Exemplo n.º 1
def can_an_passant(piece, move, board: ChessBoard):
    left_neighbor_pos = Vec2(move.old.x - 1, move.old.y)
    right_neighbor_pos = Vec2(move.old.x + 1, move.old.y)

    global left_neighbor
    global right_neighbor

    if move.old.x != 0:
        left_neighbor = board.get_piece(left_neighbor_pos)
    if move.old.x != 7:
        right_neighbor = board.get_piece(right_neighbor_pos)

    if piece.team == 1:
        if move.old.y == 3:
            if left_neighbor is not None:
                if left_neighbor.name == "Pawn" and left_neighbor.move_counter == 1 and left_neighbor.team != piece.team:
                    an_passant(move, "left", board)
                    return True
            elif right_neighbor is not None:
                if right_neighbor.name == "Pawn" and right_neighbor.move_counter == 1 and right_neighbor.team != piece.team:
                    an_passant(move, "right", board)
                    return True

    elif piece.team == 2:
        if move.old.y == 4:
            if left_neighbor is not None:
                if left_neighbor.name == "Pawn" and left_neighbor.move_counter == 1 and left_neighbor.team != piece.team:
                    an_passant(move, "left", board)
                    return True
            elif right_neighbor is not None:
                if right_neighbor.name == "Pawn" and right_neighbor.move_counter == 1 and right_neighbor.team != piece.team:
                    an_passant(move, "right", board)
                    return True
    return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_add_two_vectors(self):
        v1 = Vec2(2, 2)
        v2 = Vec2(3, 3)

        actual = v1 + v2
        expected = Vec2(5, 5)

        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_attacker_spaces_for_checkmate(self, attacker_piece,
                                       attacker_pos) -> List[Vec2]:
     move_list = []
     for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
         for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
             if attacker_piece.can_move(Move(attacker_pos, Vec2(x, y)),
                 move_list.append(Vec2(x, y))
     return move_list
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_pawn_may_double_jump(self):
        # Arrange
        pawn_start_pos = Vec2(5, 5)

        # Act
        pawn_move = self.pawn.can_move(Move(pawn_start_pos, Vec2(5, 3)), self.chess_board)

        # Assert
Exemplo n.º 5
 def is_space_safe(self, pos: Vec2, for_team: int) -> bool:
     for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
         for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
             piece = self.get_piece(Vec2(x, y))
             if piece and piece.team != for_team:
                 if piece.can_move(Move(Vec2(x, y), pos), self):
                     # print(f"{piece} can take {pos}")
                     return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_new_coordinates_via_pawn_double_jump(self):
        # Arrange
        self.chess_board.set_piece(Vec2(0, 2), self.enemy_pawn)

        # Act
        self.chess_board.move(Move(Vec2(0, 2), Vec2(0, 4)))

        # Assert
        self.assertTrue(self.chess_board.get_piece(Vec2(0, 4)).name == "Pawn")
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_all_pieces_checking_king(self, player_team, king_pos) -> List:
     hit_list = []
     for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
         for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
             attacker = self.get_piece(Vec2(x, y))
             if attacker is not None and attacker.team != player_team:
                 if attacker.can_move((Move(Vec2(x, y), king_pos)), self):
     return hit_list
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_pawn_may_not_double_jump_after_moving(self):
        # Arrange
        pawn_start_pos = Vec2(0, 6)

        # Act
        self.chess_board.move(Move(pawn_start_pos, Vec2(0, 3)))
        pawn_move_to_test = self.p1_pawn.can_move(Move(pawn_start_pos, Vec2(5, 3)), self.chess_board)

        # Assert
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_can_king_free_himself_if_checked(self):
        # Arrange
        king_start_pos = Vec2(4,7)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(king_start_pos, self.king)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(Vec2(5, 6), self.enemy_pawn)

        # Act
        king_move = self.king.can_move(Move(king_start_pos, Vec2(3, 7)), self.chess_board)

        # Assert
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_king_cannot_endanger_himself(self):
        # Arrange
        king_start_pos = Vec2(4, 7)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(king_start_pos, self.king)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(Vec2(5, 5), self.enemy_pawn)

        # Act
        king_move = self.king.can_move(Move(king_start_pos, Vec2(4, 2)), self.chess_board)

        # Assert
Exemplo n.º 11
def is_castling(move, board: ChessBoard):
    king = board.get_piece(move.old)

    if king.team == 1:
        if move.new == Vec2(6, 7) or move.new == Vec2(2, 7):
            return True

        if move.new == Vec2(6, 0) or move.new == Vec2(2, 0):
            return True

    return False
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_horse_may_jump(self):
        # Arrange
        knight_start_pos = Vec2(5, 5)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(knight_start_pos, self.knight)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(Vec2(5, 4), self.pawn)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(Vec2(4, 4), self.king)

        # Act
        knight_jump = self.knight.can_move(Move(knight_start_pos, Vec2(3, 4)), self.chess_board)

        # Assert
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_king_cannot_over_move_For_castle_right(self):
        # Arrange
        king_start_pos = Vec2(4, 7)
        rook_start_pos = Vec2(7, 7)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(king_start_pos, self.king)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(rook_start_pos, Rook(team=self.player_turn))

        # Act
        castle_move = self.king.can_move(Move(king_start_pos, Vec2(7, 7)), self.chess_board)

        # Assert
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_king_may_castle_left(self):
        # Arrange
        king_start_pos = Vec2(4, 7)
        rook_start_pos = Vec2(0, 7)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(king_start_pos, self.king)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(rook_start_pos, Rook(team=self.player_turn))

        # Act
        castle_move = self.king.can_move(Move(king_start_pos, Vec2(2, 7)), self.chess_board)

        # Assert
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_knight_border_portal(self):
        # Arrange
        knight = Knight(team=1)

        knight_starting_space = Vec2(1, 0)
        knight_destination_space = Vec2(0, 2)

        knight_move = Move(knight_starting_space, knight_destination_space)

        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(knight_starting_space, knight)

        # Act & Assert
        self.assertTrue(knight.can_move(knight_move, self.chess_board))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_all_pieces_on_team(self, player_team):
     friendly_list = []
     for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
         for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
             attacker = self.get_piece(Vec2(x, y))
             if attacker is not None and attacker.team == player_team:
     return friendly_list
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_pawn_cannot_move_backwards(self):
        # Arrange
        end_space = self.start_space + Vec2(0, 1)
        move = Move(self.start_space, end_space)

        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(self.start_space, self.pawn)

        # Act & Assert
        self.assertRaises(IllegalMove, self.chess_game.try_player_move, move, self.player_turn)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_piece_may_not_move_out_of_bounds(self):
        # Arrange
        knight_end_pos = Vec2(-2, -1)

        # Act
        is_knight_moving_inbound = self.chess_board.in_board(knight_end_pos)

        # Assert
Exemplo n.º 19
    def print_all_moves_for_piece(self, pos):
        a_board = ChessBoard()
        piece = self.get_piece(pos)

        for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
            for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
                if piece.can_move(Move(pos, Vec2(x, y)), self):
                    a_board.spaces[y][x] = "x"

Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_get_king(self):
        # Arrange
        king_start_pos = Vec2(4, 0)
        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(king_start_pos, self.king)

        # Act
        the_king = self.chess_board.get_king(self.player_turn)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(self.king, the_king)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.player_turn = 1
     self.chess_game = ChessGame()
     self.chess_board = self.chess_game.board
     self.chess_game.player_turn = self.player_turn
     self.start_space = Vec2(5, 5)
     self.king = King(team=self.player_turn)
     self.knight = Knight(team=self.player_turn)
     self.pawn = Pawn(team=self.player_turn)
     self.enemy_pawn = Pawn(team=2)
     self.p1_pawn = Pawn(team=1)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_pawn_can_move_one_space_forward(self):
        # Arrange
        end_space = self.start_space + Vec2(0, -1)
        move = Move(self.start_space, end_space)

        self.chess_game.board.set_piece(self.start_space, self.pawn)

        # Act
        self.chess_game.try_player_move(move, self.player_turn)

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(self.chess_game.board.get_piece(end_space), self.pawn)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def castle(self, move):
        # Utilizing normalization to determine King or Queen side castling
        new_king_pos = move.old + move.direction() * 2
        new_rook_pos = new_king_pos - move.direction()

        # Fetching the rook via Kingly movement
        rook_x = 7 if new_rook_pos.x > move.old.x else 0

        # Moves to do
        king_move = Move(move.old, new_king_pos)
        rook_move = Move(Vec2(rook_x, new_rook_pos.y), new_rook_pos)

        # The actual castling
Exemplo n.º 24
def can_castle(move, board: ChessBoard):
    king = board.get_piece(move.old)

    king.is_castling_move(move, board)

    if king.is_castling:

        if not board.is_path_clear(move):
            return False

        if king.has_moved:
            return False

        if king.team == 1:
            if move.new == Vec2(6, 7):
                if board.get_piece(Vec2(7, 7)) is not None:
                    if board.get_piece(Vec2(7, 7)).has_moved is False:
                        return True

            elif move.new == Vec2(2, 7):
                if board.get_piece(Vec2(0, 7)) is not None:
                    if board.get_piece(Vec2(0, 7)).has_moved is False:
                        return True

            if move.new == Vec2(6, 0):
                if board.get_piece(Vec2(7, 0)) is not None:
                    if board.get_piece(Vec2(7, 0)).has_moved is False:
                        return True

            elif move.new == Vec2(2, 0):
                if board.get_piece(Vec2(0, 0)) is not None:
                    if board.get_piece(Vec2(0, 0)).has_moved is False:
                        return True

        # if board.is_space_safe(move.old, king.team):
        #     return False

        return False

    return False
Exemplo n.º 25
 def can_piece_move(self, piece, piece_pos):
     for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
         for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
             if piece.can_move((Move(piece_pos, Vec2(x, y))), self):
                 return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 26
def move_from_string(string):
    cur_x, cur_y, new_x, new_y = [
        int(move_string_dict[x.upper()]) for x in string
    return Move(Vec2(cur_x, cur_y), Vec2(new_x, new_y))
Exemplo n.º 27
 def get_king(self, player_team):
     for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
         for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
             piece = self.get_piece(Vec2(x, y))
             if piece and piece.name == "King" and piece.team == player_team:
                 return piece
Exemplo n.º 28
 def get_piece_space(self, piece_to_find) -> Vec2:
     for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
         for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
             if self.get_piece(Vec2(x, y)) == piece_to_find:
                 return Vec2(x, y)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def setup_pieces(self):
        # Top team
        for num in range(0, 8):
            self.board.set_piece(Vec2(num, 1), pieces.Pawn(team=2))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(0, 0), pieces.Rook(team=2))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(7, 0), pieces.Rook(team=2))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(1, 0), pieces.Knight(team=2))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(6, 0), pieces.Knight(team=2))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(2, 0), pieces.Bishop(team=2))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(5, 0), pieces.Bishop(team=2))
        self.p2_king = self.board.set_piece(Vec2(3, 0), pieces.King(team=2))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(4, 0), pieces.Queen(team=2))

        # Bottom Team
        for num in range(0, 8):
            self.board.set_piece(Vec2(num, 6), pieces.Pawn(team=1))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(0, 7), pieces.Rook(team=1))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(7, 7), pieces.Rook(team=1))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(1, 7), pieces.Knight(team=1))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(6, 7), pieces.Knight(team=1))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(2, 7), pieces.Bishop(team=1))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(5, 7), pieces.Bishop(team=1))
        self.p1_king = self.board.set_piece(Vec2(4, 7), pieces.King(team=1))
        self.board.set_piece(Vec2(3, 7), pieces.Queen(team=1))

        # cool stuff
        self.board.print_all_moves_for_piece(Vec2(4, 7))
Exemplo n.º 30
 def get_piece_pos(self, piece) -> Vec2:
     for y in range(len(self.spaces)):
         for x in range(len(self.spaces)):
             if self.spaces[y][x] == piece:
                 return Vec2(x, y)