Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUpClass(self):
     windows.winproxy.SetThreadAffinityMask(dwThreadAffinityMask=(1 << 0))
     self.kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
     modules = windows.utils.get_kernel_modules()
     self.modules = modules
     self.ntkernelbase = modules[0].Base
     self.kernelpath = modules[0].ImageName[:]
     self.kernelpath = os.path.expandvars(self.kernelpath.replace("\SystemRoot", "%SystemRoot%"))
     self.kernelmod = winproxy.LoadLibraryA(self.kernelpath)
     pe = windows.pe_parse.PEFile(self.kernelmod)
     self.NtCreateFileVA = pe.exports['NtCreateFile'] - self.kernelmod + self.ntkernelbase
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setUpClass(self):
     windows.winproxy.SetThreadAffinityMask(dwThreadAffinityMask=(1 << 0))
     self.kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
     modules = windows.utils.get_kernel_modules()
     self.ntkernelbase = modules[0].Base
     self.kernelpath = modules[0].ImageName[:]
     self.kernelpath = os.path.expandvars(self.kernelpath.replace("\SystemRoot", "%SystemRoot%"))
     self.kernelbuf = open(self.kernelpath, "rb").read()
     self.kernelmod = winproxy.LoadLibraryA(self.kernelpath)
     pe = windows.pe_parse.PEFile(self.kernelmod)
     self.kernel_section_data = [section for section in pe.sections if section.name == ".data"][0]
Exemplo n.º 3
# Value from _BUS_DATA_TYPE
# https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff540700(v=vs.85).aspx
PCIConfiguration = 4
# LPC device PCI configuration space
bus_num = 0
device_num = 0x1F
function_num = 0
# BIOS_CNTL register
offset_bios_cntl = 0xDC

SMM_BWP_mask = 1 << 5   # 0x20
BLE_mask = 1 << 1       # 0x2
BIOSWE_mask = 1 << 0    # 0x1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
    # You can read data from a system bus by specifying the bus data type, bus number,
    # slot number, offset and size of data to read
    # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadBusData
    # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff553519(v=vs.85).aspx
    bios_cntl = ord(kdbg.read_bus_data(PCIConfiguration,
        bus_num, device_num + (function_num << 5),
        offset_bios_cntl, 1))
    if bios_cntl & SMM_BWP_mask:
        print("[+] Speed Racer: Not Vulnerable")
        print("[-] Speed Racer: Vulnerable")
    if bios_cntl & BIOSWE_mask:
        print("[-] BIOS Rewriting: Enable")
        print("[+] BIOS Rewriting: Disable")
Exemplo n.º 4
"""A simple demonstration of the output possibilities of the LDK"""
import sys
import os
if os.getcwd().endswith("example"):

from dbginterface import LocalKernelDebugger

# A default LKD can be quiet or not
# A quiet LKD will have no output
# A noisy one will have the exact same output as windbg
kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger(quiet=True)

# With a quiet LKD this ligne will have no output
print('Executing "lm m nt*" in quiet LKD')
kdbg.execute("lm m nt*")

# To change the quiet state of the LKD just set the variable 'quiet'
kdbg.quiet = False
print('Executing "lm m nt*" in noisy LKD')
kdbg.execute("lm m nt*")

# If you want to parse the output of a command, kdbg.execute accept the argument 'to_string'
# A command with to_string=True will have no output, even with quiet=False
disas = kdbg.execute("u nt!NtCreateFile", to_string=True)
print('Here is the 3rd line of the command "u nt!NtCreateFile"')
Exemplo n.º 5
class IDebugSymbolsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
    def setUpClass(self):
        windows.winproxy.SetThreadAffinityMask(dwThreadAffinityMask=(1 << 0))
        self.kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
        modules = windows.utils.get_kernel_modules()
        self.modules = modules
        self.ntkernelbase = modules[0].Base
        self.kernelpath = modules[0].ImageName[:]
        self.kernelpath = os.path.expandvars(self.kernelpath.replace("\SystemRoot", "%SystemRoot%"))
        self.kernelmod = winproxy.LoadLibraryA(self.kernelpath)
        pe = windows.pe_parse.PEFile(self.kernelmod)
        self.NtCreateFileVA = pe.exports['NtCreateFile'] - self.kernelmod + self.ntkernelbase

    def tearDown(self):
        self.kdbg = None

    def test_get_symbol_offset(self):
        # IDebugSymbols::GetOffsetByName
        x = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        self.assertEqual(x, self.ntkernelbase)

    def test_get_symbol_offset_user(self):
        # IDebugSymbols::GetOffsetByName
        x = windows.utils.get_func_addr("ntdll", "NtCreateFile")
        y = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("ntdll!NtCreateFile")
        self.assertEqual(x, y)
    def test_get_symbol(self):
        # IDebugSymbols::GetNameByOffset
        x = self.kdbg.get_symbol(self.NtCreateFileVA)
        self.assertEqual(x[0], 'nt!NtCreateFile')
        self.assertEqual(x[1], 0x00)
    def test_get_symbol_user(self):
        # IDebugSymbols::GetNameByOffset
        x = windows.utils.get_func_addr("ntdll", "NtCreateFile")
        y = self.kdbg.get_symbol(x)
        self.assertIn(y[0], ["ntdll!NtCreateFile", "ntdll!ZwCreateFile"])

    def test_get_number_modules(self):
        # IDebugSymbols::GetNumberModules
        loaded, unloaded = self.kdbg.get_number_modules()

    def test_get_module_by_index(self):
        # IDebugSymbols::GetModuleByIndex
        for i in range(self.kdbg.get_number_modules()[0]):
            x = self.kdbg.get_module_by_index(i)
            if x == self.ntkernelbase:
        raise AssertionError("ntoskrnl not found")

    def test_get_module_name_by_index(self):
        # IDebugSymbols::GetModuleNames
        for i in range(self.kdbg.get_number_modules()[0]):
            x = self.kdbg.get_module_name_by_index(i)
            if x[1] == "nt":
        raise AssertionError("ntoskrnl not found")

    def test_symbol_match(self):
        # IDebugSymbols::StartSymbolMatch | IDebugSymbols::GetNextSymbolMatch | IDebugSymbols::EndSymbolMatch
        x = list(self.kdbg.symbol_match("nt!NtCreateF*"))
        self.assertEqual(x[0][0], 'nt!NtCreateFile')
        self.assertEqual(x[0][1], self.NtCreateFileVA)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def setUpClass(self):
     self.kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
Exemplo n.º 7
class DriverUpgradeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(self):
        self.kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
    def test_alloc_memory(self):
        addr = self.kdbg.alloc_memory(0x1000)
        self.kdbg.write_byte(addr, 0x42)
        self.assertEqual(self.kdbg.read_byte(addr), 0x42)

        self.kdbg.write_byte(addr + 0xfff, 0x42)
        self.assertEqual(self.kdbg.read_byte(addr + 0xfff), 0x42)

    def test_full_driver_upgrade(self):
        upgrader = self.kdbg.upgrader
        upgrader.registered_ioctl = []
    def test_retrieve_driver_upgrade(self):
        # Get current registered IO
        registered_io = self.kdbg.upgrader.registered_ioctl
        # Verif that some IO are registered
        new_upgrader = type(self.kdbg.upgrader)(self.kdbg)
        # Verif that new upgrader see that driver is upgraded
        # Verif IOCTL retrieving
        self.assertItemsEqual(registered_io, new_upgrader.registered_ioctl)
    def test_map_page_to_userland(self):
        kpage = self.kdbg.alloc_memory(0x1000)
        userpage = self.kdbg.map_page_to_userland(kpage, 0x1000)
        self.kdbg.write_dword(kpage, 0x11223344)
        self.assertEqual(ctypes.c_uint.from_address(userpage).value, 0x11223344)
        ctypes.c_uint.from_address(userpage + 4).value = 0x12345678
        self.assertEqual(self.kdbg.read_dword(kpage + 4), 0x12345678)
Exemplo n.º 8
"""A simple demonstration of the output possibilities of the LDK"""
import sys
import os
if os.getcwd().endswith("example"):

from dbginterface import LocalKernelDebugger

# A default LKD can be quiet or not
# A quiet LKD will have no output
# A noisy one will have the exact same output as windbg
kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger(quiet=True)

# With a quiet LKD this ligne will have no output
print('Executing "lm m nt*" in quiet LKD')
kdbg.execute("lm m nt*")

# To change the quiet state of the LKD just set the variable 'quiet'
kdbg.quiet = False
print('Executing "lm m nt*" in noisy LKD')
kdbg.execute("lm m nt*")

# If you want to parse the output of a command, kdbg.execute accept the argument 'to_string'
# A command with to_string=True will have no output, even with quiet=False
disas = kdbg.execute("u nt!NtCreateFile", to_string=True)
print('Here is the 3rd line of the command "u nt!NtCreateFile"')
Exemplo n.º 9
class IDebugDataSpacesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
    def setUpClass(self):
        windows.winproxy.SetThreadAffinityMask(dwThreadAffinityMask=(1 << 0))
        self.kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
        modules = windows.utils.get_kernel_modules()
        self.ntkernelbase = modules[0].Base
        self.kernelpath = modules[0].ImageName[:]
        self.kernelpath = os.path.expandvars(self.kernelpath.replace("\SystemRoot", "%SystemRoot%"))
        self.kernelbuf = open(self.kernelpath, "rb").read()
        self.kernelmod = winproxy.LoadLibraryA(self.kernelpath)
        pe = windows.pe_parse.PEFile(self.kernelmod)
        self.kernel_section_data = [section for section in pe.sections if section.name == ".data"][0]

    def tearDown(self):
        self.kdbg = None

    def test_read_byte(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadVirtual
        x = self.kdbg.read_byte(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt"))
        self.assertEqual(x, ord(self.kernelbuf[0]))

    def test_read_word(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadVirtual
        x = self.kdbg.read_word(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt"))
        self.assertEqual(x, struct.unpack("<H", self.kernelbuf[:2])[0])

    def test_read_dword(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadVirtual
        x = self.kdbg.read_dword(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt"))
        self.assertEqual(x, struct.unpack("<I", self.kernelbuf[:4])[0])

    def test_read_qword(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadVirtual
        x = self.kdbg.read_qword(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt"))
        self.assertEqual(x, struct.unpack("<Q", self.kernelbuf[:8])[0])

    def test_read_byte_p(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadPhysical
        x = self.kdbg.read_byte(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt"))
        y = self.kdbg.read_byte_p(self.kdbg.virtual_to_physical(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")))
        self.assertEqual(x, y)

    def test_read_word_p(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadPhysical
        x = self.kdbg.read_word(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt"))
        y = self.kdbg.read_word_p(self.kdbg.virtual_to_physical(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")))
        self.assertEqual(x, y)

    def test_read_dword_p(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadPhysical
        x = self.kdbg.read_dword(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt"))
        y = self.kdbg.read_dword_p(self.kdbg.virtual_to_physical(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")))
        self.assertEqual(x, y)

    def test_read_qword_p(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadPhysical
        x = self.kdbg.read_qword(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt"))
        y = self.kdbg.read_qword_p(self.kdbg.virtual_to_physical(self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")))
        self.assertEqual(x, y)

    def test_read_msr32(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadMsr
        IA32_SYSENTER_EIP = 0x176
        x = self.kdbg.read_msr(IA32_SYSENTER_EIP)
        y = self.kdbg.get_symbol(x)
        self.assertEqual(y[0], 'nt!KiFastCallEntry')

    def test_read_msr64(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadMsr
        LSTAR = 0xC0000082
        x = self.kdbg.read_msr(LSTAR)
        y = self.kdbg.get_symbol(x)
        self.assertEqual(y[0], 'nt!KiSystemCall64')

    def test_read_processor_system_data32(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadProcessorSystemData
        x = self.kdbg.read_processor_system_data(0, DEBUG_DATA_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFICATION)
        self.assertEqual(cpuid.get_vendor_id(), x.X86.VendorString)
        self.assertEqual(cpuid.get_proc_family_model(), (x.X86.Family, x.X86.Model))

    def test_read_processor_system_data64(self):
        # IDebugDataSpaces::ReadProcessorSystemData
        x = self.kdbg.read_processor_system_data(0, DEBUG_DATA_PROCESSOR_IDENTIFICATION)
        self.assertEqual(cpuid.get_vendor_id(), x.Amd64.VendorString)
        self.assertEqual(cpuid.get_proc_family_model(), (x.Amd64.Family, x.Amd64.Model))

    def test_write_byte(self):
        kernel_base = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        addr = kernel_base + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualAddress + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualSize - 1
        self.kdbg.write_byte(addr, 0x42)
        x = self.kdbg.read_byte(addr)
        self.assertEqual(0x42, x)

    def test_write_byte_p(self):
        kernel_base = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        addr = kernel_base + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualAddress + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualSize - 1
        self.kdbg.write_byte_p(self.kdbg.virtual_to_physical(addr), 0x43)
        x = self.kdbg.read_byte(addr)
        self.assertEqual(0x43, x)

    def test_write_word(self):
        kernel_base = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        addr = kernel_base + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualAddress + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualSize - 2
        self.kdbg.write_word(addr, 0x4444)
        x = self.kdbg.read_word(addr)
        self.assertEqual(0x4444, x)

    def test_write_word_p(self):
        kernel_base = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        addr = kernel_base + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualAddress + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualSize - 2
        self.kdbg.write_word_p(self.kdbg.virtual_to_physical(addr), 0x4545)
        x = self.kdbg.read_word(addr)
        self.assertEqual(0x4545, x)

    def test_write_dword(self):
        kernel_base = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        addr = kernel_base + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualAddress + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualSize - 4
        self.kdbg.write_dword(addr, 0x46464646)
        x = self.kdbg.read_dword(addr)
        self.assertEqual(0x46464646, x)

    def test_write_dword_p(self):
        kernel_base = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        addr = kernel_base + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualAddress + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualSize - 4
        self.kdbg.write_dword_p(self.kdbg.virtual_to_physical(addr), 0x47474747)
        x = self.kdbg.read_dword(addr)
        self.assertEqual(0x47474747, x)

    def test_write_qword(self):
        kernel_base = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        addr = kernel_base + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualAddress + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualSize - 8
        self.kdbg.write_qword(addr, 0x4848484848484848)
        x = self.kdbg.read_qword(addr)
        self.assertEqual(0x4848484848484848, x)

    def test_write_qword_p(self):
        kernel_base = self.kdbg.get_symbol_offset("nt")
        addr = kernel_base + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualAddress + self.kernel_section_data.VirtualSize - 8
        self.kdbg.write_qword_p(self.kdbg.virtual_to_physical(addr), 0x4949494949494949)
        x = self.kdbg.read_qword(addr)
        self.assertEqual(0x4949494949494949, x)
Exemplo n.º 10
import time
import ctypes
import os

if os.getcwd().endswith("example"):

import windows
import windows.native_exec.simple_x86 as x86
import windows.native_exec.simple_x64 as x64

from dbginterface import LocalKernelDebugger

kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()

if windows.system.bitness != 32:
    raise ValueError("Test for kernel32 only")

def hook_ntcreatefile(kdbg, ignore_jump_space_check=False):
    """Hook NtCreateFile, the hook write the filename to a shared memory page"""
    nt_create_file = kdbg.resolve_symbol("nt!NtCreateFile")
    if not ignore_jump_space_check:
        # Check that function begin with mov edi, edi for the hook short jump
        if kdbg.read_word(nt_create_file) != 0xff8b:  # mov edi, edi
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot hook fonction that doest not begin with <mov edi,edi> (/f to force if hook already in place)"
Exemplo n.º 11
        print("Dumping {0} first entries".format(nb_pebs_entry))
        pebs_entries_buffer = (self.PEBSRecord * nb_pebs_entry)()
        return pebs_entries_buffer

    def dump_PEBS_records(self):
        ds_addr, ds_content = self.get_DsManagementArea(proc_nb)
        print("PEBSBufferBase = {0}".format(hex(ds_content.PEBSBufferBase)))
        x = self.get_pebs_records(0)
        for pebs_record in x:
            print("    {0} = {1}".format("rip", hex(pebs_record.rip)))

kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
btsm = BTSManager(kdbg)
btsm.setup_BTS(0, buffer_size=0x100000)
import time

# # PEBS
# kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
# check_feature(kdbg)
Exemplo n.º 12
from dbginterface import LocalKernelDebugger
import windows

# This demo works on 32bits kernel only because
# in _KPCR fieldnames are not the same (IDT / IdtBase, ...)
if windows.system.bitness != 32:
    raise ValueError("Test for kernel32 only")

# A lot of IDebugSymbols functions need a type identifier (TypeId) to
# perform operation on said type
# We tried our best to also accept the type name in this case and get
# the type id automatically
# (like the functions that take an address also accept a symbol)

kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()

type_id = kdbg.get_type_id("nt", "_KPCR")
print('type_id for "nt!_KPCR" is {0}'.format(hex(type_id)))

name = kdbg.get_type_name("nt", type_id)
print("The type name is {0}".format(name))
# proof that you can either use the type_id or the type name in our API
size = kdbg.get_type_size("nt", type_id)
print("The size retrieved using type_id is {0}".format(hex(size)))

size = kdbg.get_type_size("nt", "_KPCR")
print('The size retrieved using "_KPCR" is {0}'.format(hex(size)))

offset = kdbg.get_field_offset("nt", "_KPCR", "IDT")
print('Field "IDT" is at offset {0} in "nt!_KPCR"'.format(hex(offset)))
Exemplo n.º 13
        nb_pebs_entry = min(nb_pebs_entry, max_dump)
        print("Dumping {0} first entries".format(nb_pebs_entry))
        pebs_entries_buffer = (self.PEBSRecord * nb_pebs_entry)()
        kdbg.read_virtual_memory_into(ds_content.PEBSBufferBase, pebs_entries_buffer)
        return pebs_entries_buffer

    def dump_PEBS_records(self):
        ds_addr, ds_content = self.get_DsManagementArea(proc_nb)
        print("PEBSBufferBase = {0}".format(hex(ds_content.PEBSBufferBase)))
        x = self.get_pebs_records(0)
        for pebs_record in x:
            print("    {0} = {1}".format("rip", hex(pebs_record.rip)))

kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
btsm = BTSManager(kdbg)
btsm.setup_BTS(0, buffer_size=0x100000)
import time


# # PEBS
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: idt.py Projeto: wgwjifeng/LKD
            l_idt.append((None, None))
        addr = (idt32.ExtendedOffset << 16) | idt32.Offset
        if (addr < addr_nt_KiStartUnexpectedRange
                or addr > addr_nt_KiEndUnexpectedRange):
            l_idt.append((addr, get_kinterrupt(kdbg, addr, kpcr_addr, i)))
            addr_kinterrupt = get_kinterrupt(kdbg, addr, kpcr_addr, i)
            if addr_kinterrupt is None:
                addr = None
            l_idt.append((addr, addr_kinterrupt))
    return l_idt

if __name__ == '__main__':
    kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
    if windows.current_process.bitness == 32:
        l_idt = get_idt_32(kdbg)
        l_idt = get_idt_64(kdbg)
    for i in range(len(l_idt)):
        if l_idt[i][0] is not None:
            if l_idt[i][1] is not None:
                print("0x{0:02X} {1} {2} (KINTERRUPT {3})".format(
                    i, hex(l_idt[i][0]),
                    kdbg.get_symbol(l_idt[i][0])[0], hex(l_idt[i][1])))
                print("0x{0:02X} {1} {2}".format(
                    i, hex(l_idt[i][0]),
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: idt.py Projeto: a1ext/LKD
    idt_base = kdbg.read_ptr(kpcr_addr + idt_base_offset)
    for i in xrange(0, 0xFF):
        idt32 = IDT32()
        kdbg.read_virtual_memory_into(idt_base + i * sizeof(IDT32), idt32)
        if (idt32.ExtendedOffset == 0 or idt32.Offset == 0):
            l_idt.append((None, None))
        addr = (idt32.ExtendedOffset << 16) | idt32.Offset
        if (addr < addr_nt_KiStartUnexpectedRange or addr > addr_nt_KiEndUnexpectedRange):
            l_idt.append((addr, get_kinterrupt(kdbg, addr, kpcr_addr, i)))
            addr_kinterrupt = get_kinterrupt(kdbg, addr, kpcr_addr, i)
            if addr_kinterrupt is None:
                addr = None
            l_idt.append((addr, addr_kinterrupt))
    return l_idt

if __name__ == '__main__':
    kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()
    if windows.current_process.bitness == 32:
        l_idt = get_idt_32(kdbg)
        l_idt = get_idt_64(kdbg)
    for i in range(len(l_idt)):
        if l_idt[i][0] is not None:
            if l_idt[i][1] is not None:
                print("0x{0:02X} {1} {2} (KINTERRUPT {3})".format(i, hex(l_idt[i][0]), kdbg.get_symbol(l_idt[i][0])[0], hex(l_idt[i][1])))
                print("0x{0:02X} {1} {2}".format(i, hex(l_idt[i][0]), kdbg.get_symbol(l_idt[i][0])[0]))
Exemplo n.º 16
from dbginterface import LocalKernelDebugger
import windows

# This demo works on 32bits kernel only because
# in _KPCR fieldnames are not the same (IDT / IdtBase, ...)
if windows.system.bitness != 32:
    raise ValueError("Test for kernel32 only")

# A lot of IDebugSymbols functions need a type identifier (TypeId) to
# perform operation on said type
# We tried our best to also accept the type name in this case and get
# the type id automatically
# (like the functions that take an address also accept a symbol)

kdbg = LocalKernelDebugger()

type_id = kdbg.get_type_id("nt", "_KPCR")
print('type_id for "nt!_KPCR" is {0}'.format(hex(type_id)))

name = kdbg.get_type_name("nt", type_id)
print("The type name is {0}".format(name))
# proof that you can either use the type_id or the type name in our API
size = kdbg.get_type_size("nt", type_id)
print("The size retrieved using type_id is {0}".format(hex(size)))

size = kdbg.get_type_size("nt", "_KPCR")
print('The size retrieved using "_KPCR" is {0}'.format(hex(size)))

offset = kdbg.get_field_offset("nt", "_KPCR", "IDT")
print('Field "IDT" is at offset {0} in "nt!_KPCR"'.format(hex(offset)))