Exemplo n.º 1
    def linear_move(self, x_e, y_e, pv_x, pv_y, dv_x, dv_y, min_d):
        # calculates end position of beta arm movement and direction of movement

        d = sqrt(x_e**2 + y_e**2)  # distance to center at end position
        beta_e = 2 * asin(d / (2 * self.rB))  # value of beta at end position

        dir_beta = sign(beta_e - self.beta)  # direction of beta movement

        if abs(beta_e - self.beta) <= 0.5 * self.BETA_RES:
            # if true, beta is already as close to it's target position as possible
            # although we don't need to move the beta arm, we might still need to move the table (alpha)
            path = list()
            steps_alpha, dir_alpha = self.calc_alpha(x_e, y_e)
            self.x = x_e
            self.y = y_e
            if steps_alpha != 0:
                # alpha needs to move
                self.segment_index += 1
                    PathSegment(dir_alpha * steps_alpha, 0, 0, self.x, self.y,
                                self.z, self.alpha, self.beta,
                                self.current_gcommand, self.segment_index))
            return path

            # beta needs to move
            return self.linear_move_beta(beta_e, dir_beta, min_d, x_e, y_e,
                                         pv_x, pv_y, dv_x, dv_y)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def arc_move_beta(self, x_e, y_e, m, n, r, min_d, pos_neg):
        path = []

        if self.x == x_e and self.y == y_e:
            # no movement necessary
            return path

        # calculate end position of beta arm movement (and direction)
        d = sqrt(x_e**2 + y_e**2)
        beta_e = 2 * asin(d / (2 * self.rB))

        dir_beta = sign(beta_e - self.beta)

        dir_x = sign(x_e - self.x)

        last_iteration = False
        while True:
            self.beta = self.beta + (
                self.BETA_RES * dir_beta
            )  # move beta arm one res step per iteration

            # check whether this is the last iteration of the loop
            if (dir_beta == 1
                    and self.beta > beta_e) or (dir_beta == -1
                                                and self.beta < beta_e):
                last_iteration = True

            d_c = 2 * self.rB * sin(
                self.beta / 2)  # current distance of beta arm from centre

            if not last_iteration:
                if d_c < min_d:  # calc_xy_arc fails if this is true
                    d_c = min_d  # may be caused by very slight calculation errors
                # get current x/y position
                self.x, self.y = self.calc_xy_arc(m, n, r, d_c, pos_neg, dir_x)
                # compensate for rounding errors on the last go by simply using the target values
                # as current position; seems to be fine
                self.x = x_e
                self.y = y_e

            if self.DEBUGOUT:  # dev stuff
                self.DEBUGOUT.update_position(self.x, self.y, 'arc')

            steps_alpha, dir_alpha = self.calc_alpha(self.x, self.y)

            # add to path
            self.segment_index += 1
            path_segment = PathSegment(dir_alpha * steps_alpha, dir_beta, 0,
                                       self.x, self.y, self.z, self.alpha,
                                       self.beta, self.current_gcommand,

            # checking whether to continue loop or not
            if last_iteration:
                return path
Exemplo n.º 3
    def move_z(self, z):
        # calculate number of steps to move
        z_dif = z - self.z
        z_steps = int(round(z_dif / self.Z_RES, 0))

        # set current z position
        self.z += z_steps * self.Z_RES

        # create and return path segment
        self.segment_index += 1
        return [
            PathSegment(0, 0, z_steps, self.x, self.y, self.z, self.alpha,
                        self.beta, self.current_gcommand, self.segment_index)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def recalculate_segment_buffer(self):
        # reverse pass through the processing buffer
        # always starts with an empty segment at the end to represent a stop

        current_seg = PathSegment(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, None)

        for idx in range(-1,
                         -len(self.processing_buffer) + self.buffer_planned,
            next_seg = current_seg
            current_seg = self.processing_buffer[idx]

            # calculate the maximum entry speed by decelerating over the current segment
            # (mathematically we accelerate in reverse)
            entry_speed_sqr = next_seg.entry_speed_sqr + 2 * current_seg.acceleration * current_seg.distance

            if entry_speed_sqr < current_seg.max_entry_speed_sqr:
                current_seg.entry_speed_sqr = entry_speed_sqr
                current_seg.entry_speed_sqr = current_seg.max_entry_speed_sqr

        # forward_pass
        next_seg = self.processing_buffer[self.buffer_planned]
        for idx in range(self.buffer_planned + 1, len(self.processing_buffer),
            current_seg = next_seg
            next_seg = self.processing_buffer[idx]

            # calculate maximum entry speed by accelerating over the current segment
            if current_seg.entry_speed_sqr < next_seg.entry_speed_sqr:
                entry_speed_sqr = current_seg.entry_speed_sqr + 2 * current_seg.acceleration * current_seg.distance
                if entry_speed_sqr < next_seg.entry_speed_sqr:
                    next_seg.entry_speed_sqr = entry_speed_sqr
                    # the current segment is at maximum acceleration, the buffer can not be improved anymore up to here
                    # the buffer_planned indicator gets set to the new position
                    self.buffer_planned = idx - 2
Exemplo n.º 5
    def linear_move_beta(self, beta_e, dir_beta, min_d, x_e, y_e, pv_x, pv_y,
                         dv_x, dv_y):
        # beta is moved in steps of it minimum resolution
        # x, y and alpha are calculated for every iteration
        path = list()

        last_iteration = False
        while True:
            # move beta arm one res step per iteration
            self.beta = self.beta + (self.BETA_RES * dir_beta)

            # check whether this is the last iteration of the loop
            if abs(beta_e - self.beta) <= 0.5 * self.BETA_RES:
                last_iteration = True

            # current distance of beta arm from center
            d_c = 2 * self.rB * sin(self.beta / 2)

            if not last_iteration:
                if d_c < min_d:  # calc_xy_linear fails if this is true
                    d_c = min_d  # may be caused by very slight calculation errors
                # get current x/y position
                self.x, self.y = self.calc_xy_linear(x_e, y_e, pv_x, pv_y,
                                                     dv_x, dv_y, d_c)
                # compensate for small calculation errors on the last go by simply using the target values
                # as current position; seems to be fine
                self.x = x_e
                self.y = y_e

            if self.DEBUGOUT:  # dev stuff
                self.DEBUGOUT.update_position(self.x, self.y, 'linear')

            # calculate alpha position
            steps_alpha, dir_alpha = self.calc_alpha(self.x, self.y)

            # add to path
            self.segment_index += 1
            path_segment = PathSegment(dir_alpha * steps_alpha, dir_beta, 0,
                                       self.x, self.y, self.z, self.alpha,
                                       self.beta, self.current_gcommand,

            # checking whether to continue loop or not
            if last_iteration:
                return path
Exemplo n.º 6
    def serve_next(self):
        while 'this loop just goes on until a segment is returned':
            if self.bypass and self.bypass[
                    0].index == self.last_segment_index + 1:
                self.last_segment_index = self.bypass[0].index
                return self.bypass.pop(0)

            while not self.next:
                # should only happen on first call and maybe next few
                # while there has not been a usable segment for self.next yet
                next_segment = self.provider.serve_next()
                if next_segment.a_steps and next_segment.b_steps:
                    self.next = next_segment
                    self.last_segment_index = next_segment.index
                    return next_segment

            segment = self.provider.serve_next()
            if not segment:
                segment = PathSegment(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, None)
            elif not segment.a_steps and not segment.b_steps:

            self.current = self.next
            self.next = segment

            current_max_rate_a, current_max_rate_b = self.nominal_rate(
            next_max_entry_rate_a, next_max_entry_rate_b = self.max_entry_rate(

            self.accelerate_a(self.current, current_max_rate_a,
            self.accelerate_b(self.current, current_max_rate_b,

            self.last_segment_index = self.current.index
            return self.current
Exemplo n.º 7
    def arc_process(self, x_e, y_e, i, j, mv_dir):
        # prepares for circular interpolation and splits circle into segments
        # Currently circular interpolation is limited to circle segments covering
        # 180 degrees of a full circle at maximum. Larger segments need to be split
        # up into multiple G02/G03 commands prior to handing them to this class!
        # This code works with the equation for a half circle:
        #   f(x) = sqrt(r^2 + (x-m)^2) + n
        # A full circle would need to be split into four segments. First into two segments
        # as the equation used only defines the upper OR lower half of a circle (+f(x) or -f(x)).
        # Secondly these segments are both split again at the points closest to and furthest away
        # from the table's center, as the beta arm needs to change direction at these points.
        # Although full circles are not supported currently, these split points also apply to
        # segments of a circle.

        path = list()

        m = self.x + i  # center coordinates of the circle
        n = self.y + j

        r = sqrt((m - self.x)**2 + (n - self.y)**2)  # radius

        # if the circle's center point is the same as the table's center point, only alpha needs to move.
        # returns path empty if alpha also does not need to move
        if m == 0 and n == 0:
            steps_alpha, dir_alpha = self.calc_alpha(x_e, y_e)

            self.x = x_e
            self.y = y_e

            if steps_alpha != 0:
                self.segment_index += 1
                    PathSegment(dir_alpha * steps_alpha, 0, 0, self.x, self.y,
                                self.z, self.alpha, self.beta,
                                self.current_gcommand, self.segment_index))

            return path

        # the beta axis needs to move
            # Calculate points closest to and furthest away from table center and corresponding min/max dist.
            # Depending on the position on the table each of these calculation can either return the closest
            # or the furthes point, therefore further checks are necessary.
            p1_x = m + m * (1 / sqrt(m**2 + n**2)) * r
            p1_y = n + n * (1 / sqrt(m**2 + n**2)) * r
            p2_x = m - m * (1 / sqrt(m**2 + n**2)) * r
            p2_y = n - n * (1 / sqrt(m**2 + n**2)) * r

            d_1 = sqrt(p1_x**2 + p1_y**2)
            d_2 = sqrt(p2_x**2 + p2_y**2)

            # Determine which is maximum and minimum distance from table center.
            min_d = min(d_1, d_2)

            # Determine upper and lower point at which the beta arm needs to change direction.
            # The upper point is on the positive circle half, the lower point on the negative circle half
            if not p1_y == p2_y:
                if p1_y > p2_y:
                    p_up_y = p1_y
                    p_up_x = p1_x
                    p_low_y = p2_y
                    p_low_x = p2_x
                    p_up_y = p2_y
                    p_up_x = p2_x
                    p_low_y = p1_y
                    p_low_x = p1_x
                # which one is which is irrelevant
                p_up_y = p1_y
                p_up_x = p1_x
                p_low_y = p2_y
                p_low_x = p2_x

            # The circle is devided into four segments, c_segs contains the split points:
            # (m +-r, n) are necessary as f(x) only defines a half circle; they split top and bottom half
            # (p*_x, p*_y) are necessary as the beta arm needs to change direction at these points
            # The code checks where the start and end points fit in and then iterates from start over the split points
            # until it reaches the end point. Per iteration, interpolation from the current position to the next point
            # is performed.
            # Taking the list times three ensures that we don't need to loop over to the beginning while iterating.
            # The list order is changed for depending on direction of movement.

            if mv_dir == 'G02':
                c_segs = [(m - r, n), (p_up_x, p_up_y), (m + r, n),
                          (p_low_x, p_low_y)] * 3
                c_segs = [(m + r, n), (p_up_x, p_up_y), (m - r, n),
                          (p_low_x, p_low_y)] * 3

            # find position of start and endpoint in c_segs
            # self.x/self.y are the starting point's coordinates
            if not m - r <= self.x <= m + r:
                # because of slight inaccuracies it can happen that self.x is not on/in the circle
                # in that case it is just set to the min/max possible value
                if abs(self.x - (m - r)) < abs(x_e - (m + r)):
                    self.x = m - r
                    self.x = m + r

            for i in range(7):  # starting point
                # check if current x is between the current and the next split point
                if c_segs[i][0] >= self.x >= c_segs[
                        i + 1][0] or c_segs[i][0] <= self.x <= c_segs[i +
                    if i in (0, 1, 4,
                             5):  # +f(x) / segment is upper circle half
                        # n is the circle centre's y-coordinate; the current segment is on the upper
                        # half of the circle, therefore self.y also needs to be above the circle's centre
                        # else the current point does not fit in at this position; continue searching...
                        if self.y >= n:
                            i_start = i + 1
                    elif i in (2, 3, 6,
                               7):  # -f(x) / segment is lower circle half
                        if self.y < n:
                            i_start = i + 1

            if not m - r <= x_e <= m + r:
                # because of slight inaccuracies it can happen that x_e is not on/in the circle
                # in that case it is just set to the min/max possible value
                if abs(x_e - (m - r)) < abs(x_e - (m + r)):
                    x_e = m - r
                    x_e = m + r

            # look were the endpoint fits in; basically same as for starting point above
            for i in range(i_start - 1, 11):  # endpoint
                if c_segs[i][0] >= x_e >= c_segs[
                        i + 1][0] or c_segs[i][0] <= x_e <= c_segs[i + 1][0]:
                    if i in (0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9):  # +f(x)
                        if y_e >= n:
                            i_end = i + 1
                    elif i in (2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11):  # -f(x)
                        if y_e < n:
                            i_end = i + 1

            # pos_neg indicates whether a segment is on the upper (pos) or lower (neg) half of the circle.
            # this value is passed on to be used later for calculating the current x and y coordinates
            pos_neg = [-1, 1, 1, -1] * 3

            # do interpolation for each circle segment
            for i in range(i_start, i_end):
                path += self.arc_move_beta(c_segs[i][0], c_segs[i][1], m, n, r,
                                           min_d, pos_neg[i])

            # do interpolation to end position
            path += self.arc_move_beta(x_e, y_e, m, n, r, min_d,
                                       pos_neg[i + 1])

        return path