Exemplo n.º 1
def build_libor(df_liquidity, df_libor_all, forecast_start, valuation_date):
    libor_list = []
    for index, row in df_liquidity.iterrows():
        index = index.date()
        if index == date_utils.calc_month_end(forecast_start, 'date'):
            ''' first month does not use forward curve '''
            libor = get_smoothed_libor_spot_curve(df_libor_all, index,
            # sys.exit();
            # libor = get_libor(df_libor_all, index)
            libor_list.append([index, libor])
            # df_liquidity.set_value(index, ['LIBOR'], libor)
        elif index > date_utils.calc_month_end(forecast_start, 'date'):
                the libor in kean is already forward rates, we dont do calculation anymore
            libor = get_smoothed_libor_spot_curve(df_libor_all, index,
            # df_liquidity.set_value(index, ['LIBOR'], libor)
            libor_list.append([index, libor])

    for item in libor_list:
        # print (item[1]);
        df_liquidity.set_value(item[0], ['LIBOR'], item[1])

    return df_liquidity
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_tlb_int_exp(df_liquidity, forecast_start):
    start = date_utils.calc_month_end(forecast_start, 'date')

    df_liquidity.loc[start:,['TLB Int Exp']] = df_liquidity['Swap Avg Daily Balance'] * df_liquidity['Swap Fix Rate'] \
            + (df_liquidity['TLB BOP']- df_liquidity['Swap Avg Daily Balance']) * df_liquidity['TLB Float Rate']
    df_liquidity.loc[start:, ['TLB Int Exp']] = df_liquidity[
        'TLB Int Exp'] * df_liquidity.index.day / YEAR_DAYS
    return df_liquidity
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_hedge(conn_ins, company, scenario, upload_to_kean=False):
    ''' Need to develop flexible means of accomodating different instrument_id '''
    '''    e.g. AD Hub DA ATC vs AD Hub RT ATC vs AD Hub ATC - Monthly Strip '''

    month_number = date_utils.get_month_number(scenario.split(" ")[1]);

    month_number += 1;

    forecast_start = date(2017, month_number, 1)
    forecast_end = date(2021, 12, 31)

    df_hedges = db_controller_hedge.get_hedges(conn_ins, company, 'HoldCo', forecast_start, forecast_end)
    df_hedges = df_hedges.loc[df_hedges['trade_date']<forecast_start];
    df_all_prices = db_controller_hedge.get_all_commodity_prices(conn_ins, scenario)
    df_hours_pjm = db_controller_hedge.get_hours_pjm(conn_ins);

    ''' write results to financials '''
    upload_to_financials_hedge_list = [];
    loop_date = date_utils.calc_month_end(forecast_start, 'date')
    while loop_date <= forecast_end:
        sum_cashflow = 0.0
        for i, hedge in df_hedges.iterrows():
            if hedge.loc['date_start'] <= loop_date and hedge.loc['date_end'] >= loop_date:
                # print (hedge.loc['receive_index']);
                price_receive = hedge.loc['receive_value'] if hedge.loc['receive_index'] == 'fixed' else get_specific_price(df_all_prices, hedge.loc['receive_index'], loop_date)
                price_pay = hedge.loc['pay_value'] if hedge.loc['pay_index'] == 'fixed' else get_specific_price(df_all_prices, hedge.loc['pay_index'], loop_date)
                monthly_cashflow = 0.0;
                if hedge.loc['pay_index'] == 'AD Hub DA Peak':
                    monthly_cashflow = calc_monthly_cashflow(price_receive, price_pay, hedge.loc['notional'], hedge.loc['frequency'], loop_date, df_hours_pjm, option = True)
                    monthly_cashflow = calc_monthly_cashflow(price_receive, price_pay, hedge.loc['notional'], hedge.loc['frequency'], loop_date, df_hours_pjm)

                sum_cashflow += monthly_cashflow
                # print (hedge.loc['tid_kindle'], loop_date, monthly_cashflow, '          ' ,sum_cashflow);

        # print ("--------------------------------------------");

            we can use db_controller to do the upload
            we should build the upload list to store hedge values
        #load_hedges_financials('2017 June AMR', 'Lightstone', 'HoldCo', 'Hedge P&L', loop_date, '%.2f' % sum_cashflow)
        """ (company, entity, scenario, account, period, value, version) """
        upload_to_financials_hedge_list.append([company, 'HoldCo', scenario, 'Hedge P&L', str(loop_date), str('%.2f' % sum_cashflow)]);
        loop_date = date_utils.calc_next_month_end(loop_date, 'date')

    for item in upload_to_financials_hedge_list:
        print (item);
    if upload_to_kean:
        db_controller.upload_cal_results_to_financials(conn_ins, upload_to_financials_hedge_list, company, scenario);

    return df_hedges, df_all_prices, df_hours_pjm;
Exemplo n.º 4
def build_change_work_cap(df_liquidity, forecast_start):
    for index, row in df_liquidity.iterrows():
        if date(index.year, index.month, index.day) < forecast_start:
            change_cash = row['Cash EOP'] - row['Cash BOP']
            activity_cash = row['EBITDA'] - row['Capex'] + row[
                'Other Cash Use'] - row['TLB Int Exp'] - row[
                    'TLC Int Exp'] + row['TLB Change'] + row[
                        'DSRA Change'] - row['Distributions']
            change_work_cap = change_cash - activity_cash
        elif date(index.year, index.month,
                  index.day) == date_utils.calc_month_end(
                      forecast_start, 'date'):
            change_work_cap = -df_liquidity.loc[:forecast_start,
                                                ['Change Work Cap']].sum(
                                                ) - 20000000
            change_work_cap = 0
        df_liquidity.set_value(index, 'Change Work Cap', change_work_cap)
    return df_liquidity
Exemplo n.º 5
def build_swap_rate(df_liquidity, df_swap, forecast_start):
    for index, row in df_liquidity.iterrows():
        if date(index.year, index.month,
                index.day) >= date_utils.calc_month_end(
                    forecast_start, 'date'):
            month_start = date(index.year, index.month, 1)
            month_end = date(index.year, index.month, index.day)
            swap_balance = df_swap[month_start:month_end]['swap_balance'].sum()
            if swap_balance > 0:
                df_liquidity.set_value(index, ['Swap Avg Daily Balance'],
                                       swap_balance / index.day)
                swap_rate = df_swap[month_start:month_end][
                    'calc_swap_rate'].sum() / swap_balance
                df_liquidity.set_value(index, ['Swap Fix Rate'],
                                       swap_rate + .045000)
                df_liquidity.set_value(index, ['Swap Avg Daily Balance'], 0)
                df_liquidity.set_value(index, ['Swap Fix Rate'], 0)
    return df_liquidity
Exemplo n.º 6
def fill_in_cells_hedges(new_file_path, df_hedges, df_all_prices, df_hours_pjm,
    wb = load_workbook(new_file_path)
    ws = wb['hedges']

    img = openpyxl.drawing.image.Image(LOGO_PATH)

    forecast_start = date(
        int(scenario.split(" ")[0]),
        date_utils.get_month_number(scenario.split(" ")[1]) + 1, 1)
    # print (forecast_start);

    # month_header_list = date_utils.get_month_dates_list(forecast_start.year, forecast_start.month, 12);
    # print (month_header_list);

    start_col = 9
    for item in range(forecast_start.month, 13):
            column=start_col).value = date_utils.calc_forecast_monthly_headers(
                forecast_start.year, item)
        start_col += 1

    ws.cell(row=4, column=start_col).value = '2018+'

    forecast_end = date(int(scenario.split(" ")[0]) + 4, 12, 31)
    # print (forecast_end);
    valuation_date = date(int(scenario.split(" ")[0]),
                          date_utils.get_month_number(scenario.split(" ")[1]),

    loop_rows = 1
    remaining_column = 8 + (13 - forecast_start.month) + 1
    data_format = NamedStyle(name='data', number_format='#,##0_);(#,##0)')
    df_hedges_relevant = df_hedges[df_hedges['trade_date'] < forecast_start]
    df_hedges_relevant = df_hedges_relevant.reset_index(drop=True)

    for i, hedge in df_hedges_relevant.iterrows():
        ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=1, value=hedge.loc['tid_kindle'])
        ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=2, value=hedge.loc['counterparty'])
        instrument = hedge.loc['receive_index'] + "/" + hedge.loc['pay_index']
        ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=3, value=instrument)
        ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=4, value=hedge.loc['notional'])
        fixed_price = hedge.loc['receive_value'] if hedge.loc[
            'receive_index'] == 'fixed' else hedge.loc['pay_value']
        ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=5, value=fixed_price)
        ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=6, value=hedge.loc['frequency'])
        ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=7, value=hedge.loc['date_start'])
        ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=8, value=hedge.loc['date_end'])
        """show monthly results for remainder of forecast year, then sum remaining into one column"""
        loop_date = date_utils.calc_month_end(forecast_start, 'date')
        month_offset = 0
        remaining_cashflow = 0

        while loop_date <= forecast_end:
            if hedge.loc['date_start'] <= loop_date and hedge.loc[
                    'date_end'] >= loop_date:
                price_receive = hedge.loc['receive_value'] if hedge.loc[
                    'receive_index'] == 'fixed' else get_specific_price(
                        df_all_prices, hedge.loc['receive_index'], loop_date)
                price_pay = hedge.loc['pay_value'] if hedge.loc[
                    'pay_index'] == 'fixed' else get_specific_price(
                        df_all_prices, hedge.loc['pay_index'], loop_date)
                monthly_cashflow = 0.0
                if hedge.loc['pay_index'] == 'AD Hub DA Peak':
                    monthly_cashflow = calc_monthly_cashflow(
                    monthly_cashflow = calc_monthly_cashflow(
                        price_receive, price_pay, hedge.loc['notional'],
                        hedge.loc['frequency'], loop_date, df_hours_pjm)

                if loop_date.year == forecast_start.year:
                    ws.cell(row=i + 5,
                            column=9 + month_offset,
                    ws.cell(row=i + 5,
                            column=9 + month_offset).style = data_format
                    remaining_cashflow += monthly_cashflow
            if loop_date > hedge.loc['date_end']:
                ws.cell(row=i + 5,
                ws.cell(row=i + 5, column=remaining_column).style = data_format

            month_offset += 1
            loop_date = date_utils.calc_next_month_end(loop_date, 'date')

        loop_rows += 1
    ''' add totals row '''
    ws.cell(row=loop_rows + 4, column=1, value='Total')
    for i in range(9, remaining_column + 1):
        formula = '=SUM(' + chr(96 + i) + str(1 + 4) + ':' + chr(96 + i) + str(
            loop_rows + 4 - 1) + ')'
        ws.cell(row=loop_rows + 4, column=i, value=formula)
        ws.cell(row=loop_rows + 4, column=i).style = data_format
    ''' Add bold font and grey fill to total row '''
    for i in range(1, remaining_column + 1):
        current_cell = chr(96 + i) + str(loop_rows + 4)
        ws[current_cell].fill = PatternFill(start_color='FFD9D9D9',
        ws[current_cell].font = Font(bold=True)
    ''' Add underline to report title '''
    for i in range(1, remaining_column + 1):
        current_cell = chr(96 + i) + str(1)
        ws[current_cell].border = Border(bottom=Side(style='thick'))

    label = 'Pricing Date: ' + valuation_date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')
    ws.cell(row=1, column=remaining_column - 1, value=scenario)
    ws.cell(row=loop_rows + 7, column=1, value=label)

Exemplo n.º 7
def build_tlc_int_exp(df_liquidity, forecast_start):
    start = date_utils.calc_month_end(forecast_start, 'date')
                     ['TLC Int Exp']] = df_liquidity['TLC BOP'] * df_liquidity[
                         'TLC Float Rate'] * df_liquidity.index.day / YEAR_DAYS
Exemplo n.º 8
def build_debt(conn_ins, df, forecast_start, forecast_end):
    ''' set initial debt balances '''
    tlb_bop = db_controller_liquidity.get_inception_debt_balance(
        conn_ins, 'Lightstone TLB')
    tlc_bop = db_controller_liquidity.get_inception_debt_balance(
        conn_ins, 'Lightstone TLC')

    df_debt_activity_tlb = db_controller_liquidity.get_debt_activity_all(
        conn_ins, 'Lightstone TLB')
    df_debt_activity_tlb['payment_date_date'] = pd.to_datetime(
    df_debt_activity_tlc = db_controller_liquidity.get_debt_activity_all(
        conn_ins, 'Lightstone TLC')
    df_debt_activity_tlc['payment_date_date'] = pd.to_datetime(
    last_activity_date_tlb = date_utils.calc_month_end(
        df_debt_activity_tlb['payment_date_date'].max(), 'date')
    last_activity_date_tlc = date_utils.calc_month_end(
        df_debt_activity_tlc['payment_date_date'].max(), 'date')

    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        ''' tlb first '''
        tlb_addl_borrow = 0
        tlb_prepay = 0
        tlb_amort = 0
        if date(index.year, index.month, index.day) <= max(
                last_activity_date_tlb, forecast_start):
            df.set_value(index, 'TLB BOP', tlb_bop)
            tlb_addl_borrow = get_debt_activity(df_debt_activity_tlb,
                                                'additional borrowing', index)
            df.set_value(index, 'TLB Addl Borrow', tlb_addl_borrow)
            tlb_amort = get_debt_activity(df_debt_activity_tlb, 'amortization',
            df.set_value(index, 'TLB Amort', tlb_amort)
            tlb_prepay = get_debt_activity(df_debt_activity_tlb, 'prepayment',
            df.set_value(index, 'TLB Prepay', tlb_prepay)
            tlb_eop = tlb_bop + tlb_addl_borrow - tlb_amort - tlb_prepay
            df.set_value(index, 'TLB EOP', tlb_eop)
            tlb_bop = tlb_eop
        ''' tlc second '''
        if date(index.year, index.month, index.day) < max(
                last_activity_date_tlc, forecast_start):
            df.set_value(index, 'TLC BOP', tlc_bop)
            tlc_addl_borrow = get_debt_activity(df_debt_activity_tlc,
                                                'additional borrowing', index)
            df.set_value(index, 'TLC Addl Borrow', tlc_addl_borrow)
            tlc_amort = get_debt_activity(df_debt_activity_tlc, 'amortization',
            df.set_value(index, 'TLC Amort', tlc_amort)
            tlc_prepay = get_debt_activity(df_debt_activity_tlc, 'prepayment',
            df.set_value(index, 'TLC Prepay', tlc_prepay)
            tlc_eop = tlc_bop + tlc_addl_borrow - tlc_amort - tlc_prepay
            df.set_value(index, 'TLC EOP', tlc_eop)
            tlc_bop = tlc_eop
        ''' forecast period '''
        if date(index.year, index.month, index.day) >= forecast_start:
            # print (index, row['TLB BOP']);
            if row['TLB BOP'] <= 0:
                ''' calc amortization '''
                if index.month % 3 == 0:
                    required_amort = calc_required_amort(
                        df, 'Lightstone TLB', index)
                    cum_prepay = df.loc[:index]['TLB Prepay'].sum()
                    cum_amort = df.loc[:index]['TLB Amort'].sum()
                    tlb_amort = max(
                        min(1625000000 * 0.0025,
                            required_amort - cum_prepay - cum_amort), 0)
                    df.set_value(index, ['TLB Amort'], tlb_amort)

                df.set_value(index, 'TLB BOP', tlb_bop)
                tlb_eop = tlb_bop + tlb_addl_borrow - tlb_amort - tlb_prepay
                df.set_value(index, 'TLB EOP', tlb_bop - tlb_amort)
                tlb_bop = tlb_eop
            if row['TLC BOP'] <= 0:
                df.set_value(index, 'TLC BOP', tlc_bop)
                tlc_eop = tlc_bop + tlc_addl_borrow - tlc_amort - tlc_prepay
                df.set_value(index, 'TLC EOP', tlc_bop)
                tlc_bop = tlc_eop
    return df
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_debt_activity(df, activity, period):
    month_start = date(period.year, period.month, 1)
    month_end = date_utils.calc_month_end(period, 'date')
    mask = (df['payment_date'] >= month_start) & (
        df['payment_date'] <= month_end) & (df['payment_type'] == activity)
    return df[mask]['amount'].sum()