Exemplo n.º 1
def probcal(Omega, cosi, m2, pf):
    if m2 <= 0 or Omega > 360 or Omega < -360:
        return 0
    sini = sqrt(1 - cosi**2)
    xdot = -1.* fac * x * mu * (cosi/sini) * sin((thetamu-Omega)*twopi/360.)
    touchparfile(parfile, NITS=1, PAASCNODE=Omega, SINI = sini, M2 = m2, XDOT = xdot)
    chisq, dof = tempofit(parfile, toafile = toafile)
    #print chisq, dof
    if chisq >= 99999.:return 0
    #return (dof/chisq)
    #return chisqprob(chisq, dof)
    smallest = 308.28
    #f = 1./sqrt(6.283185307179586)
    #return f*exp(smallest - chisq)*sqrt(chisq - smallest)
    return exp((smallest - chisq)/2.) #Ingrid/Paul?
Exemplo n.º 2
def probcal(Omega, cosi, m2, pf):
    if m2 <= 0 or Omega > 360 or Omega < -360:
        return 0
    sini = sqrt(1 - cosi**2)
    xdot = -1. * fac * x * mu * (cosi / sini) * sin(
        (thetamu - Omega) * twopi / 360.)
    touchparfile(parfile, NITS=1, PAASCNODE=Omega, SINI=sini, M2=m2, XDOT=xdot)
    chisq, dof = tempofit(parfile, toafile=toafile)
    #print chisq, dof
    if chisq >= 99999.: return 0
    #return (dof/chisq)
    #return chisqprob(chisq, dof)
    smallest = 308.28
    #f = 1./sqrt(6.283185307179586)
    #return f*exp(smallest - chisq)*sqrt(chisq - smallest)
    return exp((smallest - chisq) / 2.)  #Ingrid/Paul?
Exemplo n.º 3
def probcal(pf):
    #if m2 <= 0 or Omega > 360 or Omega < -360:
        #return 0
    #sini = sqrt(1 - cosi**2)
    #xdot = -1.* fac * x * mu * (cosi/sini) * sin((thetamu-Omega)*twopi/360.)
    #touchparfile(parfile, NITS=1, PAASCNODE=Omega, SINI = sini, M2 = m2, XDOT = xdot)
    chisq, dof = tempofit(parfile, toafile = toafile, pulsefile = pulsefile)
    pf.chisq = chisq
    #print dof, chisq
    #print parfile, toafile
    #print chisq, smallestchisq
    #if chisq >= 999999999.:return 0
    #smallestchisq = 308.28
        return exp((smallestchisq - chisq)/2.) #Ingrid/Paul?
    except OverflowError:
        print chisq, smallestchisq
        print pf.parfile
        raise OverflowError 
Exemplo n.º 4
def probcal(pf):
    global smallestchisq
    m2 = float(str(pf.M2[0]))
    Omega = float(str(pf.PAASCNODE))
    sini = float(str(pf.SINI[0]))
    if m2 <= 0 or Omega > 360 or Omega < -360 or sini > 1.:
        return 0
    #sini = sqrt(1 - cosi**2)
    #xdot = -1.* fac * x * mu * (cosi/sini) * sin((thetamu-Omega)*twopi/360.)
    #touchparfile(parfile, NITS=1, PAASCNODE=Omega, SINI = sini, M2 = m2, XDOT = xdot)
    chisq, dof = tempofit(parfile, toafile = toafile, pulsefile = pulsefile)
    #print dof, chisq, smallestchisq
    pf.chisq = chisq
    if chisq < smallestchisq: smallestchisq = chisq
        #return exp((smallestchisq - chisq)/2.) #Ingrid/Paul?
        return (smallestchisq - chisq)/2. #Ingrid/Paul?
    except OverflowError:
        print chisq, smallestchisq
        print pf.parfile
        raise OverflowError 
Exemplo n.º 5
    parfile = options.parfile
    toafile = options.toafile
    pulsefile = options.pulsefile
    steps = options.steps
    mixing = options.mixing
    rseed = options.seed
    stepsize = options.stepsize
    px = options.paral
    pf = PARfile(parfile)
    #pf = model(parfile)
    #touchparfile(parfile, NITS=1)
    touchparfile('mcmc.par', NITS=1)
    chisq, dof = tempofit('mcmc.par', toafile = toafile, pulsefile = pulsefile)
    #pf.tempofit(TOAfile(toafile), pulsefile = pulsefile)
    smallestchisq = chisq
    #print 'smallestchisq', smallestchisq, dof

    plist = [x for x in pf.manifest if x in pf.parameters.keys() if not x.startswith('DMX') and not x.startswith('JUMP')]

    bestpar = {'BEST':[pf.__dict__[p][0] for p in plist] + [pf.PAASCNODE, chisq], 'parfile':pf.parfile, 'parameters':plist + ['PAASCNODE', 'chisq']}
    pickle.dump(bestpar, open('%s/bestpar.p' % cwd, 'w', 0), protocol=2)

    def run(argv):
        s, MarkovChain = argv
Exemplo n.º 6
def mcmc(Chain, runtime, mixingtime=1000, stepsize=1):
    #mixingtime = 1000
    #runtime = 50000
    pb = progressBar(maxValue = runtime + mixingtime)
    tmpdir = cwd+'/.'+uniquename()
    if not tmpdir == None:
        if os.path.exists(tmpdir):
    os.system('cp %s/%s %s/%s' % (cwd, parfile, tmpdir, parfile))
    os.system('cp %s/%s %s/%s' % (cwd, pulsefile, tmpdir, pulsefile))
    motifile(toafile, cwd, tmpdir)
    MarkovChain = Chain
    pf = PARfile(parfile)
    #pf = model(parfile)
    #pf.parameters['SINI'] = '0'
    #pf.parameters['M2'] = '0'
    #pf.parameters['XDOT'] = '0'

    chisq, dof = tempofit(parfile, toafile = toafile, pulsefile = pulsefile)
    #pf.tempofit(toafile, pulsefile = pulsefile)
    chisq, dof = chisq, dof

    #if 'PAASCNODE'in pf.__dict__:
        #plist = [x for x in pf.manifest if x in pf.parameters.keys()] + ['PAASCNODE']
        #dict = {'BEST':[pf.__dict__[p][0] for p in plist[:-1]] + [pf.__dict__[p] for p in plist[-1:]], 'parfile':pf.parfile, 'parameters':plist + ['chisq']}
    plist = [x for x in pf.manifest if x in pf.parameters.keys()]

    dict = {'BEST':[pf.__dict__[p][0] for p in plist] + [pf.PAASCNODE, chisq], 'parfile':pf.parfile, 'parameters':plist + ['PAASCNODE', 'chisq']}
    pickle.dump(dict, open('%s/bestpar.p' % cwd, 'w'), protocol=2)
    p0 = probcal(pf)
    p = p0
    #print 'P0', p0
        #MChain = pickle.load(open('MChain.p', 'r'))
        #MChain = {'Chain':[]}
    #MChain['parameters'] = plist
    #pickle.dump(MChain, open('MChain.p', 'w'))
    n = count()
    m = count()
    while n.next() <= mixingtime + runtime:
        npf = pf.randomnew(stepsize=stepsize)
        randomnew(npf, stepsize)
        p1 = probcal(npf)
        c = m.next()
        if c % 30 == 0:pb(c)
        if p1 > p0:
            if c > mixingtime:
                MarkovChain.append([npf.__dict__[p][0] for p in plist] + [npf.PAASCNODE, npf.chisq])
            pf = npf
            p0 = p1
            if p1 > p:
                p = p1
                #if 'PAASCNODE' in plist:
                    #dict['BEST'] = [pf.__dict__[p][0] for p in plist[:-1]] + [pf.__dict__[p] for p in plist[-1:]] + [npf.chisq]
                dict['BEST'] = [npf.__dict__[p][0] for p in plist] + [npf.PAASCNODE,  npf.chisq]
                pickle.dump(dict, open('%s/bestpar.p' % cwd, 'w'), protocol=2)
            t = uniform(0,1,1)[0]
            if t < p1/p0:
                if c > mixingtime:
                    MarkovChain.append([npf.__dict__[p][0] for p in plist] + [npf.PAASCNODE, npf.chisq])
                pf = npf
                p0 = p1
                if c > mixingtime:
                    MarkovChain.append([pf.__dict__[p][0] for p in plist] + [npf.PAASCNODE, npf.chisq])
    #print  MarkovChain
    #print best
    print '%d points added to the Chain.' % len(MarkovChain)
    #OldChain = pickle.load(open('MChain.p','r'))['Chain']
    #dict['Chain'] = OldChain + MarkovChain
    #dict['Chain'] = MarkovChain