class CliArgs: g2o_path: pathlib.Path = datargs.arg( positional=True, nargs="?", default=pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "data/input_M3500_g2o.g2o", help="Path to g2o file.", ) solver_type: SolverType = datargs.arg( default=SolverType.GAUSS_NEWTON, help="Nonlinear solver to use.", )
class Args: """Command-line arguments.""" path: Path = arg( default=Path.cwd(), help="Path to the git repository", positional=True ) title: str = arg(default="", aliases=["-t"], help="Title of the changelog") commit_range: str = arg( aliases=["-c"], default="", help="""Range string to use to generate the changelog. If not set, the commit range will be from the last version tag to HEAD.""", )
class Args: input_files: Sequence[Path] = arg( positional=True, help="One or more markdown files to lint." ) print_errors: bool = arg( default=False, help="Prints extra error messages.", aliases=["-e"], ) ignore_folders: Sequence[Path] = arg( default=tuple(), help="Ignore those folders passed by relative or absolute path.", aliases=["-i"], )
class Args: """Program command-line arguments.""" filepaths: Sequence[Path] = arg( positional=True, help="A list of files to process for Mavenseed.") print_files: bool = arg( aliases=["-p"], default=False, help="Print the file paths output after processing them," "to pass to another program to upload them.", ) output_directory: Path = arg(default=Path("."), help="The directory to output files to.", aliases=["-o"]) overwrite: bool = arg(default=False, help="If True, overwrite existing output files.", aliases=["-w"])
class Args: files: Sequence[Path] = arg(positional=True, help="A list of paths to markdown files.") output_directory: Path = arg(default=Path(), help="Path to the output directory.", aliases=["-o"]) pdf_engine: PdfEngines = arg(default=PdfEngines.weasyprint, help="\n".join(HELP_PDF_ENGINE), aliases=["-p"]) output_type: OutputTypes = arg( default=OutputTypes.html, help="Type of file to output, either html or pdf.", aliases=["-t"], ) css: Path = arg(default=DEFAULT_CSS_FILE_PATH, help=HELP_CSS_FILE, aliases=["-c"]) pandoc_data_directory: Path = arg( default=DEFAULT_DATA_DIRECTORY, help="Path to a data directory to use for pandoc.", aliases=["-d"], ) filters: Sequence[str] = arg( default=(), aliases=["-f"], help="List of pandoc filters to run on each content file.", )
class DatasetConfig: dataset: str = arg(positional=True, help="package to install")
class Help: command: str = arg(positional=True)
class Install: package: str = arg(positional=True)
class Help: command: str = arg(positional=True) verbose: bool
class Install: package: str = arg(positional=True, help=package_help)
class BarFoo: spam: str = arg(positional=True)
class FooBar: baz: str = arg(positional=True)
class Args: """Command-line arguments.""" discount_amount: int = arg( positional=True, default=50, help="""Amount of discount to apply to the coupon. By default, it's in percent. If you use the option --use-amount, it represents an amount in cents instead. In that case, an amount of 100 means 100 cents. Default: 50.""", ) delete: bool = arg( default=False, help="Delete an existing coupon instead of creating a new one.", ) update: bool = arg( default=False, help="Update an existing coupon instead of creating a new one.", ) use_amount: bool = arg( default=False, help="If True, the discount amount is in centers instead of percent.", aliases=["-a"], ) max_uses: int = arg( default=1, help="Number of times a coupon can be used. Default: 1.", aliases=["-m"], ) supported_types: Sequence[EligibleType] = arg( default=tuple([EligibleType.orders]), help= f"Type of purchases the coupon supports. Possible values:{[t.value for t in EligibleType]}.", ) coupon_code: str = arg( default="", help="The coupon code to create. " "If empty, a coupon code will be generated automatically.", aliases=["-c"], ) mavenseed_url: str = arg( default=YOUR_MAVENSEED_URL, help="""the url of your mavenseed website. If you omit this option, the program tries to read it from the environment variable MAVENSEED_URL. """, aliases=["-u"], ) email: str = arg( default=YOUR_EMAIL, help="""Your email to log into your Mavenseed's admin account. If you omit this option, the program tries to read it from the environment variable MAVENSEED_EMAIL. """, aliases=["-e"], ) password: str = arg( default=YOUR_PASSWORD, help="""Your password to log into your Mavenseed's admin account. If you omit this option, the program tries to read it from the environment variable MAVENSEED_PASSWORD. """, aliases=["-p"], )
class Args: input_file: Path = arg( positional=True, help="A single markdown file to process for include templates.")