash(*path):
        if not path:
            path = ['/']
        return hashlib.md5(opj(*path).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

    def get_metapath(dspath, *path):
        return _path_(dspath, meta_dir, get_metahash(*path))

    def get_meta(dspath, *path):
        with open(get_metapath(dspath, *path)) as f:
            return js.load(f)

    for all_ in [True, False]:  # recurse directories
        for recursive in [True, False]:
            for state in ['file', 'delete']:
                # subdataset should have its json created and deleted when
                # all=True else not
                subds_metapath = get_metapath(opj(topdir, 'subds'))
                exists_prior = exists(subds_metapath)

                #with swallow_logs(), swallow_outputs():
                dsj = _ls_json(topdir,

                exists_post = exists(subds_metapath)
                # print("%s %s -> %s" % (state, exists_prior, exists_post))
                assert_equal(exists_post, (state == 'file' and recursive))

                # root should have its json file created and deleted in all cases
                ds_metapath = get_metapath(topdir)
                assert_equal(exists(ds_metapath), state == 'file')

                # children should have their metadata json's created and deleted only when recursive=True
                child_metapath = get_metapath(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir')
                             (state == 'file' and all_))

                # ignored directories should not have json files created in any case
                for subdir in [('.hidden', ), ('dir', 'subgit')]:
                    assert_false(exists(get_metapath(topdir, *subdir)))

                # check if its updated in its nodes sublist too. used by web-ui json. regression test

                # check size of subdataset
                subds = [
                    item for item in dsj['nodes']
                    if item['name'] == ('subdsfile.txt' or 'subds')
                assert_equal(subds['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')

                # dir/subds2 must not be listed among nodes of the top dataset:
                topds_nodes = {x['name']: x for x in dsj['nodes']}

                assert_in('subds', topds_nodes)
                # XXX
                # # condition here is a bit a guesswork by yoh later on
                # # TODO: here and below clear destiny/interaction of all_ and recursive
                # assert_equal(dsj['size']['total'],
                #              '15 Bytes' if (recursive and all_) else
                #              ('9 Bytes' if (recursive or all_) else '3 Bytes')
                # )

                # https://github.com/datalad/datalad/issues/1674
                if state == 'file' and all_:
                    dirj = get_meta(topdir, 'dir')
                    dir_nodes = {x['name']: x for x in dirj['nodes']}
                    # it should be present in the subdir meta
                    assert_in('subds2', dir_nodes)
                # and not in topds
                assert_not_in('subds2', topds_nodes)

                # run non-recursive dataset traversal after subdataset metadata already created
                # to verify sub-dataset metadata being picked up from its metadata file in such cases
                if state == 'file' and recursive and not all_:
                    dsj = _ls_json(topdir, json='file', all_=False)
                    subds = [
                        item for item in dsj['nodes']
                        if item['name'] == ('subdsfile.txt' or 'subds')
                    assert_equal(subds['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_ls_json(topdir, topurl):
    annex = AnnexRepo(topdir, create=True)
    ds = Dataset(topdir)
    # create some file and commit it
    with open(opj(ds.path, 'subdsfile.txt'), 'w') as f:
    ds.save(path='subdsfile.txt', message="Hello!", version_tag=1)

    # add a subdataset
    ds.install('subds', source=topdir)

    subdirds = ds.create(_path_('dir/subds2'), force=True)

    git = GitRepo(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit'), create=True)  # create git repo
    git.add(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit',
                'fgit.txt'))  # commit to git to init git repo
    annex.add(opj(topdir, 'dir',
                  'subgit'))  # add the non-dataset git repo to annex
    annex.add(opj(topdir, 'dir'))  # add to annex (links)
    annex.drop(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir', 'file2.txt'),
               options=['--force'])  # broken-link

    git.add('fgit.txt')  # commit to git to init git repo
    # annex.add doesn't add submodule, so using ds.add
    ds.save(opj('dir', 'subgit'))  # add the non-dataset git repo to annex
    ds.save('dir')  # add to annex (links)
    ds.drop(opj('dir', 'subdir', 'file2.txt'), check=False)  # broken-link

    # register "external" submodule  by installing and uninstalling it
    ext_url = topurl + '/dir/subgit/.git'
    # need to make it installable via http
    WitlessRunner(cwd=opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit')).run(
        ['git', 'update-server-info'])
    ds.install(opj('dir', 'subgit_ext'), source=ext_url)
    ds.uninstall(opj('dir', 'subgit_ext'))
    meta_dir = opj('.git', 'datalad', 'metadata')

    def get_metahash(*path):
        if not path:
            path = ['/']
        return hashlib.md5(opj(*path).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

    def get_metapath(dspath, *path):
        return _path_(dspath, meta_dir, get_metahash(*path))

    def get_meta(dspath, *path):
        with open(get_metapath(dspath, *path)) as f:
            return js.load(f)

    # Let's see that there is no crash if one of the files is available only
    # in relaxed URL mode, so no size could be picked up
                            topurl + '/noteventhere',

    for all_ in [True, False]:  # recurse directories
        for recursive in [True, False]:
            for state in ['file', 'delete']:
                # subdataset should have its json created and deleted when
                # all=True else not
                subds_metapath = get_metapath(opj(topdir, 'subds'))
                exists_prior = exists(subds_metapath)

                #with swallow_logs(), swallow_outputs():
                dsj = _ls_json(topdir,
                ok_startswith(dsj['tags'], '1-')

                exists_post = exists(subds_metapath)
                # print("%s %s -> %s" % (state, exists_prior, exists_post))
                assert_equal(exists_post, (state == 'file' and recursive))

                # root should have its json file created and deleted in all cases
                ds_metapath = get_metapath(topdir)
                assert_equal(exists(ds_metapath), state == 'file')

                # children should have their metadata json's created and deleted only when recursive=True
                child_metapath = get_metapath(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir')
                             (state == 'file' and all_))

                # ignored directories should not have json files created in any case
                for subdir in [('.hidden', ), ('dir', 'subgit')]:
                    assert_false(exists(get_metapath(topdir, *subdir)))

                # check if its updated in its nodes sublist too. used by web-ui json. regression test

                # check size of subdataset
                subds = [
                    item for item in dsj['nodes']
                    if item['name'] == ('subdsfile.txt' or 'subds')
                assert_equal(subds['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')

                # dir/subds2 must not be listed among nodes of the top dataset:
                topds_nodes = {x['name']: x for x in dsj['nodes']}

                assert_in('subds', topds_nodes)
                # XXX
                # # condition here is a bit a guesswork by yoh later on
                # # TODO: here and below clear destiny/interaction of all_ and recursive
                # assert_equal(dsj['size']['total'],
                #              '15 Bytes' if (recursive and all_) else
                #              ('9 Bytes' if (recursive or all_) else '3 Bytes')
                # )

                # https://github.com/datalad/datalad/issues/1674
                if state == 'file' and all_:
                    dirj = get_meta(topdir, 'dir')
                    dir_nodes = {x['name']: x for x in dirj['nodes']}
                    # it should be present in the subdir meta
                    assert_in('subds2', dir_nodes)
                    assert_not_in('url_external', dir_nodes['subds2'])
                    assert_in('subgit_ext', dir_nodes)
                    assert_equal(dir_nodes['subgit_ext']['url'], ext_url)
                # and not in topds
                assert_not_in('subds2', topds_nodes)

                # run non-recursive dataset traversal after subdataset metadata already created
                # to verify sub-dataset metadata being picked up from its metadata file in such cases
                if state == 'file' and recursive and not all_:
                    dsj = _ls_json(topdir, json='file', all_=False)
                    subds = [
                        item for item in dsj['nodes']
                        if item['name'] == ('subdsfile.txt' or 'subds')
                    assert_equal(subds['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')

Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ls.py Projeto: hanke/datalad
    def __call__(loc, recursive=False, fast=False, all_=False, long_=False,
                 config_file=None, list_content=False, json=None):
        if json:
            from datalad.interface.ls_webui import _ls_json

        if isinstance(loc, list) and not len(loc):
            # nothing given, CWD assumed -- just like regular ls
            loc = '.'

        kw = dict(fast=fast, recursive=recursive, all_=all_, long_=long_)
        if isinstance(loc, list):
            return [Ls.__call__(loc_, config_file=config_file,
                                list_content=list_content, json=json, **kw)
                    for loc_ in loc]

        # TODO: do some clever handling of kwargs as to remember what were defaults
        # and what any particular implementation actually needs, and then issuing
        # warning if some custom value/option was specified which doesn't apply to the
        # given url

        # rename to not angry Python gods who took all_ good words
        kw['long_'] = kw.pop('long_')

        loc_type = "unknown"
        if loc.startswith('s3://'):
            return _ls_s3(loc, config_file=config_file, list_content=list_content,
        elif lexists(loc):
            if isdir(loc):
                ds = Dataset(loc)
                if ds.is_installed():
                    return _ls_json(loc, json=json, **kw) if json else _ls_dataset(loc, **kw)
                    loc_type = False
                    loc_type = "dir"  # we know that so far for sure
                    # it might have been an uninstalled dataset within super-dataset
                    superds = ds.get_superdataset()
                    if superds:
                            subdatasets = Ls._cached_subdatasets[superds.path]
                        except KeyError:
                            subdatasets = Ls._cached_subdatasets[superds.path] \
                                = superds.subdatasets(result_xfm='relpaths')
                        if relpath(ds.path, superds.path) in subdatasets:
                            loc_type = "not installed"
                loc_type = "file"
                # could list properties -- under annex or git, either clean/dirty
                # etc
                # repo = get_repo_instance(dirname(loc))

        if loc_type:
            #raise ValueError("ATM supporting only s3:// URLs and paths to local datasets")
            # TODO: unify all_ the output here -- _ls functions should just return something
            # to be displayed
                "{}  {}".format(
                    ansi_colors.color_word(loc, ansi_colors.DATASET),
                        if loc_type in {'unknown', 'not installed'}
                        else ansi_colors.BLUE)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ls_json(topdir, topurl):
    annex = AnnexRepo(topdir, create=True)
    ds = Dataset(topdir)
    # create some file and commit it
    with open(opj(ds.path, 'subdsfile.txt'), 'w') as f:
    ds.save("Hello!", version_tag=1)

    # add a subdataset
    ds.install('subds', source=topdir)

    subdirds = ds.create(_path_('dir/subds2'), force=True)

    git = GitRepo(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit'), create=True)                    # create git repo
    git.add(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit', 'fgit.txt'))                           # commit to git to init git repo
    annex.add(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit'))                                     # add the non-dataset git repo to annex
    annex.add(opj(topdir, 'dir'))                                               # add to annex (links)
    annex.drop(opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir', 'file2.txt'), options=['--force'])  # broken-link

    git.add('fgit.txt')              # commit to git to init git repo
    # annex.add doesn't add submodule, so using ds.add
    ds.add(opj('dir', 'subgit'))                        # add the non-dataset git repo to annex
    ds.add('dir')                                  # add to annex (links)
    ds.drop(opj('dir', 'subdir', 'file2.txt'), check=False)  # broken-link

    # register "external" submodule  by installing and uninstalling it
    ext_url = topurl + '/dir/subgit/.git'
    # need to make it installable via http
    Runner()('git update-server-info', cwd=opj(topdir, 'dir', 'subgit'))
    ds.install(opj('dir', 'subgit_ext'), source=ext_url)
    ds.uninstall(opj('dir', 'subgit_ext'))
    meta_dir = opj('.git', 'datalad', 'metadata')

    def get_metahash(*path):
        if not path:
            path = ['/']
        return hashlib.md5(opj(*path).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

    def get_metapath(dspath, *path):
        return _path_(dspath, meta_dir, get_metahash(*path))

    def get_meta(dspath, *path):
        with open(get_metapath(dspath, *path)) as f:
            return js.load(f)

    # Let's see that there is no crash if one of the files is available only
    # in relaxed URL mode, so no size could be picked up
        'fromweb', topurl + '/noteventhere', options=['--relaxed'])

    for all_ in [True, False]:  # recurse directories
        for recursive in [True, False]:
            for state in ['file', 'delete']:
                # subdataset should have its json created and deleted when
                # all=True else not
                subds_metapath = get_metapath(opj(topdir, 'subds'))
                exists_prior = exists(subds_metapath)

                #with swallow_logs(), swallow_outputs():
                dsj = _ls_json(
                ok_startswith(dsj['tags'], '1-')

                exists_post = exists(subds_metapath)
                # print("%s %s -> %s" % (state, exists_prior, exists_post))
                assert_equal(exists_post, (state == 'file' and recursive))

                # root should have its json file created and deleted in all cases
                ds_metapath = get_metapath(topdir)
                assert_equal(exists(ds_metapath), state == 'file')

                # children should have their metadata json's created and deleted only when recursive=True
                child_metapath = get_metapath(topdir, 'dir', 'subdir')
                assert_equal(exists(child_metapath), (state == 'file' and all_))

                # ignored directories should not have json files created in any case
                for subdir in [('.hidden',), ('dir', 'subgit')]:
                    assert_false(exists(get_metapath(topdir, *subdir)))

                # check if its updated in its nodes sublist too. used by web-ui json. regression test
                assert_equal(dsj['nodes'][0]['size']['total'], dsj['size']['total'])

                # check size of subdataset
                subds = [item for item in dsj['nodes'] if item['name'] == ('subdsfile.txt' or 'subds')][0]
                assert_equal(subds['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')

                # dir/subds2 must not be listed among nodes of the top dataset:
                topds_nodes = {x['name']: x for x in dsj['nodes']}

                assert_in('subds', topds_nodes)
                # XXX
                # # condition here is a bit a guesswork by yoh later on
                # # TODO: here and below clear destiny/interaction of all_ and recursive
                # assert_equal(dsj['size']['total'],
                #              '15 Bytes' if (recursive and all_) else
                #              ('9 Bytes' if (recursive or all_) else '3 Bytes')
                # )

                # https://github.com/datalad/datalad/issues/1674
                if state == 'file' and all_:
                    dirj = get_meta(topdir, 'dir')
                    dir_nodes = {x['name']: x for x in dirj['nodes']}
                    # it should be present in the subdir meta
                    assert_in('subds2', dir_nodes)
                    assert_not_in('url_external', dir_nodes['subds2'])
                    assert_in('subgit_ext', dir_nodes)
                    assert_equal(dir_nodes['subgit_ext']['url'], ext_url)
                # and not in topds
                assert_not_in('subds2', topds_nodes)

                # run non-recursive dataset traversal after subdataset metadata already created
                # to verify sub-dataset metadata being picked up from its metadata file in such cases
                if state == 'file' and recursive and not all_:
                    dsj = _ls_json(topdir, json='file', all_=False)
                    subds = [
                        item for item in dsj['nodes']
                        if item['name'] == ('subdsfile.txt' or 'subds')
                    assert_equal(subds['size']['total'], '3 Bytes')

                    topds_nodes['fromweb']['size']['total'], UNKNOWN_SIZE