Exemplo n.º 1
	def last_update_was_ago(self, **kwargs):
		"""Arguments can be: days[, seconds[, microseconds[, milliseconds[, minutes[, hours[, weeks]"""
		return self.last_update + datetime.deltatime(**kwargs) < datetime.datetime.now() 
Exemplo n.º 2
	def last_update_was_ago(self, **kwargs):
		"""Arguments can be: days[, seconds[, microseconds[, milliseconds[, minutes[, hours[, weeks]"""
		return self.last_update + datetime.deltatime(**kwargs) < datetime.datetime.now() 
Exemplo n.º 3
def fetch_past_data_status(start_day, end_day, status):

    today = datetime.datetime.now()
    range_a = today - datetime.deltatime(days = start_day)
    range_b = today - datetime.deltatime(days = end_day)
	date_range = "&created_at_min=2021-03-{}&created_at_max=2021-03-{}".format(str(range_b).split()[0], str(range_a).split()[0])
Exemplo n.º 4
from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Executable, ClauseElement

class CreateView(Executable, ClauseElement):
    def __init__(self, name, select):
        self.name = name
        self.select = select

def visit_create_view(element, compiler, **kw):
    return "CREATE VIEW %s AS %s" % (
         compiler.process(element.select, literal_binds=True)

# create view
from app.models import Topic
from datetime import datetime, deltatime
from app import db
engine = db.engine
createview = CreateView('active_topics', Topic.query.filter_by(last_modified > )(datetime.utcnow() - deltatime(days=30)))

# reflect view and print result
v = Table('viewname', metadata, autoload=True)

for r in engine.execute(v.select()):
    print r
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():    
    dT = 70  # Kelvin
    utc = '2007-Jan-28-28T21:12:55' # time of PSP_002380_0985 = 174.477

    # angles between normal to the disk surface and Z-axis
    disk1 = DustParticle(normal = array((0,0,1)), time = utc)
    # rotating a z-normal by 10 degree around (0,1,0)
    # axis count starts at 0 !
    # disk2 = DustParticle(normal = array((0,0,1)), degree=10, axis = 1)

    time_step = dt.deltatime(hours=1)
    # coordinates of secondary halos in Inca City: lon = 296.591709, lat = -81.512266
    # set surface point via these coordinates

    disk1.set_spoint_by(lon=-81.512266, lat= 296.591709)

    # writing into a string and saving to file later
    output = cStringIO.StringIO()
    x = 0
    x2 = 0
    ds = 0
    while mspicer.l_s < 250:

        # if sun's lowest point is under horizon, there was time for freezing
        if hn < 0:
            Tch = 0

        # here solar incidence measured in height over horizon
        h = 90 - mspicer.coords.dsolar

        # if sun's under the horizon
        if h < 0:
            write_output(output, (mspicer.l_s, x, x2, hv, hn, h, disk1.mu, disk1.I, ds))
            disk1.time += time_step
        # sun is over horizon
        sun_vec = mspicer.sun_direction

        # length of passage of light through ice
        ds = cos(pi/2. - h)*(x + r)*1000000; # put' sveta vo ldu v micronah
        # exponential attenuation in this length
        #E = E*exp(-4.*pi*0.0001*ds/35);# s pogloscheniem

        Ed1 = disk1.P
        #Ed = Ed*exp(-4.*pi*0.0001*ds/35.);# s pogloscheniem
        md = Ed1 / (CO2.s * dT + CO2.L) # mass / t [g/s]
        Vd = md/CO2.rho  # Vol / t [m**3/s]
        mchd = rho*pi*r*r*r/10. # why would this be the mass of the disk?

        Ed2 = disk2.P
        #Ed2 = Ed2*exp(-4.*pi*0.0001*ds/35.);# s pogloscheniem
        md2 = Ed2 / (CO2.s * dT + CO2.L);
        Vd2 = md2/CO2.rho

        #nagrevanie chastichki
        # warming up of the particle
        # 217: equilibrium T of CO2
        if (Tch < 217):
            # duration of warming up
            tnagd = floor((disk1.S * disk1.r / 10.) * disk1.sreg * dT / Ed1) + 1
            Tch = 217
            tnagd = 0
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_time(self):
     return datetime.deltatime(self.seconds)