def updateTheBox(self, headers): dbconn = dbOuiDevices.db() try: dbconn.execute("insert into theBox (id,ip,isAlive) values \ ('" + str(headers['id']).rstrip().lstrip() + "','" + str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() + "','" + str(1) + "') \ on duplicate key update ip='" + str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() + "', isAlive='" + str(1) + "'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return (0) try: print("/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan " + str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() + " >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts") os.system("/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan " + str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() + " >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts") print(constants.rsync + " " + constants.theBoxUserName + "@" + str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() + ":" + constants.theBoxUserSave + " " + constants.theBackendRootUsers) os.system(constants.rsync + " " + constants.theBoxUserName + "@" + str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() + ":" + constants.theBoxUserSave + " " + constants.theBackendRootUsers) except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return (0) syncServer.assignHosts(headers['id']) return (1)
def assignHosts(theBoxId): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() freehosts = getFreeHost() if (freehosts): pendingTasks = dbconnSync.execute( "select * from tasks where theBoxId = '" + str(theBoxId).rstrip().lstrip() + "' and status = " + str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_pending) + " order by priority desc", dictionary=True) if (not isinstance(pendingTasks, int)): for x in pendingTasks: if (x): try: dbconnSync.execute( "update tasks set status = " + str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_assigned) + " , hostId = '" + str(freehosts['id']) + "' where theBoxId = '" + str(x['theBoxId']) + "'") dbconnSync.execute( "update hosts set cpuFree = cpuFree-1 where id = '" + str(freehosts['id']) + "'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return (0) return (1)
def update(): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() hostid , ip, totalCpus = getLocalHostDetails() loads = loadAvg() try: dbconnSync.execute("insert into hosts (id,ip,cpuTotal,cpuFree,isAlive) value ('"+ str(hostid).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(ip).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(totalCpus).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(totalCpus).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(constants.ouiSync_hosts_isAlive_online) +"') \ on duplicate key update ip='"+ str(ip).rstrip().lstrip() +"', cpuTotal='"+ str(totalCpus) +"', cpuFree='"+ str(totalCpus) +"', isAlive='"+ str(constants.ouiSync_hosts_isAlive_online) +"'") dbconnSync.execute("update hosts set load1='"+ str(loads[0]).rstrip().lstrip() +"', load2 = '"+ str(loads[1]).rstrip().lstrip() +"', load3 = '"+ str(loads[2]).rstrip().lstrip() +"' where id='"+ str(hostid) +"'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info()))
def getHostsByLoad(): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() freehosts = {} rawHosts = dbconnSync.execute("select * from hosts where enabled = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_hosts_enabled_enabled) \ +" and isAlive = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_hosts_isAlive_online) \ +" and load1 < cpuTotal order by weight desc,load1 desc",dictionary=True) if(not isinstance(rawHosts, int)): for x in rawHosts: if(x): return(x) return(0)
def getHostsByLoad(): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() freehosts = {} rawHosts = dbconnSync.execute("select * from hosts where enabled = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_hosts_enabled_enabled) \ +" and isAlive = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_hosts_isAlive_online) \ +" and load1 < cpuTotal order by weight desc,load1 desc",dictionary=True) if (not isinstance(rawHosts, int)): for x in rawHosts: if (x): return (x) return (0)
def doSync(syncDict): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() hostid , ip, totalCpus = getLocalHostDetails() try: dbconnSync.execute("update tasks set status = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_running) +" where hostid = '"+ str(hostid) +"' and theBoxId = '"+ str(syncDict['theBoxId']) +"'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return(0) rawBoxes = dbconnDevices.execute("select * from theBox where id='"+ str(syncDict['theBoxId']) +"'",dictionary=True) if(not isinstance(rawBoxes,int)): thebox = rawBoxes[-1] rsynccmd = constants.rsync +" \""+ syncDict['path'] +"\" "+ str(constants.theBoxUserName) +"@"+ thebox['ip'] +":"+ syncDict['destinationPath'] try: os.chdir(syncDict['path']) out = subprocess.Popen(rsynccmd,shell=True) except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) while(True): boxAlive = checkClient(thebox["ip"]) if(boxAlive == 0): try: out.terminate() except: pass exitcode = out.poll() if(exitcode != None): if(exitcode == 0): try: dbconnSync.execute("update tasks set status = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_done) +" where theBoxId = '"+ str(syncDict['theBoxId']) +"'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) else: try: dbconnSync.execute("update tasks set status = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_pending) +" where theBoxId = '"+ str(syncDict['theBoxId']) +"'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) try: dbconnDevices.execute("update theBox set isAlive = "+ str(constants.ouiDevices_theBox_isAlive_offline) +" where id = '"+ str(thebox['id']) +"'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) break time.sleep(5) try: dbconnSync.execute("update hosts set cpuFree = cpuFree+1 where id = '"+ str(hostid) +"'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return(0)
def doSyncProcess(): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() hostid , ip, totalCpus = getLocalHostDetails() procpool = Pool(processes=int(totalCpus)) jobs = [] while (1): try: tasksAssigned = dbconnSync.execute("select * from tasks where status = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_assigned) +" and hostid = '"+ str(hostid) +"'",dictionary=True) if(not isinstance(tasksAssigned,int)): for x in tasksAssigned: proc = procpool.apply_async(func=doSync,args=(x,)) jobs.append(proc) except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) time.sleep(1)
def assignHosts(theBoxId): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() freehosts = getFreeHost() if(freehosts): pendingTasks = dbconnSync.execute("select * from tasks where theBoxId = '"+ str(theBoxId).rstrip().lstrip() +"' and status = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_pending) +" order by priority desc",dictionary=True) if(not isinstance(pendingTasks, int)): for x in pendingTasks: if(x): try: dbconnSync.execute("update tasks set status = "+ str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_assigned) +" , hostId = '"+ str(freehosts['id']) +"' where theBoxId = '"+ str(x['theBoxId']) +"'") dbconnSync.execute("update hosts set cpuFree = cpuFree-1 where id = '"+ str(freehosts['id']) +"'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return(0) return(1)
def doSyncProcess(): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() hostid, ip, totalCpus = getLocalHostDetails() procpool = Pool(processes=int(totalCpus)) jobs = [] while (1): try: tasksAssigned = dbconnSync.execute( "select * from tasks where status = " + str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_assigned) + " and hostid = '" + str(hostid) + "'", dictionary=True) if (not isinstance(tasksAssigned, int)): for x in tasksAssigned: proc = procpool.apply_async(func=doSync, args=(x, )) jobs.append(proc) except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) time.sleep(1)
def updateTheBox(self,headers): dbconn = dbOuiDevices.db() try: dbconn.execute("insert into theBox (id,ip,isAlive) values \ ('"+ str(headers['id']).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(1) +"') \ on duplicate key update ip='"+ str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() +"', isAlive='"+ str(1) +"'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return(0) try: print("/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan "+ str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() +" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts") os.system("/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan "+ str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() +" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts") print(constants.rsync +" "+ constants.theBoxUserName +"@"+ str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() +":"+ constants.theBoxUserSave +" "+ constants.theBackendRootUsers) os.system(constants.rsync +" "+ constants.theBoxUserName +"@"+ str(headers['ip']).rstrip().lstrip() +":"+ constants.theBoxUserSave +" "+ constants.theBackendRootUsers) except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return(0) syncServer.assignHosts(headers['id']) return(1)
def update(): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() hostid, ip, totalCpus = getLocalHostDetails() loads = loadAvg() try: dbconnSync.execute( "insert into hosts (id,ip,cpuTotal,cpuFree,isAlive) value ('" + str(hostid).rstrip().lstrip() + "','" + str(ip).rstrip().lstrip() + "','" + str(totalCpus).rstrip().lstrip() + "','" + str(totalCpus).rstrip().lstrip() + "','" + str(constants.ouiSync_hosts_isAlive_online) + "') \ on duplicate key update ip='" + str(ip).rstrip().lstrip() + "', cpuTotal='" + str(totalCpus) + "', cpuFree='" + str(totalCpus) + "', isAlive='" + str(constants.ouiSync_hosts_isAlive_online) + "'") dbconnSync.execute("update hosts set load1='" + str(loads[0]).rstrip().lstrip() + "', load2 = '" + str(loads[1]).rstrip().lstrip() + "', load3 = '" + str(loads[2]).rstrip().lstrip() + "' where id='" + str(hostid) + "'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info()))
"-s", "--states", dest='states', help='comma seperated states to add.\nEg:karnataka, maharastra, telangana') parser.add_argument("-c", "--country", dest='country', help='country to which the states belong.\nEg:india') parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", dest='islist', action='store_true', help='list all the states') args = parser.parse_args() dbconn = dbOuiDevices.db() if (args.islist): #print("listing all the id types for devices") raw = dbconn.execute("select * from states", dictionary=True) print(raw) if (not isinstance(raw, int)): for x in raw: print(x['country'] + ":" + x['state']) else: if (args.states): print("states : " + str(args.states)) if ( print("country : " + str( for x in args.states.split(","):
dirSelf = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) libDir = dirSelf.rstrip(os.sep).rstrip("toolsDevice").rstrip(os.sep).rstrip("bin").rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep + "lib" sys.path.append(libDir) # print("lib : "+ libDir) import dbOuiDevices parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s","--states",dest='states',help='comma seperated states to add.\nEg:karnataka, maharastra, telangana') parser.add_argument("-c","--country",dest='country',help='country to which the states belong.\nEg:india') parser.add_argument("-l","--list",dest='islist',action='store_true',help='list all the states') args = parser.parse_args() dbconn = dbOuiDevices.db() if(args.islist): #print("listing all the id types for devices") raw = dbconn.execute("select * from states",dictionary=True) print(raw) if(not isinstance(raw,int)): for x in raw: print(x['country'] +":"+ x['state']) else: if(args.states): print("states : "+ str(args.states)) if( print("country : "+ str( for x in args.states.split(","):
import dbOuiDevices import dbOuiSync import sha512sum parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i","--boxid",dest='boxid',help='boxid to sync') parser.add_argument("-p","--path",dest='path',help='root path to sync') parser.add_argument("-d","--destinationpath",dest='destpath',help='destination root path to sync') parser.add_argument("-l","--list",dest='islist',action='store_true',help='list all syncs') parser.add_argument("-b","--listBox",dest='islistbox',action='store_true',help='list all box ids') args = parser.parse_args() dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() rawBoxes = dbconnDevices.execute("select * from theBox",dictionary=True) rawSyncs = dbconnSync.execute("select * from tasks",dictionary=True) def getFiles(path,destpath,theBoxId): rootpath = os.path.abspath(path) a = os.walk(path) for root,dirs,files in a: for b in files: bchecksum = str(sha512sum.checksum(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(root),b))).rstrip().lstrip() bpath = str(os.path.join(root,b)).replace(rootpath, "").lstrip(".").lstrip(os.sep).rstrip().lstrip() print(bchecksum +":"+ rootpath +":"+ bpath) try: dbconnSync.execute("insert into taskJobs (theBoxId,checksum,path,destinationpath,file) value ('"+ str(theBoxId).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(bchecksum).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(rootpath).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(destpath).rstrip().lstrip() +"','"+ str(bpath).rstrip().lstrip() +"')") except:
"--destinationpath", dest='destpath', help='destination root path to sync') parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", dest='islist', action='store_true', help='list all syncs') parser.add_argument("-b", "--listBox", dest='islistbox', action='store_true', help='list all box ids') args = parser.parse_args() dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() rawBoxes = dbconnDevices.execute("select * from theBox", dictionary=True) rawSyncs = dbconnSync.execute("select * from tasks", dictionary=True) def getFiles(path, destpath, theBoxId): rootpath = os.path.abspath(path) a = os.walk(path) for root, dirs, files in a: for b in files: bchecksum = str( sha512sum.checksum(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(root), b))).rstrip().lstrip() bpath = str(os.path.join(root, b)).replace( rootpath, "").lstrip(".").lstrip(os.sep).rstrip().lstrip()
def doSync(syncDict): dbconnDevices = dbOuiDevices.db() dbconnSync = dbOuiSync.db() hostid, ip, totalCpus = getLocalHostDetails() try: dbconnSync.execute("update tasks set status = " + str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_running) + " where hostid = '" + str(hostid) + "' and theBoxId = '" + str(syncDict['theBoxId']) + "'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return (0) rawBoxes = dbconnDevices.execute("select * from theBox where id='" + str(syncDict['theBoxId']) + "'", dictionary=True) if (not isinstance(rawBoxes, int)): thebox = rawBoxes[-1] rsynccmd = constants.rsync + " \"" + syncDict['path'] + "\" " + str( constants.theBoxUserName ) + "@" + thebox['ip'] + ":" + syncDict['destinationPath'] try: os.chdir(syncDict['path']) out = subprocess.Popen(rsynccmd, shell=True) except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) while (True): boxAlive = checkClient(thebox["ip"]) if (boxAlive == 0): try: out.terminate() except: pass exitcode = out.poll() if (exitcode != None): if (exitcode == 0): try: dbconnSync.execute( "update tasks set status = " + str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_done) + " where theBoxId = '" + str(syncDict['theBoxId']) + "'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) else: try: dbconnSync.execute( "update tasks set status = " + str(constants.ouiSync_tasks_status_pending) + " where theBoxId = '" + str(syncDict['theBoxId']) + "'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) try: dbconnDevices.execute( "update theBox set isAlive = " + str(constants.ouiDevices_theBox_isAlive_offline) + " where id = '" + str(thebox['id']) + "'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) break time.sleep(5) try: dbconnSync.execute( "update hosts set cpuFree = cpuFree+1 where id = '" + str(hostid) + "'") except: print(str(sys.exc_info())) return (0)