Exemplo n.º 1
def _thai_strftime(datetime, fmt_c):
    text = ""
    if fmt_c == "a":  # abbreviated weekday
        text = _TH_ABBR_WEEKDAYS[datetime.weekday()]
    elif fmt_c == "A":  # full weekday
        text = _TH_FULL_WEEKDAYS[datetime.weekday()]
    elif fmt_c == "b":  # abbreviated month
        text = _TH_ABBR_MONTHS[datetime.month - 1]
    elif fmt_c == "B":  # full month
        text = _TH_FULL_MONTHS[datetime.month - 1]
    elif fmt_c == "y":  #  # year without century
        text = str(datetime.year + 543)[2:4]
    elif fmt_c == "Y":  # year with century
        text = str(datetime.year + 543)
    elif fmt_c == "c":
        # Wed  6 Oct 01:40:00 1976
        # พ   6 ต.ค. 01:40:00 2519  <-- left-aligned weekday, right-aligned day
        text = "{:<2} {:>2} {} {} {}".format(
            _TH_ABBR_MONTHS[datetime.month - 1],
            datetime.year + 543,
    elif fmt_c == "v":  # undocumented format: ' 6-Oct-1976'
        text = "{:>2}-{}-{}".format(
            datetime.day, _TH_ABBR_MONTHS[datetime.month - 1], datetime.year + 543
    else:  # matched with nothing
        text = datetime.strftime("%{}".format(fmt_c))

    return text
def judge_business_day(datetime, data):
    not_weekend = datetime.weekday() is not 5 and datetime.weekday() is not 6
    not_holiday = str(datetime.date()) not in data["holidays"]

    if not_weekend and not_holiday:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def CheckDatetime(datetime):
    if datetime.weekday() == 6:
        if datetime.hour >= 9:
            return True
            return False    
    elif datetime.weekday() == 4:
        if datetime.hour < 21:
            return True
            return False
    elif datetime.weekday() < 4:
        return True
    elif datetime.weekday() == 5:
        return False
Exemplo n.º 4
 def _isdst(self, dt):
     tt = (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
           dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
           dt.weekday(), 0, 0)
     stamp = _time.mktime(tt)
     tt = _time.localtime(stamp)
     return tt.tm_isdst > 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def day_of_week_xxx(datetime) -> str:
        :param datetime.datetime datetime:
        :rtype: str
    days = ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']
    return days[datetime.weekday()]
Exemplo n.º 6
def FridaysofMonth(year: int, month: int) -> List[int]:
    resDates = []
    c = calendar.Calendar(firstweekday=calendar.SUNDAY)
    for dt in c.itermonthdates(year, month):
        if (dt.weekday() == 4 and dt.month == month):
    return resDates
Exemplo n.º 7
def createTimeFeatures(data,features_to_create=["EPOCH","START_OF_DAY","MONTH","WEEKDAY","HOLIDAY","DAY_OFF"], delete = True):
    A function to create different time features.
    The parameter features_to_create enables to select only the features we want to add.
    :param data: a dataframe with a DATE field.
    :param features_to_create: an array of strings like default ["EPOCH","START_OF_DAY","MONTH","WEEKDAY"]
    :type data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.
    :return: data: the modified dataframe.
    data.insert(0, "DATE_TIME", data["DATE"].apply(toDatetime));

    calHoliday = createHolidayCalendar(PATH_HOLIDAY);
    calDayOff = createHolidayCalendar(PATH_DAYOFF);

    # aF stands for applyFunction
    # c stands for categorical variable
    features = {
        "EPOCH":{'aF' : datetimeToEpoch, 'type':'int'},
        "START_OF_DAY":{'aF' : datetimeToStartOfDay, 'type':'int'},
        "MONTH": {'aF' : lambda datetime: datetime.month, 'type':'category'},
        "WEEKDAY": {'aF' : lambda datetime: datetime.weekday(), 'type':'category'},
        "HOLIDAY": {'aF' : lambda datetime: isInHoliday(calHoliday,datetime), 'type':'category'},
        "DAY_OFF": {'aF' : lambda datetime: isInHoliday(calDayOff,datetime), 'type':'category'}

    i = 1 # Just for locating features
    for key, aF, type in [(i,features[i]['aF'],features[i]['type']) for i in features_to_create]:
        data.insert(i, key, data["DATE_TIME"].apply(aF));
        if(type): data[key]= data[key].astype(type)
        i += 1

        del data["DATE"]
    del data["DATE_TIME"]# We no longer need that initial feature
    return data
Exemplo n.º 8
 def service_periods(self, datetime):
     datetimestr = datetime.strftime( "%Y%m%d" ) #datetime to string like "20081225"
     datetimeint = int(datetimestr)              #int like 20081225. These ints have the same ordering as regular dates, so comparison operators work
     # Get the gtfs date range. If the datetime is out of the range, no service periods are in effect
     start_date, end_date = self.date_range()
     if datetime < start_date or datetime > end_date:
         return []
     # Use the day-of-week name to query for all service periods that run on that day
     dow_name = self.DOW_INDEX[datetime.weekday()]
     service_periods = list( self.execute( "SELECT service_id, start_date, end_date FROM calendar WHERE %s=1"%dow_name ) )
     # Exclude service periods whose range does not include this datetime
     service_periods = [x for x in service_periods if (int(x[1]) <= datetimeint and int(x[2]) >= datetimeint)]
     # Cut service periods down to service IDs
     sids = set( [x[0] for x in service_periods] )
     # For each exception on the given datetime, add or remove service_id to the accumulating list
     for exception_sid, exception_type in self.execute( "select service_id, exception_type from calendar_dates WHERE date = ?", (datetimestr,) ):
         if exception_type == 1:
             sids.add( exception_sid )
         elif exception_type == 2:
             if exception_sid in sids:
                 sids.remove( exception_sid )
     return list(sids)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_order_for(self, datetime):
        # Is there an override ?
        override = self.get_override_for(datetime)
        if override:
            return override

        schedule = self.get_schedule(datetime.weekday())
        return schedule.get_order_for(datetime.time())
Exemplo n.º 10
def date_converter(datetime):
    week_day = datetime.weekday() # monday is 0, sunday is 6
    elapsed_time = math.ceil(datetime.time().microsecond / 1000) +\
                   datetime.time().second * (10 ** 3) +\
                   datetime.time().minute * (60 * (10 ** 6)) +\
                   datetime.time().hour * (60 * 60 * (10 ** 6))

    return elapsed_time
Exemplo n.º 11
def add_weekdays(df):
    '''adds weekday numbers 0-6 to dataframe'''
    weekdays = []
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        datetime = row['datetime']
        day = datetime.weekday()
    df['weekdays'] = weekdays
Exemplo n.º 12
    def datedim_values(self, dt):
        # Calculate number of minute into the day (eg. 1016)
        num_minutes = dt.hour * 60. + dt.minute

        # Time of the start of the bin
        time_bin = math.floor(num_minutes / self.minutes_per_bin)  # eg. 1005
        hour_bin = math.floor(num_minutes / 60.)  # eg. 16
        min_bin = (time_bin * self.minutes_per_bin) % 60  # eg. 45

        # Get a floating point representation of the center of the time bin
        time_num = (hour_bin * 60. + min_bin + self.minutes_per_bin / 2.0) / (
            60. * 24.)  # eg. 0.7065972222222222
        time_cos = math.cos(time_num * 2 * math.pi)
        time_sin = math.sin(time_num * 2 * math.pi)

        #get time_cat
        time_cat = "%02d:%02d" % (hour_bin, min_bin)  # eg. "16:45"

        day_of_week = dt.weekday()
        day_of_year = dt.timetuple().tm_yday
        day_cat = self.day_to_str[day_of_week]
        day_num = (day_of_week + time_num) / 7.
        day_cos = math.cos(day_num * 2. * math.pi)
        day_sin = math.sin(day_num * 2. * math.pi)

        year = dt.year
        month = dt.month
        day = dt.day

        weekend = 0
        if day_of_week in [5, 6]:
            weekend = 1

        holid = 0
        if dt in self.holidays:
            holid = 1

        return {
            "year": year,
            "month": month,
            "day": day,
            "day_of_week": day_of_week,
            "day_of_year": day_of_year,
            "weekend": weekend,
            "holiday": holid,
            "day_cat": day_cat,
            "day_num": day_num,
            "day_cos": day_cos,
            "day_sin": day_sin,
            "time_cat": time_cat,
            "time_bin": time_bin,
            "hour_bin": hour_bin,
            "min_bin": min_bin,
            "time_num": time_num,
            "time_cos": time_cos,
            "time_sin": time_sin,
Exemplo n.º 13
 def doorcode4(self, fecha):
     # Calculate de Door Code... need a date in String format "%Y-%m-%d"
     compan = self.env.user.company_id
     d = datetime.strptime(fecha, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
     dia_semana = datetime.weekday(d)  # Dias a restar y ponerlo en lunes
     d = d - timedelta(days=dia_semana)
     dtxt = d.strftime('%s.%%06d') % d.microsecond
     dtxt = compan.precode + dtxt[4:8] + compan.postcode
     return dtxt
Exemplo n.º 14
class ReasearchStand(models.Model):
    date = models.TimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    route = models.ForeignKey(Route)
    weekday = models.IntegerField(default=datetime.weekday(datetime.now()))
    month = models.IntegerField(default=datetime.now().month)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.date)
Exemplo n.º 15
def is_holiday(dt):
    Function to check if a data is a holiday

    dt(datetime.date): Given data


    True/False(boolean): True if holiday else False


    if dt.weekday() == 5 or dt.weekday() == 6 or dt in holidays:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 16
    def check_code(self):
        entrada = datetime.strptime(self.date_start,
        if datetime.weekday(entrada) == 0:
            entrada = entrada + timedelta(days=1)
        salida = datetime.strptime(self.date_end, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)
        if datetime.weekday(salida) == 0:
            salida = salida - timedelta(days=1)
        codes = (u'Código de entrada: ' +
                 '<strong><span style="font-size: 2em;">' +
                 self.doorcode4(self.date_start) + '</span></strong>')
        while entrada <= salida:
            if datetime.weekday(entrada) == 0:
                codes += ("<br>" + u'Cambiará el Lunes ' +
                          datetime.strftime(entrada, "%d-%m-%Y") +
                          ' a: <strong><span style="font-size: 2em;">' +
                              entrada, "%Y-%m-%d")) + '</span></strong>')
            entrada = entrada + timedelta(days=1)

        return self.write({'door_code': codes})
Exemplo n.º 17
def returnWeekday(datetime):
    weekdays = {
        0: "Monday",
        1: "Tuesday",
        2: "Wednesday",
        3: "Thursday",
        4: "Friday",
        5: "Saturday",
        6: "Sunday"
    # takes a datetime object and returns a string of the weekday
    return weekdays[datetime.weekday()]
Exemplo n.º 18
class Seasonality:
    type_to_period = {
        "weekday": 7,
        "weekofyear": 53,
        "month": 12,
        "weekofmonth": 5,
        "hour": 24,
    type_datetime_to_int_func = {
        "weekday": lambda dt: dt.weekday(),
        "weekofyear": lambda dt: dt.isocalendar()[1] - 1,
        "month": lambda dt: dt.month - 1,
        "weekofmonth": lambda dt: dt.day // 7,
        "hour": lambda dt: dt.hour

    def __init__(self, seasonality_type):
        assert seasonality_type in self.type_to_period, \
            "Invalid seasonality! Needs to be in %s!" % self.type_to_period.keys()

        self.seasonality_type = seasonality_type
        self.seasonal_period = self.type_to_period[self.seasonality_type]
        self._datetime_to_int_func = self.type_datetime_to_int_func[

    def datetime_to_array(self, arr):
        return np.vectorize(self._datetime_to_int_func)(arr)

    def _get_next_x(self, last_date, increment, n_next):
        new_dates = last_date + increment * np.arange(1, n_next + 1)
        return self.datetime_to_array(new_dates)

    def apply_decoder(self, apply_to):
        return apply_to / self._decoder

    def apply_encoder(self, apply_to):
        return apply_to * self._encoder

    def get_model_inputs(self):
        return self._inputs

    def plot_seasonality(self):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        weights = self.get_weights()
        if len(weights.shape) > 1 and weights.shape[1] == self.seasonal_period:
            weights = weights.T

        plt.title(self.seasonality_type, fontsize=15)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def getMatsuba(self):
        self.dateList = []
        self.res2 = []
        self.res3 = []
        dt = self.startDate
        while dt <= self.endDate:
            if os.path.exists(filePath +
                              dt.strftime("%Y_%m_%d")):  # folder exists?
                fileList = os.listdir(filePath +
                                      dt.strftime("%Y_%m_%d"))  # get all files
                for name in fileList:
                    if name[0:len(self.name)] == self.name[
                            0:len(self.name)] and len(name) < len(
                                self.name) + 21 and len(name) > len(
                                    self.name) + 5:  # get the specific file
                        writeLog("Read: " + dt.strftime("%Y_%m_%d") + '\\' +
                        print "Read: " + dt.strftime("%Y_%m_%d") + '\\' + name

                        book = xlrd.open_workbook(filePath +
                                                  dt.strftime("%Y_%m_%d") +
                                                  '\\' + name)
                        sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
                        i = 0
                        while sheet.cell_type(i, 0) != 0:
                            i += 1
                        date = sheet.cell(i - 1, 0).value
                        DATE = datetime(*xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(date, 0))
                        if datetime.weekday(DATE) == 4:
                            DATE = DATE + timedelta(2)
                        DATE = pd.to_datetime(DATE, format='%Y-%m-%d')
                        if DATE in self.dateList:
                            pos = self.dateList.index(DATE)
                            if self.res2[pos][0] == DATE:
                                self.res2[pos] = (DATE, sheet.cell(i,
                                                  sheet.cell(i, 22).value)
                            if self.res3[pos][0] == DATE:
                                self.res3[pos] = (DATE, sheet.cell(i,
                                                  sheet.cell(i, 23).value)
                            self.res2.append((DATE, sheet.cell(i, 19).value,
                                              sheet.cell(i, 22).value))
                            self.res3.append((DATE, sheet.cell(i, 20).value,
                                              sheet.cell(i, 23).value))
            dt += timedelta(1)
    def change_rf_band_list(self, rfbandList):

        import datetime

        datetime = datetime.datetime.today()

        # note Monday is 0, Tuesday is 1, Sunday is 6

        dayInteger = int(datetime.weekday())

        listIndex = dayInteger % (len(rfbandList))

        singleBandUnderTest = rfbandList[listIndex]

        singleBandList = [singleBandUnderTest]

        return singleBandList
Exemplo n.º 21
def date_converter(Startdate):
    week_day = {0: "Monday",1: "Tuesday",2: "Wednesday",3: "Thursday",4: "Friday",5: "Saturday",6: "Sunday"}
    if Startdate is 'NaN':
        datee, time = Startdate.split(' ')
        month, day, year = datee.split('/')
        hour, minute = time.split(':')

        with open("Washington_new1.csv", 'a+') as wfile1:
                wfile1.write(month + "\n")
        with open("Washington_new2.csv", 'a+') as wfile2:
                wfile2.write(year + "\n")
        with open("Washington_new3.csv", 'a+') as wfile3:
                wfile3.write(weekday + "\n")
Exemplo n.º 22
 def service_periods(self, datetime):
     # Get the gtfs date range. If the datetime is out of the range, no service periods are in effect
     start_date, end_date = self.date_range()
     if datetime < start_date or datetime > end_date:
         return []
     # Use the day-of-week name to query for all service periods that run on that day
     dow_name = self.DOW_INDEX[datetime.weekday()]
     sids = set( [x[0] for x in self.execute( "SELECT * FROM calendar WHERE %s=1"%dow_name )] )
     # For each exception on the given datetime, add or remove service_id to the accumulating list
     datetimestr = datetime.strftime( "%Y%m%d" )
     for exception_sid, exception_type in self.execute( "select service_id, exception_type from calendar_dates WHERE date = ?", (datetimestr,) ):
         if exception_type == 1:
             sids.add( exception_sid )
         elif exception_type == 2:
             if exception_sid in sids:
                 sids.remove( exception_sid )
     return list(sids)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def service_periods(self, datetime):
        datetimestr = datetime.strftime(
            "%Y%m%d")  #datetime to string like "20081225"
        datetimeint = int(
        )  #int like 20081225. These ints have the same ordering as regular dates, so comparison operators work

        # Get the gtfs date range. If the datetime is out of the range, no service periods are in effect
        start_date, end_date = self.date_range()
        if datetime < start_date or datetime > end_date:
            return []

        # Use the day-of-week name to query for all service periods that run on that day
        dow_name = self.DOW_INDEX[datetime.weekday()]
        service_periods = list(
                "SELECT service_id, start_date, end_date FROM calendar WHERE %s=1"
                % dow_name))

        # Exclude service periods whose range does not include this datetime
        service_periods = [
            x for x in service_periods
            if (int(x[1]) <= datetimeint and int(x[2]) >= datetimeint)

        # Cut service periods down to service IDs
        sids = set([x[0] for x in service_periods])

        # For each exception on the given datetime, add or remove service_id to the accumulating list

        for exception_sid, exception_type in self.execute(
                "select service_id, exception_type from calendar_dates WHERE date = ?",
            (datetimestr, )):
            if exception_type == 1:
            elif exception_type == 2:
                if exception_sid in sids:

        return list(sids)
Exemplo n.º 24
def digest(self):
    # 找出这周的起始和结束日
    year, week = datetime.datetime.now().isocalendar()[0:2]
    date = datetime.date(year, 1, 1)
    if (date.weekday() > 3):
        date = date + datetime.timedelta(days=7 - datetime.weekday())
        date = date - datetime.timedelta(days=date.weekday())
    delta = datetime.timedelta(days=(week - 1) * 7)
    start, end = date + delta, date + delta + datetime.timedelta(days=6)

    posts = Post.query.filter(
        Post.publish_date >= start,
        Post.publish_date <= end

    if (len(posts) == 0):
        {'posts': posts}
Exemplo n.º 25
class Manager:
    datetime = datetime.datetime.today()
    weekday = datetime.weekday()
    dayname = Day(weekday).name
    year = datetime.year
    month = datetime.month
    monthDays = monthrange(year, month)[1]
    pattern = Pattern()
    weekCost = float("0.0")
    businessDays = 0

    def __init__(self):

    def calculateBusinessDays(self):
        i = 1
        while i <= self.monthDays:
            wday = datetime.datetime(self.year, self.month, i).weekday()
            if Manager.isBusinessDay(wday):
                self.businessDays += 1
            i += 1

    def isBusinessDay(value):
        if value == 0 or value == 1 or value == 2 or value == 3 or value == 4:
            return True
            return False

    def calculateMonth(self):
        weekCost = float("0.0")

        for var in self.pattern.dictionary:
            weekCost = weekCost + float(self.pattern.dictionary[var])

        self.weekCost = weekCost
Exemplo n.º 26
def _thai_strftime(datetime: datetime.datetime, fmt_char: str) -> str:
    """Conversion support for thai_strftime()."""
    str_ = ""
    if fmt_char == "A":
        # National representation of the full weekday name
        str_ = thai_full_weekdays[datetime.weekday()]
    elif fmt_char == "a":
        # National representation of the abbreviated weekday
        str_ = thai_abbr_weekdays[datetime.weekday()]
    elif fmt_char == "B":
        # National representation of the full month name
        str_ = thai_full_months[datetime.month - 1]
    elif fmt_char == "b":
        # National representation of the abbreviated month name
        str_ = thai_abbr_months[datetime.month - 1]
    elif fmt_char == "C":
        # Thai Buddhist century (AD+543)/100 + 1 as decimal number;
        str_ = str(int((datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE) / 100) + 1)
    elif fmt_char == "c":
        # Locale’s appropriate date and time representation
        # Wed  6 Oct 01:40:00 1976
        # พ   6 ต.ค. 01:40:00 2519  <-- left-aligned weekday, right-aligned day
        str_ = "{:<2} {:>2} {} {} {}".format(
            thai_abbr_months[datetime.month - 1],
            datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE,
    elif fmt_char == "D":
        # Equivalent to ``%m/%d/%y''
        str_ = "{}/{}".format(
            str(datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE)[-2:],
    elif fmt_char == "F":
        # Equivalent to ``%Y-%m-%d''
        str_ = "{}-{}".format(str(datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE),
    elif fmt_char == "G":
        # ISO 8601 year with century representing the year that contains the
        # greater part of the ISO week (%V). Monday as the first day of the week.
        str_ = str(int(datetime.strftime("%G")) + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE)
    elif fmt_char == "g":
        # Same year as in ``%G'', but as a decimal number without century (00-99).
        str_ = str(int(datetime.strftime("%G")) + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE)[-2:]
    elif fmt_char == "v":
        # BSD extension, ' 6-Oct-1976'
        str_ = "{:>2}-{}-{}".format(
            thai_abbr_months[datetime.month - 1],
            datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE,
    elif fmt_char == "X":
        # Locale’s appropriate time representation.
        str_ = datetime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    elif fmt_char == "x":
        # Locale’s appropriate date representation.
        str_ = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE,
    elif fmt_char == "Y":
        # Year with century
        str_ = str(datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE)
    elif fmt_char == "y":
        # Year without century
        str_ = str(datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE)[2:4]
    elif fmt_char == "+":
        # National representation of the date and time
        # (the format is similar to that produced by date(1))
        # Wed  6 Oct 1976 01:40:00
        str_ = "{:<2} {:>2} {} {} {}".format(
            thai_abbr_months[datetime.month - 1],
            datetime.year + _BE_AD_DIFFERENCE,
        # No known localization available, use Python's default
        str_ = datetime.strftime(f"%{fmt_char}")

    return str_
Exemplo n.º 27
     supername = ws.cell(row=menurow, column=1).value
     if supername == None:
 supermenu = set(supermenu)
 supermenuli = list(supermenu)
 for superi in supermenuli:
     for rowi in range(2, ws.max_row + 1):
         if ws.cell(row=rowi, column=1).value == superi:
             prodname = ws.cell(row=rowi, column=2).value
             supermenudict.setdefault(superi, []).append(prodname)  #供应商菜单字典
 superlist, shopsupdict, shopwasdict = shopyesdaysale()
 shopprodict = shopsupprosale()
 tomorrow = datetime.today() + timedelta(days=1)
 weekday = datetime.weekday(tomorrow)
 weekday = int(weekday) + 1
 if weekday in [2, 5]:  #供应商每天预定量
     for shopkey in shopsupdict:
         for supk in shopsupdict[shopkey]:
             if shopkey in shopwasdict:
                 if supk in shopwasdict[shopkey]:
                     #if shopsupdict[shopkey][supk]>6:
                     # shopsupdict[shopkey][supk]=shopsupdict[shopkey][supk]-3
                     # if shopsupdict[shopkey][supk]>4:
                         supk] = shopsupdict[shopkey][supk] - 1
Exemplo n.º 28
def is_tercer_viernes(dt):
    return dt.weekday() == 4 and 15 <= dt.day <= 21
Exemplo n.º 29
def first_sunday_on_or_after(dt):
    days_to_go = 6 - dt.weekday()
    if days_to_go:
        dt += timedelta(days_to_go)
    return dt
Exemplo n.º 30
print("Desglose de la fecha", fecha2, ":")
tupla_mensajes = ("Año", "Núm. semana", "Núm. día de semana")
tupla_valores = datetime.isocalendar(fecha2)
tupla_diassem = ("Lun", "Mar", "Mié", "Jue", "Vie", "Sáb", "Dom")
for mensaje, valor in zip(tupla_mensajes, tupla_valores):
    print(mensaje, "-->", valor)

print("Día de semana-->", tupla_diassem[tupla_valores[2] - 1])
print(input("		continuar?"))

print("Obtener día de la semana por su número ")
    "La función weekday() devuelve el número de día de la semana a que corresponda la fecha indicada, según los siguientes valores por día:  0-Lunes, 1-Martes, 2-Miércoles, 3-Jueves, 4-Viernes , 5-Sábado y 6-Domingo"

dia_semana = datetime.weekday(fecha1)
print(fecha1, "->", dia_semana, "->", tupla_diassem[dia_semana])

print("Obtener y contar los días que sean martes entre dos fechas")
print(input("		continuar?"))
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

formato = "%d/%m/%Y"
contador = 0
fechadesde = input('Fecha desde (dd/mm/aaaa): ')
fechahasta = input('Fecha hasta (dd/mm/aaaa): ')
if fechadesde == '' or fechahasta == '':
Exemplo n.º 31
def _thai_strftime(datetime: datetime.datetime, fmt_char: str) -> str:
    Conversion support for thai_strftime()
    str_ = ""
    if fmt_char == "A":
        # National representation of the full weekday name
        str_ = thai_full_weekdays[datetime.weekday()]
    elif fmt_char == "a":
        # National representation of the abbreviated weekday
        str_ = thai_abbr_weekdays[datetime.weekday()]
    elif fmt_char == "B":
        # National representation of the full month name
        str_ = thai_full_months[datetime.month - 1]
    elif fmt_char == "b":
        # National representation of the abbreviated month name
        str_ = thai_abbr_months[datetime.month - 1]
    elif fmt_char == "C":
        # Thai Buddhist century (AD+543)/100 + 1 as decimal number;
        str_ = str(int((datetime.year + 543) / 100) + 1)
    elif fmt_char == "c":
        # Locale’s appropriate date and time representation
        # Wed  6 Oct 01:40:00 1976
        # พ   6 ต.ค. 01:40:00 2519  <-- left-aligned weekday, right-aligned day
        str_ = "{:<2} {:>2} {} {} {}".format(
            thai_abbr_months[datetime.month - 1],
            datetime.year + 543,
    elif fmt_char == "D":
        # Equivalent to ``%m/%d/%y''
        str_ = "{}/{}".format(datetime.strftime("%m/%d"), str(datetime.year + 543)[-2:])
    elif fmt_char == "F":
        # Equivalent to ``%Y-%m-%d''
        str_ = "{}-{}".format(str(datetime.year + 543), datetime.strftime("%m-%d"))
    elif fmt_char == "G":
        # ISO 8601 year with century representing the year that contains the greater part of the ISO week (%V). Monday as the first day of the week.
        str_ = str(int(datetime.strftime("%G")) + 543)
    elif fmt_char == "g":
        # Same year as in ``%G'', but as a decimal number without century (00-99).
        str_ = str(int(datetime.strftime("%G")) + 543)[-2:]
    elif fmt_char == "v":
        # BSD extension, ' 6-Oct-1976'
        str_ = "{:>2}-{}-{}".format(
            datetime.day, thai_abbr_months[datetime.month - 1], datetime.year + 543
    elif fmt_char == "X":
        # Locale’s appropriate time representation.
        str_ = datetime.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
    elif fmt_char == "x":
        # Locale’s appropriate date representation.
        str_ = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            _padding(datetime.day), _padding(datetime.month), datetime.year + 543
    elif fmt_char == "Y":
        # Year with century
        str_ = str(datetime.year + 543)
    elif fmt_char == "y":
        # Year without century
        str_ = str(datetime.year + 543)[2:4]
    elif fmt_char == "+":
        # National representation of the date and time (the format is similar to that produced by date(1))
        # Wed  6 Oct 1976 01:40:00
        str_ = "{:<2} {:>2} {} {} {}".format(
            thai_abbr_months[datetime.month - 1],
            datetime.year + 543,
        # No known localization available, use Python's default
        str_ = datetime.strftime(f"%{fmt_char}")

    return str_
Exemplo n.º 32
def is_holiday(dt):
    if dt.weekday() == 5 or dt.weekday() == 6 or dt in holidays:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 33
def get_weekday(datetime=None):
	if not datetime:
		datetime = now_datetime()
	weekdays = get_weekdays()
	return weekdays[datetime.weekday()]
Exemplo n.º 34
def parse_xml_to_flat_dict(request, datetime, lat, lon, a_dt, dist):
    response_dict = xmltodict.parse(request.content)

    parsed_result = {}
    parsed_list = ['location_lat', 'location_long', 'temperature', 'dew_point', 'wind_speed', 'wind_direction',
                   'snow_amount', 'humidity']

    for para in parsed_list:
        parsed_result.setdefault(para, 0)

    parsed_result['day'] = datetime.weekday()
    parsed_result['day_of_month'] = datetime.day
    parsed_result['dep_time'] = datetime.strftime('%H%M')
    parsed_result['arr_time'] = a_dt.strftime('%H%M')
    parsed_result['elapsed_time'] = 60
    parsed_result['distance'] = dist
    parsed_result['location_lat'] = lat
    parsed_result['location_long'] = lon

        response_data = response_dict['dwml']['data']
        response_params = response_data['parameters']
    except KeyError:
        print 'Exception {}'.format(parsed_result)
        return parsed_result

    def check_if_value_exists(dict):
        return 'value' in dict

        if 'temperature' in response_params:
            t = response_params['temperature']
            if t[0] and check_if_value_exists(t[0]):
                parsed_result['temperature'] = response_params['temperature'][0]['value']
            if t[1] and check_if_value_exists(t[1]):
                parsed_result['dew_point'] = response_params['temperature'][1]['value']

    if 'wind-speed' in response_params and check_if_value_exists(response_params['wind-speed']):
        parsed_result['wind_speed'] = response_params['wind-speed']['value']

    if 'direction' in response_params and check_if_value_exists(response_params['direction']):
        parsed_result['wind_direction'] = response_params['direction']['value']

    if 'cloud-amount' in response_params and check_if_value_exists(response_params['cloud-amount']):
        parsed_result['cloud_cover_amount'] = response_params['cloud-amount']['value']

    if 'precipitation' in response_params and check_if_value_exists(response_params['precipitation']):
        parsed_result['snow_amount'] = response_params['precipitation']['value']

    # if 'convective-hazard' in response_params:
    #     ch = response_params['convective-hazard']
    #     if ch[0] and ch[0]['severe-component'] and check_if_value_exists(ch[0]['severe-component']):
    #         parsed_result['probability_severe_thunderstorm'] = response_params['convective-hazard'][0]['severe-component']['value']
    #     if ch[1] and ch[1]['severe-component'] and check_if_value_exists(ch[1]['severe-component']):
    #         parsed_result['probability_extreme_severe_thunderstorm'] = response_params['convective-hazard'][1]['severe-component'][
    #             'value']

    if 'humidity' in response_params and check_if_value_exists(response_params['humidity']):
        parsed_result['humidity'] = response_params['humidity']['value']

    print parsed_result
    return parsed_result
Exemplo n.º 35
def find_day(timestamp):
    # print(timestamp)
    datetime = pd.to_datetime(timestamp)
    # print(datetime.weekday())
    return datetime.weekday()
 def getDayIdByDateTime(self, datetime):
     # monday is 0, but in database is 1 so plus 1
     return datetime.weekday() + 1
Exemplo n.º 37
def generate_data(tsv_file, remains=True, save_as_file=True):
    city_id = int(tsv_file.split(sep='.')[0])
    origin_dataset_file_path = os.path.join(config.origin_dataset_dir,
    holidays = config.holidays
    end_of_holidays = config.end_of_holidays
    weekend_weekdays = config.weekend_weekdays

    # 预处理小时粒度的数据
    df = pd.read_csv(origin_dataset_file_path,
                     names=["city_id", "datetime", "count"],
    df['datetime'] = df.datetime.apply(
        lambda datetime: pd.to_datetime(datetime[0:13]))
    df = df[['datetime', 'count']].groupby('datetime').sum()
    df['datetime'] = df.index
    df['hour'] = df.datetime.apply(lambda datetime: datetime.hour)
    hour_grained_dataframe = df[["datetime", "hour", "count"]]
    # hour_grained_data = np.array(hour_grained_dataframe.values)
    # np.save(config.dataset_dir_path + str(city_id) + "_hour_grained_data.npy", hour_grained_data)

    # 预处理日粒度的数据
    df = pd.read_csv(origin_dataset_file_path,
                     names=["city_id", "datetime", "count"],
    df['datetime'] = df.datetime.apply(
        lambda datetime: pd.to_datetime(datetime[0:10]))
    df = df[['datetime', 'count']].groupby('datetime').sum()
    df['datetime'] = df.index
    df['day_of_week'] = df.datetime.apply(lambda datetime: datetime.weekday())
    df['holidays_distance'] = 8
    df['end_of_holidays_distance'] = 8
    df['is_weekend_weekday'] = 0
    for i in range(df.shape[0]):
        for holiday in holidays:
            tmp = (pd.to_datetime(holiday) - df.iloc[i, 1]).days
            if abs(tmp) < abs(df.iloc[i, 3]):
                df.iloc[i, 3] = tmp
        for end_of_holiday in end_of_holidays:
            tmp = (pd.to_datetime(end_of_holiday) - df.iloc[i, 1]).days
            if tmp < df.iloc[i, 4] and tmp >= 0:
                df.iloc[i, 4] = tmp
        for weekend_weekday in weekend_weekdays:
            if pd.to_datetime(weekend_weekday) == df.iloc[i, 1]:
                df.iloc[i, 5] = 1
    df.holidays_distance = df.holidays_distance + 7
    day_grained_dataframe = df[[
        'datetime', 'day_of_week', 'holidays_distance',
        'end_of_holidays_distance', 'is_weekend_weekday', 'count'
    # day_grained_data = np.array(day_grained_dataframe.values)
    # np.save(config.dataset_dir_path + str(city_id) + "_day_grained_data.npy", day_grained_data)

    # 将数据处理为可输入模型的格式
    may_be_predict_date = pd.to_datetime(
        config.dateset_start_date) + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
    data = []
    for i in range(len(hour_grained_dataframe)):
        if hour_grained_dataframe.iloc[i].datetime < may_be_predict_date:
            day_grained_8_days_data = []
            for delta_days in range(7, 0, -1):
                    hour_grained_dataframe.iloc[i].datetime -
            goal = day_grained_8_days_data[-1][-1]
            if remains:
                day_grained_8_days_data[-1][-1] = day_grained_8_days_data[-1][
                    -1] - hour_grained_dataframe.iloc[i -
                                                      (i %
            day_grained_8_days_data = np.array(day_grained_8_days_data,
            day_growth_rate_vector = (
                np.array(day_grained_8_days_data[:, 4], dtype='float64') /
                float(day_grained_8_days_data[0, 4]) - 1).reshape(-1, 1)
            day_grained_8_days_data = np.concatenate(
                [day_grained_8_days_data, day_growth_rate_vector], 1)
            hour_grained_data = np.array(
                hour_grained_dataframe.iloc[i - 25:i].values[:, 1:],
            hour_growth_rate_vector = (
                hour_grained_data[:, 1] / hour_grained_data[0, 1] - 1).reshape(
                    -1, 1)
            is_today_vector = np.concatenate(
                [np.zeros(1 + (24 - i % 24)),
                 np.ones(i % 24)]).reshape(-1, 1)
                day_grained_8_days_data[:-1], day_grained_8_days_data[-1, :-1],
                    hour_grained_data, hour_growth_rate_vector, is_today_vector
                ], 1)[1:], day_grained_8_days_data[-1, -1],
                    day_grained_8_days_data[0, 4],
                    hour_grained_dataframe.iloc[i - (i % 24):i]['count'].sum(),
                    hour_grained_dataframe.iloc[i:i +
                                                (24 - i % 24)]['count'].sum(),
    data = np.array(data)
    if save_as_file:
        if remains:
            np.save(os.path.join(config.dataset_dir, "%d_data.npy" % city_id),
                             "%d_data_predict_full_day.npy" % city_id), data)
    return data