def main(argv):
		load the temporal series, and calculat the 
			- preferential attachment porb.
			- new communication distance
	inputFile = None
	asDirected = False
	outputFile = None
	dataName = None
	packType = "all"
	timestampformat = "%Y%m%d"
	outputTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d"
	base_duration = 60
	extended_duration = 60
	ofs = ","

	def usage():
		"""print the usage"""
		print ("----------------------------------------")
		print ("read the temporal edge list, output the longitude properties")
		print ("-h, --help: print this usage")
		print ("-i ...: path, read temporal edgelist")
		print ("-b ...: int, the length of the base period")
		print ("-e ...: int, the length of the extended period")
		print ("-T [all|pa|cr|cd]: the type of pack, default = all")
		print ("\tall = pa + cr + cd")
		print ("\tpa = preferential attachment")
		print ("\tcr = clustering relative prob.")
		print ("\tcd = closure distance")
		print ("-o ...: path, output .db file")
		print ("----------------------------------------")

		opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:b:e:T:o:", ["help"])
	except getopt.GetoptError:
		print ("The given argv incorrect")
		print (err)

	for opt, arg in opts:
		if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
		elif opt in ("-i"):
			inputFile = arg
		elif opt in ("-b"):
			base_duration = int(arg)
		elif opt in ("-e"):
			extended_duration = int(arg)
		elif opt in ("-T"):
			packType = arg
		elif opt in ("-o"):
			outputFile = arg

	timeLoadStart = time.time()
	eDict, tDict = read_temporal_edges(read_path = inputFile, as_directed = False, enable_verbose = False)
	timeLoadEnd = time.time()
	print ("[Load Time] %.2f sec" % (timeLoadEnd - timeLoadStart))

	# set large lifespan to make it always be cumulative
	gSeries = EdgeSeries(is_directed = False, lifespan = 1000)	
	gSeries.setup() = base_duration)
	g = gSeries.forward() = extended_duration)
	later_g = gSeries.forward()

	print ("[GraphOrder] g: %d / later_g: %d" % (g.order(), later_g.order()))
	print ("[GraphSize] g: %d / later_g: %d" % (g.size(), later_g.size()))

	db = LiteDB()
	fillinName = re.sub(".[^\.]+$", "", os.path.basename(inputFile)) if dataName is None else dataName
	timeinfo = "--".join([ min(tDict.keys()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), max(tDict.keys()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ])
	graph_key = "_".join([fillinName, timeinfo, 'd'])

	timePackStart = time.time()

	if db.__contains__(graph_key):
		if packType == "all":
			print ('updating in longitude mode')
			db[graph_key].update(longitude_pack(g, later_g, base_len = base_duration, extended_len = extended_duration))
		elif packType == "pa":
			print ('updating in pa mode')
			db[graph_key].update(pref_pack(g, later_g, base_len = base_duration, extended_len = extended_duration))
		elif packType == "cr":
			print ('updating in cr mode')
			db[graph_key].update(clust_pack(g, later_g, base_len = base_duration, extended_len = extended_duration))
		elif packType == "cd":
			print ('updating in cd mode')
			db[graph_key].update(closure_pack(g, later_g, base_len = base_duration, extended_len = extended_duration))
			print ('do nothing')
		if packType == "all":
			print ('writing in longitude mode')
			db[graph_key] = longitude_pack(g, later_g, base_len = base_duration, extended_len = extended_duration)
		elif packType == "pa":
			print ('writing in pa mode')
			db[graph_key] = pref_pack(g, later_g, base_len = base_duration, extended_len = extended_duration)
		elif packType == "cr":
			print ('writing in cr mode')
			db[graph_key] = clust_pack(g, later_g, base_len = base_duration, extended_len = extended_duration)
		elif packType == "cd":
			print ('writing in cd mode')
			db[graph_key] = closure_pack(g, later_g, base_len = base_duration, extended_len = extended_duration)

	timePackEnd = time.time()
	print ("[Pack Time] %.2f sec" % (timePackEnd - timePackStart))
					print ('updating in normal-pack mode')
					db[graph_key].update(pack(graph, **metalabels))
				if packType == 'easy':
					print ("writing in easy-pack mode")
					db.__setitem__(graph_key, easy_pack(graph, **metalabels))
				elif packType == 'degree_seq':
					print ('writing in degree-seq-pack mode')
					db.__setitem__(graph_key, degree_seq_pack(graph, **metalabels))
				elif packType == 'degree':
					print ('writing in degree-pack mode')
					db.__setitem__(graph_key, degree_pack(graph, **metalabels))
				elif packType == 'dist':
					print ("writing in dist-pack mode")
					db.__setitem__(graph_key, dist_pack(graph, **metalabels))
				elif packType == 'frac':
					print ("writing in frac-pack mode")
					db.__setitem__(graph_key, frac_pack(graph, **metalabels))
				elif packType == 'knn':
					print ("writing in knn-pack mode")
					db.__setitem__(graph_key, knn_pack(graph, **metalabels))
					print ("writing in normal-pack mode")
					db.__setitem__(graph_key, pack(graph, **metalabels))

if __name__ == "__main__":