Exemplo n.º 1
class MigrationTask(SequencialTaskBase):
    def initialize(self, db_config):
        self.db_config = db_config
        self.sourceUrl = None
        self.migration_req_id = 0
        self.block_names = []
        self.migration_block_ids = []
        self.inserted = True
        dbowner = self.db_config.get('dbowner')
        connectUrl = self.db_config.get('connectUrl')
        dbFactory = DBFactory(MgrLogger, connectUrl, options={})
        self.dbi = dbFactory.connect()
        self.dbFormatter = DBFormatter(MgrLogger,self.dbi)
        self.dbsMigrate = DBSMigrate(MgrLogger, self.dbi, dbowner)
        self.DBSBlockInsert = DBSBlockInsert(MgrLogger, self.dbi, dbowner)
    def setCallSequence(self):
        self._callSequence = [self.getResource, self.insertBlock, self.cleanup]
    def getResource(self):
        #MgrLogger.info("_"*20+ "getResource")
        #query the MIGRATION_REQUESTS table to get a request with the smallest CREATION_DATE
        # and MIGRATION_STATUS = 0(pending)
            #set  MIGRATION_STATUS = 1(in progess) and commit it imeditaly to avoid other threads to touch it.
            req = self.dbsMigrate.listMigrationRequests(oldest=True)
                request =req[0]
                self.sourceUrl = request['migration_url']
                self.migration_req_id = request['migration_request_id']
                MgrLogger.error("-"*20+  time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + ' Migration request ID: '+ str(self.migration_req_id))
                migration_status = 1
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationRequestStatus(migration_status, self.migration_req_id)
            except IndexError: 
                return #No request found. Exit.
        except Exception, ex:
            MgrLogger.error( time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + str(ex) )
            self.sourceUrl = None
            return   # don't need to go down.

        self.block_names = []
        self.migration_block_ids = []
        #query migration_blocks table to get a list of block_names to be migrated
        # and migration_block_id list. Both lists are ordered by MIGRATION_ORDER
            blocks = self.dbsMigrate.listMigrationBlocks(self.migration_req_id)
            for b in blocks:
            if not self.block_names : 
                logmessage="No migration blocks found under the migration request id %s." %(self.migration_req_id )+ \
                           "DBS Operator please check it."
                #set MIGRATION_STATUS = 3(failed) for MIGRATION_REQUESTS
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationRequestStatus(3, self.migration_req_id)
                self.sourceUrl = None
                MgrLogger.error( time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + logmessage )
                #Update MIGRATION_STATUS for all the MIGRATION_BLOCK_IDs in the self.migration_block_id list
                #in MIGRATION_BLOCKS table to 1 (in progress)
                #set MIGRATION_STATUS = 1 and commit it immediately
                #MgrLogger.info("-"*20+ 'Regester ID: %s '%self.migration_req_id + 'Migration Block Names: ')
                #MgrLogger.info("block_name: %s" %self.block_names)
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationBlockStatus(migration_status=1, migration_block=self.migration_block_ids)
        except Exception, ex:
            self.sourceUrl = None
            MgrLogger.error( time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + str(ex) )
            #set MIGRATION_STATUS = 3(failed) for MIGRATION_REQUESTS
            self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationRequestStatus(3, self.migration_req_id)
Exemplo n.º 2
class MigrationTask(SequencialTaskBase):
    def initialize(self, db_config):
        self.db_config = db_config
        self.sourceUrl = None
        self.migration_req_id = 0
        self.block_names = []
        self.migration_block_ids = []
        self.inserted = True
        dbowner = self.db_config.get('dbowner')
        connectUrl = self.db_config.get('connectUrl')
        dbFactory = DBFactory(MgrLogger, connectUrl, options={})
        self.dbi = dbFactory.connect()
        self.dbFormatter = DBFormatter(MgrLogger, self.dbi)
        self.dbsMigrate = DBSMigrate(MgrLogger, self.dbi, dbowner)
        self.DBSBlockInsert = DBSBlockInsert(MgrLogger, self.dbi, dbowner)

    def setCallSequence(self):
        self._callSequence = [self.getResource, self.insertBlock, self.cleanup]

    def getResource(self):
        #MgrLogger.info("_"*20+ "getResource")
        #query the MIGRATION_REQUESTS table to get a request with the smallest CREATION_DATE
        # and MIGRATION_STATUS = 0(pending)
            #set  MIGRATION_STATUS = 1(in progess) and commit it imeditaly to avoid other threads to touch it.
            req = self.dbsMigrate.listMigrationRequests(oldest=True)
            if len(req) == 0:
                self.sourceUrl = None
                return  # don't need to go down.
                request = req[0]
                self.sourceUrl = request['migration_url']
                self.migration_req_id = request['migration_request_id']
                MgrLogger.error("-" * 20 + time.asctime(time.gmtime()) +
                                ' Migration request ID: ' +
                migration_status = 1
                    migration_status, self.migration_req_id)
            except IndexError:
                return  #No request found. Exit.
        except Exception, ex:
            MgrLogger.error(time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + str(ex))
            self.sourceUrl = None
            return  # don't need to go down.

        self.block_names = []
        self.migration_block_ids = []
        #query migration_blocks table to get a list of block_names to be migrated
        # and migration_block_id list. Both lists are ordered by MIGRATION_ORDER
            blocks = self.dbsMigrate.listMigrationBlocks(self.migration_req_id)
            for b in blocks:
            if not self.block_names:
                logmessage="No migration blocks found under the migration request id %s." %(self.migration_req_id )+ \
                           "DBS Operator please check it."
                #set MIGRATION_STATUS = 3(failed) for MIGRATION_REQUESTS
                #if try_count==3, the sql will actually set the migration_status=9 (terminally failed) instead of 3
                    3, self.migration_req_id)
                self.sourceUrl = None
                MgrLogger.error(time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + logmessage)
                #Update MIGRATION_STATUS for all the MIGRATION_BLOCK_IDs in the self.migration_block_id list
                #in MIGRATION_BLOCKS table to 1 (in progress)
                #set MIGRATION_STATUS = 1 and commit it immediately
                #MgrLogger.error("-"*20+ 'Regester ID: %s '%self.migration_req_id + 'Migration Block Names: ')
                #MgrLogger.error("block_name: %s. Set all block status=1 " %self.block_names)
        except Exception, ex:
            self.sourceUrl = None
            #MgrLogger.error( time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + str(ex) )
            #print "set MIGRATION_STATUS = 3(failed) for blocks of MIGRATION_REQUESTS_ID=%s" %self.migration_req_id
                3, self.migration_req_id)
Exemplo n.º 3
class MigrationTask(SequencialTaskBase):
    def initialize(self, db_config):
        self.db_config = db_config
        self.sourceUrl = None
        self.migration_req_id = 0
        self.block_names = []
        self.migration_block_ids = []
        self.inserted = True
        dbowner = self.db_config.get('dbowner')
        connectUrl = self.db_config.get('connectUrl')
        dbFactory = DBFactory(MgrLogger, connectUrl, options={})
        self.dbi = dbFactory.connect()
        self.dbFormatter = DBFormatter(MgrLogger, self.dbi)
        self.dbsMigrate = DBSMigrate(MgrLogger, self.dbi, dbowner)
        self.DBSBlockInsert = DBSBlockInsert(MgrLogger, self.dbi, dbowner)
    def setCallSequence(self):
        self._callSequence = [self.getResource, self.insertBlock, self.cleanup]
    def getResource(self):
        #MgrLogger.info("_"*20+ "getResource")
        #query the MIGRATION_REQUESTS table to get a request with the smallest CREATION_DATE
        # and MIGRATION_STATUS = 0(pending)
            #set  MIGRATION_STATUS = 1(in progess) and commit it imeditaly to avoid other threads to touch it.
            req = self.dbsMigrate.listMigrationRequests(oldest=True)
	    if len(req) == 0:
		self.sourceUrl = None
		return   # don't need to go down.			
                request =req[0]
                self.sourceUrl = request['migration_url']
                self.migration_req_id = request['migration_request_id']
                MgrLogger.error("-"*20+ "getResource--  "+  time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + ' Migration request ID: '+ str(self.migration_req_id))
                migration_status = 1
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationRequestStatus(migration_status, self.migration_req_id)
            except IndexError: 
                return #No request found. Exit.
        except Exception as ex:
            MgrLogger.error( time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + str(ex) )
            self.sourceUrl = None
            return   # don't need to go down.

        self.block_names = []
        self.migration_block_ids = []
        #query migration_blocks table to get a list of block_names to be migrated
        # and migration_block_id list. Both lists are ordered by MIGRATION_ORDER
            blocks = self.dbsMigrate.listMigrationBlocks(self.migration_req_id)
            for b in blocks:
            if not self.block_names : 
                logmessage="No migration blocks found under the migration request id %s." %(self.migration_req_id )+ \
                           "DBS Operator please check it."
                #set MIGRATION_STATUS = 3(failed) for MIGRATION_REQUESTS
                #if try_count==3, the sql will actually set the migration_status=9 (terminally failed) instead of 3
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationRequestStatus(3, self.migration_req_id)
                self.sourceUrl = None
                MgrLogger.error( time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + logmessage )
                #Update MIGRATION_STATUS for all the MIGRATION_BLOCK_IDs in the self.migration_block_id list
                #in MIGRATION_BLOCKS table to 1 (in progress)
                #set MIGRATION_STATUS = 1 and commit it immediately
                #MgrLogger.error("-"*20+ 'Regester ID: %s '%self.migration_req_id + 'Migration Block Names: ')
                #MgrLogger.error("block_name: %s. Set all block status=1 " %self.block_names)
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationBlockStatus(migration_status=1, migration_block=self.migration_block_ids)
        except Exception as ex:
            self.sourceUrl = None
            #MgrLogger.error( time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + str(ex) )
            #print "set MIGRATION_STATUS = 3(failed) for blocks of MIGRATION_REQUESTS_ID=%s" %self.migration_req_id
            self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationRequestStatus(3, self.migration_req_id)
    def insertBlock(self):
        self.inserted = True
        if self.sourceUrl:
                for idx, bName in enumerate(self.block_names):
                    data = self.dbsMigrate.callDBSService(self.sourceUrl, 'blockdump', params)
                    data = cjson.decode(data)
		    #MgrLogger.error( "--YG migration server blockdump--")
		    #MgrLogger.error( data)	
                    migration_status = 0
                    #idx = self.block_names.index(bName)
                    MgrLogger.error("-"*20 + time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + " Inserting block: %s for request id: %s" %(bName, self.migration_req_id))
                        self.DBSBlockInsert.putBlock(data, migration=True)
                        migration_status = 2
		    except HTTPError as he:
                        if "Block %s already exists" % (bName) in str(he):
                            migration_status = 2
                    except dbsException as de:
                        if "Block %s already exists" % (bName) in de.message:
                            #the block maybe get into the destination by other means. 
                            #skip this block and continue.
                            migration_status = 2
                    except Exception as ex:
                        if "Block %s already exists" % (bName) in str(ex):
                            migration_status = 2
                        if  migration_status == 2:
                    MgrLogger.error("-"*20 + time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + " Done insert block: %s for request id: %s" %(bName, self.migration_req_id))
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationRequestStatus(2, self.migration_req_id)
            except Exception as ex:
                self.inserted = False
                #handle dbsException
                if type(ex) == dbsException:
                    MgrLogger.error( time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + ex.message + ex.serverError )
                MgrLogger.error(time.asctime(time.gmtime()) + str(ex))
                #if try_count==3, the sql will actually set the status=9 (terminally failed) instead of 3
		#print "set migration_status=3 or 9 for request and blocks ofmigration_request_id=%s" %self.migration_req_id
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationRequestStatus(3, self.migration_req_id)
                self.dbsMigrate.updateMigrationBlockStatus(migration_status=3, migration_request=self.migration_req_id)

    def cleanup(self):
        #return to the initial status
        self.sourceUrl = None
        self.migration_req_id = 0
        self.block_names = []
        self.migration_block_id = []
        self.inserted = True