Exemplo n.º 1
def add_subscriber(request_id, email):
	user_id = create_or_return_user(email = email)
	subscriber_id, is_new_subscriber = create_subscriber(request_id = request_id, user_id = user_id)
	if subscriber_id:
		generate_prr_emails(request_id, notification_type = "Request followed", user_id = user_id)
		return subscriber_id
	return False
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_request(text, email = None, user_id = None, phone = None, alias = None, department = None, passed_spam_filter = False, offline_submission_type = None, date_received = None):
	""" Make the request. At minimum you need to communicate which record(s) you want, probably with some text."""
	if not passed_spam_filter:
		return None, False
	request_id = find_request(text)
	if request_id: # Same request already exists
		return request_id, False
	assigned_to_email = app.config['DEFAULT_OWNER_EMAIL']
	assigned_to_reason = app.config['DEFAULT_OWNER_REASON']
	if department:
		app.logger.info("\n\nDepartment chosen: %s" %department)
		prr_email = db_helpers.get_contact_by_dept(department)
		if prr_email:
			assigned_to_email = prr_email
			assigned_to_reason = "PRR Liaison for %s" %(department)
			app.logger.info("%s is not a valid department" %(department))
			department = None
	request_id = create_request(text = text, user_id = user_id, offline_submission_type = offline_submission_type, date_received = date_received) # Actually create the Request object
	new_owner_id = assign_owner(request_id = request_id, reason = assigned_to_reason, email = assigned_to_email) # Assign someone to the request
	open_request(request_id) # Set the status of the incoming request to "Open"
	if email or alias or phone:
		subscriber_user_id = create_or_return_user(email = email, alias = alias, phone = phone)
		subscriber_id, is_new_subscriber = create_subscriber(request_id = request_id, user_id = subscriber_user_id)
		if subscriber_id:
			generate_prr_emails(request_id, notification_type = "Request made", user_id = subscriber_user_id) # Send them an e-mail notification
	return request_id, True