Exemplo n.º 1
def addStock(dict, cat):
    What is given to this class
        {'name': name, "rise": change, 'price': price, 'buy': buy, 'sell': sell,
       'lowest sell': ssell, 'high': high, 'volume': volume, 'exchange': exchange, 'time': time, 'klid': klid}
    session = Session()  
    stock = session.query(Stock).filter(Stock.klid == dict['klid']).all()
    #if stock isn't in the db lets add it there
    if not stock:
        #because python didn't like Finnish letters, we can change them back
        if "'O'" in cat:
            cat = cat.replace("'O'", u"Ö")
        if "'o'" in cat:
            cat = cat.replace("'o'", u"ö")
        #lets see if there is already a same named category
        category = session.query(Category).filter(Category.category == cat).first()
        #if not lets create a category 
        if not category: 
            with transaction.manager:
                cate = Category(category = cat)
                #get category's id
                cateid = cate.id
            #get category's id
            cateid = category.id
        with transaction.manager:
            name = dict['name']
            #because python didn't like finnish letters, we can change them back
            if "'a'" in name:
                name = name.replace("'a'", u"ä")
            if "'o'" in name:
                name = name.replace("'o'", u"ö")
            if "'OA'" in name:
                name = name.replace("'OA'", u"Å")
            #create new stock record
            newStock = Stock(name = name, klid = dict['klid'], category_id = cateid)
            #add exchange information for the stock
            exc = Exchange(stock_id = newStock.id, exchange = dict['exchange'])
Exemplo n.º 2
def getTrendValues(id, days):
    session = Session()
    stockTrending = session.query(Trend).filter(Trend.stock_id == id).all()
    if stockTrending:
        #lets transfer the time to UTC+0 to get more accurate day to day data
        #time is stored in UTC-7
        #for i in stockTrending:
        #    i.time = i.time + timedelta(hours=7)
        #get latest day number that has trending record 
        latestDate = stockTrending[-1]
        latestDate = latestDate.time
        Lyear = latestDate.year
        Lmonth = latestDate.month
        LDay = latestDate.day
        #time is stored in UTC-7
        fdate = datetime.strptime(str(Lyear)+str(Lmonth)+str(LDay), "%Y%m%d") #make it a date object
        #lets include utc-7 time difference to date object.
        fdate = fdate - timedelta(hours=7)
        #lets get earlier day
        sdate = fdate - timedelta(hours=24)
        #empty list for storing trending data
        trendList = []
        #lets get trend data from specified range. starts at 0
        for i in range(int(days)+1):
            #date object includes utc-7 time difference 
            fdate = fdate - timedelta(hours=i*24)
            sdate = sdate - timedelta(hours=i*24)
            #lets query db for 24 datapoints where we can calculate days mean value
            trending = session.query(Trend).filter(and_
                        (Trend.stock_id == id, Trend.time >= sdate, Trend.time < fdate)
            if trending:            
                totalValue = 0
                for j in trending:
                    totalValue += j.value
                #if there are missing data points for that day, dividing it always with 24 guarantees accuracy 
                mean = totalValue/24
        #lets reserve list item order, so that newest value is last    
        return trendList[::-1]
Exemplo n.º 3
def addTrend(dict, klid):
    session = Session()
    stock = session.query(Stock).filter(Stock.klid == klid).first()
    treData = session.query(Trend).filter(and_(Trend.stock_id == stock.id, Trend.time == dict['time'])).first()
    #check that there are no data from that day and time
    if not treData:    
        with transaction.manager:
            trend = Trend(stock_id = stock.id, time = dict['time'], value = dict['value'])
Exemplo n.º 4
def getIDS():
    session = Session()    
    stocks = session.query(Stock).all()
    list = []
    for i in stocks:
    return list
Exemplo n.º 5
def getIDList():
    session = Session()
    stocks = session.query(Stock).all()
    IDlist = []
    for stock in stocks:
    return IDlist
Exemplo n.º 6
def stockData(list, id):
    session = Session()
    stock = session.query(Stock).filter(Stock.klid == id).first()
    time = datetime.strptime(list[0], "%d.%m.%Y").date() #make it a date object
    stockData = session.query(Stock_data).filter(and_(Stock_data.stock_id == stock.id, Stock_data.date == time)).first()
    #if there is a record from that day we can exit this class
    if stockData:
        return False
    with transaction.manager:  
        newData = Stock_data(stock_id = stock.id, date = time, open = float(list[1]), high_sell =  float(list[2]), 
                            lowest_sell =  float(list[3]), close =  float(list[4]), volume =  float(list[5]))                    
    return True
Exemplo n.º 7
def CheckAllTheStockThatDoesntHaveTrendData():
    session = Session()
    counter = 0
    for id in range(0, 137):
        trend = session.query(Trend).filter(Trend.stock_id == id).first()
        print '\n\n'
        print trend
        print '\n\n'
        if not trend:
            counter += 1
    print counter
Exemplo n.º 8
def getnamesbyid(id):
    session = Session()
    stock = session.query(Stock).filter(Stock.id == id).first()
    return stock.name
Exemplo n.º 9
def getStockname(klid):
    session = Session()
    stock = session.query(Stock).filter(Stock.klid == klid).first()
    return stock.name