Exemplo n.º 1
def process(request):
    print 'Processing transactions ...'
    LOG = Datalog('process.log')
    docs = Pangadokument.objects.all().order_by('import_aeg')
    for doc in docs:
        LOG.info('Pangadokument: '+doc.failinimi)
        rows = Pangakirje.objects.all().filter(allikas=doc, arvestatud='N').order_by('kuupaev', 'reatyyp', 'arhiveerimistunnus')
        for row in rows:
            LOG.info('Rida: '+row.selgitus)
            rules = Tehingutyyp.objects.all()
            created = 0
            for rule in rules:
                if row.reatyyp == rule.reatyyp and row.tunnus == rule.tunnus and re.search(rule.triger, row.selgitus) and row.arvestatud != 'J':
                    LOG.info('Triger: '+ rule.triger )
                    items = Kontokasutus.objects.all().filter(tehingutyyp=rule).order_by('on_deebet')
                    deals = Deals(LOG)
                    created = deals.create(row, items, rule)
            if created == 0:
                LOG.warning(' > Kandeid ei tehtud')
    context = {'LOG': LOG.log}
    result = render_to_response('showlog.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
    return result