Exemplo n.º 1
class PatternSampler(ImageSampler):
    When called, resamples - according to the size_normalization
    parameter - an image at the supplied (x,y) sheet coordinates.

    (x,y) coordinates outside the image are returned as the background
    whole_pattern_output_fns = param.HookList(class_=TransferFn,default=[],doc="""
        Functions to apply to the whole image before any sampling is done.""")

    background_value_fn = param.Callable(default=None,doc="""
        Function to compute an appropriate background value. Must accept
        an array and return a scalar.""")

    size_normalization = param.ObjectSelector(default='original',
        Determines how the pattern is scaled initially, relative to the
        default retinal dimension of 1.0 in sheet coordinates:

        'stretch_to_fit': scale both dimensions of the pattern so they
        would fill a Sheet with bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5) (disregards
        the original's aspect ratio).

        'fit_shortest': scale the pattern so that its shortest dimension
        is made to fill the corresponding dimension on a Sheet with
        bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5) (maintains the original's aspect
        ratio, filling the entire bounding box).

        'fit_longest': scale the pattern so that its longest dimension is
        made to fill the corresponding dimension on a Sheet with
        bounds=BoundingBox(radius=0.5) (maintains the original's
        aspect ratio, fitting the image into the bounding box but not
        necessarily filling it).

        'original': no scaling is applied; each pixel of the pattern
        corresponds to one matrix unit of the Sheet on which the
        pattern being displayed.""")

    def _get_image(self):
        return self.scs.activity

    def _set_image(self,image):
        # Stores a SheetCoordinateSystem with an activity matrix
        # representing the image
        if not isinstance(image,np.ndarray):
            image = np.array(image,np.float)

        rows,cols = image.shape
        self.scs = SheetCoordinateSystem(xdensity=1.0,ydensity=1.0,
                                                                    ( cols/2.0, rows/2.0))))

    def _del_image(self):
        self.scs = None

    def __call__(self, image, x, y, sheet_xdensity, sheet_ydensity, width=1.0, height=1.0):
        Return pixels from the supplied image at the given Sheet (x,y)

        The image is assumed to be a NumPy array or other object that
        exports the NumPy buffer interface (i.e. can be converted to a
        NumPy array by passing it to numpy.array(), e.g. Image.Image).
        The whole_pattern_output_fns are applied to the image before
        any sampling is done.

        To calculate the sample, the image is scaled according to the
        size_normalization parameter, and any supplied width and
        height. sheet_xdensity and sheet_ydensity are the xdensity and
        ydensity of the sheet on which the pattern is to be drawn.
        # CEB: could allow image=None in args and have 'if image is
        # not None: self.image=image' here to avoid re-initializing the
        # image.

        for wpof in self.whole_pattern_output_fns:
        if not self.background_value_fn:
            self.background_value = 0.0
            self.background_value = self.background_value_fn(self.image)

        pattern_rows,pattern_cols = self.image.shape

        if width==0 or height==0 or pattern_cols==0 or pattern_rows==0:
            return np.ones(x.shape)*self.background_value

        # scale the supplied coordinates to match the pattern being at density=1
        x=x*sheet_xdensity # deliberately don't operate in place (so as not to change supplied x & y)

        # scale according to initial pattern size_normalization selected (size_normalization)

        # scale according to user-specified width and height

        # now sample pattern at the (r,c) corresponding to the supplied (x,y)
        r,c = self.scs.sheet2matrixidx(x,y)
        # (where(cond,x,y) evaluates x whether cond is True or False)
        left,bottom,right,top = self.scs.bounds.lbrt()
        return np.where((x>=left) & (x<right) & (y>bottom) & (y<=top),

    def __apply_size_normalization(self,x,y,sheet_xdensity,sheet_ydensity,size_normalization):
        pattern_rows,pattern_cols = self.image.shape

        # Instead of an if-test, could have a class of this type of
        # function (c.f. OutputFunctions, etc)...
        if size_normalization=='original':

        elif size_normalization=='stretch_to_fit':
            x_sf,y_sf = pattern_cols/sheet_xdensity, pattern_rows/sheet_ydensity
            x*=x_sf; y*=y_sf

        elif size_normalization=='fit_shortest':
            if pattern_rows<pattern_cols:
                sf = pattern_rows/sheet_ydensity
                sf = pattern_cols/sheet_xdensity

        elif size_normalization=='fit_longest':
            if pattern_rows<pattern_cols:
                sf = pattern_cols/sheet_xdensity
                sf = pattern_rows/sheet_ydensity