Exemplo n.º 1
def insert_in_datastore_and_get_id(entityKind, entity):
    print("Entering insert_in_datastore_and_get_id...")
    # Initialize the response dictionary
    response = {"id": 0, "message": "", "validOutputReturned": True}
    entity = datastoreoperations.create_datastore_entity(entityKind, entity)
    if not entity['validOutputReturned']:
        # Error creating datastore entity
        response['validOutputReturned'] = False
        response['message'] = entity['message']
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    id = entity['entity'].key.id
    # entity['datastore_id'] = id
    # Update the Datastore ID in Datastore
    updated_entity = {
        "last_modified_timestamp": datetime.datetime.now(),
        "datastore_id": id
    entity = datastoreoperations.update_datastore_entity(
        entityKind, id, updated_entity)

    if not entity['validOutputReturned']:
        # Error creating datastore entity
        response['validOutputReturned'] = False
        response['message'] = entity['message']
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    # Update the Datastore ID in the Output Dictionary
    response['id'] = entity['entity'].key.id
    response['message'] = "Successfully inserted into the Datastore."
    return response
Exemplo n.º 2
def delete_user(entityKind, username):
    print("Entering delete_user...")
    # Initialize the response dictionary
    response = {"result": False, "message": "", "validOutputReturned": True}
    # Check whether user exists, and fetch the ID.
    user = isValidUser(entityKind, username.lower())
    if not user['validOutputReturned']:
        # Error returned from isValidUser. Cannot delete.
        response['message'] = user['message']
        response['validOutputReturned'] = False
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    # Valid output returned from isValidUser
    if not user['result']:
        # User does not exist. Cannot update.
        response['message'] = user['message']
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    # User exists. Go ahead with delete.
    id = user['userDetails']['id']
    flag_user_hard_delete = utilities.get_value_by_entityKind_and_key(
        env['config_entityKind'], "flag_user_hard_delete")['config_value']
    if flag_user_hard_delete:
        # HARD delete from Datastore
        entityKind = utilities.get_value_by_entityKind_and_key(
            env['config_entityKind'], "datastore_kind_users")['config_value']
        delete_user = datastoreoperations.delete_datastore_entity(
            entityKind, id)
        if not delete_user['validOutputReturned']:
            # Error returned from delete_user
            response['message'] = delete_user['message']
            response['validOutputReturned'] = False
            # Valid output returned from delete_user
            response['message'] = "User HARD deleted from the DB."
            response['result'] = True
        return response

    if not flag_user_hard_delete:
        # SOFT delete from Datastore
        # Update the Active flag to False in Datastore
        updated_user = {"active": False}
        entityKind = utilities.get_value_by_entityKind_and_key(
            env['config_entityKind'], "datastore_kind_users")['config_value']
        updated_user = datastoreoperations.update_datastore_entity(
            entityKind, id, updated_user)
        if not updated_user['validOutputReturned']:
            # Error returned from update_datastore_entity
            response['message'] = updated_user['message']
            response['validOutputReturned'] = False
            # Valid output returned from update_datastore_entity
            response['message'] = "User SOFT deleted from the DB."
            response['result'] = True

    return response
def update_datastore_linear_equations(input_linear_equations):
    print("Entering update_datastore_linear_equations...")
    # Update Datastore Entity
    id = input_linear_equations['datastore_id']
    updated_entity = {
    "last_modified_timestamp": datetime.datetime.now(),
    "answer": input_linear_equations['answer'],
    "timeTaken": input_linear_equations['timeTaken'],
    "userAnswerCorrect": input_linear_equations['userAnswerCorrect']
    # Get entityKind config from Datastore
    entityKind = utilities.get_value_by_entityKind_and_key(env['config_entityKind'],"datastore_kind_linear_equations")['config_value']
    status = datastoreoperations.update_datastore_entity(entityKind,id,updated_entity)
    return status
def update_datastore_basic_arithmatic_operations(
    print("Entering update_datastore_basic_arithmatic_operations...")
    # Update Datastore Entity
    id = input_basic_arithematic_operation['datastore_id']

    updated_entity = {
        "last_modified_timestamp": datetime.datetime.now(),
        "timeTaken": input_basic_arithematic_operation['timeTaken'],
        "questions": input_basic_arithematic_operation['questions'],

    # Get entityKind config from Datastore
    entityKind = utilities.get_value_by_entityKind_and_key(
    status = datastoreoperations.update_datastore_entity(
        entityKind, id, updated_entity)
    return status
Exemplo n.º 5
def update_datastore_config_from_json():
    print("Entering update_config...")
    entityKind = env['config_entityKind']
    envVariables = config.read_configurations_from_config_file()
    # Process
    countTotal = len(envVariables)
    countCreate = 0
    countUpdate = 0
    countNoChange = 0
    for (key,value) in envVariables.items():
        # Check whether the key already exists in the DB.
        read = utilities.read_datastore_and_get_id(entityKind,"key",key)
        if not read['id']:
            # Key not found. Create.
            create = utilities.create_key_value_pair_in_datastore(entityKind,key,value)
            countCreate += 1
        elif read['id']:
            # Key found. 
            # Check whether the json supplied value has changed.
            entity = datastoreoperations.get_datastore_entity(entityKind,read['id'])
            if value == entity['entity']['value']:
                # json supplied value has NOT changed. Update NOT needed.
                # json supplied value has changed. Update.
                jsonEntity = {
                    "key": key,
                    "value": value
                update = datastoreoperations.update_datastore_entity(entityKind,read['id'],jsonEntity)
                countUpdate += 1
            # Will never get here.
    # Calculate count of no change
    countNoChange = countTotal - countCreate - countUpdate
    print("Process completed. Total Configurations:{}. Created:{}, Updated:{}, No Change:{}.".format(countTotal, countCreate, countUpdate, countNoChange)) 
Exemplo n.º 6
def update_user(entityKind, user_details):
    print("Entering update_user...")
    # Initialize the response dictionary
    response = {
        "entity": None,
        "message": "",
        "validOutputReturned": True,
        "userDetails": {}
    # Validate User Data
    attribute_validation = validate_user_attributes(user_details)
    if not attribute_validation['validOutputReturned']:
        # Error returned from validate_user_attributes
        response['message'] = attribute_validation['message']
        response['validOutputReturned'] = False
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    # Valid output returned from validate_user_attributes
    if not attribute_validation['result']:
        # Attribute validation result failed. Cannot proceed with update.
        response['message'] = attribute_validation['message']
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    # All attributes are valid.
    # Check whether the user is already in the DB.
    user = isValidUser(entityKind, user_details['username'].lower())
    if not user['validOutputReturned']:
        # Error returned from isValidUser
        response['message'] = user['message']
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    # Valid output returned from isValidUser
    if not user['result']:
        # User does not exist. Cannot update.
        response['message'] = user['message']
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    # User exists; proceed with update.
    id = user['userDetails']['id']
    updated_user_entity = {
        # username should always be stored in lowercase.
        "username": user_details['username'].lower(),
        "password": user_details['password'],
        # first_name and last_name should always be stored with first letter Capital.
        "first_name": user_details['first_name'].title(),
        "last_name": user_details['last_name'].title(),
        # email should always be stored in lowercase.
        "email": user_details['email'].lower(),
        "forgot_password_question": user_details['forgot_password_question'],
        "forgot_password_answer": user_details['forgot_password_answer'],
        "active": True,
        "last_modified_timestamp": datetime.datetime.now()
    entityKind = utilities.get_value_by_entityKind_and_key(
        env['config_entityKind'], "datastore_kind_users")['config_value']
    entity = datastoreoperations.update_datastore_entity(
        entityKind, id, updated_user_entity)
    if not entity['validOutputReturned']:
        # Error returned from update_datastore_entity
        response['message'] = entity['message']
        # Return. Don't move forward.
        return response

    # Valid output returned from update_datastore_entity
    response['message'] = "User updated successfully in the DB."
    response['entity'] = entity['entity']

    return response