Exemplo n.º 1
def stats_reg():
    user_id = check_auth()
    if not user_id in config.admin_ids:
        content = '<div>' + lang.lang['admin_not_enough_rights'] + '</div><div><a href="' + config.base_url + '/auth/vk_start">' + lang.lang['admin_login'] + '</a></div></div>\n'
        return render_template('template.html', title=lang.lang['admin_title'], content=content)
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
    fields = ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'grade', 'school', 'email', 'reg_date']
    line_chart = pygal.Bar()
    line_chart.title = 'Registration stats'
    min_h = 10**10
    max_h = -10**10
    regs = {6: [], 7: []}
    cur.execute('select grade, reg_date from users where id > 22')
    for u in cur.fetchall():
        g, d = int(u[0]), u[1] // 3600
        min_h = min(min_h, d)
        max_h = max(max_h, d)
    regsc = {6: [0 for x in range(max_h - min_h + 1)], 7: [0 for x in range(max_h - min_h + 1)]}
    for g in [6, 7]:
        for h in regs[g]:
            regsc[g][h - min_h] += 1
    line_chart.x_labels = [str((h + 3) % 24) for h in range(min_h, max_h + 1)]
    for g in [6, 7]:
        line_chart.add(str(g), regsc[g])
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return line_chart.render()
Exemplo n.º 2
def do_reg(data):
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
    fields = ['last_name', 'first_name', 'patronymic', 'gender', 'grade', 'city', 'school', 'grade2', 'email', 'comment', 'state', 'reg_date']
    data['state'] = 0
    data['reg_date'] = time.time()
    cur.execute('insert into users(' + ', '.join(fields) + ') values (' + ', '.join(['%s'] * len(fields)) + ')', [data[f] for f in fields])
    cur.execute ('select last_insert_id()')
    user_id = cur.fetchall()[0][0]
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return user_id
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: ball.py Projeto: testsys/ball
def do_set_color():
    user_id = check_auth(request)
    if not user_id in config.allowed_users:
        return redirect(config.base_url)
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
        problem_id = int(request.args.get('problem', '0'))
        color = request.args.get('color', '')
        return redirect(config.base_url)
    cur.execute('update problems set color=%s where id=%s', [color, problem_id])
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return redirect(config.base_url + '/problem' + str(problem_id))
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: ball.py Projeto: testsys/ball
def do_drop():
    user_id = check_auth(request)
    if not user_id in config.allowed_users:
        return redirect(config.base_url)
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
        event_id = int(request.args.get('event', '0'))
        balloon_id = int(request.args.get('balloon', '0'))
        return redirect(config.base_url)
    cur.execute('update balloons set state=1 where id=%s', [balloon_id])
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return redirect(config.base_url + '/event' + str(event_id))
Exemplo n.º 5
def admin_schools():
    user_id = check_auth()
    if not user_id in config.admin_ids:
        content = '<div>' + lang.lang['admin_not_enough_rights'] + '</div><div><a href="' + config.base_url + '/auth/vk_start">' + lang.lang['admin_login'] + '</a></div></div>\n'
        return render_template('template.html', title=lang.lang['admin_title'], content=content)
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
    cur.execute('select school, count(*) as cnt from users where id>22 group by school order by cnt')
    users = []
    for r in cur.fetchall():
        u = {'school': r[0], 'count': int(r[1])}
    content = ''
    content += '<table>\n' + ''.join(['<tr><td>' + u['school'] + '</td><td>' + str(u['count']) + '</td></tr>\n' for u in users]) + '</table>\n'
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return render_template('template.html', title=lang.lang['admin_title'], content=content)
Exemplo n.º 6
def admin_do_edit():
    user_id = check_auth()
    if not user_id in config.admin_ids:
        return lang.lang['admin_not_enough_rights']
        user_id = int(request.args.get('id', '0'))
        field = request.args.get('f', '')
        value = request.args.get('v', '')
        return redirect(config.base_url)
    if not field in ['first_name', 'last_name', 'grade', 'grade2', 'school', 'school2', 'work'] \
        + ['r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6']:
        return 'error1'
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
    cur.execute('update users set ' + field + '=%s, res=r0+r1+r2+r3+r4+r5+r6 where id=%s', [value, str(user_id)])
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return str(user_id) + '.' + field + '=' + value
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ball.py Projeto: testsys/ball
def index():
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
    user_id = check_auth(request)
    content = ''
    events = []
    cur.execute('select id, name, state from events')
    for row in cur.fetchall():
    if len(events) == 0:
        content = lang.lang['index_no_events']
    for e in events:
        content += '<div><a href="event' + str(e[0]) + '">' + cgi.escape(e[1]) + '</a></div>'
    if user_id == None:
        content += '<div>' + lang.lang['index_not_authorised'] + ' <a href="/ball/auth">' + lang.lang['index_log_in'] + '</a></div>'
        content += '<div><b>' + str(user_id) + '</b></div>'
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return render_template('template.html', title=lang.lang['index_title'], content=content)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: ball.py Projeto: testsys/ball
def problem(problem_id):
    user_id = check_auth(request)
    if not user_id in config.allowed_users:
        return redirect(config.base_url)
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
    problem_id = int(problem_id)
    content = ''
    colors = ['#f9ff0f', '#000000', '#f6ab23', '#cc0000', '#03C03C', '#e1379e', '#9e37e1', '#2FACAC', '#0047AB', '#FFFFF']
    problems = []
    cur.execute('select id, letter, color, name from problems where id=%s', [problem_id])
    for row in cur.fetchall():
        p = { 'id': row[0], 'letter': row[1], 'color': row[2], 'name': row[3] }
    problems_html = '<h2>' + problems[0]['letter'] + ': ' + problems[0]['name'] + '</h2>\n'
    content += problems_html
    colors_html = ''
    colors_html += '<div><span style="color:' + problems[0]['color'] + '">' + lang.lang['problem_cur_color'] + ' <b>' + problems[0]['color'] + '</b>' + '</span></div>'
    for c in colors:
        colors_html += '<div><a href="/ball/do_set_color?problem=' + str(problem_id) + '&color=' + urllib.parse.quote(c) + '"><span style="color:' + c + '">' + lang.lang['problem_set_color'] + ' <b>' + c + '</b>' + '</span></a></div>'
    content += colors_html
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return render_template('template.html', title=problems[0]['letter'], content=content)
Exemplo n.º 9
def admin():
    user_id = check_auth()
    if not user_id in config.admin_ids:
        content = '<div>' + lang.lang['admin_not_enough_rights'] + '</div><div><a href="' + config.base_url + '/auth/vk_start">' + lang.lang['admin_login'] + '</a></div></div>\n'
        return render_template('template.html', title=lang.lang['admin_title'], content=content)
        mode = request.args.get('mode', '')
        mode = ''
        order = request.args.get('order', 'id')
        order = 'id'
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
    fields = ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'grade', 'grade2', 'school', 'school2', 'reg_date', 'work', 'r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'res']
    cur.execute('select ' + ', '.join(fields) + ' from users where id > 22 order by ' + order)
    content = ''
    users = []
    for u in cur.fetchall():
        i = 0
        user = {}
        for f in fields:
            user[f] = u[i]
            i += 1
        user['reg_date'] = time.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(int(user['reg_date'])))
    show_fields = fields[::]
    if mode != 'add':
    names = {6: {}, 7: {}}
    for u in users:
        name = u['first_name'] + ' ' + u['last_name']
        grade = int(u['grade'])
        user_hash = get_user_hash(u['id'])
        link_title = config.base_url + '/static/title' + str(user_hash) + '.pdf'
        u['link_title'] = '<a href="' + cgi.escape(link_title) + '">титул</a>'
        text = ''
        if mode == 'edit':
            for f in fields:
                ustr = ''
                if f in ['id', 'reg_date']:
                    ustr += cgi.escape(str(u[f]))
                    style = ''
                    if f in ['grade', 'grade2']:
                        style = 'style="width: 30px;"'
                    elif f in ['r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'res']:
                        style = 'style="width: 20px;"'
                    ustr += '<input type="text" ' + style \
                        + 'id="u_' + str(u['id']) + '_' + f + '"' \
                        + 'value="' + cgi.escape(str(u[f])) + '"' \
                        + 'onkeydown="pressed(' + str(u['id']) + ", '" + f + "');" + '" />'
                text += '<td>' + ustr + '</td>'
            text += '<td>' + u['link_title'] + '</td>'
        elif mode == 'add':
            for f in fields:
                ustr = ''
                if not f in ['work']:
                    ustr += cgi.escape(str(u[f]))
                    ustr += '<input type="text" ' \
                        + 'id="u_' + str(u['id']) + '_' + f + '"' \
                        + 'value="' + cgi.escape(str(u[f])) + '"' \
                        + 'onkeydown="pressed(' + str(u['id']) + ", '" + f + "');" + '" />'
                text += '<td>' + ustr + '</td>'
        elif mode == 'res':
            for f in fields:
                ustr = ''
                if not f in ['r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'res']:
                    ustr += cgi.escape(str(u[f]))
                    style = ''
                    if f in ['r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'res']:
                        style = 'style="width: 20px;"'
                    ustr += '<input type="text" ' + style \
                        + 'id="u_' + str(u['id']) + '_' + f + '"' \
                        + 'value="' + cgi.escape(str(u[f])) + '"' \
                        + 'onkeydown="pressed(' + str(u['id']) + ", '" + f + "');" + '" />'
                text += '<td>' + ustr + '</td>'
            text += ''.join(['<td>' + cgi.escape(str(u[f])) + '</td>' for f in fields])
            text += '<td>' + u['link_title'] + '</td>'

        u['text'] = '<tr>' + text + '</tr>\n'
        if not name in names[grade]:
            names[grade][name] = True
    content += '<table>\n' + '<tr>' + ''.join(['<th>' + f + '</th>' for f in show_fields]) + '</th>'
    content += ''.join([u['text'] for u in users])
    content += '</table>\n'
    for g in [6, 7]:
        content += '<div>' + str(len(names[g])) + ' различных имен-фамилий в ' + str(g) + ' классе</div>'
    content += '<div>' + str(len(names[6]) + len(names[7])) + ' различных имен-фамилий всего</div>'
    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return render_template('template.html', title=lang.lang['admin_title'], content=content)
Exemplo n.º 10
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from subprocess import call

import config
import db

letters = 'йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮёЁ-.1234567890 '
def texify(a):
    s = ''
    for c in a:
        if c in letters:
            s += c
    return s

conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
cur.execute('select id, first_name, last_name, gender, school, grade, grade2, state from users where state=0 limit 1')
for e in cur.fetchall():
    user_id = e[0]
    first_name = e[1]
    last_name = e[2]
    gender = e[3]
    school = e[4]
    grade = e[5]
    grade2 = e[6]
    state = e[7]

    user_hash = user_id * 1000000007 % 301703

    cur.execute('update users set state = 10 where id=%s', [str(user_id)])
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: ball.py Projeto: testsys/ball
def event(event_id):
    user_id = check_auth(request)
    if not user_id in config.allowed_users:
        return redirect(config.base_url)
    conn, cur = db.mysql_init()
    event_id = int(event_id)
    content = ''
    events = []
    cur.execute('select id, name, state from events where id=%s', [event_id])
    for row in cur.fetchall():
        e = row
    event = { 'name': e[1], 'state': e[2] }

    problems = []
    problems_map = {}
    cur.execute('select id, letter, color from problems where event_id=%s', [event_id])
    for row in cur.fetchall():
        p = { 'id': row[0], 'letter': row[1], 'color': row[2] }
        problems_map[p['id']] = len(problems) - 1
    for p in problems:
        cur.execute('select count(*) from balloons where event_id=%s and problem_id=%s', [event_id, p['id']])
        cnt = 0
        for row in cur.fetchall():
            cnt = int(row[0])
        p['cnt'] = cnt
    problems_html = '<h2>' + lang.lang['event_header_problems'] + '</h2>\n'
    problems_html += '<table style="width: 100%;"><tr>'
    for p in problems:
        text = '&nbsp;'
        if p['color'] == '':
            text = '?'
        problems_html += '<td style="height: 50px; width: 25px; text-align: center; background-color: ' + p['color'] + '; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px;">' + text + '</td>'
        problems_html += '<td style="height: 50px; width: 50px; text-align: left; font-weight: bold;"><a href="/ball/problem' + str(p['id']) + '">' + p['letter'] + '</a>' + '(' + str(p['cnt']) + ')' + '</td>'
    problems_html += '</tr></table>\n'
    content += problems_html

    teams = []
    teams_map = {}
    cur.execute('select id, name, long_name from teams where event_id=%s', [event_id])
    for row in cur.fetchall():
        t = { 'id': row[0], 'name': row[1], 'long_name': row[2] }
        teams_map[t['id']] = len(teams) - 1

    first_to_solve = {}
    for p in problems:
        cur.execute('select id from balloons where event_id=%s and problem_id=%s order by id limit 1', [event_id, p['id']])
        for row in cur.fetchall():
            first_to_solve[p['id']] = row[0]

    first_solved = {}
    for t in teams:
        cur.execute('select id from balloons where event_id=%s and team_id=%s order by id limit 1', [event_id, t['id']])
        for row in cur.fetchall():
            first_solved[t['id']] = row[0]

    def get_balloons_html(header, get_state_str):
        balloons = []
        for row in cur.fetchall():
            b = { 'id': row[0], 'problem_id': row[1], 'team_id': row[2], 'volunteer_id': row[3], 'state': int(row[4]) }
        if len(balloons) == 0:
            return ''
        balloons_html = '<h2>' + header + '</h2>\n'
        balloons_html += '<table style="width: 100%;">\n'
        for b in balloons:
            p = problems[problems_map[b['problem_id']]]
            t = teams[teams_map[b['team_id']]]
            state_str = get_state_str(event_id, b)
            balloons_html += '<tr style="padding: 10px;">'
            balloons_text = '&nbsp;'
            if not p['color']:
                balloons_text = '?'
            balloons_html += '<td style="background-color: ' + p['color'] + '; width: 20px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px;">' + balloons_text + '</td>'
            x = ''
            if first_to_solve[b['problem_id']] == b['id']:
                x = '<b>' + lang.lang['event_queue_first_to_solve'] + '</b>'
            balloons_html += '<td>' + x + lang.lang['event_queue_problem'] + ' <b>' + p['letter'] + '</b></td>'
            x = ''
            if b['team_id'] in first_solved and first_solved[b['team_id']] == b['id']:
                x = '<b>' + lang.lang['event_queue_first_solved'] + '</b>'
            balloons_html += '<td>' + x + lang.lang['event_queue_team'] + ' <b>' + t['name'] + '</b>: ' + cgi.escape(t['long_name']) + '</td>'
            balloons_html += '<td>' + state_str + '</td>'
            balloons_html += '<tr>\n'
        balloons_html += '</table>\n'
        return balloons_html

    fields = ', '.join(['id', 'problem_id', 'team_id', 'volunteer_id', 'state'])

    cur.execute('select ' + fields + ' from balloons where event_id=%s and state>=100 and state<200 and volunteer_id=%s order by state, id desc', [event_id, user_id])
    content += get_balloons_html(lang.lang['event_header_your_queue'], get_state_str_current)

    cur.execute('select ' + fields + ' from balloons where event_id=%s and state<100 order by state, id desc', [event_id])
    content += get_balloons_html(lang.lang['event_header_offer'], get_state_str_queue)

    cur.execute('select ' + fields + ' from balloons where event_id=%s and state>=100 order by state, id desc', [event_id])
    content += get_balloons_html(lang.lang['event_header_queue'], get_state_str_queue)

    db.mysql_close(conn, cur)
    return render_template('template.html', title = event['name'], content = content)