Exemplo n.º 1
def most_expensive_car():
    Method that can help to decide which type of car is the most expensive
    :return: the most expensive type of car in usage
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    sql = '''select AVG(average_per_day) as average,type
            from (select AVG(repair_avg) + AVG(charge_avg) as average_per_day, charge.car_id from
              (select AVG(repair_car.cost) as repair_avg, date, car_id
              from repair_car
              group by date,car_id )as repair
              (select AVG(charge_car_history.cost) as charge_avg,date, car_id
              from charge_car_history
              group by date,car_id ) as charge
            on repair.car_id = charge.car_id
            group by charge.car_id) as s,cars, models
            where cars.car_id = s.car_id and cars.model_id = models.model_id
            group by type
            order by average desc
    s = cursor.fetchall()
    response = {s[0][1]: s[0][0]}
    return response
Exemplo n.º 2
def search_duplicates(data):
    Method for searching duplicate order_ids which should be unique in transaction table
    Search are done for a last month
    :param data: username to search duplicate payment
    :return: date when duplicate occurred and cost of that order
    username = data['username']
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

    date_month_ago = '2018-09-29'

    # It's also work but for well-looked (big table) result we defined month by our hands
    # date_month_ago = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(30)).date()

        task = (username, date_month_ago)
        sql = '''SELECT b.date, b.cost
                  FROM (select order_id from 
                  (SELECT order_id, COUNT(*) FROM transactions GROUP BY order_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1))as a
                  inner join
                   (select order_id, date, cost from orders where username = ? and date > ?) as b 
                   on a.order_id = b.order_id;'''
        cursor.execute(sql, task)
        response = cursor.fetchall()
        return response
    except sqlite3.Error:
    return "No such username"
Exemplo n.º 3
def top_locations_search():
    Method that search top 3 pick-up and destination locations
    :return: list of tuples: morning start and finish point, afternoon start and finish point, evening start and finish point
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()


        morning_start_load = '''SELECT starting_point FROM orders WHERE time >= '07:00' and time <= '10:00' 
        GROUP BY starting_point ORDER BY count(starting_point) DESC LIMIT 3 '''

        morning_finish_load = '''SELECT destination FROM orders WHERE time >= '07:00' and time <= '10:00'
         GROUP BY destination ORDER BY count(destination) DESC LIMIT 3'''

        afternoon_start_load = '''SELECT starting_point FROM orders WHERE time >= '12:00' and time <= '14:00' 
                GROUP BY starting_point ORDER BY count(starting_point) DESC LIMIT 3 '''

        afternoon_finish_load = '''SELECT destination FROM orders WHERE time >= '12:00' and time <= '14:00' 
                        GROUP BY destination ORDER BY count(destination) DESC LIMIT 3 '''

        evening_start_load = '''SELECT starting_point FROM orders WHERE time >= '17:00' and time <= '19:00' 
                        GROUP BY starting_point ORDER BY count(starting_point) DESC LIMIT 3 '''

        evening_finish_load = '''SELECT destination FROM orders WHERE time >= '17:00' and time <= '19:00' 
                                GROUP BY destination ORDER BY count(destination) DESC LIMIT 3 '''

        def fetch_load(query):
            return [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]

        top_morning_start_point = fetch_load(morning_start_load)

        top_morning_finish_point = fetch_load(morning_finish_load)

        top_afternoon_start_point = fetch_load(afternoon_start_load)

        top_afternoon_finish_point = fetch_load(afternoon_finish_load)

        top_evening_start_point = fetch_load(evening_start_load)

        top_evening_finish_point = fetch_load(evening_finish_load)


        return (
            (top_morning_start_point, top_morning_finish_point),
            (top_afternoon_start_point, top_afternoon_finish_point),
            (top_evening_start_point, top_evening_finish_point),
    except sqlite3.Error:
    return "Error while searching was occured"
Exemplo n.º 4
def stat_of_busy_cars(data):
    :param data: json file which contains start date to calculate statistic
    :return: load of cars in percentage by 1 week in different daytime periods
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    date = data['date']

        task = (date, date)
        sql_cnt_cars = '''SELECT count(DISTINCT cars.car_id)
                 from cars
        morning_load = '''SELECT DISTINCT car_id,date, date(?,'+7 day') as date_end
                          FROM orders where time >='07:00' and time <= '10:00' 
                          AND date>=? AND date <= date_end
        afternoon_load = '''
                          SELECT DISTINCT car_id, date, date(?,'+7 day') as date_end
                          FROM orders where time >='12:00' and time <= '14:00' 
                          AND date>=? AND date <= date_end
        evening_load = '''
                          SELECT DISTINCT car_id, date, date(?,'+7 day') as date_end
                          FROM orders where time >='17:00' and time <= '19:00' 
                          AND date=? AND date <= date_end
        cnt = cursor.fetchall()[0][0] * 7
        morning_load = len(cursor.execute(morning_load,
                                          task).fetchall()) / cnt * 100
        afternoon_load = len(cursor.execute(afternoon_load,
                                            task).fetchall()) / cnt * 100
        evening_load = len(cursor.execute(evening_load,
                                          task).fetchall()) / cnt * 100
        response = {
            'Morning': morning_load,
            'Afternoon': afternoon_load,
            'Evening': evening_load
        return response
    except sqlite3.Error:

    return "Error while searching was occured or doesn't found in database"
Exemplo n.º 5
def most_relevant_part_by_workshop():
    Method that returns the most relevant part that workshop needs
    :return: type of detail that separate workshop needs mostly.
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    sql = '''select type_of_detail, WID
            from(select part_id, WID , MAX(amount_week_ago - amount) as diff
            from workshop_have_parts
            group by  WID) as s, parts
            where s.part_id = parts.part_id
    response = {}
    for info in cursor.fetchall():
        response[info[1]] = info[0]
    return response
Exemplo n.º 6
def average_distance(data):
    Calculating average distance of car to a pickup point for orders in one particular day
    :param data: date to calculate
    :return: average distance to a pickup point for a particular date
    date = data['date']
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

        task = [date]
        sql = "select avg(car_distance) from orders where date = ?"
        cursor.execute(sql, task)
        response = cursor.fetchall()[0]
        return response
    except sqlite3.Error:
    return "There is no orders for such period"
Exemplo n.º 7
def stat_least_amount_cars():
    Method that search for least frequently used cars (10 % of cars in company)
    :return: list of cars id
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
        cars_id = []
        least_car_id = '''SELECT car_id FROM orders GROUP BY (car_id) 
        ORDER BY count(*) LIMIT (SELECT DISTINCT count(car_id)/10 FROM cars)'''
        cars = cursor.fetchall()

        for car in cars:
        return cars_id
    except sqlite3.Error:
    return "Error while searching was occured"
Exemplo n.º 8
def times_using_ch_station(data):
    Method that calculate how many times charging station was used by user
    :param data: json file which contain start date
    :return: how many times user used charging station in his orders
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    task = (data['start_date'])
    sql = '''select count(car_id) as charging_times,username
             from(select charge_car_history.date, date(?,'+1 month') as end_period,orders.car_id,username
             from charge_car_history,orders
             where orders.car_id = charge_car_history.car_id and charge_car_history.date = orders.date
             and start_time between orders.time and time(orders.time,'+'|| cast(orders.duration as text)||' minutes'))
             group by username;'''
    cursor.execute(sql, task)
    response = {}
    for info in cursor.fetchall():
        response[info[1]] = info[0]
    return response
Exemplo n.º 9
def find_car(data):
    Method that search a car for given parameters
    :param data: json file which contains date of the order, colour and registration
                 number  of the car and username
    :return: list of tuples of the car id, colour, registration number
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

        task = (data['date'], data['colour'], data['username'],
                '%' + data['reg_num'] + '%')
        sql = '''SELECT cars.car_id,colour,reg_num 
        from cars,orders 
        where cars.car_id=orders.car_id and  date = ? AND colour = ? 
        AND username = ? AND reg_num LIKE ?;'''
        cursor.execute(sql, task)
        response = cursor.fetchall()
        return response
    except sqlite3.Error:
    return "Error while searching was occured"
Exemplo n.º 10
def efficiency_ch_stations(data):
    Method that calculate efficiency of charging station utilization for given date
    :param data: json file which contains date
    :return: returns list of charging stations and how many times they were used hourly
    conn = create_connection(DB_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    date = data['date']
    response = defaultdict(dict)
    for i in range(0, 24):
        st_time = ''
        end_time = ''
        if i < 9:
            st_time = '0{}:00'.format(i)
            end_time = '0{}:00'.format(i + 1)
            task = (st_time, end_time, date)
            sql = '''SELECT UID,count(charge_car_id)
                     FROM charge_car_history where start_time >= ?  and start_time< ?
                     and date=?
                     group by UID;
        elif i == 9:
            st_time = '0{}:00'.format(i)
            end_time = '{}:00'.format(i + 1)
            task = (st_time, end_time, date)
            sql = '''SELECT UID,count(charge_car_id)
                     FROM charge_car_history where start_time>=? and start_time<?
                     and date=?
                     group by UID;
            st_time = '{}:00'.format(i)
            end_time = '{}:00'.format(i + 1)
            task = (st_time, end_time, date)
            sql = '''SELECT UID,count(charge_car_id)
                     FROM charge_car_history where start_time >= ? and start_time<?
                     and date=?
                     group by UID;
        cursor.execute(sql, task)
        data = cursor.fetchall()

        for value in data:
            response[value[0]][st_time + "-" + end_time] = value[1]

    for i in range(0, 24):
        st_time = ''
        end_time = ''
        s = defaultdict(dict)
        if i < 9:
            st_time = '0{}:00'.format(i)
            end_time = '0{}:00'.format(i + 1)
        elif i == 9:
            st_time = '0{}:00'.format(i)
            end_time = '{}:00'.format(i + 1)
            st_time = '{}:00'.format(i)
            end_time = '{}:00'.format(i + 1)
        for residual in response.keys():
            if (st_time + "-" + end_time) not in response[residual].keys():
                response[residual][st_time + "-" + end_time] = 0
    for residual in response.keys():
        s[residual] = sorted(response[residual].items())
    return s