Exemplo n.º 1
def get_average_measurements_for_area(area_id):
    Returns the average value of all measurements for all locations in the given area
    Returns None if there are no measurements.
    # create a list of tuples containing the area to be measured
    locations = get_locations_for_area(area_id)

    # utility variables
    total = 0
    counter = 0
    # Loops through locations and adds the measurements for eah location to a total
    for row in locations:
        location_id = row[0]
        # Gets the measurement
        measurements = get_measurements_for_location(location_id)
        for col in measurements:
            # Adds measure to total
            total += col[1]
            # Counts number of locations
            counter += 1
    # Checks to see if there is no values
    if total != 0:
        return total / counter
        return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_average_measurements_for_area(area_id):

    rVal = 0
    id = get_locations_for_area(area_id)
    if not id:
        return None
    lst = []
    for z in id:
    if not lst:
        return None
    summe = []
    three = []
    for r in lst:
        summe = (get_measurements_for_location(r))
        if summe:
            three += (summe)

    sum = 0
    total = len(three)
    for e in three:
        sum += e['value']
    rVal = sum/total
    return rVal

Exemplo n.º 3
def number_of_locations_by_area(area_id):
    Returns the number of locations for the given area.

    my_tuple = db_access.get_locations_for_area(area_id)


    return len(my_tuple)
Exemplo n.º 4
def number_of_locations_by_area(area_id):
    Returns the number of locations for the given area.

    if area_id == '':
        raise Exception("area ID could not be ''")

    locations = db_access.get_locations_for_area(area_id)
    return len(locations)
Exemplo n.º 5
def number_of_locations_by_area(area_id):
    Returns the number of locations for the given area.
    # gets the locations
    locations = get_locations_for_area(area_id)

    # counts the total number of locations
    counter = 0
    for row in locations:
        counter += 1

    # Returns the total amount
    return counter
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_average_measurements_for_area(area_id):
    Returns the average value of all measurements for all locations in the given area.
    Returns None if there are no measurements.
    locations = db_access.get_locations_for_area(area_id)

    if len(locations) == 0:
        return None
        return_table = []
        for i in locations:
            for k in db_access.get_measurements_for_location(i[0]):
        return mean(return_table)
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_average_measurements_for_area(area_id):
    Returns the average value of all measurements for all locations in the given area.
    Returns None if there are no measurements.
    locations = db_access.get_locations_for_area(area_id)

    if len(locations) == 0:
        return None
        me_irl = []
        for i in locations:
            for j in db_access.get_measurements_for_location(i[0]):
        if len(me_irl) == 0:
            return None
            return statistics.mean(me_irl)
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_average_measurements_for_area(area_id):
    Returns the average value of all measurements for all locations in the given area.
    Returns None if there are no measurements.
    measurement_total = 0
    count = 0
    my_tuple = db_access.get_locations_for_area(area_id)


    for row in my_tuple:
        my_tuple_loc = db_access.get_measurements_for_location(row[0])
        #print my_tuple_loc
        for row_loc in my_tuple_loc:
            count = count + 1
            measurement_total = measurement_total + row_loc[1]

    if count == 0:
        return None

    return measurement_total / count
def get_average_measurements_for_area(area_id):
    Returns the average value of all measurements for all locations in the given area.
    Returns None if there are no measurements.
    crs_two = db_access.get_locations_for_area(area_id)    
    averageValue = 0.0
    total = 0.0
    item = 0.0
    for row in crs_two:
        anID = int(row['location_id'])
        measurementCRS = db_access.get_measurements_for_location(anID)

        for measurementRow in measurementCRS:
            total += float(measurementRow['value'])
            item +=1
    if item == 0:
        return None
        averageValue = total/item
        return averageValue
Exemplo n.º 10
 def testOneLocation(self):
     locs = db_access.get_locations_for_area(3)
     m = filter_first(locs, lambda r: r[0] == 18)
     self.assertEqual('Mall', m[1])
Exemplo n.º 11
def number_of_locations_by_area(area_id):
    id = get_locations_for_area(area_id)
    num = len(id)
    # print(num)
    return num
Exemplo n.º 12
 def testNumberOfLocations(self):
     locs = db_access.get_locations_for_area(3)
     self.assertEqual(len(locs), 4)
Exemplo n.º 13
if user_val != None and bool:
    val = get_area_by_id(user_val)

    if val == None: #lines 44-49 will detect if a user has submitted a value which can't be found within the database
        a = get_all_areas()
        print("<div id=\"error_page1\"><strong>ERROR: User entered an ID which was not found!</strong></br>Select an Area</br><form method=\"get\" action=\"/cgi-bin/location_table.py\"><select name=\"area_id\" size=\"5\"></div>")
        for x in a:
            print("<option value=\"" + str(x['area_id']) + "\">" + x['name'] + "</option>")
        print("</select></br><input id=\"sButton\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form></div></div></body></html>")

        # print("test", val)
        for a in val:
            print("<div id=\"page_body2\">Location Information for the " + a['name'] + " area </br></br>")
        print("<form method =\"get\" action=\"/cgi-bin/measurement_table.py\"><table class=\"grid\"><th class=\"grid\">Select</th><th class=\"grid\">ID</th><th class=\"grid\">Name</th><th class=\"grid\">Altitude</th>")
        for x in get_locations_for_area(user_val):
            # print("<tr> <td><input type=\"radio\" value=\"" + x['name'] + "\" name=\"" + x['name'] + "\"></td> <td>" + str(x['location_id']) + " </td> <td>" + x['name'] + " </td> <td>" + str(x['altitude']) + " </td> </tr>")
            print("<tr> <td><input type=\"radio\" value=\"" + str(x['location_id']) + "\" name=\"location_id\"></td> <td>" + str(x['location_id']) + " </td> <td>" + x['name'] + " </td> <td>" + str(x['altitude']) + " </td> </tr>")

        print("</table></br><input id=\"sButton\" type=\"submit\"></form></div></body></html>")

elif user_val == None: #lines 63-68 will detect if a user hasn't subimtted any data
    a = get_all_areas()
    print("<div id=\"error_page1\"><strong>ERROR: User did not make a valid selection.</strong></br>Select an Area</br><form method=\"get\" action=\"/cgi-bin/location_table.py\"><select name=\"area_id\" size=\"5\"></div>")
    for x in a:
        print("<option value=\"" + str(x['area_id']) + "\">" + x['name'] + "</option>")
    print("</select></br><input id=\"sButton\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></form></div></div></body></html>")

# elif type(user_val) == int: #lines 70-75 will detect if a user has submitted an integer value instead of a string
elif bool == False: #lines 70-75 will detect if a user has submitted an integer value instead of a string
Exemplo n.º 14
 def testOneLocation(self):
     locs = db_access.get_locations_for_area(3)
     m = filter_first(locs, lambda r: r["location_id"] == 18)
     self.assertEqual("Mall", m["name"])
Exemplo n.º 15
 def testNumberOfLocations(self):
     locs = db_access.get_locations_for_area(3)
     self.assertEqual(len(locs), 4)
		selectedArea = db_access.get_area_by_id(formAreaID)
		print(KJM_HTML_Utility.htmlHeader("Selected Area"))

		theAreaName = str()
		theAreaID = 0

		for i in selectedArea:
			theAreaName = i['name']
			theAreaID = i['area_id']
			print("<h1>Location information for " + theAreaName +"</h1>")
		area_locations = db_access.get_locations_for_area(theAreaID)
		if area_locations:
			# create a table for the location
			<table class="grid">

def number_of_locations_by_area(area_id):
    Returns the number of locations for the given area.
    return len(db_access.get_locations_for_area(area_id))
Exemplo n.º 18
def location_area(area_id):
    data = get_locations_for_area(area_id)
    response.content_type = "application/json"
    return dumps(data)
    categoryString = ''
    theCategory = []

        for i in aList:
        countString = len(area_category)

        for i in theCategory:
            categoryString += i
            if countString > 1:
                 categoryString += ', '
                 countString += -1
    except TypeError:
        categoryString = ''
    return categoryString

# ------------------------------------| Pretty Print |----------------------------------------------
for area in areas:
    area_id = area['area_id']
    area_location = db_access.get_locations_for_area(area_id)
    area_category = db_access.get_categories_for_area(area_id)
    avgMeasurementString = str( db_utility.get_average_measurements_for_area(area_id))

    if not db_utility.get_average_measurements_for_area(area_id):
        avgMeasurementString = '--------'

    # Final output
    row = template.format(area_id, area['name'], len(area_location), avgMeasurementString,getCategoryString(area_category))
