def __init__( self ): QForm.__init__( self ) self.setWindowTitle( 'Report' + ' - ' + DBConf.get( 'appname' ) ) self.setWindowTitle( 'Preferences' + ' - ' + DBConf.get( 'appname' ) ) self.resize( 450, 250 ) self.move( 350, 350 ) grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() n = 0 for key, value in DBConf.list(): grid.addWidget( QtGui.QLabel( key ), n, 0 ) grid.addWidget( self.lineEditField( key, str( value ) ), n, 1 ) n += 1 self.submit = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Save', self ) self.submit.clicked.connect( lambda: QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'preferencesSubmit' ) ) ) self.cancel = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self ) self.cancel.clicked.connect( lambda: QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'preferencesCancel' ) ) ) hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch( 1 ) hbox.addWidget( self.submit ) hbox.addWidget( self.cancel ) buttons = QtGui.QWidget() buttons.setLayout( hbox ) grid.addWidget( buttons, n, 0, 1 ,2 ) self.setLayout( grid ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'preferencesSubmit' ), self.preferencesSubmitCallback ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'preferencesCancel' ), self.preferencesCancelCallback )
def sendMessageCallback( self, contact, message ): QHelper.log( '::CONNECT:QChatDialog:sendMessage', contact, message ) if not self.messagesTime.get( contact, None ): self.messagesTime[contact] = [] if not self.messagesList.get( contact, None ): self.messagesList[contact] = {} DBHistory.set( DBConf.get( 'username' ), contact, message ) ts = time.time() self.messagesTime[contact].append( str( ts ) ) self.messagesList[contact][str( ts )] = { 'ts':str( ts ), 'sender':DBConf.get( 'username' ), 'recipient':contact, 'message':message } self.message( str( ts ), DBConf.get( 'username' ), message )
def __init__( self ): QForm.__init__( self ) self.setWindowTitle( 'Login' + ' - ' + DBConf.get( 'appname' ) ) self.resize( 450, 200 ) self.move( 350, 350 ) grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.heading = QtGui.QLabel( 'Please enter your login and password' ) grid.addWidget( self.heading, 0, 0, 1, 2 ) self.status = QtGui.QLabel( '' ) grid.addWidget( self.status, 1, 0, 1, 2 ) grid.addWidget( QtGui.QLabel( 'username' ), 2, 0 ) grid.addWidget( self.lineEditField( 'username', DBConf.get( 'username' ), 'username' ), 2, 1 ) grid.addWidget( QtGui.QLabel( 'password' ), 3, 0 ) grid.addWidget( self.lineEditField( 'passwd', DBConf.get( 'passwd' ), 'password' ), 3, 1 ) self.submit = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Login', self ) self.submit.clicked.connect( lambda: QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'loginSubmit' ), QHelper.getValue( self.fields['username'] ), QHelper.getValue( self.fields['passwd'] ) ) ) self.quit = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self ) self.quit.clicked.connect( lambda: QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'loginCancel' ) ) ) self.preferences = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Preferences', self ) self.submit.clicked.connect( lambda: QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'loginSubmit' ), QHelper.getValue( self.fields['username'] ), QHelper.getValue( self.fields['passwd'] ) ) ) QHelper.master().connect( self.preferences, QtCore.SIGNAL( 'clicked()' ), lambda:self.hide() or QHelper.master().Action.preferencesActionCallback() ) hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch( 1 ) hbox.addWidget( self.preferences ) hbox.addWidget( self.submit ) hbox.addWidget( self.quit ) buttons = QtGui.QWidget() buttons.setLayout( hbox ) grid.addWidget( buttons, 4, 0, 1 ,2 ) self.setLayout( grid ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'loginSubmit' ), self.loginSubmitCallback ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'loginSuccess' ), self.loginSuccessCallback ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'loginError' ), self.loginErrorCallback ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'loginCancel' ), self.loginCancelCallback ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'preferencesSubmit' ), self.preferencesSubmitCallback ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'preferencesCancel' ), self.preferencesCancelCallback )
def __init__( self ): QForm.__init__( self ) self.setWindowTitle( 'Report' + ' - ' + DBConf.get( 'appname' ) ) self.resize( 200, 200 ) self.move( 350, 350 ) grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.status = QtGui.QLabel( 'Report' ) grid.addWidget( self.status, 0, 0, 2, 2 ) grid.addWidget( QtGui.QLabel( 'Project' ), 2, 0 ) grid.addWidget( self.comboBoxField( 'project' ), 2, 1 ) grid.addWidget( self.lineEditField( 'h', '', 'hours' ), 3, 0 ) grid.addWidget( self.lineEditField( 'm', '', 'minutes' ), 3, 1 ) grid.addWidget( QtGui.QLabel( 'Summary' ), 4, 0, 1, 2 ) grid.addWidget( self.textEditField( 'summary' ), 5, 0, 1, 2 ) self.submit = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Send', self ) self.submit.clicked.connect( lambda: QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'reportSubmit' ) ) ) grid.addWidget( self.submit, 6, 0 ) self.cancel = QtGui.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self ) self.cancel.clicked.connect( lambda: QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'reportCancel' ) ) ) grid.addWidget( self.cancel, 6, 1 ) self.setLayout( grid ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'projectList' ), self.projectListCallback ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'reportSubmit' ), self.reportSubmitCallback ) self.connect( QHelper.master(), QtCore.SIGNAL( 'reportCancel' ), self.reportCancelCallback )
def message( self, ts, sender, message ): text = '<span style="color:#999;">[%s]</span> <span style="font-weight:bold; color:%s;">%s</span><br />%s<br />' % ( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( int( str( ts ).split('.')[0] ) ).strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ), ( sender==DBConf.get( 'username' ) and '#000' or '#66f' ), sender, message.replace( '\n', '<br />' ) ) self.write( text )
def pickedContactCallback( self, contact ): QHelper.log( '::CONNECT:QChatDialog:pickedContact', contact ) if not self.messagesTime.get( contact, None ): self.messagesTime[contact] = [] if not self.messagesList.get( contact, None ): self.messagesList[contact] = {} self.parent.setWindowTitle( contact + ' - ' + DBConf.get( 'appname' ) ) = contact self.clear() for message in self.messages( contact ): self.message( message['ts'], message['sender'], message['message'] )
def reportSubmitCallback( self ): QHelper.log( '::CONNECT:QReportView:reportSubmit' ) data = self.values() reportData = 'report %sh %sm on %s %s' % ( QHelper.str( data.get( 'h', '0' ) ), QHelper.str( data.get( 'm', '0' ) ), QHelper.str( data.get( 'project', '' ) ), QHelper.str( data.get( 'summary', '' ) ), ) print '::REPORT:MESSAGE', reportData QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'transportSignal' ), 'sendMessage', DBConf.get( 'bot' ), reportData ) self.hide()
def __init__( self, parent=None ): if parent: super( self.__class__, self ).__init__( parent ) else: super( self.__class__, self ).__init__() self.setWindowTitle( 'Projects' + ' - ' + DBConf.get( 'appname' ) ) self.resize( 550, 450 ) self.move( 350, 350 ) grid = QtGui.QGridLayout() grid.addWidget( QProjectData( self ), 0, 0, 2, 1 ) grid.addWidget( QtGui.QLineEdit( self ), 0, 1 ) grid.addWidget( QProjectList( self ), 1, 1 ) grid.setColumnMinimumWidth( 0, 300 ) self.setLayout( grid )
def logoutActionCallback( self ): DBConf.set( 'username', '' ) DBConf.set( 'passwd', '' ) self.master.View.login().show() self.master.hide()
def preferencesSubmitCallback( self ): QHelper.log( '::CONNECT:QPreferencesView:preferencesSubmit' ) for k, v in self.values().items(): DBConf.set( k, type( DBConf.get( k ) )( v ) ) self.hide()
def loginSuccessCallback( self ): QHelper.log( '::CONNECT:QLoginView:loginSuccess' ) DBConf.set( 'username', QHelper.getValue( self.fields['username'] ) ) DBConf.set( 'passwd', QHelper.getValue( self.fields['passwd'] ) ) self.hide() self.status.setText( '' )
def loginSubmitCallback( self, username, passwd ): QHelper.log( '::CONNECT:QLoginView:loginSubmit', username, passwd ) self.status.setStyleSheet( 'QLabel { color : gray; }' ) self.status.setText( '...authentication' ) QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'transportSignal' ), '_connect', username, passwd, {'server':DBConf.get('server'),'port':DBConf.get('port'),'nickname':DBConf.get('username').split('.')[0].title()} )
def SIGNALCBloginSuccessCallback( self ): QHelper.log( '::CONNECT:master:loginSuccess' ) QHelper.master().emit( QtCore.SIGNAL( 'transportSignal' ), 'sendMessage', DBConf.get( 'bot' ), 'online' )