def editBooking(bookingId):
    This method handles user checked In state and user checked out state, sends email with appropriate action
    action : "checkIn" OR "checkOut"
    :param bookingId
    :return: "action done"

    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])
    if (auth['status'] == True):
        user_action = request.json['action']

        # get the email id of user who checked in, to say that user with this email id has parked in your space
        parker_emailid = auth['email']

        # get connection to database
        con = connection.get_db_connection()
        cur = con.cursor()

        # get parking spaec id first from booking id

        id_data = (bookingId,)
        aparking_space_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
        print aparking_space_id

        # get owner email id
        id_data = (aparking_space_id,)
        owner_email = cur.fetchone()[0]
        print owner_email

        if user_action=='checkIn':
            # send email to owner that someone has checked in his space
            subject_of_email = "A Parket user just checked in to your parking space"
            email.sendEmailForCheckInOut(owner_email, subject_of_email)

        elif user_action=='checkOut':
            # send email to owner that someone has checked out of his space
            subject_of_email = "A Parket user just checked out of your parking space"
            email.sendEmailForCheckInOut(owner_email, subject_of_email)

        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["status"] = request.json['action'] + " DONE"
        response.status = 200
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status':'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
Exemplo n.º 2
def editBooking(bookingId):
    This method handles user checked In state and user checked out state, sends email with appropriate action
    action : "checkIn" OR "checkOut"
    :param bookingId
    :return: "action done"

    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])
    if (auth['status'] == True):
        user_action = request.json['action']

        # get the email id of user who checked in, to say that user with this email id has parked in your space
        parker_emailid = auth['email']

        # get connection to database
        con = connection.get_db_connection()
        cur = con.cursor()

        # get parking spaec id first from booking id

        id_data = (bookingId,)
        aparking_space_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
        print aparking_space_id

        # get owner email id
        id_data = (aparking_space_id,)
        owner_email = cur.fetchone()[0]
        print owner_email

        if user_action=='checkIn':
            # send email to owner that someone has checked in his space
            subject_of_email = "A Parket user just checked in to your parking space"
            email.sendEmailForCheckInOut(owner_email, subject_of_email)

        elif user_action=='checkOut':
            # send email to owner that someone has checked out of his space
            subject_of_email = "A Parket user just checked out of your parking space"
            email.sendEmailForCheckInOut(owner_email, subject_of_email)

        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["status"] = request.json['action'] + " DONE"
        response.status = 200
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status':'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
def queryParkingSpace():
    This method will help in returning all parking spaces of one particular user
    :return:list of dictionaies  of all details of all parking spaces owned by one user
    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json["idToken"])
    if (auth['status'] == True):
        user_id = auth['sub']
        #printing the requested values
        con = connection.get_db_connection()
        cur = con.cursor()
        #Query to update parking space availability flag
        user_id_data = (user_id,)
        cur.execute(parketconstants.GET_ALL_PARKING_SPACE_DETAILS_FOR_USER, user_id_data)

        parking_spaces = [] #list of all parking spaces
        parking_space_details_data =cur.fetchall()
        number_of_spaces = 0
        Suppose the user has more than 1 space so we will return a list of dictionaries containing details of every parking space
        below for loop can be a performance hit to us if user has got more than 10 spaces, but we wont allow any user to have more than 5 anyways

        for parkingspace_id, addrline1, addrline2, city, country, state, zipcode, parking_space_label, parking_space_availability_flag , latitude, longitude, disabledparkingflag, parking_space_rate, startdatetime, enddatetime, parking_space_photo_urls, parking_space_description in parking_space_details_data:
            aparking_space = {}
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceId'] = parkingspace_id
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceAddress'] = addrline1 +' '+  addrline2+' ' + city+' ' + state+' ' + str(zipcode)+' ' + country+'.'
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceLat'] = latitude
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceLong'] = longitude
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceLabel'] = parking_space_label
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceAvailabilityFlag'] = parking_space_availability_flag
            aparking_space['disabledParkingFlag'] = disabledparkingflag
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceRate'] = float(parking_space_rate)
            aparking_space['parkingSpacePhoto'] = parking_space_photo_urls
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceDescription'] = parking_space_description
            number_of_spaces += 1


        connection.close_db_connection(con) # close the connection once done
        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["count"] = number_of_spaces
        response.status = 200
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status' : 'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
Exemplo n.º 4
def queryParkingSpace():
    This method will help in returning all parking spaces of one particular user
    :return:list of dictionaies  of all details of all parking spaces owned by one user
    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json["idToken"])
    if (auth['status'] == True):
        user_id = auth['sub']
        #printing the requested values
        con = connection.get_db_connection()
        cur = con.cursor()
        #Query to update parking space availability flag
        user_id_data = (user_id,)
        cur.execute(parketconstants.GET_ALL_PARKING_SPACE_DETAILS_FOR_USER, user_id_data)

        parking_spaces = [] #list of all parking spaces
        parking_space_details_data =cur.fetchall()
        number_of_spaces = 0
        Suppose the user has more than 1 space so we will return a list of dictionaries containing details of every parking space
        below for loop can be a performance hit to us if user has got more than 10 spaces, but we wont allow any user to have more than 5 anyways

        for parkingspace_id, addrline1, addrline2, city, country, state, zipcode, parking_space_label, parking_space_availability_flag , latitude, longitude, disabledparkingflag, parking_space_rate, startdatetime, enddatetime, parking_space_photo_urls, parking_space_description in parking_space_details_data:
            aparking_space = {}
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceId'] = parkingspace_id
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceAddress'] = addrline1 +' '+  addrline2+' ' + city+' ' + state+' ' + str(zipcode)+' ' + country+'.'
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceLat'] = latitude
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceLong'] = longitude
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceLabel'] = parking_space_label
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceAvailabilityFlag'] = parking_space_availability_flag
            aparking_space['disabledParkingFlag'] = disabledparkingflag
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceRate'] = float(parking_space_rate)
            aparking_space['parkingSpacePhoto'] = parking_space_photo_urls
            aparking_space['parkingSpaceDescription'] = parking_space_description
            number_of_spaces += 1


        connection.close_db_connection(con) # close the connection once done
        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["count"] = number_of_spaces
        response.status = 200
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status' : 'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
def editParkingSpace(parkingSpaceId):
    This end-point makes a particular parking space enable or disable.
    :param parkingSpaceId: the id against which action needs to be performed
    :return: action status
    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])
    if (auth['status'] == True):
        parkingspace_id = parkingSpaceId
        action = request.json['action']
        parking_space_availability_flag = request.json['parkingSpaceAvailabilityFlag']
        parking_space_rate = float(request.json['parkingSpaceRate'])

        con = connection.get_db_connection()
        cur = con.cursor()
        #Query to update parking space availability flag
            update_parking_space_enable = (start_datetime, end_datetime, parking_space_rate, parkingspace_id,)

            parking_id_data = (parkingspace_id,)

        #Query to change parking time and date
            date_time_data = (start_datetime,end_datetime,parkingspace_id,)
            print cur.execute(parketconstants.UPDATE_PARKING_SPACE_DATETIME, date_time_data)

        #Query to change to change parking space rate
            parking_space_id_data = (parking_space_rate,parkingspace_id,)
            print cur.execute(parketconstants.UPDATE_PARKING_SPACE_RATE,parking_space_id_data )

        connection.close_db_connection(con) # close the connection once done

        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["status"] = request.json['action'] + " DONE"
        response.status = 200
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status' : 'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
Exemplo n.º 6
def editParkingSpace(parkingSpaceId):
    This end-point makes a particular parking space enable or disable.
    :param parkingSpaceId: the id against which action needs to be performed
    :return: action status
    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])
    if (auth['status'] == True):
        parkingspace_id = parkingSpaceId
        action = request.json['action']
        parking_space_availability_flag = request.json['parkingSpaceAvailabilityFlag']
        parking_space_rate = float(request.json['parkingSpaceRate'])

        con = connection.get_db_connection()
        cur = con.cursor()
        #Query to update parking space availability flag
            update_parking_space_enable = (start_datetime, end_datetime, parking_space_rate, parkingspace_id,)

            parking_id_data = (parkingspace_id,)

        #Query to change parking time and date
            date_time_data = (start_datetime,end_datetime,parkingspace_id,)
            print cur.execute(parketconstants.UPDATE_PARKING_SPACE_DATETIME, date_time_data)

        #Query to change to change parking space rate
            parking_space_id_data = (parking_space_rate,parkingspace_id,)
            print cur.execute(parketconstants.UPDATE_PARKING_SPACE_RATE,parking_space_id_data )

        connection.close_db_connection(con) # close the connection once done

        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["status"] = request.json['action'] + " DONE"
        response.status = 200
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status' : 'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
def bookParkingSpace():
    This method will book a parking space for the user for the given timings
    :return: returns the booking id to the user in return dict
    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])
    if (auth['status'] == True):
        insert a row in bookings table with auto generated bookingId
        # get a connection to database
        con = connection.get_db_connection()
        cur = con.cursor()

        # get values from request
        parkingspace_id = request.json['parkingSpaceId']
        booking_start_datetime = request.json['bookingStartDateTime']
        booking_end_datetime = request.json['bookingEndDateTime']
        user_id = auth['sub']

        # we are generating a booking id for this user
        currentTime =
        booking_id_generated = "B"+currentTime

        # below is the timestamp at which booking happened
        booking_at_datetime = currentTime

        # Make the bookings
        insert_booking_data = (booking_id_generated,user_id,parkingspace_id,booking_at_datetime,booking_start_datetime,booking_end_datetime,)

        # finsih booking, close the connection
        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["bookingId"] = booking_id_generated
        response.status = 201
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status' : 'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
Exemplo n.º 8
def bookParkingSpace():
    This method will book a parking space for the user for the given timings
    :return: returns the booking id to the user in return dict
    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])
    if (auth['status'] == True):
        insert a row in bookings table with auto generated bookingId
        # get a connection to database
        con = connection.get_db_connection()
        cur = con.cursor()

        # get values from request
        parkingspace_id = request.json['parkingSpaceId']
        booking_start_datetime = request.json['bookingStartDateTime']
        booking_end_datetime = request.json['bookingEndDateTime']
        user_id = auth['sub']

        # we are generating a booking id for this user
        currentTime =
        booking_id_generated = "B"+currentTime

        # below is the timestamp at which booking happened
        booking_at_datetime = currentTime

        # Make the bookings
        insert_booking_data = (booking_id_generated,user_id,parkingspace_id,booking_at_datetime,booking_start_datetime,booking_end_datetime,)

        # finsih booking, close the connection
        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["bookingId"] = booking_id_generated
        response.status = 201
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status' : 'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
Exemplo n.º 9
    def pushToDatabase(self):
            pushToDatabase is used to execute all the queries generated by genQueries
            it creates a connection object with the database,
            and starts executing all the queries one by one
        import sys
        import dbconnect as db

        print("=======Connecting to database===========")
        connection = db.get_db_connection()
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        print("===Creating SQL statements===")
        for query in self.listofQueries:
        print("===Queries executed successfully===")
def search():
    This end point is fired every 10 secs on the default home screen, it returns list of available spaces in range
    :return: the list of spaces available in the user supplied end point

    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])
    # if authenticated, prepare a return dictionary

    if (auth['status'] == True):
        action = request.json['action']
        userLat = request.json['userLat']
        userLong = request.json['userLong']
        queryStartDateTime =request.json['queryStartDateTime']
        queryStopDateTime =request.json['queryStopDateTime']
        # range has been changed to radius as it is a keyword
        radius =request.json['range']

        # get a connection to database
        con = connection.get_db_connection()

        cur_range_match = con.cursor()  #this cursor holds the result for spaces which occur in the users range
        cur_bookings_match=con.cursor() #to get currently booked spaces
        cur_final_available_ids=con.cursor() #to populate final spaces

        nearby_space_data = (userLat,userLong,radius,queryStartDateTime ,queryStopDateTime,)

        # create a empty array which will contain details of all spaces to be returned
        parkingSpaces = []

        spaces_in_range =cur_range_match.fetchall()
        number_of_spaces =0

        # getting a list of all parking ids in the nearby range , so that we can fetch booking details only against those ids

        # Getting all ids and storing them in a list
        for parkingspace_id, addrline1, addrline2, city, country, state, zipcode,latitude, longitude, disabledparkingflag, parking_space_rate, startdatetime, enddatetime, parking_space_photo_urls, parking_space_description, qrcode in spaces_in_range:
            parkingspace_ids.append(parkingspace_id) # some good way instead of for loop

        if not parkingspace_ids==[]: #this checks if there are atleast some parkingspace id availble in that range
            availble_spacesarray=[] # this cursor conatains ids of only not booked parking spaces
            for parkingspace_ids_val in parkingspace_ids:
                # check for all parkingspace id against any prior bookings in bookings table
                booked_spaces_data = (queryStartDateTime,queryStopDateTime,parkingspace_ids_val,)
                # Parking spaces are being checked against bookings table

                if not ((True,) in cur_bookings_match.fetchall()):# doesnt have any bookings for this id
                    #Space is free
                    print "Spaces is already booked and does not apprear in search result"

            if (availble_spacesarray):
                # we found some space unbooked in the range,so now we will get all details of those parking space from database
                for parking_space_id_available in availble_spacesarray:
                    parking_space_id_data = (parking_space_id_available,)
                    cur_final_available_ids.execute(parketconstants.GET_DETAILS_OF_ONE_PARKING_SPACE, parking_space_id_data)
                    final_parking_spaces_available = cur_final_available_ids.fetchall()
                    for parkingspace_id, addrline1, addrline2, city, country, state, zipcode,latitude, longitude, disabledparkingflag, parking_space_rate, startdatetime, enddatetime, parking_space_photo_urls, parking_space_description, qrcode in final_parking_spaces_available:
                        aparking_space = {}
                        parkingSpaceAddress = addrline1 +' '+  addrline2+' ' + city+' ' + state+' ' + str(zipcode)+' ' + country
                        aparking_space['parkingSpaceId'] = parkingspace_id
                        aparking_space['disabledParkingFlag'] = disabledparkingflag
                        stdatime = str(queryStartDateTime)
                        endatime = str(queryStopDateTime)
                        stdatime=stdatime.replace(" ","T")
                        endatime=endatime.replace(" ","T")
                        aparking_space['endDateTime'] =endatime
                        connection.close_db_connection(con)#close the connections as soon as you are done

                #we found alll spaces in the range already booked
            # No parking spaces found in giving range
            # preoare your return dict for no spaces
            return_dict["parkingSpaces"]= []

        response.status = 200
        return_dict["parkingSpaces"] = parkingSpaces
        return return_dict

    else:# if id token issues are there
        return_dict = {'status':'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
def addParkingSpace():
    This function gets executed with HTTP call:

    accepts user supplied details and stores in the back-end database.
    :return: method endpoint returns a dictionary telling about the success or failure of action
    #Parking space will only be added if user supplies his authentication token with every request
    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])

    # Check if user is authenticated
    if (auth['status'] == True):

        #If user gets authenticated, accept all details from HTTP call and parse them

        parkingspace_label = request.json['parkingSpaceLabel']
        parkingspace_description = request.json['parkingSpaceDescription']
        address_line1 = request.json['addrLine1']
        address_line2 = request.json['addrLine2']
        # addrLine3 = request.forms.get('addrLine3')
        city = request.json['city']
        state = request.json['state']
        country = request.json['country']
        zipcode = int(request.json['zip'])
        disabled_parking_flag = bool(request.json['disabledParkingFlag'])
        parkingspace_photo = request.json['parkingSpacePhoto']
        parkingspace_lat = request.json['parkingSpaceLat']
        parkingspace_long = request.json['parkingSpaceLong']

        Generating a parking ID, which is a random string from uuid module
        tempstring  = uuid.uuid4().urn
        parkingspace_id = tempstring[9:]
        Below is the [qrcode = parkingspace_id + zipcode]
        The concatenation here can be a performance hit when
        there are large number of parking spaces being added.
        this qrcode string will be sent to the user
        qrcode = (parkingspace_id + str(zipcode)).upper()
        '''insert into database as they are received,
        initialize default variables which are not coming from front-end
        default parking rate until user sets it in another end-point is 0.00
        start_datetime = None [inserted here as default in DB ]
        end_datetime = None [inserted here as default in DB]
        parking_space_availability_flag = False , this will the default value since the user has just added it

        parking_space_availability_flag = False
        start_datetime = None
        end_datetime = None
        parkingspace_rate = 0.00

        Geting users private feilds from auth token return dictionary of auth function callback
        sub: returns a unique big integer which can be used as a unique user id for storing user details
        email: returns the user id, corresponding to loggedin session
        phone: currently we are not storing users phone number
        user_id = auth['sub']
        user_email = auth['email']
        user_phone = None
        is_owner = True
        is_parker = False
        Create connection with the database and insert all details in the respective relations
        remember %s here used saves us from SQL injections, in case any hacker is in mood to waste his time you know :)
            con = connection.get_db_connection()
            #con = psycopg2.connect(database=parketconstants.PARKET_DATABASE_NAME, user=parketconstants.PARKET_DATABASE_USER, password=parketconstants.PARKET_DATABASE_PASSWORD)#constant name required here
            cur = con.cursor()

            TODO: IF user passes same details again, stopping him from doing so is reuired, we will do it later
            as of now we are handling it from front-end

            1. Insert all parking space related details to PARKING_SPACE table
            insert_detail_data = (parkingspace_id, address_line1, address_line2, city, country, state, zipcode, parkingspace_label, parkingspace_description,parkingspace_photo, disabled_parking_flag, parking_space_availability_flag, start_datetime, end_datetime, parkingspace_rate, qrcode,)

            cur.execute(parketconstants.INSERT_INTO_PARKING_SPACE, insert_detail_data)
            2. Insert parking space location details to PARKING_SPACE_LOCATION table
            insert_location_data = (parkingspace_id, parkingspace_lat, parkingspace_long,)
            cur.execute(parketconstants.INSERT_INTO_PARKING_SPACE_LOCATION, insert_location_data)
            3. Fetch list of all users from user-detail relation so as to check if this user has already any parking space in db
            existing_users_list = cur.fetchall()
            #con.commit() #this will insert when user is a new user

            if (user_id,) not in existing_users_list:
                print user_id+ ' EXISTS'
                insert_user_details_data = (user_email, user_phone, user_id, is_owner, is_parker,)
                cur.execute(parketconstants.INSERT_INTO_USER_DETAILS, insert_user_details_data)

            insert_parkingspace_owner_data = (parkingspace_id, user_id,)

            connection.close_db_connection(con) #close the db connection

            #print cur.fetchone()
            #print (cur.execute("SELECT * from parketb.parking_space"))
            pass #handle connection errors here

        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["parkingSpaceId"] = parkingspace_id

        #Sending Email
        email.sendEmail(auth['email'], qrcode)

        response.status = 201
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status' : 'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
Exemplo n.º 12
def search():
    This end point is fired every 10 secs on the default home screen, it returns list of available spaces in range
    :return: the list of spaces available in the user supplied end point

    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])
    # if authenticated, prepare a return dictionary

    if (auth['status'] == True):
        action = request.json['action']
        userLat = request.json['userLat']
        userLong = request.json['userLong']
        queryStartDateTime =request.json['queryStartDateTime']
        queryStopDateTime =request.json['queryStopDateTime']
        # range has been changed to radius as it is a keyword
        radius =request.json['range']

        # get a connection to database
        con = connection.get_db_connection()

        cur_range_match = con.cursor()  #this cursor holds the result for spaces which occur in the users range
        cur_bookings_match=con.cursor() #to get currently booked spaces
        cur_final_available_ids=con.cursor() #to populate final spaces

        nearby_space_data = (userLat,userLong,radius,queryStartDateTime ,queryStopDateTime,)

        # create a empty array which will contain details of all spaces to be returned
        parkingSpaces = []

        spaces_in_range =cur_range_match.fetchall()
        number_of_spaces =0

        # getting a list of all parking ids in the nearby range , so that we can fetch booking details only against those ids

        # Getting all ids and storing them in a list
        for parkingspace_id, addrline1, addrline2, city, country, state, zipcode,latitude, longitude, disabledparkingflag, parking_space_rate, startdatetime, enddatetime, parking_space_photo_urls, parking_space_description, qrcode in spaces_in_range:
            parkingspace_ids.append(parkingspace_id) # some good way instead of for loop

        if not parkingspace_ids==[]: #this checks if there are atleast some parkingspace id availble in that range
            availble_spacesarray=[] # this cursor conatains ids of only not booked parking spaces
            for parkingspace_ids_val in parkingspace_ids:
                # check for all parkingspace id against any prior bookings in bookings table
                booked_spaces_data = (queryStartDateTime,queryStopDateTime,parkingspace_ids_val,)
                # Parking spaces are being checked against bookings table

                if not ((True,) in cur_bookings_match.fetchall()):# doesnt have any bookings for this id
                    #Space is free
                    print "Spaces is already booked and does not apprear in search result"

            if (availble_spacesarray):
                # we found some space unbooked in the range,so now we will get all details of those parking space from database
                for parking_space_id_available in availble_spacesarray:
                    parking_space_id_data = (parking_space_id_available,)
                    cur_final_available_ids.execute(parketconstants.GET_DETAILS_OF_ONE_PARKING_SPACE, parking_space_id_data)
                    final_parking_spaces_available = cur_final_available_ids.fetchall()
                    for parkingspace_id, addrline1, addrline2, city, country, state, zipcode,latitude, longitude, disabledparkingflag, parking_space_rate, startdatetime, enddatetime, parking_space_photo_urls, parking_space_description, qrcode in final_parking_spaces_available:
                        aparking_space = {}
                        parkingSpaceAddress = addrline1 +' '+  addrline2+' ' + city+' ' + state+' ' + str(zipcode)+' ' + country
                        aparking_space['parkingSpaceId'] = parkingspace_id
                        aparking_space['disabledParkingFlag'] = disabledparkingflag
                        stdatime = str(queryStartDateTime)
                        endatime = str(queryStopDateTime)
                        stdatime=stdatime.replace(" ","T")
                        endatime=endatime.replace(" ","T")
                        aparking_space['endDateTime'] =endatime
                        connection.close_db_connection(con)#close the connections as soon as you are done

                #we found alll spaces in the range already booked
            # No parking spaces found in giving range
            # preoare your return dict for no spaces
            return_dict["parkingSpaces"]= []

        response.status = 200
        return_dict["parkingSpaces"] = parkingSpaces
        return return_dict

    else:# if id token issues are there
        return_dict = {'status':'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict
Exemplo n.º 13
def addParkingSpace():
    This function gets executed with HTTP call:

    accepts user supplied details and stores in the back-end database.
    :return: method endpoint returns a dictionary telling about the success or failure of action
    #Parking space will only be added if user supplies his authentication token with every request
    auth = isAuthenticated(request.json['idToken'])

    # Check if user is authenticated
    if (auth['status'] == True):

        #If user gets authenticated, accept all details from HTTP call and parse them

        parkingspace_label = request.json['parkingSpaceLabel']
        parkingspace_description = request.json['parkingSpaceDescription']
        address_line1 = request.json['addrLine1']
        address_line2 = request.json['addrLine2']
        # addrLine3 = request.forms.get('addrLine3')
        city = request.json['city']
        state = request.json['state']
        country = request.json['country']
        zipcode = int(request.json['zip'])
        disabled_parking_flag = bool(request.json['disabledParkingFlag'])
        parkingspace_photo = request.json['parkingSpacePhoto']
        parkingspace_lat = request.json['parkingSpaceLat']
        parkingspace_long = request.json['parkingSpaceLong']

        Generating a parking ID, which is a random string from uuid module
        tempstring  = uuid.uuid4().urn
        parkingspace_id = tempstring[9:]
        Below is the [qrcode = parkingspace_id + zipcode]
        The concatenation here can be a performance hit when
        there are large number of parking spaces being added.
        this qrcode string will be sent to the user
        qrcode = (parkingspace_id + str(zipcode)).upper()
        '''insert into database as they are received,
        initialize default variables which are not coming from front-end
        default parking rate until user sets it in another end-point is 0.00
        start_datetime = None [inserted here as default in DB ]
        end_datetime = None [inserted here as default in DB]
        parking_space_availability_flag = False , this will the default value since the user has just added it

        parking_space_availability_flag = False
        start_datetime = None
        end_datetime = None
        parkingspace_rate = 0.00

        Geting users private feilds from auth token return dictionary of auth function callback
        sub: returns a unique big integer which can be used as a unique user id for storing user details
        email: returns the user id, corresponding to loggedin session
        phone: currently we are not storing users phone number
        user_id = auth['sub']
        user_email = auth['email']
        user_phone = None
        is_owner = True
        is_parker = False
        Create connection with the database and insert all details in the respective relations
        remember %s here used saves us from SQL injections, in case any hacker is in mood to waste his time you know :)
            con = connection.get_db_connection()
            #con = psycopg2.connect(database=parketconstants.PARKET_DATABASE_NAME, user=parketconstants.PARKET_DATABASE_USER, password=parketconstants.PARKET_DATABASE_PASSWORD)#constant name required here
            cur = con.cursor()

            TODO: IF user passes same details again, stopping him from doing so is reuired, we will do it later
            as of now we are handling it from front-end

            1. Insert all parking space related details to PARKING_SPACE table
            insert_detail_data = (parkingspace_id, address_line1, address_line2, city, country, state, zipcode, parkingspace_label, parkingspace_description,parkingspace_photo, disabled_parking_flag, parking_space_availability_flag, start_datetime, end_datetime, parkingspace_rate, qrcode,)

            cur.execute(parketconstants.INSERT_INTO_PARKING_SPACE, insert_detail_data)
            2. Insert parking space location details to PARKING_SPACE_LOCATION table
            insert_location_data = (parkingspace_id, parkingspace_lat, parkingspace_long,)
            cur.execute(parketconstants.INSERT_INTO_PARKING_SPACE_LOCATION, insert_location_data)
            3. Fetch list of all users from user-detail relation so as to check if this user has already any parking space in db
            existing_users_list = cur.fetchall()
            #con.commit() #this will insert when user is a new user

            if (user_id,) not in existing_users_list:
                print user_id+ ' EXISTS'
                insert_user_details_data = (user_email, user_phone, user_id, is_owner, is_parker,)
                cur.execute(parketconstants.INSERT_INTO_USER_DETAILS, insert_user_details_data)

            insert_parkingspace_owner_data = (parkingspace_id, user_id,)

            connection.close_db_connection(con) #close the db connection

            #print cur.fetchone()
            #print (cur.execute("SELECT * from parketb.parking_space"))
            pass #handle connection errors here

        return_dict = {}
        return_dict["parkingSpaceId"] = parkingspace_id

        #Sending Email
        email.sendEmail(auth['email'], qrcode)

        response.status = 201
        return return_dict
        return_dict = {'status' : 'authentication failure'}
        response.status = 400
        return return_dict