Exemplo n.º 1
def run(*args):
    forced_dates = verifyForcedDates(args)
    anadayList = dayList(backlog_days, forced_dates)

    datapath = getDataPath()
    if datapath is None:
        print('ERROR: No data path found, aborting!')
        import sys

    # Get platforms
    results = getFromAPI('Platforms')
    platforms = []
    for plt in results:

    # Get a minimum start date older than any needed below:
    # 1) First element in the anadayList is the earlist day we build stuff for.
    # 2) For unknown channels, getMaxBuildAge returns a larger age value than for anything else.
    earliest_mindate = dayStringBeforeDelta(anadayList[0], getMaxBuildAge('none'))
    # Get all possibly needed versions for all products we look for.
    all_versions = getFromAPI('ProductVersions', {
        'product': prodchannels.keys(),
        'start_date': '>' + earliest_mindate,
        'is_rapid_beta': 'false',

    # By-type daily data
    for (product, channels) in prodchannels.items():
        for channel in channels:
            fprodtypedata = product + '-' + channel + '-crashes-bytype.json'

                with open(fprodtypedata, 'r') as infile:
                    print('Read stored ' + product + ' ' + channel.capitalize() + ' per-type data')
                    prodtypedata = json.load(infile)
            except IOError:
                prodtypedata = {}

            maxday = None

            max_build_age = getMaxBuildAge(channel, True)

            for anaday in anadayList:
                # Do not fetch data when we already have data for this day (unless it's a forced date).
                if anaday not in forced_dates and anaday in prodtypedata and prodtypedata[anaday]['adi']:

                print('Fetching ' + product + ' ' + channel.capitalize() + ' per-type daily data for ' + anaday)

                # Could use build ID and directly go to Super Search but then we'd need to be able to match ADI with build IDs.
                # For now, we don't use that and query versions instead. This would need a False flag on getMaxBuildAge.
                #min_buildid = (datetime.datetime.strptime(anaday, '%Y-%m-%d') - max_build_age).strftime('%Y%m%d000000')

                # Get version list for this day, product and channel.
                # This can contain more versions that we have data for, so don't exactly put this into the output!
                min_verstartdate = dayStringBeforeDelta(anaday, max_build_age)
                versions = []
                verinfo = {}
                for ver in all_versions:
                    if ver['product'] == product and ver['build_type'] == channel and ver['start_date'] > min_verstartdate:
                        verinfo[ver['version']] = {'tfactor': 100 / ver['throttle']}

                # Get ADI data.
                adi = {}
                results = getFromAPI('ADI', {
                    'product': product,
                    'versions': versions,
                    'start_date': anaday,
                    'end_date': anaday,
                    'platforms': platforms,
                if not 'hits' in results:
                    if 'error' in results:
                        print('ERROR: ' + results['error'])
                        print('ERROR: could not fetch ADI correctly!')
                for adidata in results['hits']:
                   adi[adidata['version']] = adidata['adi_count']

                # Get crash data.
                results = getFromAPI('SuperSearch', {
                    'product': product,
                    'version': versions,
                    'date': ['>=' + anaday,
                             '<' + dayStringAdd(anaday, days=1)],
                    '_aggs.version': ['process_type', 'plugin_hang'],
                    '_results_number': 0,
                if not 'facets' in results or not 'version' in results['facets']:
                    if 'error' in results:
                        print('ERROR: ' + results['error'])
                        print('ERROR: no versions facet present!')

                bytypedata = { 'versions': [], 'adi': 0, 'crashes': {}}
                for vdata in results['facets']['version']:
                    # only add the count for this version if the version has ADI.
                    if vdata['term'] in versions and vdata['term'] in adi:
                        bytypedata['adi'] += adi[vdata['term']]
                        nonbrowser = 0
                        for hdata in vdata['facets']['plugin_hang']:
                            if hdata['term'] == 'T':
                                if 'Hang Plugin' not in bytypedata['crashes']:
                                    bytypedata['crashes']['Hang Plugin'] = 0
                                bytypedata['crashes']['Hang Plugin'] += hdata['count'] * verinfo[vdata['term']]['tfactor']
                        for pdata in vdata['facets']['process_type']:
                            if pdata['term'] == 'plugin':
                                pname = 'OOP Plugin'
                                pname = pdata['term'].capitalize()
                            if pname not in bytypedata['crashes']:
                                bytypedata['crashes'][pname] = 0
                            bytypedata['crashes'][pname] += pdata['count'] * verinfo[vdata['term']]['tfactor']
                            nonbrowser += pdata['count']
                        if 'Browser' not in bytypedata['crashes']:
                            bytypedata['crashes']['Browser'] = 0
                        bytypedata['crashes']['Browser'] += (vdata['count'] - nonbrowser) * verinfo[vdata['term']]['tfactor']
                if 'OOP Plugin' in bytypedata['crashes'] and 'Hang Plugin' in bytypedata['crashes']:
                    bytypedata['crashes']['OOP Plugin'] -= bytypedata['crashes']['Hang Plugin']
                if bytypedata['adi']:
                    prodtypedata[anaday] = bytypedata

            # Sort and write data back to the file.
            ptd_sorted = OrderedDict(sorted(prodtypedata.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
            with open(fprodtypedata, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(ptd_sorted, outfile)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run(*args):
    forced_dates = verifyForcedDates(args)
    anadayList = dayList(backlog_days, forced_dates)

    datapath = getDataPath()
    if datapath is None:
        print('ERROR: No data path found, aborting!')
        import sys

    # Get platforms
    results = getFromAPI('Platforms')
    platforms = []
    for plt in results:

    # Get a minimum start date older than any needed below:
    # 1) First element in the anadayList is the earlist day we build stuff for.
    # 2) For unknown channels, getMaxBuildAge returns a larger age value than for anything else.
    earliest_mindate = dayStringBeforeDelta(anadayList[0],
    # Get all possibly needed versions for all products we look for.
    all_versions = getFromAPI(
        'ProductVersions', {
            'product': prodchannels.keys(),
            'start_date': '>' + earliest_mindate,
            'is_rapid_beta': 'false',

    # By-type daily data
    for (product, channels) in prodchannels.items():
        for channel in channels:
            fprodtypedata = product + '-' + channel + '-crashes-bytype.json'

                with open(fprodtypedata, 'r') as infile:
                    print('Read stored ' + product + ' ' +
                          channel.capitalize() + ' per-type data')
                    prodtypedata = json.load(infile)
            except IOError:
                prodtypedata = {}

            maxday = None

            max_build_age = getMaxBuildAge(channel, True)

            for anaday in anadayList:
                # Do not fetch data when we already have data for this day (unless it's a forced date).
                if anaday not in forced_dates and anaday in prodtypedata and prodtypedata[

                print('Fetching ' + product + ' ' + channel.capitalize() +
                      ' per-type daily data for ' + anaday)

                # Could use build ID and directly go to Super Search but then we'd need to be able to match ADI with build IDs.
                # For now, we don't use that and query versions instead. This would need a False flag on getMaxBuildAge.
                #min_buildid = (datetime.datetime.strptime(anaday, '%Y-%m-%d') - max_build_age).strftime('%Y%m%d000000')

                # Get version list for this day, product and channel.
                # This can contain more versions that we have data for, so don't exactly put this into the output!
                min_verstartdate = dayStringBeforeDelta(anaday, max_build_age)
                versions = []
                verinfo = {}
                for ver in all_versions:
                    if ver['product'] == product and ver[
                            'build_type'] == channel and ver[
                                'start_date'] > min_verstartdate:
                        verinfo[ver['version']] = {
                            'tfactor': 100 / ver['throttle']

                # Get ADI data.
                adi = {}
                results = getFromAPI(
                    'ADI', {
                        'product': product,
                        'versions': versions,
                        'start_date': anaday,
                        'end_date': anaday,
                        'platforms': platforms,
                if not 'hits' in results:
                    if 'error' in results:
                        print('ERROR: ' + results['error'])
                        print('ERROR: could not fetch ADI correctly!')
                for adidata in results['hits']:
                    adi[adidata['version']] = adidata['adi_count']

                # Get crash data.
                results = getFromAPI(
                    'SuperSearch', {
                        'product': product,
                        'version': versions,
                        ['>=' + anaday, '<' + dayStringAdd(anaday, days=1)],
                        '_aggs.version': ['process_type', 'plugin_hang'],
                        '_results_number': 0,
                if not 'facets' in results or not 'version' in results[
                    if 'error' in results:
                        print('ERROR: ' + results['error'])
                        print('ERROR: no versions facet present!')

                bytypedata = {'versions': [], 'adi': 0, 'crashes': {}}
                for vdata in results['facets']['version']:
                    # only add the count for this version if the version has ADI.
                    if vdata['term'] in versions and vdata['term'] in adi:
                        bytypedata['adi'] += adi[vdata['term']]
                        nonbrowser = 0
                        for hdata in vdata['facets']['plugin_hang']:
                            if hdata['term'] == 'T':
                                if 'Hang Plugin' not in bytypedata['crashes']:
                                    bytypedata['crashes']['Hang Plugin'] = 0
                                    'Hang Plugin'] += hdata['count'] * verinfo[
                        for pdata in vdata['facets']['process_type']:
                            if pdata['term'] == 'plugin':
                                pname = 'OOP Plugin'
                                pname = pdata['term'].capitalize()
                            if pname not in bytypedata['crashes']:
                                bytypedata['crashes'][pname] = 0
                            bytypedata['crashes'][pname] += pdata[
                                'count'] * verinfo[vdata['term']]['tfactor']
                            nonbrowser += pdata['count']
                        if 'Browser' not in bytypedata['crashes']:
                            bytypedata['crashes']['Browser'] = 0
                        bytypedata['crashes']['Browser'] += (
                            vdata['count'] -
                            nonbrowser) * verinfo[vdata['term']]['tfactor']
                if 'OOP Plugin' in bytypedata[
                        'crashes'] and 'Hang Plugin' in bytypedata['crashes']:
                    bytypedata['crashes']['OOP Plugin'] -= bytypedata[
                        'crashes']['Hang Plugin']
                if bytypedata['adi']:
                    prodtypedata[anaday] = bytypedata

            # Sort and write data back to the file.
            ptd_sorted = OrderedDict(
                sorted(prodtypedata.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
            with open(fprodtypedata, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(ptd_sorted, outfile)
Exemplo n.º 3
def run(*args):
    forced_dates = verifyForcedDates(args)
    anadayList = dayList(backlog_days, forced_dates)

    datapath = getDataPath()
    if datapath is None:
        print('ERROR: No data path found, aborting!')
        import sys

    # Get a minimum start date older than any needed below:
    # 1) First element in the anadayList is the earlist day we build stuff for.
    # 2) For unknown channels, getMaxBuildAge returns a larger age value than for anything else.
    earliest_mindate = dayStringBeforeDelta(anadayList[0], getMaxBuildAge('none'))
    # Get all possibly needed versions for all products we look for.
    all_versions = getFromAPI('ProductVersions', {
        'product': prodchannels.keys(),
        'start_date': '>' + earliest_mindate,
        'is_rapid_beta': 'false',

    # Get daily category data
    for (product, channels) in prodchannels.items():
        for channel in channels:
            fprodcatdata = product + '-' + channel + '-crashes-categories.json'
            fprodtypedata = product + '-' + channel + '-crashes-bytype.json'

                with open(fprodcatdata, 'r') as infile:
                    print('Read stored ' + product + ' ' + channel.capitalize() + ' category data')
                    prodcatdata = json.load(infile)
            except IOError:
                print('No previous category data found.')
                prodcatdata = {}

                with open(fprodtypedata, 'r') as infile:
                    print('Read stored ' + product + ' ' + channel.capitalize() + ' per-type data')
                    prodtypedata = json.load(infile)
            except IOError:
                print('ERROR: no per-type data found!')
                prodtypedata = {}

            maxday = None

            max_build_age = getMaxBuildAge(channel, True)

            for anaday in anadayList:
                # Do not fetch data when we already have data for this day (unless it's a forced date) or if we don't have by-type data.
                if (anaday not in forced_dates and anaday in prodcatdata) or anaday not in prodtypedata:

                print('Category Counts: Looking at category data for ' + product + ' ' + channel.capitalize() + ' on ' + anaday)

                # Could use build ID and directly go to Super Search but then we'd need to be able to match ADI with build IDs.
                # For now, we don't use that and query versions instead. This would need a False flag on getMaxBuildAge.
                #min_buildid = (datetime.datetime.strptime(anaday, '%Y-%m-%d') - max_build_age).strftime('%Y%m%d000000')

                # Get version list for this day, product and channel.
                # This can contain more versions that we have data for, so don't exactly put this into the output!
                min_verstartdate = dayStringBeforeDelta(anaday, max_build_age)
                versions = []
                verinfo = {}
                for ver in all_versions:
                    if ver['product'] == product and ver['build_type'] == channel and ver['start_date'] > min_verstartdate:
                        verinfo[ver['version']] = {'tfactor': 100 / ver['throttle']}

                catdata = {}
                allcount = 0
                for (catname, rep) in reports.items():
                    if rep['desktoponly'] and product != 'Firefox':
                    print('    * ' + catname)

                    # Get crash data.
                    ssparams = {
                        'product': product,
                        'version': versions,
                        'date': ['>=' + anaday,
                                '<' + dayStringAdd(anaday, days=1)],
                        '_aggs.version': ['process_type'],
                        '_results_number': 0,
                        '_facets': 'process_type',
                    results = getFromAPI('SuperSearch', ssparams)
                    if not 'facets' in results or not 'version' in results['facets']:
                        if 'error' in results:
                            print('ERROR: ' + results['error'])
                            print('ERROR: no versions facet present!')
                    if rep['process_split']:
                        catdata[catname] = {}
                        for vdata in results['facets']['version']:
                            nonbrowser = 0
                            for pdata in vdata['facets']['process_type']:
                                if pdata['term'] not in catdata[catname]:
                                    catdata[catname][pdata['term']] = 0
                                catdata[catname][pdata['term']] += pdata['count'] * verinfo[vdata['term']]['tfactor']
                                nonbrowser += pdata['count']
                            if 'browser' not in catdata[catname]:
                                catdata[catname]['browser'] = 0
                            catdata[catname]['browser'] += (vdata['count'] - nonbrowser) * verinfo[vdata['term']]['tfactor']
                            allcount += vdata['count']
                        catdata[catname] = 0
                        for vdata in results['facets']['version']:
                            catdata[catname] += vdata['count'] * verinfo[vdata['term']]['tfactor']
                            allcount += vdata['count']
                if allcount:
                    prodcatdata[anaday] = catdata

            # Sort and write data back to the file.
            ptd_sorted = OrderedDict(sorted(prodcatdata.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
            with open(fprodcatdata, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(ptd_sorted, outfile)