Exemplo n.º 1
def create_table_errors(conn):
    create the errors table if it does not exist

    # NB: the comments are kept by sqlite3 and can be accessed with command ".schema"
    query_create = """
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS errors ( 
             id TEXT NOT NULL            /* resource ivoid */
            ,url TEXT NOT NULL           /* access URL */
            ,date TEXT                   /* validation date */
            ,type TEXT                   /* error type ex: "error" "warning" "fatal" */
            ,num INT                     /* error number (there can be several errors with the same name) */
            ,name TEXT                   /* error name ex: "4.3.2" */
            ,msg TEXT                    /* error msg - verbose - for taplint */
            ,section TEXT                /* error section - for taplint */

    cur_create = db.execute_db(conn, query_create, [], True)
    #conn.commit() # no need, db.execute_db does it

    query_create_index = """
        CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS pk ON errors (id,url,date,type,num,name)

    cur_create_index = db.execute_db(conn, query_create_index, [], True)
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_table_services(conn):
    create the services table if it does not exist

    # NB: the comments are kept by sqlite3 and can be accessed with command ".schema"
    query_create = """
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS services (
             id TEXT NOT NULL                    /* resource ivoid */
            ,url TEXT NOT NULL                   /* access URL */
            ,title TEXT                          /* resource title */
            ,short_name TEXT                     /* resource short name */
            ,date_insert TEXT                    /* date row was inserted by query-rr.py = date when the service was first seen */
            ,date_update TEXT                    /* date row was updated by query-rr.py = last date when the service was seen */
            ,vor_status TEXT                     /* status of the resource, coming from the RR it will always be 'active' */
            ,vor_created TEXT                    /* date of creation of the resource */
            ,vor_updated TEXT                    /* date of update of the resource */
            ,contact_name TEXT                   /* 1st contact name for curation */
            ,contact_email TEXT                  /* 1st email for curation */
            ,provenance TEXT                     /* ivoid of registry where resource comes from */
            ,date TEXT                           /* validation date */
            ,standard_id TEXT                    /* standard_id of the capability */
            ,xsi_type TEXT                       /* type of the interface - should always be vs:paramhttp per the search() funtion implementation */
            ,spec TEXT                           /* specification of the service in natural language as in spec_from_standardid */
            ,specv TEXT                          /* version of the specification for the service */
            ,params TEXT                         /* parameters for the validator */
            ,val_mode TEXT                       /* validator mode ("not_run","normal","batch") */
            ,result_vot TEXT                     /* validator result for VOTable ("yes","no","") */
            ,result_spec TEXT                    /* validator result for spec ("yes","no","") */
            ,nb_warn INT                         /* validator nb of warnings */
            ,nb_err INT                          /* validator nb of errors */
            ,nb_fail INT                         /* validator nb of failures (for TAP validator taplint) */
            ,nb_fatal INT                        /* validator nb o f fatal errors */
            ,days_same INT DEFAULT 0             /* nb of days the result have been the same */

    cur_create = db.execute_db(conn, query_create, [], True)
    #conn.commit() # no need, db.execute_db does it

    query_create_index = """
        CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS pk ON services (id,url)

    cur_create_index = db.execute_db(conn, query_create_index, [], True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def upsert_error(conn, ivoid, url, date, type, num, name, msg="", section=""):
    insert or update an error in the errors table 
    :param conn: sqlite3 DB connection object
    :param ivoid: service id
    :param url: service url
    :param date: date
    :param type: error type (warning, error, fatal, failure)
    :param num: sequence number of error
    :param name: name of error
    :param msg: error msg
    :param section: section for error

    logging.info("Upserting error")

    # Check if the error already exists in the DB
    # NB: this query can take a long time if no index (id,url) has been defined on table errors !
    # => create index errors_idx on errors(id,url);

    query = """
           SELECT count(*) FROM errors
           WHERE id = ? and url = ? and date = ? and type = ? and num = ? and name = ? and msg = ? and section = ?

    cur = db.execute_db(conn, query,
                        (ivoid, url, date, type, num, name, msg, section))

    nb_errors = cur.fetchone()[0]

    #logging.info("nb_errors = %d",nb_errors)

    if (nb_errors == 0):  # if the error does not already exist
        # insert the error

        query = """
                INSERT INTO errors (id,url,date,type,num,name,msg,section) 
                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

        cur = db.execute_db(conn, query,
                            (ivoid, url, date, type, num, name, msg, section))
        conn.commit()  # because INSERT

Exemplo n.º 4
def main(argv):
    main program
    :param argv: parameters

    program_version = "1.3"
    #global logger

    # Read program arguments
    service_type = None  # no default
    db_file = None  # no default
    log_file = None  # no default

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", ["type=", "db=", "log="])
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
        print str(err)

    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-h"):
        elif o in ("--type"):
            service_type = a
        elif o in ("--db"):
            db_file = a
        elif o in ("--log"):
            log_file = a
            assert False, "unhandled option"

    if (service_type == None):
        print('ERROR: No service_type')

    if (db_file == None):
        print('ERROR: No db_file')

    # Setup logging

    # Try to use coloredlogs but does not work well
    # Create a logger object.
    #logger = logging.getLogger('val.py')
    # By default the install() function installs a handler on the root logger,
    # this means that log messages from your code and log messages from the
    # libraries that you use will all show up on the terminal.
    #coloredlogs.install(level='DEBUG',fmt='%(asctime)s %(filename)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d %(processName)s %(funcName)s: %(message)s')

    # Try to use colorlog - does not work
    #colorlog.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d %(processName)s %(funcName)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
    #colorlog.info("Starting argv=%s",argv)

        '%(asctime)s %(filename)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d %(processName)s %(funcName)s: %(message)s',

    # Add colors - from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/384076/how-can-i-color-python-logging-output
        "\033[1;31m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.WARNING))
        "\033[1;41m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.ERROR))

    logging.info("This is query-rr.py version %s. argv=%s", program_version,

    # Try to open the DB file,
    conn = db.open_db(db_file)
    # create the tables if they don't exist

    # URL of RR to use
    url_rr = "http://voparis-rr.obspm.fr/tap"

    # Look for services with type service_type in the RR
    logging.debug("Looking for services with type=%s in RR=%s", service_type,
    services = search(baseurl=url_rr, servicetype=service_types[service_type])

    # Get nb of services found
    nb_services = len(services)

    logging.debug("Nb of services found=%d", nb_services)

    s = 0
    for service in services:
        s = s + 1
        logging.info("Processing service %d/%d ivoid=%s url=%s standardid=%s",
                     s, nb_services, service.ivoid, service.access_url,

        if (False):  # display all service attributes
            for a in service:
                logging.debug("%s: %s", a, service[a])

        # get today's date in format 2017-12-21
        date_today = datetime.datetime.today()
        date_today_s = date_today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

        # Check if the service exists in the DB
        query = """
        SELECT count(*) FROM services WHERE id=? and url=?
        cur = db.execute_db(conn, query, (service.ivoid, service.access_url),
        nb_such_service = cur.fetchone()[0]
        #logging.debug("Nb of such service found in the DB=%d",nb_such_service)

        if (nb_such_service == 0
            ):  # service does not exist in the DB yet => insert it
            logging.debug("No such service found in the DB, inserting it")

            query_insert = """
                INSERT INTO services (id,url,date_insert) 
                VALUES (?, ?, ?)
            cur_insert = db.execute_db(
                conn, query_insert,
                (service.ivoid, service.access_url, date_today_s))
            #conn.commit() # because INSERT # no need, db.execute_db does it

        # Update the service with data from registry
        if (True):

            # Extract the part before the # in the standardid and the fragment (#something at the end of the standard id)
            standardid = service.standard_id  # in lowercase in the RR
            index_pound = standardid.find(
                '#')  # index of char '#' in standardid
            fragment = None
            if (index_pound !=
                    -1):  # pound found, copy only the part before the pound
                standardid_substring = standardid[:index_pound]
                fragment = standardid[index_pound:]
            else:  # no pound found, copy the entire string
                standardid_substring = standardid

            logging.debug("Found standardid_substring=%s",
            logging.debug("Found fragment=%s", fragment)

            spec = spec_from_standardid[standardid_substring]
            logging.debug("Found spec=%s", spec)

            # Try to extract version of std used by service
            # NB (per Markus after discussion in Santiago 2017-10)
            # => the correct way is to check the end of standardid then if no version found, std_version

            logging.debug("Determining spec version")
            specv = None
            if (
                    fragment != None
            ):  # if a fragment was found, extract the spec from the fragment
                logging.debug("standardid's fragment found")
                specv_from_fragment = fragment[
                    7:]  # extract "2.0" from "#query-2.0" => skip "#query-"
                logging.debug("Found specv_from_fragment=%s",
                if (
                        specv_from_fragment.replace(".", "", 1).isdigit()
                ):  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4138202/using-isdigit-for-floats
                        "specv_from_fragment can convert to float => using it")
                    specv = specv_from_fragment

            if (specv == None):  # version not found in fragment
                    "No standardid's fragment found or version not found in fragment, checking std_version=%s",
                if (service['std_version'] != ""):
                    logging.debug("std_version not empty, using it")
                    specv = service['std_version']
                else:  # if not found, use default version for this standard
                        "std_version empty, using default specv from standardid"
                    specv = default_specv_from_standardid[standardid_substring]

            logging.info("Found specv=%s", specv)

            # default params for validation are extracted from the array val.validatorParams (in vla.py)
            if ((spec == "Simple Image Access")
                    and (specv == "2.0")):  # for SIAv2 we need this case
                params = validatorParams[spec + " " + specv]
                params = validatorParams[spec]

            # if some attributes are void string "" then set them to N/A
            role_name = service['role_name']
            if (role_name == ""):
                role_name = "N/A"

            email = service['email']
            if (email == ""):
                email = "N/A"

            query_update = """
                UPDATE services SET 
                 date_update = ?
                ,vor_created = ?
                ,vor_updated = ?
                ,vor_status = ?
                ,provenance = ?
                ,standard_id = ?
                ,title = ?
                ,short_name = ?
                ,contact_name = ?
                ,contact_email = ?
                ,xsi_type = ?
                ,spec = ?
                ,specv = ?
                ,params = ?
                WHERE id=? AND url=?
            logging.info("Updating table services for service")

            cur_update = db.execute_db(
                        'created']  # must be accessed like this and not by property because property not exposed in class RegistryResource
                    service['updated']  # idem etc.
                    'active'  # we assume that if a service was found in the RR, it is active. Reason:
                    # See http://ivoa.net/documents/RegTAP/20171206/WD-RegTAP-1.1-20171206.html
                    # "The status attribute of vr:Resource is considered an implementation detail of the XML serialization and is not kept here.
                    # Neither inactive nor deleted records may be kept in the resource table. Since all other tables in the relational registry should keep
                    # a foreign key on the ivoid column, this implies that only metadata on active records is being kept in the relational registry.
                    # In other words, users can expect a resource to exist and work if they find it in a relational registry"
                        'harvested_from']  # the provenance registry's ivoid
                    standardid  # the standardid
                    role_name  # contact name
                    email  # contact email
                        'intf_type']  # per the search() function's implementation this should always be 'vs:paramhttp'

            #conn.commit() # because UPDATE # no need, db.execute_db does it
        # if True

    # at the end, close the DB connection
    logging.info("Done. Closing connection")
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):
    main program
    :param argv: parameters

    program_version = "1.9"
    #global logger

    # Read program arguments
    db_file = None  # no default
    nb_ps = 1  # nb of processes to use
    timeout = 20  # timeout for validation of individual service, in secs
    log_file = None  # no default

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h",
                                   ["db=", "ps=", "timeout=", "log="])
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
        print str(err)

    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-h"):
        elif o in ("--db"):
            db_file = a
        elif o in ("--ps"):
            nb_ps = int(a)
        elif o in ("--timeout"):
            timeout = int(a)
            if (timeout < 1):
                logging.error("timeout must be greater or equal to 1")
        elif o in ("--log"):
            log_file = a
            assert False, "unhandled option"

    if (db_file == None):
        print('ERROR: No db_file')

    # Setup logging

    # Try to use coloredlogs but does not work well
    # Create a logger object.
    #logger = logging.getLogger('val.py')
    # By default the install() function installs a handler on the root logger,
    # this means that log messages from your code and log messages from the
    # libraries that you use will all show up on the terminal.
    #coloredlogs.install(level='DEBUG',fmt='%(asctime)s %(filename)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d %(processName)s %(funcName)s: %(message)s')

    # Try to use colorlog - does not work
    #colorlog.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d %(processName)s %(funcName)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
    #colorlog.info("Starting argv=%s",argv)

        '%(asctime)s %(filename)s %(levelname)s %(lineno)d %(processName)s %(funcName)s: %(message)s',

    # Add colors - from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/384076/how-can-i-color-python-logging-output
        "\033[1;31m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.WARNING))
        "\033[1;41m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.ERROR))

    logging.info("This is val.py version %s. argv=%s", program_version, argv)

    # Configuration depending on hostname
    hostname = socket.gethostname()

    logging.info("Running on %s", hostname)

    conn = db.open_db(db_file)

    # Prepare where clause for extracting suitable services
    #min_update_date = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(2)  # today - 2 days
    min_update_date = datetime.date.today(
    )  # 2018-04-18 changed to today => assume query-rr-*.py was run just before and the same day...
    min_update_date_s = min_update_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    logging.info("min_update_date_s is %s", min_update_date_s)

    where = "date_update >='" + min_update_date_s + "'"

    #where = where + " and id like '%vopdc%'"  # debug: 3 services
    #where = where + " and url like '%.au%'" # debug: 7 services
    #where = where + " and id like '%irsa%'" # debug: 366 services
    #where = where + " and id='ivo://vopdc.obspm/imcce/skybot'" # debug: 1 service with 1 error
    #where = where + " and id='ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/127/1227'" # debug: 1 service with 2 errors
    #where = where + " and id='ivo://vopdc.obspm/imcce/dynastvo/epn' and url='http://voparis-tap-planeto.obspm.fr/__system__/tap/run/tap'" # debug: TAP query
    #where = where +" and url='http://camelot.star.le.ac.uk:8080/dsa-catalog/SubmitCone?DSACAT=ledas&DSATAB=a2rtraw&'" # debug: service for which the VO-Paris validator times out

    # Count nb of suitable services in the db
    query = "SELECT count(*) FROM services WHERE " + where

    cur = db.execute_db(conn, query, [], True)

    nb_services = cur.fetchone()[0]

    logging.info("nb_services = %d", nb_services)

    if (nb_services != 0):

        if (nb_ps <= nb_services):

            # Get suitable services
            order = "id asc, url asc"
            # query : get those columns only
            query = "SELECT id,url,spec,specv,params FROM services WHERE " + where + " ORDER BY " + order

            cur = db.execute_db(conn, query, [], True)
            services = cur.fetchall()


            #print(services[0]["id"]) # debug


            # Slice the services array into nb_ps arrays of same size
            sservices = numpy.array_split(services, nb_ps)

            for i in range(len(sservices)):
                logging.info("Slice # %d len=%d first ivoid=%s", i,
                             len(sservices[i]), (sservices[i][0][0]))


            jobs = []
            for i in range(nb_ps):
                p = multiprocessing.Process(target=validate_services,
                                            args=(sservices[i], timeout,

            logging.error("nb_ps>nb_services. Try with a lower nb_ps")

        logging.error("No suitable service found. Aborting.")
Exemplo n.º 6
def validate_service(conn, service, timeout):
    validate one service: calls validator and update the sqlite3 DB
    :param conn: sqlite3 connection object
    :param service: array containing attributes of the service per SQL query done 
    :param timeout: timeout for calling the validator

    # extract the service attributes, order is defined by SQL request done in main
    ivoid = service[0]
    url = service[1]

    spec = service[2]
    specv = service[3]
    params = service[4]

    logging.info("Processing service ivoid=%s url=%s spec=%s specv=%s", ivoid,
                 url, spec, specv)

    # For TAP services, check if the url has already been validated today because
    # there are many TAP services which have a different IVOID but the same URL

    # get today's date in format 2017-05-18
    date_today = datetime.datetime.today()
    date_today_s = date_today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # Check how many services with the same URL have been validated today

    logging.info("Checking how many services with same URL validated today")
    query = """
            SELECT COUNT(*)
            FROM services
            WHERE url = ? AND date = ?
    cur = db.execute_db(conn, query, (url, date_today_s))
    nb_services = cur.fetchone()[0]
    logging.debug("nb_services with same URL validated today=%d", nb_services)

    if ((spec == "Table Access Protocol")
            and (nb_services >
                 0)):  # At least one TAP service with same URL validated today

        # Get the first one
        logging.info("Getting first such service")
        query = """
            SELECT val_mode, result_vot, result_spec, nb_warn, nb_err, nb_fatal, nb_fail, days_same, id
            FROM services
            WHERE url = ? AND date = ?
        cur = db.execute_db(conn, query, (url, date_today_s))
        service = cur.fetchone()
        prev_val_mode = service[0]
        prev_result_vot = service[1]
        prev_result_spec = service[2]
        prev_nb_warn = service[3]
        prev_nb_err = service[4]
        prev_nb_fatal = service[5]
        prev_nb_fail = service[6]
        prev_days_same = service[7]
        prev_ivoid = service[8]

        # Copy the previous results to the current service
        logging.info("Updating current service with service found")
        query = """
            UPDATE services
            SET date=?, val_mode=?, result_vot=?, result_spec=?, nb_warn=?, nb_err=?, nb_fatal=?, nb_fail=?, days_same=?
            WHERE id=? AND url=?
        cur = db.execute_db(
            conn, query,
            (date_today_s, prev_val_mode, prev_result_vot, prev_result_spec,
             prev_nb_warn, prev_nb_err, prev_nb_fatal, prev_nb_fail,
             prev_days_same, ivoid, url))
        conn.commit()  # because of UPDATE

        if (
        ):  # Copy the errors too - disabled 2018-04-09 to reduce time - because of all TAP VizieR services / webapp updated to take this into account
            logging.info("Copying errors")
            query = """
                SELECT type,num,name,msg,section
                FROM errors
                WHERE id=? AND url=? AND date=?
            cur = db.execute_db(conn, query, (prev_ivoid, url, date_today_s))
            errors = cur.fetchall()
            for error in errors:
                type = error[0]
                num = error[1]
                name = error[2]
                msg = error[3]
                section = error[4]

                upsert_error(conn, ivoid, url, date_today_s, type, num, name,
                             msg, section)


    else:  # Run validator

        # Construct validator url: validator base URL
        vurl = validatorBaseURLs[spec]
        # add validator params
        #vurl += validatorParams[spec]
        vurl += params
        # add spec and spec version
        vurl += "&" + urllib.urlencode({"spec": spec + " " + specv})
        # add service URL
        vurl += "&" + urllib.urlencode({"serviceURL": url})

        # Set TAP validator timeout
        tap_timeout = timeout - 1
        # try to make sure TAP validator timeouts before our socket timeout
        if (tap_timeout <= 0): tap_timeout = 1

        if (spec == "Table Access Protocol"
            ):  # TAP validator also needs the timeout
            vurl += "&" + urllib.urlencode({"timeout": tap_timeout})
            vurl += "&" + urllib.urlencode({
                "maxtable": "1"
            })  # added 2018-04-05 to reduce time taken by TAP validation

        #vurl="https://www.test123456.com/" # debug - test timeout

        logging.info("Calling validator URL: %s (timeout is %d secs)", vurl,

        # set the timeout for call to urllib2.urlopen - not necessary urllib2.urlopen has a timeout parameter
        # socket.setdefaulttimeout(float(timeout))

        request = urllib2.Request(vurl)


            # NB: The optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking operations like the connection attempt
            # It seems that the timeout is useless here for timeouting the TAP validator : https://www.daniweb.com/programming/software-development/threads/182555/how-to-set-timeout-for-reading-from-urls-in-urllib
            # => the timeout there it is only for opening url. It wont give exception while reading.

            response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=timeout)
            http_status = response.getcode()
            logging.debug("HTTP status: %d", http_status)
        except Exception as e:
                "EXCEPTION %s while calling URL=%s. Using default results (-1).",
                e, vurl)

            # These are the results to use in case of timeout:
            results = {
                "result_vot": "",
                "result_spec": "",
                "nb_warn": -1,
                "nb_err": -1,
                "nb_fatal": -1,
                "nb_fail": -1,
                "warnings": [],
                "errors": [],
                "fatals": [],
                "fails": []
            # Update the service with the results
            update_service(conn, ivoid, url, results)

        except socket.timeout as e:
                "EXCEPTION: socket timeout: %s while calling URL=%s. Using defaults results (-2).",
                e, vurl)

            # These are the results to use in case of *socket* timeout:
            results = {
                "result_vot": "",
                "result_spec": "",
                "nb_warn": -2,
                "nb_err": -2,
                "nb_fatal": -2,
                "nb_fail": -2,
                "warnings": [],
                "errors": [],
                "fatals": [],
                "fails": []
            # Update the service with the results
            update_service(conn, ivoid, url, results)

        else:  # if no exception
            if (http_status == 200):
                    # set a timer here to have a timeout during reading of data from URL, but tapvalidator.php does not stop correctly
                    #t = Timer(timeout, response.close)
                    logging.debug("Reading data.")
                    data = response.read(
                    )  # get response in either XML or JSON format
                        "Reading data done."
                    )  # we end up here in case tapvalidator.php times out. The unfinished JSON will make throw an exception in parse_tap_validator
                except Exception as e:  # try to catch timeout exception... not sure it works
                        "EXCEPTION %s (timeout?) while reading data from URL=%s. Using default results (-1).",
                        e, vurl)

                    # These are the results to use in case of timeout:
                    results = {
                        "result_vot": "",
                        "result_spec": "",
                        "nb_warn": -1,
                        "nb_err": -1,
                        "nb_fatal": -1,
                        "nb_fail": -1,
                        "warnings": [],
                        "errors": [],
                        "fatals": [],
                        "fails": []

                    results = parse_validator(spec, data)

                # Update the service with the results
                update_service(conn, ivoid, url, results)

            else:  # http_status!=200
                logging.error("HTTP status is not 200 but %d. Giving up.",

Exemplo n.º 7
def update_service(conn, ivoid, url, results):
    update the service in the sqlite3 DB
    :param conn: sqlite3 connection object
    :param ivoid: id of the service
    :param url: url of the service
    :param results: results object returned by parse_*_validator

    logging.info("Updating sqlite3 db for service ivoid=%s url=%s", ivoid,
                 url)  # : %s",data)

    #print results
    new_result_vot = results["result_vot"]
    new_result_spec = results["result_spec"]
    new_nb_warn = results["nb_warn"]
    new_nb_err = results["nb_err"]
    new_nb_fatal = results["nb_fatal"]
    new_nb_fail = results["nb_fail"]

    # get today's date in format 2017-05-18
    date_today = datetime.datetime.today()
    date_today_s = date_today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    # Get previous results

    query = """
            SELECT val_mode, result_vot, result_spec, nb_warn, nb_err, nb_fatal, nb_fail, date, days_same
            FROM services
            WHERE id=? AND url=?
    logging.info("Getting previous results")

    cur = db.execute_db(conn, query, (ivoid, url))

    service = cur.fetchone()
    prev_val_mode = service[0]
    prev_result_vot = service[1]
    prev_result_vot = service[2]
    prev_nb_warn = service[3]
    prev_nb_err = service[4]
    prev_nb_fatal = service[5]
    prev_nb_fail = service[6]
    prev_date = service[7]
    prev_days_same = service[8]

    # Compute days same
    # datetime when service was last updated

    if (prev_date == None):  # if service was never validated
        date_prev = date_today  # then nb_days will be 0
        date_prev = datetime.datetime.strptime(prev_date, '%Y-%m-%d')

    interval = date_today - date_prev

    nb_days = interval.days

    logging.debug("The service was last updated %d days ago", nb_days)

    new_days_same = prev_days_same + nb_days

    logging.debug("Old days_same: %d New days_same: %d", prev_days_same,

    # create query to update the service

    query = """
            UPDATE services SET 
             date = ?
            WHERE id=? AND url=?

    logging.info("Updating table services for service")

    cur = db.execute_db(conn, query, [
        date_today_s, new_result_vot, new_result_spec, new_nb_warn, new_nb_err,
        new_nb_fatal, new_nb_fail, new_days_same, ivoid, url


    # get today's date in format 2017-05-31

    # insert the warnings found
    num = 0
    for warning in results["warnings"]:
        num = num + 1
        logging.info("Upserting warning num=%d", num)
        upsert_error(conn, ivoid, url, date_today_s, "warning", num,
                     warning["name"], warning["msg"], warning["section"])

    # insert the errors found
    num = 0
    for error in results["errors"]:
        num = num + 1
        logging.info("Upserting error num=%d", num)
        upsert_error(conn, ivoid, url, date_today_s, "error", num,
                     error["name"], error["msg"], error["section"])

    # insert the fatals found
    num = 0
    for fatal in results["fatals"]:
        num = num + 1
        logging.info("Upserting fatal num=%d", num)
        upsert_error(conn, ivoid, url, date_today_s, "fatal", num,
                     fatal["name"], fatal["msg"], fatal["section"])

    # insert the failures found
    num = 0
    for fail in results["fails"]:
        num = num + 1
        logging.info("Upserting failure num=%d", num)
        upsert_error(conn, ivoid, url, date_today_s, "failure", num,
                     fail["name"], fail["msg"], fail["section"])
