Exemplo n.º 1
def checkStartEnd(args, mult, tile):
    "Checks to see if start and end values are valid for a region."
    (rows, cols) = getDatasetDims(args.region)
    (minTileRows, minTileCols) = args.start
    (maxTileRows, maxTileCols) = args.end
    (tileRows, tileCols) = tile

    numRowTiles = int((rows*mult+tileRows-1)/tileRows)
    numColTiles = int((cols*mult+tileCols-1)/tileCols)
    # maxTileRows and maxTileCols default to 0 meaning do everything
    if (maxTileRows == 0 or maxTileRows > numRowTiles):
        if (maxTileRows > numRowTiles):
            tilelogger.warning("maxTileRows greater than numRowTiles, setting to %d" % numRowTiles)
        maxTileRows = numRowTiles
    if (minTileRows > maxTileRows):
        tilelogger.warning("minTileRows less than maxTileRows, setting to %d" % maxTileRows)
        minTileRows = maxTileRows
    if (maxTileCols == 0 or maxTileCols > numColTiles):
        if (maxTileCols > numColTiles):
            tilelogger.warning("maxTileCols greater than numColTiles, setting to %d" % numColTiles)
        maxTileCols = numColTiles
    if (minTileCols > maxTileCols):
        tilelogger.warning("minTileCols less than maxTileCols, setting to %d" % maxTileCols)
        minTileCols = maxTileCols
    return (minTileRows, minTileCols, maxTileRows, maxTileCols)
Exemplo n.º 2
def checkTile(args, mult):
    "Checks to see if a tile dimension is too big for a region."
    oldtilex, oldtiley = args.tile
    rows, cols = getDatasetDims(args.region)
    maxRows = int(rows * mult)
    maxCols = int(cols * mult)
    tilex = min(oldtilex, maxRows)
    tiley = min(oldtiley, maxCols)
    if (tilex != oldtilex or tiley != oldtiley):
        tilelogger.warning("Tile size of %d, %d for region %s is too large -- changed to %d, %d" % (oldtilex, oldtiley, args.region, tilex, tiley))
    args.tile = (tilex, tiley)
    return (tilex, tiley)
Exemplo n.º 3
def processTile(args, tileRowIndex, tileColIndex):
    "Actually process a tile."
    tileShape = args.tile
    mult = args.mult
    curtime = time()
    (lcds, elevds) = getDataset(args.region)
    (rows, cols) = getDatasetDims(args.region)
    (elevmin, elevmax) = getDatasetElevs(args.region)
    if (args.doTrim):
        trimElev = elevmin
        trimElev = 0
    maxRows = int(rows*mult)
    maxCols = int(cols*mult)
    baseOffset, baseSize = getTileOffsetSize(tileRowIndex, tileColIndex, tileShape, maxRows, maxCols)
    idtOffset, idtSize = getTileOffsetSize(tileRowIndex, tileColIndex, tileShape, maxRows, maxCols, idtPad=tileShape[0]+tileShape[1])
    tilelogger.info("Generating tile (%d, %d) with dimensions (%d, %d) and offset (%d, %d)..." % (tileRowIndex, tileColIndex, baseSize[0], baseSize[1], baseOffset[0], baseOffset[1]))

    baseShape = (baseSize[1], baseSize[0])
    baseArray = getLatLongArray(lcds, baseOffset, baseSize, mult)
    #idtShape = (idtSize[1], idtSize[0])
    #idtArray = getLatLongArray(lcds, idtOffset, idtSize, mult)

    # these points are scaled coordinates
    idtUL = getLatLong(lcds, int(idtOffset[0]/mult), int(idtOffset[1]/mult))
    idtLR = getLatLong(lcds, int((idtOffset[0]+idtSize[0])/mult), int((idtOffset[1]+idtSize[1])/mult))

    # nodata for landcover is equal to 11
    lcImageArray = getImageArray(lcds, (idtUL, idtLR), baseArray, nodata=11, majority=True)

    # elevation array
    elevImageArray = getImageArray(elevds, (idtUL, idtLR), baseArray, args.vscale, trim=trimElev)

    # TODO: go through the arrays for some special transmogrification
    # first idea: bathymetry
    depthOffset, depthSize = getTileOffsetSize(tileRowIndex, tileColIndex, tileShape, maxRows, maxCols, idtPad=args.maxdepth)
    depthShape = (depthSize[1], depthSize[0])
    depthArray = getLatLongArray(lcds, depthOffset, depthSize, mult)
    depthUL = getLatLong(lcds, int(depthOffset[0]/mult), int(depthOffset[1]/mult))
    depthLR = getLatLong(lcds, int((depthOffset[0]+depthSize[0])/mult), int((depthOffset[1]+depthSize[1])/mult))
    bigImageArray = getImageArray(lcds, (depthUL, depthLR), depthArray, majority=True)
    bathyImageArray = getBathymetry(args, lcImageArray, bigImageArray, baseOffset, depthOffset)

    # second idea: crust
    crustImageArray = getCrust(bathyImageArray, baseArray)

    # now we do what we do in processImage
    localmax = 0
    spawnx = 10
    spawnz = 10

    for tilex, tilez in product(xrange(baseSize[0]), xrange(baseSize[1])):
        lcval = int(lcImageArray[tilez,tilex])
        elevval = int(elevImageArray[tilez,tilex])
        bathyval = int(bathyImageArray[tilez,tilex])
        crustval = int(crustImageArray[tilez,tilex])
        real_x = baseOffset[0] + tilex
        real_z = baseOffset[1] + tilez
        if (elevval < 0):
            print "OMG elevval %d is less than zero" % (elevval)
        if (elevval > maxelev):
            tilelogger.warning('Elevation %d exceeds maximum elevation (%d)' % (elevval, maxelev))
            elevval = maxelev
        if (elevval > localmax):
            localmax = elevval
            spawnx = real_x
            spawnz = real_z
        processTerrain([(lcval, real_x, real_z, elevval, bathyval, crustval)])
    tilelogger.info('... done with (%d, %d) in %f seconds!' % (tileRowIndex, tileColIndex, (time()-curtime)))
    return (spawnx, spawnz, localmax)
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(argv):
    "The main portion of the script."

    default_scale = 6
    default_vscale = 6
    default_sealevel = 32
    default_maxdepth = 16
    default_slope = 1
    default_tile = [256, 256]
    default_start = [0, 0]
    default_end = [0, 0]
    default_processes = cpu_count()

    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Generate images for BuildWorld.js from USGS datasets.')
    parser.add_argument('--region', nargs='?', type=checkDataset, help='a region to be processed (leave blank for list of regions)')
    parser.add_argument('--processes', nargs=1, default=default_processes, type=int, help="number of processes to spawn (default %d)" % default_processes)
    parser.add_argument('--scale', nargs=1, default=default_scale, type=int, help="horizontal scale factor (default %d)" % default_scale)
    parser.add_argument('--vscale', nargs=1, default=default_vscale, type=int, help="vertical scale factor (default %d)" % default_vscale)
    parser.add_argument('--sealevel', nargs=1, default=default_sealevel, type=mcarray.checkSealevel, help="maximum depth (default %d)" % default_sealevel)
    parser.add_argument('--maxdepth', nargs=1, default=default_maxdepth, type=bathy.checkMaxDepth, help="maximum depth (default %d)" % default_maxdepth)
    parser.add_argument('--slope', nargs=1, default=default_slope, type=bathy.checkSlope, help="underwater slope factor (default %d)" % default_slope)
    parser.add_argument('--tile', nargs=2, default=default_tile, type=int, help="tile size in tuple form (default %s)" % (default_tile,))
    parser.add_argument('--start', nargs=2, default=default_start, type=int, help="start tile in tuple form (default %s)" % (default_start,))
    parser.add_argument('--end', nargs=2, default=default_end, type=int, help="end tile in tuple form (default %s)" % (default_end,))
    parser.add_argument('--disable-stats', action='store_false', dest='doStats', default=True, help="disables stats generation when not necessary")
    parser.add_argument('--disable-ore', action='store_false', dest='doOre', default=True, help="disables ore generation when not necessary")
    parser.add_argument('--trim', action='store_true', dest='doTrim', default=False, help="trim all space between minimum elevation and sea level")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # list regions if requested
    if (args.region == None):
        return 0

    # set up all the values
    rows, cols = getDatasetDims(args.region)
    processes = checkProcesses(args)
    (scale, mult) = checkScale(args)
    vscale = checkVScale(args)
    tileShape = checkTile(args, mult)
    (tileRows, tileCols) = tileShape
    (minTileRows, minTileCols, maxTileRows, maxTileCols) = checkStartEnd(args, mult, tileShape)
    args.nodata = getDatasetNodata(args.region)

    print "Processing region %s of size (%d, %d) with %d processes..." % (args.region, rows, cols, processes)

    # createArrays should:
    # create the shared memory arrays like initWorld
    minX = 0
    minZ = 0
    maxX = int(rows*mult)
    maxZ = int(cols*mult)
    mcarray.createArrays(minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ, args.sealevel, args.processes)

    # build crust tree for whole map

    # process those tiles
    peaks = processTiles(args, minTileRows, maxTileRows, minTileCols, maxTileCols, processes)

    print "... tiles completed: total array of %d tiles was %d x %d" % ((maxTileRows-minTileRows)*(maxTileCols-minTileCols), int(rows*mult), int(cols*mult))

    # per-tile peaks here
    # ... consider doing something nice on all the peaks?
    peak = sorted(peaks, key=lambda point: point[2], reverse=True)[0]

    # where's that ore?
    if (args.doOre):

    # place the safehouse at the peak (adjust it)
    building.building(peak[0], peak[1], peak[2]-1, 7, 9, 8, 1)
    print "Consider setting spawn point to %d, %d, %d" % (peak[0], peak[2]+1, peak[1])

    # save arrays
    arraydir = os.path.join("Arrays", args.region)
    mcarray.saveArrays(arraydir, processes)

    # print statistics
    if (args.doStats):
        if (args.doOre):
Exemplo n.º 5
def makeCrustIDT(args):
    rows, cols = getDatasetDims(args.region)
    lcds, elevds = getDataset(args.region)
    global crustIDT
    crustCoordsList = []
    crustValuesList = []
    crustlogger.info("making Crust IDT")
    # trying ten percent since one seemed too lame
    worldLatLong = getLatLongArray(lcds, (0, 0), (rows, cols), 1)
    crustCoordsList = [worldLatLong[randint(0,rows-1)*cols+randint(0,cols-1)] for elem in xrange(int(rows*cols*0.01))]
    crustValuesList = [uniform(1,5) for elem in crustCoordsList]
    crustIDT = Invdisttree(array(crustCoordsList), array(crustValuesList))