Exemplo n.º 1
def saveResults(jobID, cell, pos, magmom, e0, b, bFit, xc, t, nIter):
    result = BulkResult(
        jobID, cell, pos, magmom, e0, b, bFit, xc, t, nIter
    )  #lattice constants determined downstream, depending on structure'
    if rank() == 0:
        with open("result.json", "w") as f:
            print >> f, result.toJSON()
        updateStatus(jobID, 'running', 'completed')
Exemplo n.º 2
	def run_task(self,fw_spec): 
		jobID	= fw_spec['jobID'] 
		job 	= db2SurfaceJob(jobID)
		resultNames = ['pos','magmom','e0','f0','xcContribs','avgtime','niter']
		results     = [fw_spec[x][0] for x in resultNames]
		resultDict  = {n:fw_spec[n] for n in resultNames}
		result = SurfaceResult(*([jobID]+results))
		insertObject(result) # add result to surface result table
		return FWAction(stored_data= resultDict)
Exemplo n.º 3
def increaseConvergence():
    kohnsham = [x[0] for x in plotQuery(['jobid'], [KOHNSHAM])]
    new = 0
    for k in kohnsham:
        jobj = db2object(k)
        jobj.convid += 1
        jobj.status = 'initialized'
        jobj.error, jobj.comments = None, None
        id, status = insertObject(jobj)
        if status == 'inserted': new += 1
    print 'added %d new jobs' % new
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():

        deleteTable('tentative')  #WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?

    domains = [
        filteredTrajDomain, filteredXCDomain, filteredPSPDomain,
        filteredPWDomain, filteredKPTDomain, filteredPreCalcXCDomain,
    combos = product(*domains)
    ncombo = reduce(mul, [len(x) for x in domains])
    for i, c in enumerate(combos):
        print '%f%' % (i / float(ncombo) * 100)
        tentativeInput = c[:5] + tuple(defaults) + c[5:]
        tentativeBulkjob = BulkJob(*tentativeInput)

        if tentativeBulkjob.xc == 'mBEEF':  #defaults slightly different for mBEEF
            tentativeBulkjob.sigma += 0.1
            tentativeBulkjob.sigma -= 0.05

        ID, status = insertObject(tentativeBulkjob, tentative=True)
    print "%d tentative jobs" % countDB('tentative')

    valid = [
        db2BulkJob(x[0], tentative=True)
        for x in plotQuery('tentative', ['tentative.id'], constraints)
    new = 0

    for z in range(len(valid)):
        ID, status = insertObject(valid[z])
        if status == 'inserted': new += 1
    print "%d valid jobs, %d are new" % (len(valid), new)
def main():
	sqlexecute('INSERT INTO tentativejob SELECT * FROM job')

	for i,sID in enumerate(surfs):
		p 		= asedb.get(sID).get('parent')

		cols 	= ['xc','pw','kptden','psp','convid','precalc','dftcode']
		allInfo = queryManyFromOne(cols,'aseid',p)
		xc,pw,kptden,psp,convid,precalc,dftcode = allInfo

		tentativeInput	 = [None,'surfrelax',sID,None,None,xc,pw,kptden,psp,None,None,convid,precalc,dftcode,None,None,'initialized']
		tentativeSurfjob = Job(*tentativeInput)
	applyDetails(tentative=True) #populate details table so that plotQuery works

	valid 	= [db2object(x[0],'tentativejob','job') for x in plotQuery(['jobid'],constraints,tentativetable)] 
	new 	= 0

	print "%d valid jobs, %d are new"%(len(valid),new)

	question = "Do you want to insert %d new surface jobs?"%new

	if raw_input(question) in ['y','yes']:

		for z in range(len(valid)): 
			ID,status = insertObject(valid[z])
			if status == 'inserted': new +=1

		print "%d jobs are new"%new
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
	try: dropTable('tentativejob') # uncomment if script fails in the middle
	except: pass

	combos 	= product(*domains)
	nTot 	= reduce(mul,[len(x) for x in [trajDomain,xcDomain,pspDomain,pwDomain,kptDomain,preXcDomain,dftDomain]])
	ncombo 	= reduce(mul,[len(x) for x in domains])
	for i,c in enumerate(combos):	
		print '%f %%'%(i/float(ncombo)*100)
							# jobid jobkind 	aseid vib neb   xc   pw kpt  psp   xtol  strain   convergence ID        precalc dft comm err stat
		tentativeInput 		= [None,'bulkrelax',c[0],None,None,c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],0.005,0.03, 2 if c[1]=='mBEEF' else 1,c[5],c[6],None,None,'initialized']
		tentativejob 	= Job(*tentativeInput)

	nJobsInit,nJobsTent = countDB('job'),countDB('tentativejob')

	print "%d tentative jobs after filtering %d jobs"%(ncombo,nTot)

	applyDetails(tentative=True) #populate details table so that plotQuery works

	valid 	= [db2object(x[0],'tentativejob') for x in plotQuery(['jobid'],CONSTRAINTS,tentativetable)] 
	new 	= 0

	question = "Do you want to insert %d valid bulk jobs?\n(y/n)--> "%len(valid)

	if raw_input(question) in ['y','yes']:

		for z in range(len(valid)): 
			ID,status = insertObject(valid[z])
			if status == 'inserted': new +=1
		print "%d jobs are new"%new
Exemplo n.º 7
def main():


    for i, sID in enumerate(surfs):

        p = asedb.get(sID).get('parent')

        table = ' bulkjob INNER JOIN bulkresult ON bulkresult.jobid=bulkjob.id '
        cols = [
            'xc', 'psp', 'pw', 'kptden', 'kpt', 'econv', 'mixing', 'nmix',
            'maxstep', 'nbands', 'sigma', 'fmax', 'precalcxc', 'dftcode'
        allInfo = queryManyFromOne(table, cols, 'aseid', p)
        xc, psp, pw, kptden, kpt, econv, mixing, nmix, maxstep, nbands, sigma, fmax, precalcxc, dftcode = allInfo

        tentativeInput = [
            sID, xc, psp, pw, 10, kptden, None, econv, mixing, nmix, maxstep,
            nbands, sigma, fmax, precalcxc, dftcode
        tentativeSurfjob = SurfaceJob(*tentativeInput)

        ID, status = insertObject(tentativeSurfjob, tentative=True)

    valid = [
        db2SurfaceJob(x[0], tentative=True)
        for x in plotQuery('tentativesurf', ['tentativesurf.id'], constraints)
    ]  # SurfaceJob objects that satisfy constraints
    tot, new = len(valid), 0
    question = '%d job(s) meet these criteria. Do you want to add them to surfacejobs in data.db?\n(y/n)--->' % tot
    if raw_input(question).lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
        for z in range(len(valid)):
            ID, status = insertObject(valid[z])
            if status == 'inserted': new += 1

    print '%d jobs considered, %d are new' % (tot, new)
Exemplo n.º 8
import os
import sqlite3 as sqlite
from db import insertObject
from itertools import product

commands = []

sherlockDB = '/scratch/users/ksb/db/data.db'

# Add PSP Paths to Database
# Define domain of psp's to consider

for p in pspDomain: insertObject(p)

# Add XC Functionals to Database
# Define domain of XC's to consider
PBE   = XC('PBE',  [[]])
BEEF  = XC('BEEF', [[]])
mBEEF = XC('mBEEF',[[]])

xcDomain = [PBE,BEEF,mBEEF]

for x in xcDomain:  insertObject(x)

# Add Calculators to Database
Exemplo n.º 9
	def run_task(self,fw_spec): 
		jobID	= fw_spec['jobID'] 
		job   	= db2object(jobID)

		if 'relax' in job.jobkind:
			pos  	= fw_spec['pos'][0]
			cell 	= fw_spec['cell'][0] if job.jobkind == 'bulkrelax' else job.cellinit()
			magmom 	= fw_spec['magmom'][0]

			db    = connect('/scratch/users/ksb/db/ase.db')	

			info  = {'name': 		job.name()
					,'emt': 		0 				# EMT for relaxed structures useless, only relevant for deciding when to relax something
					,'relaxed': 	True 			# Could always doing this be a problem?
					,'comments':	'Generated from #%d'%(job.aseidinitial)
					,'parent': 		job.aseidinitial
					,'jobid': 		job.jobid 		# Int

					###Unchanged Things###
					,'kind': 		job.kind()} 		# String
			if job.structure() 	is not None: info['structure'] = 	job.structure()
			if job.vacancies() 	is not None: info['vacancies'] = 	job.vacancies()
			if job.sites() 		is not None: info['sites'] = 		job.sites()
			if job.facet() 		is not None: info['facet'] = 		job.facet()
			if job.xy() 		is not None: info['xy'] = 			job.xy()
			if job.layers()		is not None: info['layers'] = 		job.layers()
			if job.constrained() is not None: info['constrained'] = job.constrained()
			if job.symmetric() 	is not None: info['symmetric'] = 	job.symmetric()
			if job.vacuum() 	is not None: info['vacuum'] = 		job.vacuum()
			if job.adsorbates() is not None: info['adsorbates'] = 	job.adsorbates()

			optAtoms = Atoms(symbols 		 	= job.symbols()
							,scaled_positions 	= pos
							,cell 				= cell
							,magmoms 			= magmom
							,constraint 		= job.constraints()
							,tags 				= job.tags())

			aseid = db.write(optAtoms,key_value_pairs=info)
			aseid = None

		launchdir 	= fw_spec['_launch_dir']
		energy 		= fw_spec['e0'][0] 		if 'relax' in job.jobkind else None
		forces 		= fw_spec['f0'][0] 		if 'relax' in job.jobkind else None

		bulkmodulus = fw_spec['b0'][0] 		if job.jobkind == 'bulkrelax' else None 
		bfit 		= fw_spec['quadR2'][0] 	if job.jobkind == 'bulkrelax' else None

		xccoeffs 	= fw_spec['xcContribs'][0] if 'relax' in job.jobkind else None

		viblist 	= fw_spec['vibs'][0]	if job.jobkind == 'vib' else None
		dos 		= fw_spec['dos'][0] 	if job.jobkind == 'dos' else None	
		barrier 	= fw_spec['barrier'][0] if job.jobkind == 'neb' else None

		time 		= fw_spec['avgtime'][0] 
		niter 		= fw_spec['niter'][0]  	if 'relax' in job.jobkind else None

		result = Result(jobID,launchdir,aseid=aseid,energy=energy,forces=forces

		resultDict  = {'_launch_dir':launchdir,'aseid':aseid,'energy':energy

		insertObject(result) # add result to bulkresult table

		return FWAction(stored_data= resultDict)
Exemplo n.º 10
def main():
    for conv in convs:
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():
    jIDs = [x[0] for x in plotQuery(['jobid'], CONSTRAINTS)]

    question = "Going to add an %s interstitial to %d bulk objects.\n(y/n)--> " % (
        inter, len(jIDs))

    if raw_input(question).lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
        for j in jIDs:
            aseinitID = query1('aseid', 'jobid', j)
            aseinit = asedb.get_atoms(id=aseinitID)

            # Access information about previous Job / Atoms object
            jobinit = db2object(j)
            xc, pw, kptden = jobinit.xc, jobinit.pw, jobinit.kptden
            psp, xtol, strain = jobinit.psp, jobinit.xtol, jobinit.strain
            precalc, dftcode = jobinit.precalc, jobinit.dftcode
            nameinit = jobinit.name()
            structure = jobinit.structure()
            vacancies = jobinit.vacancies()

            # Create conventional PyMatGen Object
            pmg_init = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(aseinit)
            pmg_init2 = SpacegroupAnalyzer(

            interstitial = Interstitial(
                pmg_init2, None, covalent_radii)  #accuracy=high breaks...
            os.system('cls' if os.name == 'nt' else 'clear')

            for i, site in enumerate(interstitial.enumerate_defectsites()):
                coordination = int(
                mult = 0  # interstitial.get_defectsite_multiplicity(i) -- broken ???
                insert = InsertSitesTransformation([inter], [site.coords],
                pmg_new = insert.apply_transformation(pmg_init2.copy())
                ase_new = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_atoms(pmg_new)

                emt = ase_new.get_potential_energy()

                if coordination == 4: siteName = 'T'
                elif coordination == 6: siteName = 'O'
                else: siteName = '%d-fold' % coordination

                question = ('site: %s\ncoordination: %s\nmultiplicity: %s' %
                            (site.coords, coordination, mult) +
                            '\ninitial ase id: %d \nxc: %s \npw: %d ' %
                            (aseinitID, xc, pw) +
                            '\nkptden: %f \npsp: %s\nxtol: %f\nstrain: %f' %
                            (kptden, psp, xtol, strain) +
                            '\nprecalc: %s \ndftcode: %s' %
                            (precalc, dftcode) +
                            '\n\nDoes this structure look good?\n(y/n)--> ')

                if raw_input(question).lower() in ['y', 'yes']:
                    if checkForDuplicates(ase_new, structure, emt):

                        newquestion = 'What structure does this have?\n(leave blank for general triclinic case)\n--> '
                        structure = raw_input(newquestion)
                        if structure is '': structure = 'triclinic'

                        info = {
                            'name': nameinit + '_%s-%s' % (inter, siteName),
                            emt  # EMT for relaxed structures useless, only relevant for deciding when to relax something
                            False  # Could always doing this be a problem?
                            'comments': 'Generated from initializeHydride.py',
                            'parent': aseinitID,
                            'kind': 'bulk',
                            'structure': structure,
                            'interstitial': siteName
                        if vacancies is not None: info['vacancies'] = vacancies

                        newaseid = asedb.write(ase_new, key_value_pairs=info)

                        newjob = Job(None, 'bulkrelax', newaseid, None, None,
                                     xc, pw, kptden, psp, xtol, strain,
                                     2 if xc == 'mBEEF' else 1, precalc,
                                     dftcode, None, None, 'initialized')

Exemplo n.º 12
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 13, 11, 15, 16, 15, 16, 11, 12, 13, 14, 8, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8
sgs15 = PSP(
    'sgs_15', '/scratch/users/ksb/gpaw/gpaw_sg15/norm_conserving_setups', [
        1, 0, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 9, 10, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 9, 10, 11, 12,
        13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 19, 12, 5, 6, 7, 0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
        14, 15, 16, 15, 16, 19, 12, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 0, 9, 10, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 13, 11, 15, 16, 15, 16, 11, 12, 13,
        14, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8

pspDomain = [gbrv15pbe, sgs15]

for p in pspDomain:

# Add XC Functionals to Database
# Define domain of XC's to consider
PBE = XC('PBE', [[]])
BEEF = XC('BEEF', [[]])
mBEEF = XC('mBEEF', [[]])

xcDomain = [PBE, BEEF, mBEEF]

for x in xcDomain:
