Exemplo n.º 1
def get_uid(itype):
        if itype == 0:  #1255577注册绑定,注意:如果注册用户超过5万,此查找将非常慢
            limit = [2, 3, 4, 5]
            imin = [10, 100, 1000, 10000]
            imax = [99, 999, 9999, 99999]
            while True:
                for i in limit:
                    fld = str(i) + str(random.randint(imin[i - 2],
                                                      imax[i - 2]))
                    sql = "SELECT field_name FROM v_field WHERE field_name = '%s' LIMIT 1" % fld
                    row = db_util.query_db(sql, 1)
                    if (not row) or (not row['field_name']):
                return fld

        global _g_uid
        if _g_uid:
            _g_uid = _g_uid + 1
            sql = "SELECT field_name FROM v_field WHERE field_name >= '600000' ORDER BY field_id DESC LIMIT 1"
            row = db_util.query_db(sql, 1)
            if (not row) or (not row['field_name']):
                _g_uid = 600000
                _g_uid = int(row['field_name']) + 1
        return _g_uid
        logger.info("get_uid proc exception: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
        return None
Exemplo n.º 2
def do_add_user(phone, uid, reg_pwd, agentId, expireDate, itype):
    if (itype == 0):
        atype = 0  #0:分钟数帐户
        atype = 1  #1:正常预付费帐户
        sql = "insert into v_field(field_name, pstn_num, field_desc, agent_id, fee_table_id, enable_flag, create_time, active_time) values ('%s','','',%d,%d,'1',now(),now())" % (
            uid, agentId, 2)
        ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
        if not ret:
            logger.info("插入v_field表失败:%s" % phone)
            return False
        sql = "select field_id from v_field where field_name='%s' limit 1" % uid
        row = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not row:
                "v_field中不存在field_id,查询失败, please contact the system admin")
            return False
        fieldId = int(row['field_id'])

        if (itype != 1):  #不是正常的终端用户注册均不赠送
            sql = "insert into field_account(field_id,balance,discount,account_type,quota,money_id) values (%d,%d,100,%d,0,1)" % (
                fieldId, 0, atype)
            sql = "insert into field_account(field_id,balance,discount,account_type,quota,money_id) values (%d,%d,100,%d,0,1)" % (
                fieldId, config.given, atype)
        ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
        if not ret:
            logger.info("插入field_account表失败:%s" % phone)
            return False
        sql = "select field_account_id from field_account where field_id='%s' limit 1" % fieldId
        row = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not row:
                "field_account中不存在field_account_id,查询失败, please contact the system admin"
            return False

        sql = "insert into user(user_type,user_name,reg_pwd,long_name,rep_name,email,phone,address,field_id,enable_flag,user_desc,create_time,active_time,valid_date) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','','','','',%d,'1','',NOW(),NOW(),'%s')" % (
            itype, uid, reg_pwd, phone, fieldId, expireDate)
        ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
        if not ret:
            logger.info("插入user表失败:%s" % phone)
            return False
        sql = "select user_id from user where field_id='%s' limit 1" % fieldId
        row = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not row:
                "user中不存在user_id,查询失败, please contact the system admin")
            return False
        sql = "UPDATE agent SET customer=customer+1 WHERE agent_id='%s'" % agentId
        return fieldId
        logger.info("do_add_user proc exception: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def is_free(field_id, balance, package=''):
    no_fee = False
    now = int(time.strftime('%H', time.localtime()))
    if now >= 2 and now < 6:
        no_fee = True
        stg = time.strftime('%H:%M:00', time.localtime())
        if ((stg >= '06:00:00' and stg < '11:30:00')
                or (stg >= '14:00:00' and stg < '17:30:00')):
            beg = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00', time.localtime())
            end = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 17:30:00', time.localtime())
            sql = "SELECT SUM(money) AS money FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s' AND (time>='%s' AND time<'%s') AND (operate_type='充值' OR operate_type='划账')" % (
                field_id, beg, end)
            cur = db_util.query_db(sql)  #当天累计充值
            if (cur and cur['money'] and (cur['money'] >= 50000000) and
                (float(balance) * 1000000 > float(cur['money']))):  #并且没有扣款
                no_fee = True
                beg = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00',
                                    time.localtime(time.time() - 86400))
                end = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d 17:30:00', time.localtime())
                sql = "SELECT SUM(money) AS money FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s' AND (time>='%s' AND time<'%s') AND (operate_type='充值' OR operate_type='划账')" % (
                    field_id, beg, end)
                two = db_util.query_db(sql)  #两天累计充值
                if (two and two['money'] and (two['money'] >= 100000000) and
                    (float(balance) * 1000000 > float(two['money']))):  #并且没有扣款
                    no_fee = True
                    day = int(time.strftime('%w', time.localtime()))
                    if (day == 0):
                        ydate = time.strftime('%Y-01-01 00:00:00',
                        sql = "SELECT SUM(money) AS money FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s' AND (time>='%s' AND time<NOW()) AND (operate_type='充值' OR operate_type='划账')" % (
                            field_id, ydate)
                        hos = db_util.query_db(sql)
                        sql = "SELECT SUM(money) AS money FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s' AND (time>='%s' AND time<NOW()) AND (operate_type='扣款')" % (
                            field_id, ydate)
                        drp = db_util.query_db(sql)
                        if drp and hos and drp['money'] > 0 and hos[
                                'money'] > 0:
                            hos['money'] = hos['money'] - drp['money']
                        pkg = ((package != None) and (package != '')
                               and (int(package[0]['month_left_time']) > 100))
                        if ((hos['money'] >= 10000000)
                                and ((float(balance) * 1000000 > 15000000) or
                                     (pkg == True))):  #本年度累计充值
                            no_fee = True
                            if ((float(balance) * 1000000 <= 0) and
                                (pkg == True)):  #包月用户如果账户余额不足,自动追加余额5分钱
                                sql = "UPDATE field_account SET balance=balance+50000 WHERE field_id='%s' LIMIT 1" % field_id
                                if not (db_util.modify_db(sql)):
                                        "包月用户余额不足,自动追加5分钱失败: field_id=%s" %
    return no_fee
Exemplo n.º 4
def msglist(sc, pv, v):
        res = {}
        if (str(pv) == 'android' and str(v) > '1.5'):
            sql = "select id, title from sysmsg where valid_date>now() and now()>start_date and (phone_version='%s' or phone_version='all') and id!='2' order by id desc" % pv
            sql = "select id, title from sysmsg where valid_date>now() and now()>start_date and (phone_version='%s' or phone_version='all') order by id desc" % pv
        row = db_util.query_db(sql, 2)
        ctl = long(sc) >> 20
        if pv == 'iphone':
            ctrl = 1
        #elif ctl >= 7:
        #   ctrl = 1
            ctrl = 0

        res['result'] = '0'
        res['service_phone'] = config.service_phone
        if (str(pv) == 'android' and str(v) == '1.5'):
            res['update_addr'] = ''
            res['update_addr'] = tool.check_update(pv, v)
        if not row:
            res['syslist'] = ''
            res['syslist'] = row
        res['sysctrl'] = str(ctrl)
        res['systime'] = time.strftime('%H', time.localtime())
        res = json.dumps(res)
        res = eval("u'%s'" % res)
        return res.encode('utf-8')
        logger.info('%s' % traceback.format_exc())
        return '{"result":"-1"}'
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_entry_id(url):
	entry = query_db(SQL_ENTRY_EXISTS, [url], one=True)
	if entry is None:
		# this is a new url
		return None
		return entry['entry_id']
Exemplo n.º 6
def change_phone(old_phone, pwd, new_phone):
        new_phone = tool.number_deal(new_phone)
        if not new_phone:
            logger.info("手机格式错误:old_phone:%s,new_phone:%s" %
                        (old_phone, new_phone))
            return '{"result":"-3"}'
        if (old_phone[0] == '0' and old_phone[1] == '1'):
            old_phone = old_phone[1:]
        if (new_phone[0] == '0' and new_phone[1] == '1'):
            new_phone = new_phone[1:]
        sql = "SELECT field_id, user_name, reg_pwd FROM user WHERE long_name='%s'" % old_phone
        ret = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not ret or pwd != ret['reg_pwd']:
            logger.info("手机对应帐号或密码错误:%s" % old_phone)
            return '{"result":"-2"}'
        new_uid = tool.get_bind_uid(new_phone)
        if new_uid:
            logger.info("新手机已存在,old_phone:%s,new_phone:%s" %
                        (old_phone, new_phone))
            return '{"result":"-4"}'
        sql = "SELECT balance FROM field_account WHERE field_id='%s'" % ret[
        rec = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not rec:
            logger.info("余额查询失败,old_phone:%s,field_id:%s" %
                        (old_phone, ret['field_id']))
            return '{"result":"-10"}'
        elif rec and long(rec['balance']) < 30000000:
            logger.info("改绑失败:%s余额小于30元,不允许改绑" % old_phone)
            return '{"result":"-5"}'
        sql = "update user set long_name='%s' where long_name='%s'" % (
            new_phone, old_phone)
        res = db_util.modify_db(sql)
        if not res:
            logger.info("改绑失败:%s" % old_phone)
            return '{"result":"-6"}'
        logger.info("改绑成功:%s-->%s " % (old_phone, new_phone))
        return '{"result":"0","uid":"%s"}' % ret['user_name']
        return '{"result":"-2"}'
Exemplo n.º 7
def exists_account(username):
    # check if exists
    # return 0 if doesnt exist, otherwise return user id
    # lol 

    user = query_db(SQL_USER_EXISTS, [username], one=True)
    if user is None:
        return 0
        return user['user_id']
Exemplo n.º 8
def no_bill_and_not_logs():
    sql = "SELECT * FROM call_log_temp"
    list = db_util.query_db(sql, 2)
    for row in list:
        t = row['field_units'] % 60
        if t > 0:
            t = 1
        field_units = row['field_units'] / 60 + t
        field_fee = field_units * 150000

        sql = "SELECT user_name,field_id FROM user WHERE long_name='%s'" % row[
        tmp = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not tmp:
            print "%s in user table not found!!!" % (row['mobile'])

        from_number = tmp['user_name']

        sql = "UPDATE field_account SET balance = balance - %s WHERE field_id = '%s'" % (
            field_fee, tmp['field_id'])
        sql = "SELECT balance FROM field_account WHERE field_id = '%s'" % (
        bln = db_util.query_db(sql)
        print "%s after:%s\tdrop:%s" % (row['mobile'], bln['balance'],

        if row['to_number'][:2] == '00' and row['to_number'][:4] != '0086':
            call_type = 4
            call_type = 2

        sql = """INSERT INTO call_log(session_id, from_number, to_number, raw_from_number, raw_to_number, from_ip, to_ip, start_time, end_time, call_type, call_time, pkg_call_time, billing_time, agent_id, field_id, field_name, field_rate, field_units, field_fee, long_name) VALUES (floor(rand()*10000000), '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s')""" % (
            row['mobile'], row['to_number'], from_number, row['to_number'],
            row['from_ip'], row['to_ip'], row['start_time'], row['end_time'],
            call_type, row['call_time'], 0, row['call_time'], 1,
            tmp['field_id'], from_number, '0.150/60', field_units, field_fee,
            from_number + ' :CB')
Exemplo n.º 9
def check_phone_pwd(phone, pwd):
    sql = "SELECT user_name, reg_pwd FROM user WHERE long_name='%s'" % phone
    result = db_util.query_db(sql)
    if not result:
        return None
        if pwd != result['reg_pwd']:
            return -1
        return -1
    return result['user_name']
Exemplo n.º 10
 def user_type(self, phone, sign):
     if sign != md5.new(phone + config.key).hexdigest():
         return '{"result":"-6"}'
     if not str(phone).isdigit():
         return '{"result":"-5"}'
         sql = "SELECT field_id FROM user WHERE long_name='%s'" % phone
         ret = db_util.query_db(sql)
         if ret and ret['field_id']:
             sql = "SELECT SUM(money) AS money FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s' AND (operate_type='充值' OR operate_type='划账')" %(ret['field_id'])
             hos = db_util.query_db(sql) #累计充值
             if hos and hos['money'] and hos['money'] >= 10000000:
                 return '{"result":"0","type":"1"}'
             elif hos['money'] == None or hos['money'] < 10000000:
                 return '{"result":"0","type":"0"}'
                 return '{"result":"-4"}'
             return '{"result":"-3"}'
         logger.info("user_type proc exception: %s " % traceback.format_exc())
         return '{"result":"-10"}'
Exemplo n.º 11
def register(phone, password, agentid, itype, ip=''):
        agent_id = int(agentid)
        logger.info("注册agentid=%s格式错误,用默认1" % agentid)
        agent_id = 1
    if agent_id != -1:
        sql = "SELECT 1 FROM agent WHERE agent_id=%d LIMIT 1" % agent_id
        row = db_util.query_db(sql, 1)
        if not row:
            agent_id = 1
    if (phone[0] >= '2' and phone[0] <= '9') or (not tool.number_deal(phone)):
        return '{"result":"-3"}'
    if (phone[0] == '0' and phone[1] == '1'):
        phone = phone[1:]
    uid = tool.check_phone_pwd(phone, password)
    if uid == -1:
        logger.info("密码错误:%s" % phone)
        return '{"result":"-2"}'
    elif uid:
        logger.info("登录请求成功:phone=%s pwd=%s uid=%s ip=%s" %
                    (phone, password, str(uid), ip))
        return '{"result":"0","uid":"%s"}' % (uid)
    elif agent_id == -1:
        return '{"result":"-1"}'
    itype = int(itype)  #0:1255577业务之移动直拨  1:终端用户  2:代理商用户
    uid = get_uid(itype)
    if not uid:
        logger.info("取UID异常:%s" % phone)
        return '{"result":"-13"}'

    expireDate = (datetime.datetime.now() +
                  datetime.timedelta(days=30)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    if ((agent_id == 236 or agent_id == 544 or agent_id == 534
         or agent_id == 332 or agent_id == 764 or agent_id == 546
         or agent_id == 215 or agent_id == 121) and (uid % 3 == 0)):
        logger.info("agent_id:%s-->1" % agent_id)
        agent_id = 1
    res = do_add_user(phone, uid, password, agent_id, expireDate, itype)
    if not res:
        #logger.info("添加用户信息失败:%s" %phone)
        return '{"result":"-1"}'
    logger.info("注册请求成功:phone=%s pwd=%s uid=%s ip=%s" %
                (phone, password, uid, ip))
    return '{"result":"0","uid":"%s","field_id":"%s"}' % (uid, res)
Exemplo n.º 12
def getmsg(id, pv, v):
        res = {}
        if id != '':
            sql = "select content from sysmsg where id=%s" % id
            return '{"result":"-2"}'
        row = db_util.query_db(sql, 1)
        if row:
            res['result'] = '0'
            res['content'] = row['content']
        res = json.dumps(res)
        res = eval("u'%s'" % res)
        return res.encode('utf-8')
        logger.info('%s' % traceback.format_exc())
        return '{"result":"-1"}'
Exemplo n.º 13
def change_pwd(phone, old_pwd, new_pwd):
        phone = tool.number_deal(phone)
        if not phone:
            logger.info("手机格式错误:phone:%s" % (phone))
            return '{"result":"-3"}'
        if (phone[0] == '0' and phone[1] == '1'):
            phone = phone[1:]
        sql = "SELECT reg_pwd FROM user WHERE long_name='%s'" % phone
        ret = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not ret or old_pwd != ret['reg_pwd']:
            logger.info("原密码错误:%s" % old_pwd)
            return '{"result":"-2"}'
        sql = "update user set reg_pwd='%s' where long_name='%s'" % (new_pwd,
        res = db_util.modify_db(sql)
        if not res:
            logger.info("密码修改失败,phone:%s,new_pwd:%s" % (phone, new_pwd))
            return '{"result":"-4"}'
        logger.info("密码修改成功:phone=%s,%s-->%s " % (phone, old_pwd, new_pwd))
        return '{"result":"0"}'
        return '{"result":"-10"}'
Exemplo n.º 14
def call(uid, pwd, called, echo, ip=''):
    logger.info("收到回拨请求: uid:%s;被叫号码:%s" % (uid, called))
    called = tool.number_deal(called)
    if not called:
        logger.info("%s呼叫%s被叫号码格式验证失败" % (uid, called))
        return '{"result":"-3"}'
    data = tool.get_status_data(uid)
    if data:
        caller = str(data['long_name'])
        if pwd != data['reg_pwd']:
            logger.info("%s呼叫%s密码验证失败" % (caller, called))
            return '{"result":"-2"}'
        elif '1' != data['enable_flag']:
            logger.info("%s呼叫%s账户已被冻结" % (caller, called))
            return '{"result":"-10"}'

        if called[0] == '0':
            tmp_called = called[1:]
            tmp_called = called
        if ((caller == tmp_called) or (caller[:2] == '00')):
            logger.info("%s呼叫%s呼叫失败" % (caller, called))
            return '{"result":"-3"}'

        can_call = search_balance.can_call(uid)
        can_call = json.loads(can_call)
        if can_call['result'] != '0':
            return json.dumps(can_call)
        stg = time.strftime('%H:%M:00', time.localtime())
        package = can_call['package']
        if (float(can_call['balance']) <= 6.0) and (package == None
                                                    or package == ''):
            if (stg >= '17:30:00' and stg < '23:50:00'):
                cnt = 10
            elif (stg >= '00:00:00' and stg < '06:30:00'):
                cnt = 3
                cnt = 5
            if (stg >= '17:30:00' and stg < '23:50:00'):
                cnt = 25
            elif (stg >= '00:00:00' and stg < '06:30:00'):
                cnt = 10
                cnt = 25

        limited_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
                                     time.localtime(time.time() - 3600))
        sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM call_log WHERE field_name='%s' AND to_number='0%s' AND start_time>'%s' AND start_time<=NOW()" % (
            uid, caller, limited_time)
        res = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if (res and res['count'] >= cnt and caller.find('13172388331') <= -1
                and caller.find('15015759543') <= -1
                and caller.find('15502010898') <= -1):
            sql = "UPDATE user SET enable_flag=0 WHERE user_name='%s'" % uid
            logger.info("%s呼叫过于频繁,冻结账户" % caller)
            return '{"result":"-10"}'

        sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM call_log WHERE to_number LIKE '%%%s' AND start_time>'%s' AND start_time<=NOW()" % (
            called, limited_time)
        ret = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if (ret and ret['count'] >= 8 and called.find('13172388331') <= -1
                and called.find('15015759543') <= -1
                and called != '075586105758'
                and called.find('15502010898') <= -1):
            logger.info("%s被过于频繁呼叫" % called)
            return '{"result":"-5"}'

        is_old = True
        if called[:2] != '00':
            sql = "SELECT count(*) AS nums FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s' AND (operate_type='充值' OR operate_type='划账')" % (
            res = db_util.query_db(sql)
            if res and res['nums'] == 0 and float(can_call['balance']) <= 6.0:
                if tool.is_mobile(called):
                    called = phone_add(config.prefix + '0', called)
                    called = phone_add(config.prefix, called)
                is_old = False
                logger.info("新用户呼叫:caller=%s called=%s ip=%s" %
                            (caller, called, ip))
            elif not res:
                logger.info("查询用户充值记录失败:UID=%s" % uid)
            elif is_free(can_call['field_id'], can_call['balance'],
                         package):  #老用户免费活动
                if tool.is_mobile(called):
                    called = phone_add(config.nights + '0', called)
                    called = phone_add(config.nights, called)
                caller = phone_add(config.nights + '00', caller)
                logger.info("免费呼叫:caller=%s called=%s" % (caller, called))
#        elif 190 == data['agent_id']:
#            logger.info('新疆用户禁止打国外电话')
#            return '{"result":"-10"}'
#        #jmdw_2008此代理特殊处理
#        if 1098 == data['agent_id'] and called[:2] == '00':
#            sql = "SELECT count(*) AS nums FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s' AND (operate_type='充值' OR operate_type='划账')" %(can_call['field_id'])
#            res = db_util.query_db(sql)
#            #新老用户判断,并加以前缀
#            if res and res['nums'] == 0 and float(can_call['balance']) <= 6.0:
#                is_old = False
#                logger.info("新用户呼叫:caller=%s called=%s" %(caller, called))
#            elif not res:
#                logger.info("查询用户充值记录失败:UID=%s" %uid)
#        if 1098 == data['agent_id'] and is_old:
#            if called[:2] != '00':
#                #国内回拨1角,被叫号码加前缀0010以示区别
#                called = '0010' + called
#            elif called[:4] == '0084':
#                called = '0070' + called[4:]
#            elif called[:4] == '0081':
#                called = '0071' + called[4:]
#            elif called[:4] == '0082':
#                called = '0072' + called[4:]

        global sn
        sn = sn + 1
        cburl = get_cb_url(caller, config.CB_ADD)
        if cburl:
                sign = md5.new('uid=%s&key=%s' %
                               (uid, config.CB_KEY)).hexdigest()
                url = cburl % (str(sn) + str(random.randint(10, 99)), uid,
                               caller, called, echo, '2', '', sign)
                f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
                result = f.read()
                logger.info("callback_itf Error: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
                return '{"result":"-11"}'
            logger.info("%s没有配置回拨分流服务器IP" % caller)
            return '{"result":"-11"}'
        if result == '0':
            return '{"result":"0","balance":"%s"}' % (can_call['balance'])
        elif result == '1' or result == '2':
            logger.info('ERROR,result:%s' % result)
            return '{"result":"-12"}'
            logger.info('ERROR,result:%s' % result)
            return '{"result":"-13"}'
        logger.info("%s呼叫%s捆绑手机号查找失败" % (uid, called))
        return '{"result":"-4"}'
Exemplo n.º 15
def show_users():
    users = query_db(SQL_SELECT_USERS)
    return render_template('users.html', users=users)
Exemplo n.º 16
def query_user_wall(username):
	entries = query_db(SQL_USER_WALL, [username])
	return entries;
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_password(phone):
    sql = "select reg_pwd from user where long_name='%s' limit 1" % phone
    row = db_util.query_db(sql)
    if not row:
        return None
    return row['reg_pwd']
Exemplo n.º 18
def can_call(uid):
        sql = "SELECT b.balance, a.valid_date, a.field_id, a.enable_flag, a.user_type, a.long_name FROM user a, field_account b WHERE a.field_id=b.field_id AND a.user_name='%s' LIMIT 1" % uid
        row = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not row:
            logger.info("can not call: 账户不存在:%s" % uid)
            return '{"result":"-2"}'
        res = {}
        res['result'] = '0'
        res['balance']  = "%.3f" %(long(row['balance']) / 1000000.0)
        res['validate'] = row['valid_date'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        res['field_id'] = row['field_id']
        itype = int(row['user_type'])
        iname = str(row['long_name'])
        if res['validate'] < datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'):
            sql = "SELECT field_type FROM v_field WHERE field_id='%s' LIMIT 1" %row['field_id']
            tmp = db_util.query_db(sql)
            if tmp and tmp['field_type'] == '0':
                sql = "UPDATE v_field SET field_type='1' WHERE field_id='%s' LIMIT 1" %row['field_id']
                ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
                if not ret:
                    logger.info("修改field_type失败:%s" %iname)
                    return '{"result":"-8", "validate":"%s", "balance":"%s"}' % (res['validate'], res['balance'])
                sql = "UPDATE user SET valid_date=DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 24 MONTH) WHERE field_id='%s' LIMIT 1" %row['field_id']
                ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
                if not ret:
                    logger.info("修改valid_date失败:%s" %iname)
                    return '{"result":"-8", "validate":"%s", "balance":"%s"}' % (res['validate'], res['balance'])
                logger.info("can not call: 账户过有效期:%s" % uid)
                return '{"result":"-8", "validate":"%s", "balance":"%s"}' % (res['validate'], res['balance'])
        if row['enable_flag'] != '1':
            logger.info("can not call: 账户已被冻结:%s" % uid)
            return '{"result":"-10", "validate":"%s", "balance":"%s"}' % (res['validate'], res['balance'])
        sql = "SELECT product, eff_time, exp_time FROM time_acct WHERE user_name = '%s' AND NOW() <= exp_time ORDER BY exp_time DESC LIMIT 1" %uid
        row = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not row:
            if (float(res['balance'])*1000000 < config.MIN_BALANCE):
                logger.info("can not call: 余额不足:%s" % uid)
                return '{"result":"-9", "validate":"%s", "balance":"%s"}' % (res['validate'], res['balance'])
            res['package'] = ''
            if itype == 0:
                fen = 0
                sql = "SELECT balance FROM phone WHERE phone ='%s' LIMIT 1" %iname
                tmp = db_1255577.query_db(sql)
                if tmp and tmp['balance']:
                    fen = int(tmp['balance'])
                    sql = "UPDATE time_acct SET month_left_time = %d WHERE user_name = '%s' AND NOW() <= exp_time ORDER BY exp_time DESC LIMIT 1" %(fen, uid)
                sql = "SELECT SUM(month_left_time) AS month_left_time FROM time_acct WHERE user_name = '%s' AND NOW() <= exp_time" %uid
                tmp = db_util.query_db(sql)
                fen = tmp['month_left_time']
            if ((fen <= 0) and (float(res['balance'])*1000000 < config.MIN_BALANCE)):
                logger.info("can not call: 余额不足并且包月分钟数也已用完:%s" % uid)
                return '{"result":"-9", "validate":"%s", "balance":"%s"}' % (res['validate'], res['balance'])
            row['month_left_time'] = str(fen)
            row['eff_time'] = row['eff_time'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            row['exp_time'] = row['exp_time'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            res['package'] = [row]
        res = json.dumps(res)
        res = eval("u'%s'" % res)
        return res.encode('utf-8')
        logger.info("can_call异常%s" % traceback.format_exc())
        return '{"result":"-11"}'
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_bind_uid_and_pwd(phone):
    if not str(phone).isdigit():
        return False
    sql = "SELECT user_name, reg_pwd FROM user WHERE long_name='%s'" % phone
    result = db_util.query_db(sql)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 20
def domain():
    cnt = 0
    while True:

        cnt = cnt + 1
        if (cnt % 2 == 0):

        stg = time.strftime('%H:%M', time.localtime())
        now = datetime.date.today()
        if ((stg > '08:00') or (stg < '04:30')):
            hr = time.strftime('%H', time.localtime())
            if (int(hr) % 2 == 0):
                dat = now - datetime.timedelta(days=3)
                sql = "UPDATE user SET enable_flag='1' WHERE enable_flag='0' AND create_time<'%s 00:00:00'" % dat
                ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)

                sql = "update wap_disable set disable_call='1' where disable_call='0'"
                ret &= db_wap.modify_db(sql)
                print "ret = %s   sql = %s" % (ret, sql)

        sql = "delete from field_account where field_id not in (select field_id from user)"
        ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
        print "ret = %s   sql = %s" % (ret, sql)
        sql = "delete from v_field where field_id not in (select field_id from user)"
        ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
        print "ret = %s   sql = %s" % (ret, sql)

        dat = now - datetime.timedelta(days=35)
        for h in range(0, 24):  #00-23点
            for m in range(0, 20):  #每间隔3分钟
                sql = "DELETE FROM call_log WHERE start_time<='%s %02d:%02d:59'" % (
                    dat, h, m * 3)
                ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
                print "ret = %s   sql = %s" % (ret, sql)
        print "%s 的通话记录清理完成" % dat

        dat = now - datetime.timedelta(days=66)
        sql = "SELECT field_id FROM v_field WHERE create_time>='%s 00:00:00' LIMIT 1" % dat
        fd1 = db_util.query_db(sql)
        dat = now - datetime.timedelta(days=65)
        sql = "SELECT field_id FROM v_field WHERE create_time>='%s 00:00:00' LIMIT 1" % dat
        fd2 = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if fd1 and fd2 and fd1['field_id'] and fd2['field_id']:
            print "开始清理 %s 之前注册了未使用的垃圾数据" % dat
                "ps -ef|grep itf.py|grep -v grep|awk '{print$2}'|xargs kill -9"
            sql = "DELETE FROM field_account WHERE balance='%s' AND (field_id>='%s' and field_id<'%s')" % (
                config.given, fd1['field_id'], fd2['field_id'])
            ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
            print "ret = %s   sql = %s" % (ret, sql)
            sql = "DELETE FROM user WHERE field_id NOT IN (SELECT field_id FROM field_account)"
            ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
            print "ret = %s   sql = %s" % (ret, sql)
            sql = "DELETE FROM v_field WHERE field_id NOT IN (SELECT field_id FROM field_account)"
            ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
            print "ret = %s   sql = %s" % (ret, sql)
            os.system("cd /home/itf/; nohup python itf.py > /dev/null 2>&1 &")
Exemplo n.º 21
def get_bind_mobile(uid):
    sql = "SELECT long_name FROM user WHERE user_name='%s'" % uid
    result = db_util.query_db(sql)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 22
def get_status_data(uid):
    sql = "SELECT u.reg_pwd, u.enable_flag, u.long_name, v.agent_id FROM user u, v_field v WHERE u.field_id=v.field_id AND u.user_name='%s'" % uid
    result = db_util.query_db(sql)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 23
def query_wall():
	entries = query_db(SQL_ALL_WALL)
	return entries;
Exemplo n.º 24
def add_money(uid, actual, virtual, order_id, paytype, web):
    logger.info("charge: uid: %s, actual: %s, virtual: %s, order id: %s" %
                (uid, actual, virtual, order_id))
    money = int(virtual)
    if str(paytype) == 'card':
        base = int(actual) / 3
        base = int(actual)

        sql = "SELECT u.long_name, u.field_id, u.valid_date, NOW() AS now_date, f.balance, f.account_type, v.agent_id, v.field_type FROM v_field AS v, user AS u LEFT JOIN field_account AS f ON u.field_id=f.field_id WHERE u.field_id=v.field_id AND u.user_name='%s'" % uid
        user = db_util.query_db(sql)
        if not user:
            logger.info("查询用户余额等信息失败:UID=%s" % uid)
            return '{"result":"-2"}'
        chargee_name = str(user['long_name'])
        chargee_field_id = int(user['field_id'])
        chargee_money_before = int(user['balance'])

        if int(user['account_type']) == 0:
            logger.info("1255577业务充分钟数=>充包月: UID=%s" % uid)
            if actual == '10000':
                packageid = 12
            elif actual == '5000':
                packageid = 18
            elif actual == '3000':
                packageid = 1
                return '{"result":"-1"}'
            result = package(uid, packageid, 1, order_id, web, 0)
            return str(result)

        sql = "SELECT 1 FROM charge_log WHERE order_id = '%s'" % order_id
        if db_util.query_db(sql):
            logger.info("订单号已存在:UID=%s, orderId=%s" % (uid, order_id))
            return '{"result":"-3"}'

        if int(user['field_type']) == 1:
            if base < 10000:
                month = 2 * 12  #base/500
                month = 5 * 12
            if user['valid_date'] < user['now_date']:
                sql = "UPDATE user SET valid_date=DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL %d MONTH) WHERE user_name='%s' LIMIT 1" % (
                    month, uid)
                sql = "UPDATE user SET valid_date=DATE_ADD(valid_date,INTERVAL %d MONTH) WHERE user_name='%s' LIMIT 1" % (
                    month, uid)
            ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
            if not ret and month:
                logger.info("修改用户有效期失败:%s" % chargee_name)
                return '{"result":"-1"}'

        balance = money * 10000  #操作金额,数据库里的格式
        sql = "UPDATE field_account SET balance=balance+%d WHERE field_id='%s' LIMIT 1" % (
            balance, chargee_field_id)
        ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
        if not ret:
            logger.info("修改用户余额失败:%s" % chargee_name)
            return '{"result":"-1"}'

        if web != '1':
            sql = "INSERT INTO charge_log SET money=%d, given=%d, time=NOW(), chargee_id=%d, " % (
                base * 10000, balance - base * 10000, chargee_field_id)
            sql = sql + "chargee_money_before=%d, chargee_money_after=%d, agent_id='%s', " % (
                chargee_money_before, chargee_money_before + balance,
            sql = sql + "chargee_name='%s', order_id='%s', operate_type=%%s" % (
                chargee_name, str(order_id))
            db_util.insert_db(sql, "充值")
            logger.info("charege for account: balance = %d long_name = %s" %
                        (balance, chargee_name))

        if int(user['agent_id']) == 1 or str(paytype) == 'card' or str(
                paytype) == 'none':
            return '{"result":"0"}'

        info = []
        running = True
        while running:
            list = {}
            sql = "SELECT a.good_type, a.good_dot, a.agent_name, a.link_man, a.agent_id FROM agent a, v_field v WHERE v.agent_id=a.agent_id AND v.field_name='%s'" % uid
            agent2 = db_util.query_db(sql)
            sql = "SELECT a.agent_name, a.link_man, a.agent_id FROM agent a, v_field v WHERE v.agent_id=a.agent_id AND v.field_name='%s'" % agent2[
            agent1 = db_util.query_db(sql)
            if agent2 and agent1:
                if (int(agent1['agent_id']) == 0):
                    running = False
                sql = "SELECT f.balance, v.field_id FROM field_account f, v_field v WHERE v.field_id=f.field_id AND field_name='%s'" % agent1[
                bf1 = db_util.query_db(sql)
                sql = "SELECT f.balance, v.field_id FROM field_account f, v_field v WHERE v.field_id=f.field_id AND field_name='%s'" % agent2[
                bf2 = db_util.query_db(sql)
                if bf1 and bf2:
                    list['chargee_money_before'] = int(bf2['balance'])
                    list['charger_money_before'] = int(bf1['balance'])
                    list['chargee_field_id'] = int(bf2['field_id'])
                    list['charger_field_id'] = int(bf1['field_id'])
                    logger.info("查询代理商余额失败:agent1=%s,agent2=%s" %
                                (agent1['link_man'], agent2['link_man']))
                    return '{"result":"-1"}'
                list['chargee_name'] = str(agent2['link_man'])
                list['charger_name'] = str(agent1['link_man'])
                list['chargee_agent_id'] = int(agent2['agent_id'])
                list['charger_agent_id'] = int(agent1['agent_id'])
                logger.info("查找上级代理商失败:UID=%s" % uid)
                return '{"result":"-1"}'

            uid = str(agent2['agent_name'])
            if int(agent2['good_type']) == 1:
                sql = "SELECT count(*) AS nums FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s'" % chargee_field_id
                res = db_util.query_db(sql)
                if res and res['nums'] != 1:
                elif not res:
                    logger.info("查询用户充值记录失败:name=%s" % chargee_name)
                    return '{"result":"-4"}'
            list['balance'] = base * int(agent2['good_dot']) / 1000
            info.insert(0, list)

        for list in info:
            if (list['charger_money_before'] < list['balance']):
                logger.info("返点失败:%s余额不足" % list['charger_name'])
                sql = "UPDATE field_account SET balance=balance-%d WHERE field_id='%s' AND balance >= %d LIMIT 1" % (
                    list['balance'], list['charger_field_id'], list['balance'])
                ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
                if not ret:
                    logger.info("上级代理扣款失败:%s" % list['chargee_name'])
                    return '{"result":"-1"}'
                    sql = "UPDATE field_account SET balance=balance+%d WHERE field_id='%s' LIMIT 1" % (
                        list['balance'], list['chargee_field_id'])
                    ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
                    if not ret:
                        logger.info("下级代理返点失败:%s" % list['chargee_name'])
                        return '{"result":"-1"}'
            sql = "INSERT INTO charge_log SET money=%d, given=%d, time=NOW(), " % (
                base * 10000, list['balance'])
            sql = sql + "chargee_money_before=%d, chargee_money_after=%d, " % (
                list['chargee_money_before'] + list['balance'])
            sql = sql + "charger_money_before=%d, charger_money_after=%d, " % (
                list['charger_money_before'] - list['balance'])
            sql = sql + "chargee_level=%d, chargee_id=%d, charger_level=%d, charger_id=%d, " % (
                list['chargee_agent_id'], list['chargee_field_id'],
                list['charger_agent_id'], list['charger_field_id'])
            sql = sql + "chargee_name='%s', charger_name='%s', order_id='%s', operate_type=%%s" % (
                list['chargee_name'], list['charger_name'], str(order_id))
            db_util.insert_db(sql, "返点")
        return '{"result":"0"}'
        logger.info("充值时异常:%s" % traceback.format_exc())
        return '{"result":"-1"}'
Exemplo n.º 25
def package(uid, packageid, no, orderno, web, paytype, convert=1):
    logger.info("收到包月充值请求: uid: %s, packageid: %s, num: %s, orderno: %s" %
                (uid, packageid, no, orderno))
    productid = int(packageid)
    cnt = int(no)  #购买包月套餐的个数

    sql = "SELECT u.long_name, u.field_id, u.valid_date, u.user_type, NOW() AS now_date, f.balance, f.account_type, v.agent_id, v.field_type FROM v_field AS v, user AS u LEFT JOIN field_account AS f ON u.field_id=f.field_id WHERE u.field_id=v.field_id AND u.user_name='%s'" % uid
    user = db_util.query_db(sql)
    if not user:
        logger.info("查询用户余额等信息失败:UID=%s" % uid)
        return '{"result":"-2"}'
    packs_type = '1'  #1:计时账户、代理商正常返点
    chargee_name = str(user['long_name'])
    chargee_field_id = int(user['field_id'])
    chargee_money_before = int(user['balance'])

    if convert == 1:
        if int(user['account_type'] == 0):  #1255577业务充包月
            if productid == 12:  #100元包30天
                base = 10000
                days_per_month = 30
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 30000 * cnt
            elif productid == 14:  #10元包2天
                base = 1000
                days_per_month = 2
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 1000 * cnt
                return '{"result":"-1"}'
        else:  #普通回拨业务充包月
            if productid == 1:  #30元包月[回拨]
                base = 3000
                days_per_month = 30
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 500 * cnt
            elif productid == 18:  #50元包月[回拨]
                base = 5000
                days_per_month = 30
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 1000 * cnt
            elif productid == 12:  #100元包月[回拨]
                base = 10000
                days_per_month = 30
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 2500 * cnt
            elif productid == 13:  #300元包月[回拨]
                base = 30000
                days_per_month = 30
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 100000 * cnt
            elif productid == 14:  #无限打开通半年+包30天
                mday = 180
                base = 15000
                days_per_month = 30
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 30000 * cnt
            elif productid == 15:  #无限打开通半年+包99天
                mday = 180
                base = 22000
                days_per_month = 99
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 50000 * cnt
            elif productid == 16:  #无限打开通一年+包30天
                mday = 360
                base = 23000
                days_per_month = 30
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 30000 * cnt
            elif productid == 17:  #无限打开通一年+包99天
                mday = 360
                base = 30000
                days_per_month = 99
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 50000 * cnt
                return '{"result":"-1"}'

        if int(user['account_type']) == 1:
            sql = "SELECT order_id FROM card WHERE order_id='%s' AND is_actived=1" % orderno
            car = db_util.query_db(sql)
            if car:
                logger.info("自发卡充包月=>充账户余额: UID=%s" % uid)
                result = add_money(uid, base, base, orderno, 'card', web)
                return str(result)

        sql = "SELECT 1 FROM charge_log WHERE order_id = '%s'" % orderno
        if db_util.query_db(sql):
            logger.info("订单号已存在:UID=%s, orderId=%s" % (uid, orderno))
            return '{"result":"-3"}'

        if int(user['field_type']) == 0:
            if ((productid == 1) or (productid == 18)):  #30元包月=>无限打
                days_per_month = 30
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 30000 * cnt
            elif productid == 12:  #100元包月=>无限打
                days_per_month = 99
                days = days_per_month * cnt
                month_left_time = 50000 * cnt
            packs_type = '2'  #2:充值包月无限打不修改帐户有效期并且代理商不返点

        if ((productid == 14) or (productid == 15) or (productid == 16)
                or (productid == 17)):
            sql = "UPDATE v_field SET field_type='0' WHERE field_id='%s' LIMIT 1" % chargee_field_id
            ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
            if not ret:
                logger.info("修改field_type失败:%s" % chargee_name)
                #return '{"result":"-1"}'
            if ((productid == 14) or (productid == 16)):
                productid = 1
                productid = 12
            packs_type = '0'  #0:开通包月无限打修改帐户有效期至半年或一年并且代理商固定返40元人民币
    else:  #1255577业务充分钟数=>充包月
        iyear = int(datetime.now().strftime('%Y'))
        imonth = int(datetime.now().strftime('%m'))
        iday = int(datetime.now().strftime('%d'))
        days = calendar.monthrange(iyear, imonth)[1] - iday
        if productid == 1:  #30元包300分钟
            base = 3000
            days_per_month = days + 30
            days = days_per_month * cnt
            month_left_time = 300 * cnt
        elif productid == 18:  #50元包600分钟
            base = 5000
            days_per_month = days + 30
            days = days_per_month * cnt
            month_left_time = 600 * cnt
        elif productid == 12:  #100元包1600分钟
            base = 10000
            days_per_month = days + 60
            days = days_per_month * cnt
            month_left_time = 1600 * cnt
            return '{"result":"-1"}'

        if packs_type == '0':
            sql = "UPDATE user SET valid_date=DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL %d DAY) WHERE user_name='%s' LIMIT 1" % (
                mday, uid)
            ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
            if not ret:
                logger.info("修改用户有效期失败:%s" % chargee_name)
                return '{"result":"-1"}'
        elif packs_type == '1':
            month = 24  #base/500
            if user['valid_date'] < user['now_date']:
                sql = "UPDATE user SET valid_date=DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL %d MONTH) WHERE user_name='%s' LIMIT 1" % (
                    month, uid)
                sql = "UPDATE user SET valid_date=DATE_ADD(valid_date,INTERVAL %d MONTH) WHERE user_name='%s' LIMIT 1" % (
                    month, uid)
            ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
            if not ret and month:
                logger.info("修改用户有效期失败:%s" % chargee_name)
                return '{"result":"-1"}'

        sql = "INSERT INTO time_acct SET user_name='%s', product='%s', prefix='0086', " % (
            uid, productid)
        sql = sql + "month_left_time=%d, day_total_time=%d, day_left_time=%d, " % (
            month_left_time, month_left_time / days, month_left_time / days)
        sql = sql + "last_call_time=NOW(), eff_time=NOW(), exp_time=DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL %d DAY)" % days

        if web != '1':
            sql = "INSERT INTO charge_log SET money=%d, given=%d, time=NOW(), chargee_id=%d, " % (
                base * 10000, 0, chargee_field_id)
            sql = sql + "chargee_money_before=%d, chargee_money_after=%d, agent_id='%s', " % (
                chargee_money_before, chargee_money_before, user['agent_id'])
            sql = sql + "chargee_name='%s', order_id='%s', operate_type=%%s" % (
                chargee_name, str(orderno))
            db_util.insert_db(sql, "充值")
            logger.info("package for account: balance = %d long_name = %s" %
                        (base, chargee_name))

        if int(user['agent_id']) == 1 or str(paytype) == 'none' or int(
                packs_type) == 2:
            return '{"result":"0"}'
        elif int(packs_type) == 0:
            return '{"result":"0"}'

        info = []
        running = True
        while running:
            list = {}
            sql = "SELECT a.good_type, a.good_dot, a.agent_name, a.link_man, a.agent_id FROM agent a, v_field v WHERE v.agent_id=a.agent_id AND v.field_name='%s'" % uid
            agent2 = db_util.query_db(sql)
            sql = "SELECT a.agent_name, a.link_man, a.agent_id FROM agent a, v_field v WHERE v.agent_id=a.agent_id AND v.field_name='%s'" % agent2[
            agent1 = db_util.query_db(sql)
            if agent2 and agent1:
                if (int(agent1['agent_id']) == 0):
                    running = False
                sql = "SELECT f.balance, v.field_id FROM field_account f, v_field v WHERE v.field_id=f.field_id AND field_name='%s'" % agent1[
                bf1 = db_util.query_db(sql)
                sql = "SELECT f.balance, v.field_id FROM field_account f, v_field v WHERE v.field_id=f.field_id AND field_name='%s'" % agent2[
                bf2 = db_util.query_db(sql)
                if bf1 and bf2:
                    list['chargee_money_before'] = int(bf2['balance'])
                    list['charger_money_before'] = int(bf1['balance'])
                    list['chargee_field_id'] = int(bf2['field_id'])
                    list['charger_field_id'] = int(bf1['field_id'])
                    logger.info("查询代理商余额失败:agent1=%s,agent2=%s" %
                                (agent1['link_man'], agent2['link_man']))
                    return '{"result":"-1"}'
                list['chargee_name'] = str(agent2['link_man'])
                list['charger_name'] = str(agent1['link_man'])
                list['chargee_agent_id'] = int(agent2['agent_id'])
                list['charger_agent_id'] = int(agent1['agent_id'])
                logger.info("查找上级代理商失败:UID=%s" % uid)
                return '{"result":"-1"}'

            uid = str(agent2['agent_name'])
            if int(agent2['good_type']) == 1:
                sql = "SELECT count(*) AS nums FROM charge_log WHERE chargee_id='%s'" % chargee_field_id
                res = db_util.query_db(sql)
                if res and res['nums'] != 1:
                elif not res:
                    logger.info("查询用户充值记录失败:name=%s" % chargee_name)
                    return '{"result":"-4"}'
            list['balance'] = base * int(agent2['good_dot']) / 1000
            info.insert(0, list)

        for list in info:
            if (list['charger_money_before'] < list['balance']):
                logger.info("返点失败:%s余额不足" % list['charger_name'])
                sql = "UPDATE field_account SET balance=balance-%d WHERE field_id='%s' AND balance >= %d LIMIT 1" % (
                    list['balance'], list['charger_field_id'], list['balance'])
                ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
                if not ret:
                    logger.info("上级代理扣款失败:%s" % list['chargee_name'])
                    return '{"result":"-1"}'
                    sql = "UPDATE field_account SET balance=balance+%d WHERE field_id='%s' LIMIT 1" % (
                        list['balance'], list['chargee_field_id'])
                    ret = db_util.modify_db(sql)
                    if not ret:
                        logger.info("下级代理返点失败:%s" % list['chargee_name'])
                        return '{"result":"-1"}'
            sql = "INSERT INTO charge_log SET money=%d, given=%d, time=NOW(), " % (
                base * 10000, list['balance'])
            sql = sql + "chargee_money_before=%d, chargee_money_after=%d, " % (
                list['chargee_money_before'] + list['balance'])
            sql = sql + "charger_money_before=%d, charger_money_after=%d, " % (
                list['charger_money_before'] - list['balance'])
            sql = sql + "chargee_level=%d, chargee_id=%d, charger_level=%d, charger_id=%d, " % (
                list['chargee_agent_id'], list['chargee_field_id'],
                list['charger_agent_id'], list['charger_field_id'])
            sql = sql + "chargee_name='%s', charger_name='%s', order_id='%s', operate_type=%%s" % (
                list['chargee_name'], list['charger_name'], str(orderno))
            db_util.insert_db(sql, "返点")

        if int(user['user_type']) == 0:
            url = "{%s}/{%s}/kzcz13544225433/52c69e3a57331081823331c4e69d3f2e" % (
                chargee_name, base / 100)
            f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            xmlstr = str(f.read())
            #xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('\r', '')
            #xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('\n', '')
            #xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('\t', '')
            #doc    = minidom.parseString(xmlstr)
            #root   = doc.documentElement
            #nodes  = root.getElementsByTagName('error')
            #value  = nodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
            #result = value.encode('utf-8','ignore')
            #return '{"result":"%s"}' %result
        return '{"result":"0"}'

        logger.info("充值时异常:%s" % traceback.format_exc())
        return '{"result":"-1"}'