Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_season_results(self):
        Get all fixtures for a given team
        :returns: ( (date, opposition, opposition_id, venue, formation), ... )

        sql = """SELECT DISTINCT date, team_id, team, opposition_id, opposition, venue, team_formation
                 FROM players WHERE team_id=%s ORDER BY DATE;"""

        matches = run_multirow_query(sql, self.team_id)
        matches_with_results = []
        for m in matches:
            m_with_result = {
                'date': m[0],
                'opposition_id': m[3],
                'opposition': m[4],
                'venue': m[5],
                'formation': m[6],
                'result': self.get_match_result(m[3], m[0])

        return matches_with_results
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_players_on_team(self):
        Get all players on a team given a team ID

        :returns: [ (player_id, player_surname, player_forname), ... ]
        sql = """SELECT player_id, player_surname, player_forename, team
                 FROM players WHERE team_id=%s GROUP BY player_id, team_id;"""

        return run_multirow_query(sql, self.team_id)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get_games_played(self):
        Get the number of games a team played

        :returns: (team_id, team_name, games played)
        sql = """SELECT player_id, player_surname, player_forename, team
                 FROM players WHERE team_id=%s GROUP BY player_id, team_ix  """

        return run_multirow_query(sql, self.team_id)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_teams(self):
        Fetch all the teams and their corresponding IDs

        :rtype: a list of tuples
        :returns: [ (team_id, team_name), (team_id, team_name), ... ]

        sql = "SELECT DISTINCT team_id, team FROM players ORDER BY team;"
        return run_multirow_query(sql)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get_minutes_played(self):
        Get the number of successful, unsuccessful, and pass percentage for a given player over an entire season
        :returns: ( player_id, player_surname, player_forename, minutes_played)

        sql = """SELECT player_id, player_surname, player_forename, SUM(time_played)
                 FROM players WHERE player_id=%s GROUP BY player_id;"""

        return run_multirow_query(sql, self.player_id)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_players(self):
        Fetch all the players in the league and their corresponding IDs

        :rtype: a list of tuples
        :returns: [ (player_id, player, team) ]
        sql = """SELECT distinct player_id, player_surname, player_forename, team_id, team
                 FROM players
                 ORDER BY team_id, player_surname;"""

        return run_multirow_query(sql)