Exemplo n.º 1
    def GET(self, category, key, value, size):
        i = web.input(default="true")
        key = key.lower()

        def notfound():
            if config.default_image and i.default.lower(
            ) != "false" and not i.default.startswith('http://'):
                return read_file(config.default_image)
            elif i.default.startswith('http://'):
                raise web.seeother(i.default)
                raise web.notfound("")

        def redirect(id):
            size_part = size and ("-" + size) or ""
            url = "/%s/id/%s%s.jpg" % (category, id, size_part)

            query = web.ctx.env.get('QUERY_STRING')
            if query:
                url += '?' + query
            raise web.found(url)

        if key == 'isbn':
            value = value.replace("-", "").strip()  # strip hyphens from ISBN
            # Disabling ratelimit as iptables is taking care of botnets.
            #value = self.ratelimit_query(category, key, value)
            value = self.query(category, key, value)
        elif key != 'id':
            value = self.query(category, key, value)

        d = value and db.details(value)
        if not d:
            return notfound()

        # set cache-for-ever headers only when requested with ID
        if key == 'id':
            etag = "%s-%s" % (d.id, size.lower())
            if not web.modified(trim_microsecond(d.created), etag=etag):
                raise web.notmodified()

            web.header('Cache-Control', 'public')
                100 * 365 * 24 *
                3600)  # this image is not going to expire in next 100 years.
            web.header('Cache-Control', 'public')
                10 * 60
            )  # Allow the client to cache the image for 10 mins to avoid further requests

        web.header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
            return read_image(d, size)
        except IOError:
            raise web.notfound()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def GET(self, category, key, value, size):
        i = web.input(default="true")
        key = key.lower()

        def notfound():
            if config.default_image and i.default.lower() != "false" and not i.default.startswith("http://"):
                return read_file(config.default_image)
            elif i.default.startswith("http://"):
                raise web.seeother(i.default)
                raise web.notfound("")

        def redirect(id):
            size_part = size and ("-" + size) or ""
            url = "/%s/id/%s%s.jpg" % (category, id, size_part)

            query = web.ctx.env.get("QUERY_STRING")
            if query:
                url += "?" + query
            raise web.found(url)

        if key == "isbn":
            value = value.replace("-", "").strip()  # strip hyphens from ISBN
            # Disabling ratelimit as iptables is taking care of botnets.
            # value = self.ratelimit_query(category, key, value)
            value = self.query(category, key, value)
        elif key != "id":
            value = self.query(category, key, value)

        d = value and db.details(value)
        if not d:
            return notfound()

        # set cache-for-ever headers only when requested with ID
        if key == "id":
            etag = "%s-%s" % (d.id, size.lower())
            if not web.modified(trim_microsecond(d.created), etag=etag):
                raise web.notmodified()

            web.header("Cache-Control", "public")
            web.expires(100 * 365 * 24 * 3600)  # this image is not going to expire in next 100 years.
            web.header("Cache-Control", "public")
            web.expires(10 * 60)  # Allow the client to cache the image for 10 mins to avoid further requests

        web.header("Content-Type", "image/jpeg")
            return read_image(d, size)
        except IOError:
            raise web.notfound()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def GET(self, category, key, value, size):
        i = web.input(default="true")
        key = key.lower()
        def notfound():
            if config.default_image and i.default.lower() != "false" and not i.default.startswith('http://'):
                return read_file(config.default_image)
            elif i.default.startswith('http://'):
                raise web.seeother(i.default)
                raise web.notfound("")
        def redirect(id):
            size_part = size and ("-" + size) or ""
            url = "/%s/id/%s%s.jpg" % (category, id, size_part)
            query = web.ctx.env.get('QUERY_STRING')
            if query:
                url += '?' + query
            raise web.found(url)
        if key != 'id':
            value = _query(category, key, value)
            if value is None:
                return notfound()
        d = db.details(value)
        if not d:
            return notfound()

        # set cache-for-ever headers only when requested with ID
        if key == 'id':
            etag = "%s-%s" % (d.id, size.lower())
            if not web.modified(trim_microsecond(d.created), etag=etag):
                raise web.notmodified()

            web.header('Cache-Control', 'public')
            web.expires(100 * 365 * 24 * 3600) # this image is not going to expire in next 100 years.
            web.header('Cache-Control', 'public')
            web.expires(10*60) # Allow the client to cache the image for 10 mins to avoid further requests
        web.header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
            return read_image(d, size)
        except IOError:
            raise web.notfound()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_details(self, coverid, size=""):
            coverid = int(coverid)
        except ValueError:
            return None

        # Use tar index if available to avoid db query. We have 0-6M images in tar balls.
        if isinstance(coverid, int) and coverid < 6000000 and size in "sml":
            path = self.get_tar_filename(coverid, size)

            if path:
                if size:
                    key = "filename_%s" % size
                    key = "filename"
                return web.storage({"id": coverid, key: path, "created": datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)})

        return db.details(coverid)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def GET(self, category, key, value):
        d = _query(category, key, value)

        if key == 'id':
            web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            d = db.details(value)
            if d:
                if isinstance(d['created'], datetime.datetime):
                    d['created'] = d['created'].isoformat()
                    d['last_modified'] = d['last_modified'].isoformat()
                return simplejson.dumps(d)
                raise web.notfound("")
            value = _query(category, key, value)
            if value is None:
                return web.notfound("")
                return web.found("/%s/id/%s.json" % (category, value))
Exemplo n.º 6
def _query(category, key, value):
    if key == 'id':
        result = db.details(safeint(value))
        return result and result[0] or None
    elif key == 'olid':
        result = db.query(category, value, limit=1)
        return result and result[0] or None
        if category == 'b' and key in ['isbn', 'lccn', 'oclc', 'ocaid']:
            if key == 'isbn':
                if len(value.replace('-', '')) == 13:
                    key = 'isbn_13'
                    key = 'isbn_10'
            if key == 'oclc':
                key = 'oclc_numbers'
            olids = ol_things(key, value)
            if olids:
                return _query(category, 'olid', olids)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 7
def productdetails(request):
    return JsonResponse({'response':productdetail})