Exemplo n.º 1
    def inject(obj, session):
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: input information: %s " % (TAG, obj);

        errors = {};
        preset = Session.__defaults__;
        # Perform errors check
        if (preset["time_begin"] == None):    
            errors["time_begin"] = "time_begin couldn't have zero value, please check it";
        if (preset["time_end"] == None):      
            errors["time_end"] = "time_end couldn't have zero value, please check it";
        if (len(errors)):
            return session, obj, errors;
        # Create session element
        toBePushed = Session(obj["time_begin"], obj["time_end"]);  
        # Connect session with channels, there rules we are working with
        # 1. Scope object controls correctness of all information it contains
        # 2. Scope translates all information into one usual format
        scope = Scope.state();
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: current scope %s" % (TAG, str(scope));
        if scope.has_key("channels") and len(scope["channels"]):
            for channel_title in scope["channels"]:
                if DEBUG:
                    print "Connection %s with <Channel %s>" % (str(session), channel_title);
                channel = session.query(Channel).filter_by(title=channel_title).first();

                if channel:                
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: %s" % (TAG, toBePushed);
        Scope.inject({"sessions_id": toBePushed.id}, None, True);
        for i in Session.__defaults__.keys():
            del obj[i];
        return session, obj, {};
Exemplo n.º 2
    def inject(obj, session):
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: input information: %s " % (TAG, obj);
        errors = {};
        preset = MeasurementPoint.__defaults__;

        # Perform errors check
        if (preset['time'] == None):
            errors['time'] = "Time of Measurement point couldn't have Null value, please check it";
        # Create measurement point element
        # DESIGNING_QUATION: Can be set latitude and longitude without altitude in Measurement points?
        toBePushed = MeasurementPoint(preset['time'], preset['latitude'], preset["longitude"], preset["altitude"]);
        # Perform connection session option with session into 'session_id' field
        scope = Scope.state(); 
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: current scope %s" % (TAG, str(scope));
        if scope.has_key("sessions_id"):
            toBePushed.sessions_id = scope["session_id"]
            #WARNING: "Session id for Measurement points have zero value, is this not mistake?";

        if (len(errors)):
            return session, obj, errors;
        Scope.inject({"measurement_point_id": toBePushed.id}, None, True);

        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: %s" % (TAG, toBePushed);
        for i in MeasurementPoint.__defaults__.keys():
            if i in obj.keys():
                del obj[i];
        return session, obj, {};                            
Exemplo n.º 3
    def inject(obj, session):
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: input information: %s " % (TAG, obj);

        errors = {};
        preset = SessionOption.__defaults__;
        # Perform errors check
        if (preset['title'] == None):
            errors['title'] = "Session option title couldn't have zero value, please check it";
        # Create session option element
        toBePushed = SessionOption(preset['title'], preset['sessions_options_value']);
        # Perform connection session option with session into 'session_id' field
        scope = Scope.state();
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: current scope %s" % (TAG, str(scope));
        if scope.has_key("sessions_id"):
            toBePushed.sessions_id = scope["session_id"]
            errors['session_id'] = "Session id for session options couldn't have zero value, we should have information about session in json-file";
        if (len(errors)):
            return session, obj, errors;
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: %s" % (TAG, toBePushed);
        for i in SessionOption.__defaults__.keys():
            if i in obj.keys():
                del obj[i];
        return session, obj, {};   
Exemplo n.º 4
    def inject(obj, session):
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: input information: %s " % (TAG, obj);
        errors = {};
        preset = Measurement.__defaults__;
        # Perform errors check
        if (preset['measurement'] == None):
            errors['measurement'] = "Measurement couldn't have Null value, please check it";
        toBePushed = Measurement(preset['measurement'], preset['level_marker'], preset["relative_error"]);
        # Perform connection measurement with measurement_point, parameter and channel
        scope = Scope.state(); 

        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: current scope %s" % (TAG, str(scope));    
        if scope.has_key("measurement_point_id"):
            toBePushed.measurement_points_id = scope["measurement_point_id"]
            errors["measurement_point_id"] = "Measurement point for Measurement couldn't have Null value, please check it";
        if (len(errors)):
            return session, obj, errors;
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: %s" % (TAG, toBePushed);
        for i in Measurement.__defaults__.keys():
            if i in obj.keys():
                del obj[i];
        return session, obj, {};   
Exemplo n.º 5
def process(key, obj, session=None):
    Process JSON-key element and recursively goes deep inside 
    @param key: element-name of some list or JSON-dictionary which should be 
    @param obj: element-value which should be processed, it's an JSON-node
    @param session: data base session data to be pushed to
    # Guaranteed container of data base session
    __session = None;
    # Flag which indicates that session created at this iteration and should be
    # deleted here. Also if __emitter is True, it means that it's base level
    # of process inheritance.  
    __emitter = False;
    # We should verify data base session status and assign right value for it
    if (session == None):
        # Creating new session, cause it wasn't created before
        __session = __connection__.session();
        __emitter = True;
        # Inherit already created session
        __session = session;

    # Stop doing nothing, cause empty object couldn't be processed
    if (obj == None) :

    # Process list of objects with same key
    if (type(obj) == type([])):
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: [%s] list of %i elements" % (TAG, str(key), len(obj));
        for i in obj:
            process(key, i);
    # Process dictionary of multiple objects 
    elif (type(obj) == type({})):
#        # New scope creation flag
#       __new_scope = False;
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: [%s] dictionary -> exact object" % (TAG, str(key));

        # Select type of injector to be used to process object 
        for injector in injectors:
            # Comparing injector possible keys with current 
            if injector.check(key):
                if DEBUG:
                    print "%s: [%s] injector found `%s`!" % (TAG, str(key), injector.tableName());
#                # @attention: specific behavior for Scope to check __new_scope flag
#                # @todo: remove it with global `push` & `pop` functions for scope
#                if injector.check("scope"):
#                    if DEBUG:
#                        print "%s: new scope registered" % (TAG);
#                    __new_scope = True;
                __session, _children, _errors = injector.inject(obj, __session);
                # If we have any errors we should stop and give them back to user
                if len(_errors):
                    return _errors;
                if DEBUG:
                    print "%s: [%s] children [%i]" % (TAG, str(key), len(_children));
                for child in _children.keys():
                    if DEBUG:
                        print "%s: [%s] child %s" % (TAG, str(key), str(child));

                    process(child, _children[child]);
#        if __new_scope:
#        if DEBUG:
#            print "%s: removing current level scope" % (TAG);
#       Scope.pop();
    if __emitter:
        if DEBUG:
            print "%s: commit and close session" % (TAG);
    return {};
Exemplo n.º 6
injectors = [Session, SessionOption, MeasurementPoint, Measurement, Scope];

TAG = "process"

# List of classes which could be used as
# __db_conf__ = dbConf.select('contributor');
__db_conf__ = db.select('root');
__connection__ = DBConnection(


def process(key, obj, session=None):
    Process JSON-key element and recursively goes deep inside 
    @param key: element-name of some list or JSON-dictionary which should be 
    @param obj: element-value which should be processed, it's an JSON-node
    @param session: data base session data to be pushed to
    # Guaranteed container of data base session
    __session = None;
    # Flag which indicates that session created at this iteration and should be
    # deleted here. Also if __emitter is True, it means that it's base level