Exemplo n.º 1
def update_after_action(env, location, content_type, content_name):
    # update player score
    player_points_earned = ag_utilities.get_player_val(env, "points_earned")
    content_points = db.ret_val(env, content_type, "name", content_name,
    total_points = player_points_earned + content_points
    env = ag_utilities.set_player_val(env, "points_earned", total_points)

    # update player inventory
    inventory = ag_utilities.get_player_val(env, content_type)
    env = ag_utilities.set_player_val(env, content_type, inventory)

    # deactivate content
    env = db.upd_val(env, "content", "name", content_name, "available", False)
    env = db.upd_val(env, "content", "name", content_name, "active", False)
    env = db.upd_val(env, "content", "name", content_name, "menu_idx", "")

    # update the menu_indexes of the remaining content items
    records = db.ret_recs(env, "content",
                          [["location", location], ["active", True]])
    menu_idx = 0
    for record in records:
        menu_idx += 1
        content_name = db.ret(record, "name")
        env = db.upd_val(env, "content", "name", content_name, "menu_idx",

    env = ag_utilities.game_over_check(env)

    return env
Exemplo n.º 2
def set_items(env, location):
    menu_idx = 0
    content_types = db.rec_list(env, "content_type", "name")
    for content_type in content_types:
        records = db.ret_recs(
            env, "content",
            [["location", location], ["content_type", content_type],
             ["available", True]])
        for idx in range(len(records)):
            # activate the items for current visit to location
            content_name = db.ret(records[idx], "name")
            menu_idx += 1
            env = db.upd_val(env, "content", "name", content_name, "active",
            env = db.upd_val(env, "content", "name", content_name, "menu_idx",
    return env
Exemplo n.º 3
def strike_by_player(env, location, fight_data, adversary_name):
    adversary_health = db.ret(fight_data, "adversary_health")
    player_weapon_name = db.ret(fight_data, "player_weapon_name")
    player_weapon_power = db.ret(fight_data, "player_weapon_power")

    adversary_health -= player_weapon_power
    if adversary_health < 0:
        adversary_health = 0
    env = db.upd_val(env, "adversary", "name", adversary_name, "health",

    msg = (f"You struck the {adversary_name} with your {player_weapon_name}."
           f" The {adversary_name}'s health is {adversary_health}.")

    if adversary_health == 0:
        msg = f"Congratulations, you defeated the {adversary_name}!\n"

        # update content records and player inventory
        return update_after_action(env, location, "adversary", adversary_name)

    return env
def set_player_val(env, key, value):
    return db.upd_val(env, "player", "id", 0, key, value)
def setup():
    # init game data storage...
    # provides efficient configurability and extensibility of game
    # includes locations (that player can enter), and content that
    # will be available in the locations
    # also initiates player status - score, health, inventory, etc.

    env = []

    # init content_type table and meta data
    env = db.ins_tab(env, "content_type")
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "content_type",
                     [["name", "armor"], ["action", "Pickup"]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "content_type",
                     [["name", "adversary"], ["action", "Fight"]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "content_type",
                     [["name", "treasure"], ["action", "Pickup"]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "content_type",
                     [["name", "weapon"], ["action", "Pickup"]])

    # init table - adversary
    env = db.ins_tab(env, "adversary")
    env = db.ins_rec(
        env, "adversary",
        [["name", "dragon"], ["health", 100], ["power", 40], ["points", 75]])
    env = db.ins_rec(
        env, "adversary",
        [["name", "dementor"], ["health", 80], ["power", 30], ["points", 60]])
    env = db.ins_rec(
        env, "adversary",
        [["name", "troll"], ["health", 60], ["power", 20], ["points", 50]])
    env = db.ins_rec(
        env, "adversary",
        [["name", "ogre"], ["health", 40], ["power", 10], ["points", 40]])
    env = db.ins_rec(
        env, "adversary",
        [["name", "nymph"], ["health", 30], ["power", 5], ["points", 20]])

    # init table - armor
    env = db.ins_tab(env, "armor")
    env = db.ins_rec(
        env, "armor",
        [["name", "breast plate"], ["protection", 40], ["points", 30]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "armor",
                     [["name", "shield"], ["protection", 30], ["points", 20]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "armor",
                     [["name", "helmet"], ["protection", 20], ["points", 10]])

    # init table - treasure
    env = db.ins_tab(env, "treasure")
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "treasure", [["name", "crown"], ["points", 75]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "treasure", [["name", "chalis"], ["points", 60]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "treasure", [["name", "necklace"], ["points", 45]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "treasure", [["name", "ring"], ["points", 30]])

    # init table - weapon
    env = db.ins_tab(env, "weapon")
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "weapon",
                     [["name", "sword"], ["power", 30], ["points", 50]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "weapon",
                     [["name", "staff"], ["power", 20], ["points", 40]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "weapon",
                     [["name", "dagger"], ["power", 15], ["points", 30]])
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "weapon",
                     [["name", "hand"], ["power", 5], ["points", 10]])

    # init table - locations
    # scramble locations so order is different each play
    locations = ["castle", "cave", "field", "forest", "village"]
    locations = ag_utilities.sample(env, locations)

    env = db.ins_tab(env, "location")
    for location in locations:
        fbg_mode = ag_utilities.flip_coin()
        env = db.ins_rec(
            env, "location",
            [["name", location], ["fight_before_gather", fbg_mode]])

    # init table - content
    # distribute content among locations
    env = db.ins_tab(env, "content")

    content_types = db.rec_list(env, "content_type", "name")
    locations = db.rec_list(env, "location", "name")
    locations_cnt = len(locations)
    idx_item = -1

    for content_type in content_types:
        # get list of contents of type content_type
        contents = db.rec_list(env, content_type, "name")

        # scramble list so locations have different content each play
        contents = ag_utilities.sample(env, contents)

        for item in contents:
            idx_item += 1
            location_idx = idx_item % locations_cnt

            # add data of content record
            # create content record
            env = db.ins_rec(
                env, "content",
                [["location", locations[location_idx]],
                 ["content_type", content_type], ["name", item],
                 ["available", True], ["active", False], ["menu_idx", ""]])

    # set health based on the number of adversaries
    adversary_count = db.rec_cnt(env, "adversary", [[]])
    health_per_adversary = 35
    health = adversary_count * health_per_adversary

    # init table - player
    # use id=0 to represent single player in game
    env = db.ins_tab(env, "player")
    env = db.ins_rec(env, "player",
                     [["id", 0], ["points_earned", 0],
                      ["objectives", ["crown"]], ["health", health],
                      ["location", ""], ["adversary", []], ["armor", []],
                      ["treasure", []], ["weapon", []], ["game_end_type", ""]])

    # init player with "hand" by adding "hand" to players weapon inventory
    env = db.upd_val(env, "player", "id", 0, "weapon", ["hand"])
    env = db.upd_val(env, "content", "name", "hand", "available", False)

    return env