Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: media.py Projeto: magul/asm3
def attach_link_from_form(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, post):
    Attaches a link to a web resource from a form
    existingvid = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE WebsiteVideo = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    defvid = 0
    if existingvid == 0 and post.integer("linktype") == MEDIATYPE_VIDEO_LINK:
        defvid = 1
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    url = post["linktarget"]
    if url.find("://") == -1:
        url = "http://" + url
    al.debug("attached link %s" % url, "media.attach_file_from_form")
    sql = db.make_insert_sql("media", (
        ( "ID", db.di(mediaid) ),
        ( "MediaName", db.ds(url) ),
        ( "MediaType", post.db_integer("linktype") ),
        ( "MediaNotes", post.db_string("comments") ),
        ( "WebsitePhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "WebsiteVideo", db.di(defvid) ),
        ( "DocPhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1) ),
        ( "UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "LinkID", db.di(linkid) ),
        ( "LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype) ),
        ( "Date", db.nowsql() )
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media", mediaid, str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype) + ": link to " + post["linktarget"])
Exemplo n.º 2
def update_file_content(dbo, username, mid, content):
    Updates the dbfs content for the file pointed to by id
    dbfs.replace_string(dbo, content, get_name_for_id(dbo, mid))
    db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE media SET Date = %s WHERE ID = %d" % ( db.nowsql(), int(mid) ))
    audit.edit(dbo, username, "media", str(mid) + " changed file contents")
Exemplo n.º 3
def attach_link_from_form(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, data):
    Attaches a link to a web resource from a form
    existingvid = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE WebsiteVideo = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    defvid = 0
    if existingvid == 0 and utils.df_ki(data, "linktype") == MEDIATYPE_VIDEO_LINK:
        defvid = 1
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    url = utils.df_ks(data, "linktarget")
    if url.find("://") == -1:
        url = "http://" + url
    sql = db.make_insert_sql("media", (
        ( "ID", db.di(mediaid) ),
        ( "MediaName", db.ds(url) ),
        ( "MediaType", utils.df_s(data, "linktype") ),
        ( "MediaNotes", utils.df_t(data, "comments") ),
        ( "WebsitePhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "WebsiteVideo", db.di(defvid) ),
        ( "DocPhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1) ),
        ( "UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "LinkID", db.di(linkid) ),
        ( "LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype) ),
        ( "Date", db.nowsql() )
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media", str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype) + ": link to " + utils.df_ks(data, "linktarget"))
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_document_media(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, template, content):
    Creates a new media record for a document for the link given.
    linktype: ANIMAL, PERSON, etc
    linkid: ID for the link
    template: The name of the template used to create the document
    content: The document contents
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    sql = db.make_insert_sql(
        (("ID", db.di(mediaid)), ("MediaName", db.ds("%d.html" % mediaid)),
         ("MediaType", db.di(0)), ("MediaNotes", db.ds(template)),
         ("WebsitePhoto", db.di(0)), ("WebsiteVideo", db.di(0)),
         ("DocPhoto", db.di(0)), ("ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0)),
         ("NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1)),
         ("UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0)), ("LinkID", db.di(linkid)),
         ("LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype)), ("Date", db.nowsql())))
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    path = ""
    if linktype == ANIMAL:
        path = "/animal"
    elif linktype == PERSON:
        path = "/owner"
    elif linktype == LOSTANIMAL:
        path = "/lostanimal"
    elif linktype == FOUNDANIMAL:
        path = "/foundanimal"
    path += "/" + str(linkid)
    name = str(mediaid) + ".html"
    dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, path, content)
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media",
                 str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype))
Exemplo n.º 5
def attach_link_from_form(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, data):
    Attaches a link to a web resource from a form
    existingvid = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE WebsiteVideo = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    defvid = 0
    if existingvid == 0 and utils.df_ki(data,
                                        "linktype") == MEDIATYPE_VIDEO_LINK:
        defvid = 1
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    url = utils.df_ks(data, "linktarget")
    if url.find("://") == -1:
        url = "http://" + url
    sql = db.make_insert_sql(
        (("ID", db.di(mediaid)), ("MediaName", db.ds(url)),
         ("MediaType", utils.df_s(data, "linktype")),
         ("MediaNotes", utils.df_t(data, "comments")),
         ("WebsitePhoto", db.di(0)), ("WebsiteVideo", db.di(defvid)),
         ("DocPhoto", db.di(0)), ("ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0)),
         ("NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1)),
         ("UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0)), ("LinkID", db.di(linkid)),
         ("LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype)), ("Date", db.nowsql())))
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
        dbo, username, "media",
        str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype) +
        ": link to " + utils.df_ks(data, "linktarget"))
Exemplo n.º 6
def update_file_content(dbo, username, mid, content):
    Updates the dbfs content for the file pointed to by id
    dbfs.replace_string(dbo, content, get_name_for_id(dbo, mid))
        "UPDATE media SET Date = %s WHERE ID = %d" % (db.nowsql(), int(mid)))
    audit.edit(dbo, username, "media", str(mid) + " changed file contents")
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_blank_document_media(dbo, username, linktype, linkid):
    Creates a new media record for a blank document for the link given.
    linktype: ANIMAL, PERSON, etc
    linkid: ID for the link
    returns the new media id
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    sql = db.make_insert_sql(
            ("ID", db.di(mediaid)),
            ("MediaName", db.ds("%d.html" % mediaid)),
            ("MediaType", db.di(0)),
            ("MediaNotes", db.ds("New document")),
            ("WebsitePhoto", db.di(0)),
            ("WebsiteVideo", db.di(0)),
            ("DocPhoto", db.di(0)),
            ("ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0)),
            # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY
            ("NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1)),
            ("UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0)),
            # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY
            ("LinkID", db.di(linkid)),
            ("LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype)),
            ("Date", db.nowsql())))
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    path = ""
    if linktype == ANIMAL:
        path = "/animal"
    elif linktype == PERSON:
        path = "/owner"
    elif linktype == LOSTANIMAL:
        path = "/lostanimal"
    elif linktype == FOUNDANIMAL:
        path = "/foundanimal"
    path += "/" + str(linkid)
    name = str(mediaid) + ".html"
    dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, path, "")
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media",
                 str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype))
    return mediaid
Exemplo n.º 8
def rotate_media(dbo, username, mid, clockwise = True):
    Rotates an image media record 90 degrees if clockwise is true, or 270 degrees if false
    mr = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM media WHERE ID=%d" % int(mid))
    if len(mr) == 0: raise utils.ASMError("Record does not exist")
    mr = mr[0]
    mn = mr["MEDIANAME"]
    # If it's not a jpg image, we can stop right now
    ext = mn[mn.rfind("."):].lower()
    if ext != ".jpg" and ext != ".jpeg":
        raise utils.ASMError("Image is not a JPEG file, cannot rotate")
    # Load the image data
    path = get_dbfs_path(mr["LINKID"], mr["LINKTYPEID"])
    imagedata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, mn, path)
    imagedata = rotate_image(imagedata, clockwise)
    # Store it back in the dbfs and add an entry to the audit trail
    dbfs.put_string(dbo, mn, path, imagedata)
    # Update the date stamp on the media record
    db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE media SET Date = %s WHERE ID = %d" % (db.nowsql(), mid))
    audit.edit(dbo, username, "media", "media id %d rotated, clockwise=%s" % (mid, str(clockwise)))
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: media.py Projeto: magul/asm3
def create_document_media(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, template, content):
    Creates a new media record for a document for the link given.
    linktype: ANIMAL, PERSON, etc
    linkid: ID for the link
    template: The name of the template used to create the document
    content: The document contents
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    sql = db.make_insert_sql("media", (
        ( "ID", db.di(mediaid) ),
        ( "MediaName", db.ds("%d.html" % mediaid) ),
        ( "MediaType", db.di(0)),
        ( "MediaNotes", db.ds(template) ),
        ( "WebsitePhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "WebsiteVideo", db.di(0) ),
        ( "DocPhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1) ),
        ( "UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "LinkID", db.di(linkid) ),
        ( "LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype) ),
        ( "Date", db.nowsql() )
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    path = ""
    if linktype == ANIMAL:
        path = "/animal"
    elif linktype == PERSON:
        path = "/owner"
    elif linktype == LOSTANIMAL:
        path = "/lostanimal"
    elif linktype == FOUNDANIMAL:
        path = "/foundanimal"
    path += "/" + str(linkid)
    name = str(mediaid) + ".html"
    dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, path, content)
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media", mediaid, str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype))
Exemplo n.º 10
def create_blank_document_media(dbo, username, linktype, linkid):
    Creates a new media record for a blank document for the link given.
    linktype: ANIMAL, PERSON, etc
    linkid: ID for the link
    returns the new media id
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    sql = db.make_insert_sql("media", (
        ( "ID", db.di(mediaid) ),
        ( "MediaName", db.ds("%d.html" % mediaid) ),
        ( "MediaType", db.di(0)),
        ( "MediaNotes", db.ds("New document") ),
        ( "WebsitePhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "WebsiteVideo", db.di(0) ),
        ( "DocPhoto", db.di(0) ),
        ( "ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1) ),
        ( "UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "LinkID", db.di(linkid) ),
        ( "LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype) ),
        ( "Date", db.nowsql() )
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    path = ""
    if linktype == ANIMAL:
        path = "/animal"
    elif linktype == PERSON:
        path = "/owner"
    elif linktype == LOSTANIMAL:
        path = "/lostanimal"
    elif linktype == FOUNDANIMAL:
        path = "/foundanimal"
    path += "/" + str(linkid)
    name = str(mediaid) + ".html"
    dbfs.put_string(dbo, name, path, "")
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media", str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype))
    return mediaid
Exemplo n.º 11
def rotate_media(dbo, username, mid, clockwise=True):
    Rotates an image media record 90 degrees if clockwise is true, or 270 degrees if false
    mr = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM media WHERE ID=%d" % int(mid))
    if len(mr) == 0: raise utils.ASMError("Record does not exist")
    mr = mr[0]
    mn = mr["MEDIANAME"]
    # If it's not a jpg image, we can stop right now
    ext = mn[mn.rfind("."):].lower()
    if ext != ".jpg" and ext != ".jpeg":
        raise utils.ASMError("Image is not a JPEG file, cannot rotate")
    # Load the image data
    path = get_dbfs_path(mr["LINKID"], mr["LINKTYPEID"])
    imagedata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, mn, path)
    imagedata = rotate_image(imagedata, clockwise)
    # Store it back in the dbfs and add an entry to the audit trail
    dbfs.put_string(dbo, mn, path, imagedata)
    # Update the date stamp on the media record
               "UPDATE media SET Date = %s WHERE ID = %d" % (db.nowsql(), mid))
    audit.edit(dbo, username, "media",
               "media id %d rotated, clockwise=%s" % (mid, str(clockwise)))
Exemplo n.º 12
def attach_link_from_form(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, post):
    Attaches a link to a web resource from a form
    existingvid = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE WebsiteVideo = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    defvid = 0
    if existingvid == 0 and post.integer("linktype") == MEDIATYPE_VIDEO_LINK:
        defvid = 1
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    url = post["linktarget"]
    if url.find("://") == -1:
        url = "http://" + url
    al.debug("attached link %s" % url, "media.attach_file_from_form")
    sql = db.make_insert_sql(
            ("ID", db.di(mediaid)),
            ("MediaName", db.ds(url)),
            ("MediaType", post.db_integer("linktype")),
            ("MediaNotes", post.db_string("comments")),
            ("WebsitePhoto", db.di(0)),
            ("WebsiteVideo", db.di(defvid)),
            ("DocPhoto", db.di(0)),
            ("ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0)),
            # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY
            ("NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1)),
            ("UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0)),
            # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY
            ("LinkID", db.di(linkid)),
            ("LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype)),
            ("Date", db.nowsql())))
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
        dbo, username, "media",
        str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype) +
        ": link to " + post["linktarget"])
Exemplo n.º 13
def attach_file_from_form(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, data):
    Attaches a media file from the posted form
    data is the web.py data object and should contain
    comments, the filechooser object, with filename and value 
    props - OR a parameter called base64image containing a base64
    encoded jpg image.
    ext = ""
    base64data = ""
    base64image = utils.df_ks(data, "base64image")
    if base64image != "":
        ext = ".jpg"
        # If an HTML5 data url was used, strip the prefix so we just have base64 data
        if base64image.find("data:") != -1:
            base64data = base64image[base64image.find(",")+1:]
            # Browser escaping turns base64 pluses back into spaces, so switch back
            base64data = base64data.replace(" ", "+")
            base64data = base64image
        ext = data.filechooser.filename
        ext = ext[ext.rfind("."):].lower()
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    medianame = "%d%s" % ( mediaid, ext )
    ispicture = ext == ".jpg" or ext == ".jpeg"
    ispdf = ext == ".pdf"

    # Does this link have anything with web/doc set? If not, set the
    # web/doc flags
    web = 0
    doc = 0
    existing_web = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE WebsitePhoto = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    existing_doc = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE DocPhoto = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    if existing_web == 0 and ispicture:
        web = 1
    if existing_doc == 0 and ispicture:
        doc = 1

    if base64image != "":
        filedata = base64.b64decode(base64data)
        filedata = data.filechooser.value

    # Is it a picture?
    if ispicture:
        # Autorotate it to match the EXIF orientation
        filedata = auto_rotate_image(filedata)
        # Scale it down to the system set size
        scalespec = configuration.incoming_media_scaling(dbo)
        if scalespec != "None":
            filedata = scale_image(filedata, scalespec)

    # Is it a PDF? If so, compress it if we can and the option is on
    if ispdf and gs_installed() and SCALE_PDF:
        filedata = scale_pdf(filedata)
        medianame = "%d_scaled.pdf" % mediaid

    # Attach the file in the dbfs
    path = get_dbfs_path(linkid, linktype)
    dbfs.put_string(dbo, medianame, path, filedata)

    # Are the notes for an image blank and we're defaulting them from animal comments?
    comments = utils.df_ks(data, "comments")
    if comments == "" and ispicture and linktype == ANIMAL and configuration.auto_media_notes(dbo):
        comments = animal.get_comments(dbo, int(linkid))
        # Are the notes blank and we're defaulting them from the filename?
    elif comments == "" and configuration.default_media_notes_from_file(dbo) and base64image == "":
        comments = utils.filename_only(data.filechooser.filename)
    # Create the media record
    sql = db.make_insert_sql("media", (
        ( "ID", db.di(mediaid) ),
        ( "MediaName", db.ds(medianame) ),
        ( "MediaType", db.di(0) ),
        ( "MediaNotes", db.ds(comments) ),
        ( "WebsitePhoto", db.di(web) ),
        ( "WebsiteVideo", db.di(0) ),
        ( "DocPhoto", db.di(doc) ),
        ( "ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1) ),
        ( "UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0) ),
        ( "LinkID", db.di(linkid) ),
        ( "LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype) ),
        ( "Date", db.nowsql() )
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media", str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype))
Exemplo n.º 14
def attach_file_from_form(dbo, username, linktype, linkid, data):
    Attaches a media file from the posted form
    data is the web.py data object and should contain
    comments, the filechooser object, with filename and value 
    props - OR a parameter called base64image containing a base64
    encoded jpg image.
    ext = ""
    base64data = ""
    base64image = utils.df_ks(data, "base64image")
    if base64image != "":
        ext = ".jpg"
        # If an HTML5 data url was used, strip the prefix so we just have base64 data
        if base64image.find("data:") != -1:
            base64data = base64image[base64image.find(",") + 1:]
            # Browser escaping turns base64 pluses back into spaces, so switch back
            base64data = base64data.replace(" ", "+")
            base64data = base64image
        ext = data.filechooser.filename
        ext = ext[ext.rfind("."):].lower()
    mediaid = db.get_id(dbo, "media")
    medianame = "%d%s" % (mediaid, ext)
    ispicture = ext == ".jpg" or ext == ".jpeg"
    ispdf = ext == ".pdf"

    # Does this link have anything with web/doc set? If not, set the
    # web/doc flags
    web = 0
    doc = 0
    existing_web = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE WebsitePhoto = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    existing_doc = db.query_int(dbo, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media WHERE DocPhoto = 1 " \
        "AND LinkID = %d AND LinkTypeID = %d" % ( int(linkid), int(linktype) ))
    if existing_web == 0 and ispicture:
        web = 1
    if existing_doc == 0 and ispicture:
        doc = 1

    if base64image != "":
        filedata = base64.b64decode(base64data)
        filedata = data.filechooser.value

    # Is it a picture?
    if ispicture:
        # Autorotate it to match the EXIF orientation
        filedata = auto_rotate_image(filedata)
        # Scale it down to the system set size
        scalespec = configuration.incoming_media_scaling(dbo)
        if scalespec != "None":
            filedata = scale_image(filedata, scalespec)

    # Is it a PDF? If so, compress it if we can and the option is on
    if ispdf and gs_installed() and SCALE_PDF:
        filedata = scale_pdf(filedata)
        medianame = "%d_scaled.pdf" % mediaid

    # Attach the file in the dbfs
    path = get_dbfs_path(linkid, linktype)
    dbfs.put_string(dbo, medianame, path, filedata)

    # Are the notes for an image blank and we're defaulting them from animal comments?
    comments = utils.df_ks(data, "comments")
    if comments == "" and ispicture and linktype == ANIMAL and configuration.auto_media_notes(
        comments = animal.get_comments(dbo, int(linkid))
        # Are the notes blank and we're defaulting them from the filename?
    elif comments == "" and configuration.default_media_notes_from_file(
            dbo) and base64image == "":
        comments = utils.filename_only(data.filechooser.filename)

    # Create the media record
    sql = db.make_insert_sql(
        (("ID", db.di(mediaid)), ("MediaName", db.ds(medianame)),
         ("MediaType", db.di(0)), ("MediaNotes", db.ds(comments)),
         ("WebsitePhoto", db.di(web)), ("WebsiteVideo", db.di(0)),
         ("DocPhoto", db.di(doc)), ("ExcludeFromPublish", db.di(0)),
         ("NewSinceLastPublish", db.di(1)),
         ("UpdatedSinceLastPublish", db.di(0)), ("LinkID", db.di(linkid)),
         ("LinkTypeID", db.di(linktype)), ("Date", db.nowsql())))
    db.execute(dbo, sql)
    audit.create(dbo, username, "media",
                 str(mediaid) + ": for " + str(linkid) + "/" + str(linktype))