Exemplo n.º 1
def getLastNRowsBySensor(sensorId, rowCount):
        logging.info("Get last %s data points for sensor %s", rowCount,
        mydb = sqlhelper.createConnection(sqlhelper.dbfilename)
        cursor = mydb.cursor()
        sql = '''select count(*) from datapoints'''
        result = cursor.execute(sql).fetchone()
        lastRow = result[0]
        howManyGoBack = infohelper.DataInfo.dataInfo.numberOfSensors * rowCount
            '''SELECT * FROM datapoints WHERE sensorid=? and id>=?''', (
                lastRow - howManyGoBack,
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        while (len(rows) > rowCount):
        return rows

    except sqlite3.Error as e:
        logging.exception("Exception occurred")
        logging.error("Unable to get data point %s", id)

    return None
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get(self, sensorid, numberrows):
     db = sqlhelper.createConnection(sqlhelper.dbfilename)
     changes = infohelper.getChange(db, numberrows)
     timeBetweenReads = infohelper.timeBetweenSensorReads(db) * numberrows
     change = changes[sensorid - 1]
     rateOfChange = (60 * 60 * change) / timeBetweenReads
     return jsonify({'change': change, 'rateOfChange': rateOfChange})
Exemplo n.º 3
def summary():
    page = "<!DOCTYPE html>"
    page = page + "<html><h1>Web Thermometer Sensor Summary</h1><hr><br>"

    db = sqlhelper.createConnection(sqlhelper.dbfilename)
    rowCount = sqlhelper.countRows(db)
    page = page + "Number of data points in table: " + str(rowCount) + '<p>'
    row = sqlhelper.getRow(db, rowCount)

    # display how many sensor are collecting data
    sensorCount = infohelper.numberSensors(db)
    page = page + "Number of sensors: " + str(sensorCount) + '<p>'

    # display how many sensor are collecting data
    rateOfChange = infohelper.getRateOfChange(db)
    page = page + "Rate of change: " + str(rateOfChange) + '<p>'

    # display time elapsed between sensor writes
    timeBetweenReads = infohelper.timeBetweenSensorReads(db)
    page = page + "Time between sensor reads: " + str(timeBetweenReads) + '<p>'

    # display trends over past 10 mins

    rows = sqlhelper.getRows(db, rowCount - 12, rowCount)
    page = page + "Last 12 rows: <p>"
    for r in rows:
        page = page + str(r) + '<p>'

    page = page + "Last data point: " + str(row) + '<p>'

    page = page + "</html>"
    return page
Exemplo n.º 4
def csv():
    # return all data as CSV (comma seperated values)
    page = ""

    db = sqlhelper.createConnection(sqlhelper.dbfilename)
    numrows = sqlhelper.countRows(db)
    for id in range(0, numrows):
        row = sqlhelper.getRow(db, id)

        if row != None:
            channel = row[1]
            if (channel == 1):
                datestamp = row[2]
                timestamp = row[3]
                page = page + "\n"
                page = page + datestamp + ' ' + timestamp

            page = page + ", " + str(row[5])

    return page
Exemplo n.º 5
    # compute the change
    timeBetween = DataInfo.dataInfo.timeBetweenSensorReads
    rangeInbetween = int(timeInterleave / (timeBetween + 1))
    rowCount = sqlhelper.countRows(db)
    sensorCount = DataInfo.dataInfo.numberSensors

    # get the last 6 rows
    offset = sensorCount * rangeInbetween
    rows = []
    for rowIndex in range(0, numberRows):
        offsetIndex = offset * rowIndex
            sqlhelper.getRows(db, rowCount - sensorCount - offsetIndex + 1,
                              rowCount - offsetIndex))

    # set up a return list that has change for each sensor
    changeArray = []

    for rowIndex in range(0, numberRows):
        changeArray.append([None] * (sensorCount + 1))
        changeArray[rowIndex][0] = rows[rowIndex][1][3]
        for sensor in range(0, sensorCount):
            sensorId = rows[rowIndex][sensor][1]
            v = round(rows[rowIndex][sensorId - 1][5], 1)
            changeArray[rowIndex][sensorId] = v

    return changeArray

mydb = sqlhelper.createConnection(sqlhelper.dbfilename)
DataInfo.dataInfo = DataInfo(mydb)
Exemplo n.º 6
def changes():

    db = sqlhelper.createConnection(sqlhelper.dbfilename)
    a = infohelper.getChanges(db, 10, 10 * 60)

    return render_template('changes.html', data=a, lastupdated=a[0][0])