Exemplo n.º 1
def estimate_noise(arr,
    """Calulate MAD (mean absolute deviation) of high pass filtered array.
    Returns list of bin-sized estimates in uV.
    ne_bin_size = int(ne_bin_s * fs)  # noise estimation bin size

    # Filter
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lc, hc, fs)
    batches = get_batches(arr.shape[0], ne_bin_size)
    ne = np.zeros((len(batches), num_channels))
    nfac = 1 / 0.6745

    # Calculate MAD (mean absolute deviation) over chunks
    for n, batch in enumerate(tqdm(batches, leave=False,
                                   desc='1) estimating')):
        batch_size = min(ne_bin_size, arr.shape[0] - batch)
        filtered = signal.filtfilt(
            b, a, arr[batch:batch + batch_size, :].astype(
                np.double), axis=0) * microvolt_factor
        for ch in range(num_channels):
            ne[n, ch] = np.median(abs(filtered[:, ch]) * nfac)
    return ne
Exemplo n.º 2
def extract_waveforms(timestamps, arr, outpath, s_pre=10, s_post=22, lc=300, hc=6000, chunk_size_s=60,
                      chunk_overlap_s=0.05, fs=3e4):
    """Extracts waveforms from raw signal around s_pre->s_post samples of spike trough. Waveforms and timestamps
    are stored directly in .mat files.
    assert max(timestamps) + s_post < arr.shape[0]
    assert min(timestamps) - s_pre >= 0

    if s_pre + s_post != 32:
        logger.warning(f'Number of waveforms samples {s_pre}+{s_post} != 32 as expected by MClust!')

    chunk_size = int(chunk_size_s * fs)
    n_samples = s_pre + s_post
    n_channels = arr.shape[1]

    b, a = butter_bandpass(lc, hc, fs)

    # samples to cut around detection (threshold crossing)
    bc_samples = np.arange(-s_pre, s_post).reshape((1, n_samples))

    end = arr.shape[0]
    chunk_starts = [cs * chunk_size for cs in range(ceil(end / chunk_size))]
    chunk_overlap = int(chunk_overlap_s * fs)

    # prepare the mat file
    if os.path.exists(outpath):
        raise FileExistsError('Mat file already exists. Exiting.')

    # TODO: Save additional metadata alongside waveforms, e.g. thresholds, version, original paths
    h5s.savemat(str(outpath), {'n': len(timestamps),
                               'index': np.double((timestamps - s_pre) / 3),  # convert to MClust time domain
                               'readme': 'Written by dataman.',
                               # 'original_path': str(path)
                               }, compress=False)

    n_samples_concat = n_samples * n_channels
    with h5.File(str(outpath), 'a') as hf:
        hf.create_dataset('spikes', (n_samples_concat, len(timestamps)), maxshape=(n_samples_concat, None),
        for n_chunk, start in enumerate(tqdm(chunk_starts, leave=False, desc='3) extracting')):
            # limits of core batch chunk
            b_start = start
            b_end = min(start + chunk_size, end)

            # limits of chunk with flanking overlaps
            o_start = max(0, b_start - chunk_overlap)
            o_end = min(b_end + chunk_overlap, end)

            # Relevant timestamps
            ts_idc = np.where((timestamps >= b_start) & (timestamps < b_end))[0]
            peaks = timestamps[ts_idc].reshape(-1, 1) - o_start

            if not len(peaks):

            # Bandpass filter raw signal
            filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, a, arr[o_start:o_end], axis=0)

            # Extract waveforms
            idc = bc_samples + peaks

                hf['spikes'][:, min(ts_idc):max(ts_idc) + 1] = filtered[idc].reshape(-1, n_samples_concat).T
            except IndexError:
                logger.error('Spikes out of bounds!')
        waveforms = np.array(hf['spikes'], dtype='int16').reshape([s_pre + s_post, n_channels, -1])
    return waveforms
Exemplo n.º 3
def detect_spikes(arr, min_thresholds, max_sd=18, fs=3e4, chunk_size_s=60, chunk_overlap_s=0.05, lc=300, hc=6000,
                  s_pre=10, s_post=22, reject_overlap=16, align='min'):
    """Given wideband signal, find peaks (minima) in the high-pass filtered signal. Returns a list of
    curated timestamps to reject duplicates and overlapping spikes.
    # TODO: Interpolation
    # TODO: Maximum artifact rejection
    # TODO: Return rejected timestamps

    chunk_size = int(chunk_size_s * fs)  # chunk size for detection

    microvolt_factor = 0.195
    use_thr = min_thresholds / microvolt_factor

    timestamps = []
    crs = []

    max_thr = use_thr * max_sd
    if max_thr is not None or max_thr != 0:
        logger.warning('Maximum rejection for spike detection not implemented.')
    # # waveform_chunks = []
    # rejections = 0

    b, a = butter_bandpass(lc, hc, fs)

    # samples to cut around detection (threshold crossing)
    bc_samples = np.arange(-s_pre, s_post).reshape([1, -1])

    # Chunks will have partial overlap.
    # 0
    # |o|--- chunk 1 ---|x|
    #                 |o|--- chunk 2 ---|x|
    #                                |o|--- chunk 3 ---|
    #                                                end
    # Spikes with peak in the |x| region will be ignored
    chunk_overlap = int(chunk_overlap_s * fs)  # 50 ms chunk boundary overlap

    # Gather chunk start and ends
    end = arr.shape[0]
    chunk_starts = [cs * chunk_size for cs in range(ceil(end / chunk_size))]

    for n_chunk, start in enumerate(tqdm(chunk_starts, leave=False, desc='2) detecting')):
        # limits of core batch chunk
        b_start = start
        b_end = min(start + chunk_size, end)

        # limits of chunk with flanking overlaps
        o_start = max(0, b_start - chunk_overlap)
        o_end = min(b_end + chunk_overlap, end)

        # Bandpass filter raw signal
        filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, a, arr[o_start:o_end], axis=0)

        # Merge threshold crossings
        # TODO: Only merge valid channels!
        crossings = np.clip(np.sum(filtered < -use_thr, axis=1), 0, 1).astype(np.int8)
        crossings = signal.medfilt(crossings, 3)

        # exclude crossings with timestamps too close to boundaries
        xr_starts = (np.diff(crossings) > 0).nonzero()[0]
        xr_starts = xr_starts[(xr_starts > s_pre) & (xr_starts < filtered.shape[0] - s_post)]

        # Warning if no spikes were found. That's suspicious given how we calculate the threshold.
        n_spikes = xr_starts.shape[0]
        if not n_spikes:
            logger.warning(f'No spikes in chunk {n_chunk} @ [{b_start} to {b_end}]')

        # Extract preliminary waveforms
        # get waveform indices by broadcasting indices of crossings
        bc_spikes = xr_starts.reshape([n_spikes, 1])
        idc = bc_samples + bc_spikes

            wv = filtered[idc]
        except IndexError:
            logger.error(f'Spikes out of bounds in chunk {n_chunk} @ [{b_start} to {b_end}]')

        # Alignment
        alignments = np.array([wv_alignment(wv[wv_idx, :], method=align)[0] for wv_idx in range(wv.shape[0])])
        wv_starts = xr_starts + alignments + o_start - s_pre

        # first chunk, no overlap
        lim_a = 0 if n_chunk == 0 else b_start
        not_early = wv_starts >= lim_a

        # last chunk, no overlap
        lim_b = end if n_chunk == len(chunk_starts) else b_end

        not_late = wv_starts < lim_b - 32

        timestamps.append(wv_starts[not_early * not_late])
        crs.append(xr_starts[not_early * not_late] + o_start)

    timestamps = np.sort(np.concatenate(timestamps))

    ts_diff = np.diff(timestamps) > reject_overlap

    too_close = timestamps.shape[0] - np.sum(ts_diff)
    logger.warning('{} ({:.1f}%) spikes rejected due to >{} sample overlap'.format(
        too_close, too_close / timestamps.shape[0] * 100, reject_overlap))

    valid_timestamps = timestamps[1:][ts_diff]
    valid_timestamps = np.insert(valid_timestamps, 0, timestamps[0])

    return valid_timestamps
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,
                            size=(1900, 1000),
                            position=(0, 0),
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # Target configuration (format, sampling rate, sizes...)
        self.target_path = target_path
        self.logger.debug('Target path: {}'.format(target_path))
        self.format = util.detect_format(self.target_path)
        self.logger.debug('Target module: {}'.format(self.format))
        assert self.format is not None

        self.input_dtype = dtype

        self.metadata = self._get_target_config(*args, **kwargs)

        # TODO: Have .dat format join in on the new format fun...
        if 'HEADER' in self.metadata:
                'Using legacy .dat file metadata dictionary layout')
            self.fs = self.metadata['HEADER']['sampling_rate']
            self.input_dtype = self.metadata['DTYPE']
            self.n_samples_total = int(self.metadata['HEADER']['n_samples'])
            self.n_channels = self.metadata['CHANNELS']['n_channels']
            self.block_size = self.metadata['HEADER']['block_size']

        elif 'SUBSETS' in self.metadata:
            # FIXME: Only traverses first subset.
            self.logger.debug('Using new style metadata dictionary layout')
            # get number of channels and sampling rate from first subset
            first_subset = next(iter(self.metadata['SUBSETS'].values()))
            self.fs = first_subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['sampling_rate']
            self.n_samples_total = int(
            self.n_channels = len(first_subset['FILES'])
            self.block_size = first_subset['JOINT_HEADERS']['block_size']
            raise ValueError('Unknown metadata format from target.')

            'From target: {:.2f} Hz, {} channels, {} samples, dtype={}'.format(
                self.fs, self.n_channels, self.n_samples_total,
        self.channel_order = channels  # if None: no particular order

        # 300-6000 Hz Highpass filter
        self.filter = util.butter_bandpass(300, 6000, self.fs)
        self.apply_filter = False

        self.duration_total = util.fmt_time(self.n_samples_total / self.fs)

        # Buffer to store all the pre-loaded signals
        self.buf = SharedBuffer.SharedBuffer()
        self.buffer_length = BUFFER_LENGTH

        # Streamer to keep buffer filled
        self.streamer = None
        self.stream_queue = Queue()

        # Setup up viewport and viewing state variables
        # running traces, looks cool, but useless for the most part
        self.running = False
        self.dirty = True
        self.offset = int(start * self.fs / 1024)

        self.drag_offset = 0
        self.n_cols = int(n_cols)
        self.n_rows = int(math.ceil(self.n_channels / self.n_cols))

        self.logger.debug('col/row: {}, buffer_length: {}'.format(
            (self.n_cols, self.n_rows), self.buffer_length))

        # Most of the magic happens in the vertex shader, moving the samples into "position" using
        # an affine transform based on number of columns and rows for the plot, scaling, etc.
        self.program = gloo.Program(VERT_SHADER, FRAG_SHADER)

        gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, *self.physical_size)

        self._timer = app.Timer('auto', connect=self.on_timer, start=True)
                       blend_func=('src_alpha', 'one_minus_src_alpha'))
