Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: arima.py Projeto: lulzzz/mtsg
def arima_2(train, test, hor=24, batch=7, freq=24):
    forecast = importr('forecast')  # forecast package
    ts = ro.r.ts  # R time series
    test_pred = pd.DataFrame(
        data=None, index=test.index, columns=test.columns
    )  # template structure for dataframe for predictions
    for i in tqdm(range(len(test))):  # for each sample in test set
        tqdm.write('Step: %i' % i)
        test_ts = ts(dp.flatten(pd.concat([train, test[:i]])), frequency=freq
                     )  # add a new day from test set to the current train set
        if i == 0:  # if  in the first iteration
            model = forecast.auto_arima(
                test_ts)  # find best model on train test (i.e. original model)
            sign = forecast.arimaorder(
                model)  # retrieve the order of this best model
            order = sign[0:3]  # AR, differencing & MA orders
            seasonal = sign[3:6] if len(sign) >= 6 else ro.IntVector(
                (0, 0, 0))  # seasonal components
        else:  # not the first iteration
            if i % batch == 0:  # if its time to retrain
                )  # python does not have direct access to R objects, thus garbage collection does not trigger often enough
                model = forecast.Arima(
                    test_ts, order=order, seasonal=seasonal, method="CSS-ML"
                )  # train Arima model on current (expanded) train set using orders found on the original train set
            else:  # it is not the time to retrain
                model = forecast.Arima(
                    test_ts, model=model
                )  # do not train, use current model with new observations
        test_pred.iloc[i, :] = pandas2ri.ri2py(
            forecast.forecast(model, h=hor).rx2('mean'))  # predict new values
    return test_pred
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ets.py Projeto: lulzzz/mtsg
def ets(train,test,hor=24,batch=7,freq=24):
	forecast=importr('forecast') # forecast package
	ts=ro.r.ts # R time series
	test_pred=pd.DataFrame(data=None,index=test.index,columns=test.columns) # template structure for dataframe for predictions
	for i in tqdm(range(len(test))): # for each sample in test set
		test_ts=ts(dp.flatten(pd.concat([train,test[:i]])),frequency=freq) # add new observation from test set to the current train set
		if i%batch==0: # if its time to retrain
			gc.collect() # python does not have direct access to R objects, thus garbage collection does not trigger often enough
			model=forecast.ets(test_ts) # find best model on train test (i.e. original model)
		else: # it is not the time to retrain
			model=forecast.ets(test_ts,model=model) # do not train, use current model with new observations
		test_pred.iloc[i]=pandas2ri.ri2py(forecast.forecast(model,h=hor).rx2('mean')) # predict new values
	return test_pred
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: ets.py Projeto: lulzzz/mtsg
def ets_2(train,test,hor=24,freq=24):
	forecast=importr('forecast') # forecast package
	ts=ro.r.ts # R time series
	for i in tqdm(range(len(test))): # for each sample in test set
		test_ts=ts(dp.flatten(pd.concat([train,test[:i]])),frequency=freq) # add a new day from test set to the current train set
		if i==0: # if  in the first iteration
			model=forecast.ets(test_ts) # find best model on train test (i.e. original model)
			type=ro.r.paste(model.rx2('components')[0:3],collapse='') # retrieve the type of this model
			damped=True if model.rx2('components')[3]=='TRUE' else False # retrieve the damped parameter of this model
		else: # not the first iteration
			model=forecast.ets(test_ts,model=type,damped=damped) # train the best (on training set) ets model on current (expanded) train set 
		test_pred.iloc[i,:]=pd.Series(pandas2ri.ri2py(forecast.forecast(model,h=hor).rx2('mean'))) # predict all 24 hours for a new day & convert to pandas DataFrame
	return test_pred
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ets.py Projeto: lulzzz/mtsg
def ets_4(train,test,hor=24,batch=7,freq=24):
	forecast=importr('forecast') # forecast package
	ts=ro.r.ts # R time series
	test_pred=pd.DataFrame(data=None,index=test.index,columns=test.columns) # template structure for dataframe for predictions
	for i in tqdm(range(len(test))): # for each sample in test set
		test_ts=ts(dp.flatten(pd.concat([train,test[:i]])),frequency=freq) # add new observation from test set to the current train set
		if i==0: # if in the first iteration, i.e. no model fitted
			model=forecast.ets(test_ts) # find best model on train test (i.e. original model)
			sign=ro.r.paste(model.rx2('components')[0:3],collapse='') # retrieve the signature of this model
			damped=True if model.rx2('components')[3]=='TRUE' else False # retrieve the damped parameter of this model
		else: # not the first iteration
			if i%batch==0: # if its time to retrain
				gc.collect() # python does not have direct access to R objects, thus garbage collection does not trigger often enough
				model=forecast.ets(test_ts,model=sign,damped=damped) # train the best (on training set) ets model on current (expanded) train set
			else: # it is not the time to retrain
				model=forecast.ets(test_ts,model=model) # do not train, use current model with new observations
		test_pred.iloc[i]=pandas2ri.ri2py(forecast.forecast(model,h=hor).rx2('mean')) # predict new values
	return test_pred
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: ets.py Projeto: lulzzz/mtsg
def ets_3(train,test,hor=24,batch=7,freq=24):
	forecast=importr('forecast') # forecast package
	ts=ro.r.ts # R time series
	fitted=ro.r('fitted') # function exporting forecasts used while fitting model
	test_pred=test.copy() # template structure for dataframe for predictions
	test_pred[:]=np.NaN # fill with temporary nans
	nbatches=-(-len(test)//batch) # number of bathes, round up without any imports or conversions
	for i in tqdm(range(nbatches-1)): # for each batch
		train_ts=ts(dp.flatten(pd.concat([train,test[:i*batch]])),frequency=freq) # add a new day from test set to the current train set
		end= (i+1)*batch if (i+1)*batch<len(test) else len(test) # index of the last observation to consider
		test_ts=test[i*batch:end] # make new test set 
		if i==0: # if in the first iteration
			model=forecast.ets(train_ts) # find best model on train test (i.e. original model)
			sign=ro.r.paste(model.rx2('components')[0:3],collapse='') # retrieve the signature of this model
			damped=True if model.rx2('components')[3]=='TRUE' else False # retrieve the damped parameter of this model
		else: # not the first iteration
			model=forecast.ets(train_ts,model=sign,damped=damped) # train the best (on training set) ets model on current (expanded) train set
		pred_new=pandas2ri.ri2py(fitted(forecast.ets(test_ts,model=model))) # predict values for the new batch
		for j in range(len(pred_new)):
			tqdm.write(i*batch+j) # temp check
			test_pred.iloc[i*batch+j]=pred_new.iloc(j)# assign new predictions to corresponding rows
	return test_pred