Exemplo n.º 1
def blsSummaryPlot(clipList, num=None):
    mags = np.loadtxt("kees-c5.mags", delimiter="|")
    nPad = mags.shape[1]

#    epic, blsArray = gather.gatherValue(clipList, 'bls.convolved_bls')
    epic, blsArray = gather.gatherFunction(clipList, getBls)
    #Strip out occasional bls spectrum with non standard length
    lengths = np.array(map(lambda x: len(x), blsArray))
    typicalLength = int(np.median(lengths))
    idx = lengths == typicalLength

    epic = np.array(epic)[idx]
    blsArray = np.array(blsArray)[idx]
    obj = np.column_stack([epic, blsArray])

    obj2 = join(mags, 0, None, obj, 0, None, dtype=object)
    nPad += 1
#    print obj2.shape

    magCol = 3
    idx = np.argsort(obj2[:, magCol])
    obj2 = obj2[idx]

    mag = obj2[:,magCol]
    blsArray = np.vstack(obj2[:, -1])
    print blsArray.shape
#    return obj2

    mp.imshow(blsArray, interpolation="nearest", origin="bottom",\
        aspect="auto", cmap=mp.cm.YlGnBu_r)
    return blsArray
Exemplo n.º 2
def blsSummaryPlot(clipList, num=None):
    mags = np.loadtxt("kees-c5.mags", delimiter="|")
    nPad = mags.shape[1]

    #    epic, blsArray = gather.gatherValue(clipList, 'bls.convolved_bls')
    epic, blsArray = gather.gatherFunction(clipList, getBls)
    #Strip out occasional bls spectrum with non standard length
    lengths = np.array(map(lambda x: len(x), blsArray))
    typicalLength = int(np.median(lengths))
    idx = lengths == typicalLength

    epic = np.array(epic)[idx]
    blsArray = np.array(blsArray)[idx]
    obj = np.column_stack([epic, blsArray])

    obj2 = join(mags, 0, None, obj, 0, None, dtype=object)
    nPad += 1
    #    print obj2.shape

    magCol = 3
    idx = np.argsort(obj2[:, magCol])
    obj2 = obj2[idx]

    mag = obj2[:, magCol]
    blsArray = np.vstack(obj2[:, -1])
    print blsArray.shape
    #    return obj2

    mp.imshow(blsArray, interpolation="nearest", origin="bottom",\
        aspect="auto", cmap=mp.cm.YlGnBu_r)
    return blsArray
Exemplo n.º 3
def skyLinePlot(clipList):
    """A plot of which cadences contribute to the most transits

    Based on similar plot created by Jessie Christiansen for the
    SOC pipeline.

        (list) list of filenames of clips to process


    epic, vals = gather.gatherFunction(clipList, getPeriodEpochDuration)

    clip = dpc.loadClipboard(clipList[0])
    clip = pl.serveTask(clip)
    time = clip['serve.time']
    flags = clip['detrend.flags']

    period = np.array(map(lambda x: x[0], vals))
    epoch = np.array(map(lambda x: x[1], vals))
    duration_days = np.array(map(lambda x: x[2], vals)) / 24.
    isCand = np.array(map(lambda x: x[3], vals))

    skyLine = time * 0
    candSkyLine = time * 0
    for i in range(len(period)):
        idx = kplrfits.markTransitCadences(time, period[i], epoch[i], \
            duration_days[i], flags=flags)
        skyLine[idx] += 1

        if isCand[i]:
            candSkyLine[idx] += 1

    mp.step(time[~flags], skyLine[~flags], 'b-', lw=2, \
        label="All targets")
    mp.step(time[~flags], candSkyLine[~flags], 'r-', lw=2, \

    mp.xlabel("Time (BKJD)")
    mp.ylabel("Number of Transits on Cadence")
    return mp.gcf()
Exemplo n.º 4
def wedgePlot(clipList):
    """Create a wedge plot by plotting period and epoch of all events.

    Based on similar diagnostic plot used by SOC pipeline.

        (list) list of filenames of clips to process

    A figure handle for the plot created.

    Each target is represented by a semi-transparent grey dot
    indicating the period and epoch of that target. Those targets
    with the value of disposition.isCandidate are marked in red.

    epic, vals = gather.gatherFunction(clipList, getPeriodEpochDuration)

    period = np.array(map(lambda x: x[0], vals))
    epoch = np.array(map(lambda x: x[1], vals))
    isCand = np.array(map(lambda x: x[3], vals))

    mp.plot(period, epoch, 'ko', alpha=.4, label="All Targets")
    mp.plot(period[isCand], epoch[isCand], 'ro', \
        ms=10, label="Candidates")

    mp.xlabel("Period (days)")
    mp.ylabel("Epoch (BKJD)")
    return mp.gcf()