def generate_labels(self, center, dimension, angle, ref_xyz):
        box_corner1 = compute_box_3d(center, dimension * 0.5, angle)
        box_corner2 = compute_box_3d(center, dimension, angle)

        labels = np.zeros(len(ref_xyz))
        inside1 = extract_pc_in_box3d(ref_xyz, box_corner1)
        inside2 = extract_pc_in_box3d(ref_xyz, box_corner2)

        labels[inside2] = -1
        labels[inside1] = 1

        if inside1.sum() == 0:
            dis = np.sqrt(((ref_xyz - center)**2).sum(1))
            argmin = np.argmin(dis)
            labels[argmin] = 1
        return labels
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_box_frustum(box, P, center, dimension, angle):

    x1, y1, x2, y2 = box
    box_corner = compute_box_3d(center, dimension, angle, P)  # 8, 3

    z1 = np.arange(0, 70, 0.1)

    xyz1 = np.zeros((len(z1), 3))
    xyz1[:, 0] = x1
    xyz1[:, 1] = y1
    xyz1[:, 2] = z1
    xyz1_rect = project_image_to_rect(xyz1, P)

    xyz1[:, 0] = x2
    xyz1[:, 1] = y2
    xyz1[:, 2] = z1
    xyz2_rect = project_image_to_rect(xyz1, P)

    xyz1[:, 0] = x1
    xyz1[:, 1] = y2
    xyz1[:, 2] = z1
    xyz3_rect = project_image_to_rect(xyz1, P)

    xyz1[:, 0] = x2
    xyz1[:, 1] = y1
    xyz1[:, 2] = z1
    xyz4_rect = project_image_to_rect(xyz1, P)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

    draw_box3d(box_corner, ax)
    draw_points(xyz1_rect, ax)
    draw_points(xyz2_rect, ax)
    draw_points(xyz3_rect, ax)
    draw_points(xyz4_rect, ax)
    def __getitem__(self, index):

        rotate_to_center = cfg.DATA.RTC
        with_extra_feat = cfg.DATA.WITH_EXTRA_FEAT

        point_set = self.input_list[index].copy()
        pred_box3d = self.pred_box3d_list[index].copy()

        pred_box3d_center = (pred_box3d[0, :] + pred_box3d[6, :]) / 2
        pred_box3d_angle = self.pred_box3d_angle_list[index]
        pred_box3d_size = self.pred_box3d_size_list[index].copy()

        cls_type = self.type_list[index]
        # assert cls_type in KITTICategory.CLASSES, cls_type
        # size_class = KITTICategory.CLASSES.index(cls_type)

        assert cls_type in self.category_info.CLASSES, '%s not in category_info' % cls_type
        size_class = self.category_info.CLASSES.index(cls_type)

        # Compute one hot vector
        if self.one_hot:
            one_hot_vec = np.zeros((len(self.category_info.CLASSES)))
            one_hot_vec[size_class] = 1

        if rotate_to_center:
            point_set[:, :3] = self.get_center_view_point(
                point_set[:, :3], pred_box3d_center, pred_box3d_angle)

        if not with_extra_feat:
            point_set = point_set[:, :3]

        # Resample
        if self.npoints > 0:
            # choice = np.random.choice(point_set.shape[0], self.npoints, replace=True)
            choice = np.random.choice(point_set.shape[0], self.npoints,
                                      point_set.shape[0] < self.npoints)

            choice = np.random.permutation(len(point_set.shape[0]))

        point_set = point_set[choice, :]

        # P = self.calib_list[index]['P2'].reshape(3, 4)

        if rotate_to_center:
            pred_box3d_center_rot, pred_box3d_angle_rot = self.get_center_view_box3d(
                pred_box3d_center, pred_box3d_angle, pred_box3d_center,

            pred_box3d_center_rot = pred_box3d_center
            pred_box3d_angle_rot = pred_box3d_angle

        pred_box3d = compute_box_3d(pred_box3d_center_rot, pred_box3d_size,

        ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4 = self.generate_ref(pred_box3d)

        if self.from_rgb_detection:

            data_inputs = {
                'point_cloud': np.transpose(point_set,
                                            (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
                'center_ref1': np.transpose(ref1, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
                'center_ref2': np.transpose(ref2, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
                'center_ref3': np.transpose(ref3, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
                'center_ref4': np.transpose(ref4, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
                'rot_angle': np.array([pred_box3d_angle]).astype(np.float32),
                'ref_center': pred_box3d_center.astype(np.float32),
            if not rotate_to_center:
                data_inputs.update({'rot_angle': torch.zeros(1)})
                data_inputs.update({'ref_center': torch.zeros(3)})

            if self.one_hot:
                data_inputs.update({'one_hot': torch.FloatTensor(one_hot_vec)})

            return data_inputs

        # mask_label = self.label_list[index].copy()
        # mask_label = mask_label[choice]

        box3d = self.box3d_list[index].copy()
        heading_angle = self.heading_list[index]
        box3d_size = self.size_list[index].copy()

        box3d_center = (box3d[0, :] + box3d[6, :]) / 2

        if rotate_to_center:
            box3d_center, heading_angle = self.get_center_view_box3d(
                box3d_center, heading_angle, pred_box3d_center,

        # box3d_rot = compute_box_3d(box3d_center, box3d_size, heading_angle)
        # self.check(point_set, ref1, box3d_rot, pred_box3d)

        if self.random_flip:
            # note: rot_angle won't be correct if we have random_flip
            # so do not use it in case of random flipping.
            if np.random.random() > 0.5:  # 50% chance flipping
                point_set[:, 0] *= -1
                box3d_center[0] *= -1
                heading_angle = np.pi - heading_angle

                ref1[:, 0] *= -1
                ref2[:, 0] *= -1
                ref3[:, 0] *= -1
                ref4[:, 0] *= -1

        if self.random_shift:
            s1 = cfg.DATA.STRIDE[0]
            l, w, h = self.size_list[index]
            dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(l**2 + w**2))
            shift = np.clip(np.random.randn() * dist * 0.1, -s1 * 2, 2 * s1)
            point_set[:, 2] += shift
            box3d_center[2] += shift

        # angle_class, angle_residual = angle2class(heading_angle, NUM_HEADING_BIN)

        # self.check(box, P, box3d_center, self.size_list[index], heading_angle)
        labels = self.generate_labels(box3d_center, box3d_size, heading_angle,

        data_inputs = {
            'point_cloud': np.transpose(point_set, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
            'cls_label': labels.astype(np.int64),
            'box3d_center': box3d_center.astype(np.float32),
            'box3d_heading': np.array([heading_angle], dtype=np.float32),
            'box3d_size': box3d_size.astype(np.float32),
            'size_class': np.array([size_class], dtype=np.int64),
            'center_ref1': np.transpose(ref1, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
            'center_ref2': np.transpose(ref2, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
            'center_ref3': np.transpose(ref3, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
            'center_ref4': np.transpose(ref4, (1, 0)).astype(np.float32),
            'rot_angle': np.array([pred_box3d_angle]).astype(np.float32),
            'ref_center': pred_box3d_center.astype(np.float32),

        if not rotate_to_center:
            data_inputs.update({'rot_angle': torch.zeros(1)})

        if self.one_hot:
            data_inputs.update({'one_hot': torch.FloatTensor(one_hot_vec)})

        return data_inputs